Demon King Minos

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Demon King Minos serves as the figurehead king of Withergate. He established Withergate City to increase his power, and in turn provided a place of unity during a period of great unrest among monsterfolk.

King Minos also recounts the pulling of the castle from the ground by himself, his father Aster, and his heir, Prince Darius. He believes that once Darius takes the throne, Withergate and the darkness will take over the world. To this end, he rules his city with an iron fist, driving the city to greater and greater heights of prosperity to one day grant his son even greater power.

The Moon Dragon Dynus claims ownership over Withergate with Minos as his puppet, although Minos' opinion on this is not made clear.

Minos is a strong, proud king who values commitment and loyalty in his servants. The Demon King rules his city with a fierce drive, expecting obedience and contribution from its inhabitants for the sake of Withergate and the continued success of its demonic and monstrous inhabitants and cause.

Despite this, he is not overtly cruel, nor is he dismissive of humans, provided they show respect and work for the good of Withergate.

Demon King Minos appears as a minotaur-like Demon with large horns and a nose ring.


Demon King Minos currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Appears in the Withergate Castle throne room.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Peace with Withergate Work with Lucia to deliver the decree of peace to King Minos. Community Token.png Community Token × 10Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 20Tickets.png Tickets × 20 Health.png Health × 5Mana.png Mana × 5
The Kings Favor Health Potion.png Health Potion × 2Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 300Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 100Coins.png Coins × 1,000


General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Demon King Minos and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Demon King Minos.png:"If you wish to be one of us, you must prove your worth."
Face Demon King Minos.png:"Withergate Castle is my father's legacy. Withergate City will be mine."
Face Demon King Minos.png:"Are you intimidated, little one? BWAHAHAH!"
Face Demon King Minos.png:"My son will bring Withergate over the horizon. Monsterfolk will take their rightful place in the world."
Face Demon King Minos.png:"Every Demon in the world will know the sweet taste of Withergate's prosperity, one day..."


