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Beeanca was summoned to Nel'Vair through a vision from Nivara herself. Nivara needed help keeping the flora healthy, and Beeanca and her team of worker bees were up to the task. Beeanca refers to the player as "honey", and enjoys various bee puns.

Beeanca has golden hair with brown highlights. She is a anthropomorphic bee with matching wings and fluffy antenna.


Beeanca currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

07:00Leaves room, heads to the clothing store.
17:00Heads to the Beehive Tavern, on the first floor of the Grand Tree.
22:30Heads back to the clothing store.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Sweet as Honey Deliver Luke's Stylin' Honey to Beeanca. Luke's Stylin' Honey.png Luke's Stylin' Honey Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 20Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 60 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 15Coins.png Coins × 800Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 80Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 80


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Beeanca will send mail to the player which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
When we first met, I was certain you weren't up to snuff when it came to staying busy. Don't be offended, honey. I have that feeling about everyone I meet. But look at you! I dare say you might even be busier than ME! Just a smidge, anyways. And only maybe. It's good to finally meet someone I can say that about! I better be seeing you around, ya hear?




When speaking to Beeanca for the first time in a new game:

Face Beeanca.png Oh, hey there! You can call me Beeanca.
You look like a hard worker. I'm always looking for more workers!
Player: My name is [Player]. What kind of work do you do?
Face Beeanca.png Are you kidding? I pollinate! One look at me should have told you that, silly child.

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Beeanca and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Beeanca.png:"What's all the buzz about?"
Face Beeanca.png:"Good to see you, honey!"
Face Beeanca.png:"Buzz off...
Only kidding!!"
Face Beeanca.png:"Seems like you could use a big fuzzy hug!"
Face Beeanca.png:"Maybe you're not cut out for my kind of work after all. Sorry honey, the truth stings!"


Cycle 1
Face Beeanca.png: Can't you feel the vibration of my wings? It feels so good to be buzzing!
Player: What brought you to Nel'Vari?
Face Beeanca.png: Oh, I was just minding my own business one day, making sure all my bees were hard at work, when I had a vision! That took me by surprise, let me tell ya.
In the vision, I saw a dragon draped with flowers and vines. Turns out, Nivara was calling me directly! She was looking for help keeping the plants healthy around here. Of course, I happily offered my help.
Elves are hard workers, but nobody works as hard as a bee!
Player: You must be a great help if Nivara called you herself! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Beeanca.png: Not everyone likes to work so much, but me and my bees get such satisfaction from a job well done. Just look around you! All these healthy plants - most of them are here because of me and my bees!
Player: So all you do is work? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Beeanca.png: Well don't say that like it's a bad thing! Not everyone likes to work so much, but me and my bees get such satisfaction from a job well done.
Just look at all these healthy plants around you - most of them are here because of me and my bees!
Player: Last we spoke, you said that you pollinate?
Face Beeanca.png: That's right! Hold on now... judging by your face, I'd guess you don't even know what that means!
Wow, you're really without a clue, aren't ya? Don't worry honey, Beeanca will help you.
Player: So are you going to tell me?
Face Beeanca.png: Everyone knows that bees make the world go 'round! We keep all the plants growing by spreading our pollen around.
You really didn't know that? Where have you beeeen?
Player: I don't really care anymore.
Face Beeanca.png: Well fine then, excuse me for taking time out of my day trying to educate you and improve your life.
Cycle 2
Face Beeanca.png: Breathtaking day today, isn't it? But then, aren't they all breathtaking in Nel'Vari?
Player: So... are you an Amari?
Face Beeanca.png: Of course I'm an Amari! Goodness, what a silly question. Bee Amari like me are quite rare, and are more naturally in tune with our animal cousins. Look at how these bees just follow me wherever I go!
Aren't we just absolutely fa-bee-lous?
Player: Yes, you are! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Beeanca.png: Exactly!
Player: That's an awfully shoehorned pun, lady. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Beeanca.png: Buzz off. They can't all bee winners.
Player: You're like a queen bee!
Face Beeanca.png: Oh, honey, I am the queen bee! There's no other bee quite like me, understand? No one matches my hustle, my style or my charms! Nel'Vari is lucky to have me, really.
Player: Is there a king bee?
Face Beeanca.png: Trying to flirt with me? Cute. But I'm far too busy for dating right now.
Player: Do you live in a hive?
Face Beeanca.png: Um. No. A hive would be much too small for me. I live in a giant magically-enhanced tree stump, like a normal person.
Cycle 3
Face Beeanca.png: Have you tried the honey of the Grand Tree? Truly remarkable stuff.
Player: Do your bees make the Grand Tree's honey?
Face Beeanca.png: For that I can not take credit, actually. No, the honey that flows through the Grand Tree is made by an ancient hive of bees that live deep beneath the earth, in the Grand Tree's root system.
They've been making honey for... well, a really long time. So there's a LOT to go around.
Player: Oh, right, I think I've seen that place!
Face Beeanca.png: So you've been beneath the Grand Tree before? Very adventurous, but I do hope you're careful when you're down there. As my bees tell it, the bees of the Grand Tree having been fighting one another for many generations.
Don't get caught up in the crossfire, honey!
Player: I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Face Beeanca.png: If you're feeling adventurous, you can see it all for yourself. There's a clifftop enterance to the Grand Tree's root system elsewhere in Nel'Vari.
If you find it, you might be able to enter it and explore the underground hives yourself. Be careful if you do, though. As my bees tell it, the bees of the Grand Tree having been fighting one another for many generations.
Player: What's your favorite drink at the tavern?
Face Beeanca.png: I'm very partial to Slate's honeybrew, actually. I don't know how he does it, but he somehow makes honey into a drink that is frothy and thin, yet still full of delicious honey flavor.
I've tried to woo the recipe out of him, but he's too cool to fall for my charms. Sigh.
Player: Maybe he'd teach me.
Face Beeanca.png: Hah! Good luck, honey. If I can't get the recipe from him, then there's no chance you will. No offense, of course.
Player: Why not make your own?
Face Beeanca.png: I could try. But that takes too much experimentation. Besides, I don't know anything about making drinks. Best to just get it by the barrel from Slate.
Cycle 4
Face Beeanca.png: Let's see... what shall I do first today? Collect nectar, or perhaps sort pollen? Oh, so much to do!
Player: Could I help you with anything?
Face Beeanca.png: You're an absolute doll to ask, but please don't take it this the wrong way...
But unless you suddenly shrink in size, sprout wings and turn into a bee - there is no way you are capable of helping me with my work.
Player: Oh. Fair enough. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Beeanca.png: Sorry, honey. Thanks for understanding, though. And don't worry! I've got everything all under control.
Player: You don't know that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Beeanca.png: Oh, but I do. Only bees are specialized for the work bees do. It's called nature, honey. Read a book about it sometime.
Player: What do you have to do today?
Face Beeanca.png: Goodness, where do I begin? Well, there's collecting nectar, color coordinate the pollen, process the nectar, jar the honey, make sure the bees take their nap, un-color coordinate the pollen...
...Scrub yesterday's honey jars, water all of the flowers, align the pollen alphabetically, send out the evening crew to do a nectar run of the evening's flowers, plan morning crew's flight path...
...Un-align the pollen alphabetically, prepare the jars for tomorrow's honey run...
Player: I'm sorry I asked...
Face Beeanca.png: Hey, you asked, honey.
Player: How do you do it all?!
Face Beeanca.png: Very quickly and with lots and lots of tiny little helpers.
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