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The world of Sun Haven is inhabited by a variety of different Races.

There are seven playble races for the player to choose from during character creation, while some NPCs are of different races not available to the player. Each playable race grants its own unique racial perk, which may be either a passive effect or spell.

Quick Navigation
Angel Unselected Button.png Amari Unselected Button.png Demons Unselected Button.png Elemental Unselected Button.png Elf Unselected Button.png Human Unselected Button.png Naga Unselected Button.png
Angels Amari Demons Elementals Elves Humans Naga


AngelSelected Icon.png


Angel-1.png Angel-2.png


AngelHalo Lightwreathed.gif AngelHalo CelestialSigils.png

AngelWing Lightborne.png  AngelWing AvatarPoised.png  AngelWing Torn.gif  AngelWing Seraphic.gif  AngelWing OneWinged.gif 

"With grace unmatched, Angels are beacons of light in the darkest skies. They act as watchers of the world and chronicle the history of everything they see. While not every Angel holds to the exact same principles, whatever path they choose they will walk with complete devotion."


Angels are a playable humanoid race that typically have wings and halos. Their wings can either be feathered, bird-like wings or glowing, ethereal wings made of light in various colors. Their halos come in many different shapes, glowing and varying in color much like their ethereal wing variants.

They generally don't interact with other races, avoiding combat and choosing to watch from afar as observers and historians, swearing oaths of impartiality and non-interference. Books written by angelic Watchers detailing historic events they witnessed can be found and read in-game. More detailed lore can be found in The Heavenscape.

Racial Ability

Angel characters start out with the Miracle.pngMiracle racial spell. This spell allows angels to heal 15% + 15Health.pnghealth for both themselves and nearby allies. This spell costs 0Mana.pngmana and has a 3 minute cooldown.

Known Angels


"The origins of the Amari exist only as unfounded myth. What is known is that the Amari are strongly linked to their primal spirits, making them loyal allies who are in touch with the wilds of the world."


Amari are humanoid beings, incorporating the characteristics of both humans and animals of different kinds, such as Cats, Foxes, Wolves and many more to varying degrees. More detailed lore can be found in The Amari People.

Racial Ability

Characters of Amari descent start their journey with the Primal Nature perk. This perk gives a chance to restore a small amount of the player's health when attacking enemies.

Known Amari


"Cunning and resourceful, Demons are creatures of darkness. They thrive in the shadow of night and are driven by their appetite for strength. For what is life's purpose if not to maintain power? This is the Demon's creed."


Demons are humanoids with demonic characteristics such as horns, wings, and tails. More detailed lore can be found in Thick Ancient Tome.

Racial Ability

Demons start out with the Shadow Rush ability. This allows demons to increase their speed by 60% for 10 seconds, it does come with a cooldown of 3 minutes.

Known Demons


"The oldest of all races, Elementals exist as ethereal beings with bodies of whipping flame or flowing water. All that is known about them is that they are the result of nature's chaotic elements mixed with strange and powerful magic. It is thought that the elementals alive today are the same that have existed for all time since they seem to have no natural livespan."

Elemental Abilities

Those who chose to start out as elementals will gain the Elemental Tap ability. This ability allows the user to restore 10 mana plus 10% of your maximum mana to themselves and nearby allies. It has a cooldown of three minutes.

Known Elementals


"Elves are one of the oldest races in the world and are mystically attuned to the flow of life energy around them. Friends to all plants and animals, they are the most home in forests. However, younger members of this race are now spreading out into the world and creating villages where Elves have never been seen before."

Lore about elves can be found throughout the game, one example of this is the book Elven Art and Expression.

Elven Abilities

Elves begin their journey with the Elven Eyes perk, granting them 15% more damage with crossbows.

Elven Cities

The elven village of Nel'Vari is located near Sun Haven.

Known Elves


"Resourceful and ambitious, Humans have worked to emerge as one of the most prominent races of the world. A legacy of defying the odds and overcoming every obstacle is the birthright of this industrious race. Humans carry the uncanny desire not just meet expectations, but to surpass them.

Human Abilities

Humans have the Expert Crafter ability, granting them an increased crafting speed of +20%, which is also granted to all other players.

Known Humans


"The naga are a secretive race, living underground for generations to keep their culture unspoiled by outside influence. Because they have hid from the surface for so long, they have learned most everything about subterranean living. Survival is the keystone of their culture."

Naga are beings with humanoid upper bodies and a snake-like lower body, allowing them to slither over surfaces.

Naga Abilities

Nagas possess the Mermaid Touch perk, greatly increasing their fishing skill. This allows them to catch fish easier, as their sweet spot is enlarged by 30% while fishing.

Known Naga



Dragons also inhabit the world and are generally beings with tremendous power, although younger ones seem to be less threatening.

Known Dragons


It seems that it is possible for the different species to create offspring that shares characteristics of both parent species, such as Cassia.png Cassia, who is half naga and half demon. There is however no information about possibilities of such connections and she seems to be the only character who actually has such a unique existence.


  • There are seven achievements tied to creating a character of each race. Changing the player race at the salon will also count towards these achievements.

Gameplay Mechanics
The Player
Equipment Amulets • Armor • Clothing • Keepsakes • Rings • Tools • Weapons
The Game
Game Basics Children • Controls • Events • Friendship • Game Time • Multiplayer • Seasonal Crop Effects • Seasonal Pests • Statistics • Quests • Races • Romance
Skills Combat • Cooking • Exploration • Farming • Fishing • Foraging • Mining
Primary Coins • Mana Orbs • Tickets
Special Black Bottle Caps • Candy Corn Pieces • Community Token • Mana Shard • Red Carnival Ticket
Seasonal Spring Token • Summer Token • Fall Token • Winter Token