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Dew is a naive moth Amari, who enjoys talking with strangers, eating corn, and annoying Wesley.

Dew has white fur and purple gray hair, with pink eyes. Her wings are purple, pink, and teal.


Dew currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Stands by sisters at town center fire.
11:00Goes to the Pet Store.
04:00Heads back to the fire.


This NPC is not involved in any quests or collections.


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Dew will send mail to the player which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
I see how flustered you make Wesley whenever you're around, heheh. You should teach me how you annoy Wesley so well. Then I could annoy him! In exchange, I'll be your friend. Do we have a deal?




When speaking to Dew for the first time in a new game:

Face Dew.png Hello stranger! I love talking to strangers.
Player: Er, my name is [Player]. You should be careful who you talk to.
Face Dew.png Huh? Why? I don't get it.
Well, my name is Dew!

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Dew and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Dew.png:"Sometimes I like to fly real high up and float down on my wingies."
Face Dew.png:"My wings are covered in scales, see? You can look, but don't touch!"
Face Dew.png:"Once I found a flower so big, I crawled inside it! But it smelled gross inside."
Face Dew.png:"My sisters and I followed the moon to Nel'Vari. Then we never left!"
Face Dew.png:"Angel brings us fruit to eat sometimes. Then we dance!"


Cycle 1
Face Dew.png: New stranger! I heard you do farmering. Is that true?
Player: Well, yes I'm a farmer. Why do you ask?
Face Dew.png: Do you grow corn? I like corn a lot!
Player: I don't grow much corn. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Dew.png: Aw... What's even the point of farmering then?
Player: I grow lots of corn! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Dew.png: Oh, yeah! That's great - I can fly into your corn farm sometimes and have corn!
Player: It's pronounced "farming."
Face Dew.png: Bleh, who cares? You sound like Wesley.
Player: Who's Wesley?
Face Dew.png: Wesley is the Elder's assistant. He's always talking about proper. Talk proper, stand proper - who cares? Not me!
Player: What's wrong with Wesley?
Face Dew.png: He's always talking about proper. Talk proper, stand proper - who cares? Not me!


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