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To set various options in Sun Haven open the in-game menu, and choose the "Settings" tab.



Key binds can be customized at any time in the settings menu.


Allows the player to change their language. Some options are: German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Danish, Portuguese, and Traditional Chinese.

Day Speed

This control sets how fast the in-game days progress. The time selected is how many real-time minutes will pass for one in-game day, less time on the slider means the day will progress very quickly. In general, the shorter the day the quicker things like fish spawn for the player and the faster crafting gets completed. The slider has four options:

  • 15 minutes - The day progresses at the fastest rate. Each in game hour is roughly forty-five seconds.
  • 20 minutes - Each in game hour is roughly a minute.
  • 30 minutes - Each in game hour is roughly a minute and a half.
  • 40 minutes- The day progresses at the slowest rate. Each in game hour is roughly two minutes.

This slider can be changed at any time, allowing the player more (or less) time on specific days, if there is additional work the player feels they need to accomplish prior to going to bed. If the player feels they have completed their work for the day, and it is not 6pm yet the player can decrease the game time to speed up time to quickly get to 6pm so they can end the day and start fresh.

Pause During Dialogue

If selected (OptionSelected.png), this option will stop time if the player is in a dialogue with an Non-Playable Character (NPC). This does NOT stop time while in shop inventory menus.

If unselected (OptionUnselected.png), time will not stop while the player is in dialogue with a NPC, time will continue passing for as long as it takes to finish the conversation.

Disable Help Tips

If selected (OptionSelected.png), this option will stop help tips from appearing on the screen.
If unselected (OptionUnselected.png), help tips will appear on the screen to assist the player.

Reset Progress

This option will reset the player's story progression in the main storyline. The player will have to recomplete most of the main story quests and will lose access to both Nel'Vari and Withergate until they are unlocked again. Confirmation is required to reset progress.

Seasonal Pests

Seasonal Pests are hazardous NPC's that have a chance to eat the players crops in the morning. Each season has their own set of pests. The player can combat the pests by laying down Scarecrows. Since each season has a different pest, there are different scarecrows for each season.
This is typically viewed as one of the "difficulty settings" in the game.

If selected (OptionSelected.png), this option allows seasonal pests to occur.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), the player will not have to worry about seasonal pests, or putting up scarecrows to defend against them.

Seasonal Crop Effects

Each season has a different crop effect on players' crops. None of these effects hurt the player's crops, it only forces the player to additional steps for the crop to continue to grow. Totems can be placed down, to reduce the chance of these effects happening.
This is typically viewed as one of the "difficulty settings" in the game.

If selected (OptionSelected.png), this option allows seasonal effects to occur.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), the player will not have to worry about seasonal effects, or putting up totems to defend against them.

Seasonal Bosses

Several seasons have seasonal bosses that appear on the player's farm. The player can choose to ignore the bosses, even with the option turned on as they eventually leave after a few days if they are not defeated. Each boss as their own mechanic, and own loot that it gives the player once defeated.

If selected (OptionSelected.png), this option allows seasonal bosses to appear.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), seasonal bosses will not spawn.


The player does not get locked out of any achievements, items, or combat experience if they toggle on the invincible mode.

If selected (OptionSelected.png), the player will not take any damage, from any source.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), the player will take damage and potentially faint, sending them to the Hospital.

Weather Overlays

Weather overlays are weather effects like rain or snow. This only impacts the display of those weather effects, the player will still get the benefits of the weather.

If selected (OptionSelected.png), weather overlays are disabled and the player will not see them.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), weather overlays will be present and the player will see them.

Disable Seasonal Particles

If selected (OptionSelected.png), the seasonal particles are disabled and the player will not see them.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), the seasonal particles will be present and the player will see them.

Disable Crop Done Particles

When crops are done, they have a slight glow around them.

If selected (OptionSelected.png), the crop done particles are disabled and the player will not see them.
If un-selected (OptionUnselected.png), the crop done particles will be present and the player will see them.



Game resolution is the visual ability to display a set amount of pixels on a monitor or TV screen. Using pixels as a measure, the player will find quite a few different resolution options in this menu and should select the one that best fists their screen. The more pixels that a resolution has, the clearer and sharper the image will be.

Zoom Level

This is how close the camera is to the player's character. The slider has three options: 2x, 3x, 4x. 2x is farther away from the player character, while 4x is very close up.

Here is an example of the difference. 2x is on the left, 4x is on the right.

Display-Zoom-2x.png Display-Zoom-4x.png

Full Screen

When the full screen option is selected, the game's display takes up the entire screen. Behind the scenes, a fullscreen application has full control over the screen output, meaning that what it's showing has the highest priority. Generally, in fullscreen mode the game is being played at the players' desktop resolution.

Disable Shadows

When this option is selected (OptionSelected.png), items in the game do not have shadows.


Master Volume

How loud or soft all options of audio are to the player. This slider goes from 0% (mute) to 100% (full).

Music Volume

How loud or soft the background music is to the player. This slider goes from 0% (mute) to 100% (full).

Sound Effects Volume

How loud or soft sound effects are to the player. This includes footfalls. This slider goes from 0% (mute) to 100% (full).

Ambience Volume

How loud or soft the ambience sounds are to the player. This slider goes from 0% (mute) to 100% (full).

Gameplay Mechanics
The Player
Equipment Amulets • Armor • Clothing • Keepsakes • Rings • Tools • Weapons
The Game
Game Basics Children • Controls • Events • Friendship • Game Time • Multiplayer • Seasonal Crop Effects • Seasonal Pests • Statistics • Quests • Races • Romance
Skills Combat • Cooking • Exploration • Farming • Fishing • Foraging • Mining
Primary Coins • Mana Orbs • Tickets
Special Black Bottle Caps • Candy Corn Pieces • Community Token • Mana Shard • Red Carnival Ticket
Seasonal Spring Token • Summer Token • Fall Token • Winter Token