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Rex is Sun Haven's mining merchant merchant. He is one of four traveling merchants that rotate in the area west of the Town Hall. The stall merchants change every 14 days, Rex travels with Scott and his weapons stall.

Rex has brown hair and has his left arm in a sling from a recent accident.


Rex currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy. The stall merchants change every at the beginning of every month, and halfway through the season.

06:00Appears at his stall, Rex offers their wares to the player.
08:00Stall closes for the day. Rex disappears, no longer offers their wares to the player.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Rex's Mining Cap Bring Rex his Mining Cap. Rex Cap.png Rex Cap Coins.png Coins × 100Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 35Community Token.png Community Token × 5 Coins.png Coins × 350Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 40Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 40


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Rex will send the player a letter which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
I got to say, I've started to look forward to our little chats at the market. Can't say there's many around Sun Haven I feel the same way about. Good to know there's at least someone worth talking to whenever I wheel my cart into town. Thanks for being a cut above, [Player]>




When speaking to Rex for the first time in a new game:

Face Rex.png Hello there! I'm Rex. I know all there is to know about digging underground.
Player: Hi Rex, I'm [Player]. Did you say, underground?
Face Rex.png That's right! I'm a traveling merchant selling all the mining gear you need.

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Rex and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Rex.png:"Looking for tools? I'm always open! Erm, except for when I'm closed of course."
Face Rex.png:"Ah, another cave-diving enthusiast? Join the club! That's just a saying, there isn't really a club."
Face Rex.png:"There's nothing like the thrill of entering a cavern for the first time."
Face Rex.png:"My name means "king." I don't think a lot of kings spend their time in the mines, though."
Face Rex.png:"Can you believe that some people have never set foot underground? Honest!"


Cycle 1
Face Rex.png: Grammy told me Sun Haven was a nice town. Once again, she was right!
Player: What made you choose to be a miner?
Face Rex.png: Mines are where I'm the most comfortable - I'd rather be underground than above ground most of the time. But you can't sell your wares where people can't see you.
Player: You're like a mole!
Face Rex.png: Haha! That's a good one! I'm definitely a mole.
Player: You don't ever feel uncomfortable underground?
Face Rex.png: Not as long as I've got light. It's nice and cozy down there with all the rocks. Rocks are our oldest friends!
Player: Grammy?
Face Rex.png: Grammy, Grams, Mee-Maw, Grandma! I owe her a lot. She's the one that supported my dream of being a traveling merchant in the first place.
Player: Isn't she worried about your safety, traveling so much? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Rex.png: Oh gosh, do you think I'm worrying her? I should send her a letter.
Player: Grammys are the best. Everyone should be close with their "mee-maw." +2 Heart.png Points
Face Rex.png: I agree completely! Our elders need to be cherished.
Cycle 2
Face Rex.png: Hello again! Spare time for a chat?
Player: Have you been to the caves around here?
Face Rex.png: Oh, of course. They're fantastic, full of useful ore and beautiful rock formations.
I haven't had the chance to get all the way through them, but that's my first goal before I move on to the next town.
Player: All the way to the bottom? Is that possible?
Face Rex.png: Of course! I like to say, anything is possible with perseverance and rations. It helps me remember to pack enough food.
Player: You take this really seriously!
Face Rex.png: Of course! I can't claim to be the best miner in the world without conquering every mine. For now I just say I'm "almost" the best miner in the world, but that doesn't sound as impressive.
Player: What do you do when you're not underground?
Face Rex.png: For fun, I like to relax in whatever tavern is nearest. Taverns, pubs, watering holes - these places keep me from getting lonely on the road.
Player: You're a nice guy. I bet you make lots of friends! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Rex.png: That's mighty nice of you to say! Sometimes it's less about making friends and just about being around people.
Too much time underground and sometimes I forget there's a whole world up here!
Player: Nobody makes real friends in a tavern. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Rex.png: Maybe not with that attitude.
Even if they're just your pal for a night, it's nice to make conversation - even with strangers.
Cycle 3
Face Rex.png: Whew. Hot out here, or is it just me?
Player: Is it hard being a traveling merchant?
Face Rex.png: Is it HARD? Well, it ain't easy. I'm not the young man I used to be, either. Not to mention the roads aren't as safe as they used to be. Monsterfolk rumors, thugs running around the forests...
All things considered, life is pretty tough for us traveling merchants. No wonder that Anne girl has settled down here. She's smart.
Player: I could be your body guard.
Face Rex.png: Now that's an idea, [Player]. But let's get real, you have your own duties to worry about. Let me worry about my business, alright?
Player: Why don't you settle down like Anne?
Face Rex.png: Hmm. I could... but where's the fun in that? Better to be free and on the road than tied down and safe. I'm sure even Anne would agree with that, despite her choice to settle.
Player: Do you have any family?
Face Rex.png: Eh... I had some. A brother, a sister. They started their own families and moved off to I-forget-just-where. Me? I'm too busy on the road. No family for this man, nope.
Player: Aw come on, Sun Haven is your family! <+2 Heart.png Points
Face Rex.png: Bah, go on! You're going to make me shed a tear if you keep it up, bahaha!
Player: That's very sad. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Rex.png: Who are you to judge, eh? I like my life just how it is.
Sun Haven
Anne • Catherine • Claude • Jun • Kai • Kitty • Liam • Lucia • Lynn • Miyeon • Nathaniel • Shang • Vivi • Wornhardt
Albert • Alfie • Allison • Amanda • Arvel • Benson • Bernard • Billie • Blossom • Calvin • Camila • Carson • Clive's Taxi Service • Covington • Cynthia • Darwin • Doyun • Duizhang • Edna • Edwin • Elizabeth • Emma • Emmett • Erica • Ettie • Eve • Giuseppe • Harris • Heather • Jade • Jordan • Judith • Kara • Kelsey • Lester • Lewis • Linda • Mari • Minji • Molly • Nabi • Nim • Patrice • Peter • Pinto • Pod • Raimi • Renee • Rex • Romana • Ronald • Roza • Rupert • Scott • Sierra • Solon • Sophie • Stephen • Tonya • Topi • Vitas Varnas
Duke • Elios • Guard (Sun Haven) • Happy • Jun's Student • Lynn's Mom • Major Hera • Otis • Scuzzy • Seedil • Train Dragon • Zhen
Iris • Lucius • Vaan • Wesley
Angel • Barry • Beeanca • Caspian • Clay • Clemmett • Dew • Fonzo • Gorwin • Granny • Gren • Jarrod • Kimi • Lars • Lily (NPC) • Luke • Morgan • Opal • Plato • Poppy • Quincy • Reed • Rel'Tar • Sable • Salix • Sasha • Silas • Slate • Sylvia • Sylvius • Tornn • Willow • Wilt
Other Nivara
Darius • Donovan • Xyla
Altar Keeper • Arianella • Arnold • Batilda • Batrick • Benny • Bloberta • Caspera • Cassia • Cayde • Charon • Chauncey • Chester • Christine • Coral • Cordelia • Demon King Minos • Denzel • Dr. Hopsan Barley • Dugan • Dwayne • Eris Umbra • Faeyon • Felicity • Felix • Fidget • Flemmett • Gerald • Head Chef Azarios • Honey (NPC) • Jet • Linus • Luis • Malachai • Morpha • PAM • Phoebe • Rastus • Rufus • Scuzzy • Slobert • Sombasu • Spectral Knight • Tali • Ticket Monster • Tony • Triberius • Ur • Zeke • Zenos • Zuri
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