Cycle 1
Face Demon King Minos.png: You're in the presence of a king. Be sure you don't forget yourself.
Now, what brings you before me?
Player: I'm curious about Withergate's history, my king.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Before Withergate was made a city, only Castle Withergate stood on this land. With our strength, Castle Withergate was pulled out of the very ground.
Soon after I took the throne, I knew it was time to spread my family's influence. I established Withergate City below the castle as a means of further increasing our power.
Player: I thought you made Withergate to unify monsterfolk.
Face Demon King Minos.png: At the time of Withergate's founding, there was indeed rising conflict among the monsterfolk.
Monsterfolk aren't well liked by other races, you see. Mistrusted, hated, cast aside. Pressured by the growing presence of a strong military in Sun Haven, many Monsterfolk began to see their days as numbered.
All the Monsterfolk really needed was a call for unity from a powerful leader, and the enticing promise of everlasting darkness.
Player: How did the monsterfolk come to be here?
Face Demon King Minos.png: At the time of Withergate's founding, there was rising conflict among the Monsterfolk.
Monsterfolk aren't well liked by other races, you see. Mistrusted, hated, cast aside. Pressured by the growing presence of a strong military in Sun Haven, many Monsterfolk began to see their days as numbered.
All the Monsterfolk really needed was a call for unity from a powerful leader, and the enticing promise of everlasting darkness.
Player: I want to add to Withergate's prosperity, my king.
Face Demon King Minos.png: I see... very good. I understand that you are a farmer in your Human town. Certainly you can use your experience raising crops to increase our bounty.
The apartments have farmable space on the rooftop where you can work. Xyla's genius idea, of course.
Player: Do you really think that will help much? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Demon King Minos.png: Questioning me is brash, outsider. Too brash. If you continue to slip up, I will let you rot in darkness for the rest of your miserable life.
Player: I'm happy to contribute however I can. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Demon King Minos.png: You act like a true citizen of our beautiful city. Many are here only to live, not to help. If I'm to build a future for Demons and monsterfolk alike, then I'll need citizens like you.
Cycle 2
Face Demon King Minos.png: Ah, my newest citizen. What brings you before me today?
Player: I want to know your family's history, my king.
Face Demon King Minos.png: My bloodline goes back thousands of years. I haven't enough time to give you a complete history, so I will tell you about my father.
My father, the king before me, was Aster. Demon King Aster created Castle Withergate as a home for all demonkind. All that recognized my family's supremacy, that is.
Player: Was he a good king? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Demon King Minos.png: You dare suggest that my father was an unfit leader? Like all in my bloodline, he was born to lead peons such as yourself.
Next time, you will be sure to remember whose castle you're polluting with your insults.
Player: He must have been a mighty ruler. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Demon King Minos.png: Indeed. His wisdom and fearless leadership kept the Demons of Withergate Castle comfortable, safe, and happy.
Player: My king, who is your most trusted advisor here?
Face Demon King Minos.png: Hm? I'm surprised you feel the need to ask. Surely you know that my son, Darius, acts as one of my advisors. I trust him over all others. Blood is thicker than water, you know.
Player: Then who's your most trusted advisor, not counting Darius?
Face Demon King Minos.png: That's Prince Darius to you, peasant. Show some respect in my throne room.
Other than Darius, I must choose Cordelia. Xyla has an enthusiasm and power that is valuable and rare, but she is too unpredictably wild. A king needs reliability on his council.
Player: Does Darius do that good of a job?
Face Demon King Minos.png: That's Prince Darius to you, peasant. Show some respect in my throne room.
My son may not do the work of Cordelia or Xyla, but that is only because he carries the burden of royalty. Royalty has work done for them, not by them.
Cycle 3
Face Demon King Minos.png: Once again, you come before me. I hope you're here with purpose and not only to waste my time.
Player: Isn't there a queen?
Face Demon King Minos.png: Curious about the queen? I suppose if you want to be a true citizen, then you should know the story.
Darius was a mere child and my father was still king. I, the prince, was already long married to my queen-to-be, Aisling.
At the time, we were fresh to this world... less established. We aided Dynus in driving out of our lands the last vestiges of a wretched race who opposed him.
Aisling and I fought fiercely side by side, and together we cleaved down many of the vile, tentacled beasts. Battle after battle. One day, however, Aisling was struck down by the enemy.
Player: What did you do?
Face Demon King Minos.png: I continued fighting. Aisling was a true Demon. She crushed tens of thousands of foes beneath her cloven foot. She knew the potential cost of war, and did not fear paying the price.
Her sacrifice helped secure our ultimate victory. I suggest that you weep, for this pathetic world will never see the likes of her greatness again.
Player: I'm sorry for your loss.
Face Demon King Minos.png: Of course you are. You are weak. Aisling was a true Demon. She crushed tens of thousands of foes beneath her cloven foot. She knew the potential cost of war, and did not fear paying the price.
Her sacrifice helped secure our ultimate victory. I suggest that you weep, for this pathetic world will never see the likes of her greatness again.
Player: What are your plans for Withergate, my king?
Face Demon King Minos.png: Withergate City is my legacy to Darius. My plan is to make this city as grand and prosperous as possible. Then, when my son takes the throne, he will have the advantage of a city behind his rule.
Player: It sounds like your plan is to do nothing new. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Demon King Minos.png: As far as I know, Cordelia is my personal strategist. I will always be grateful for her advice, but a peasant like you has no right to criticise my plans for this city.
Player: Giving your son a strong start is a great idea. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Demon King Minos.png: Indeed, it was Cordelia's idea to bide my time and make Withergate as great as it can be. She's a valuable strategist and a large part of Withergate's success.


  • The name 'Minos' is most likely a direct reference to the Minos of Greek Mythology; a king responsible for devising the labyrinth that trapped the Minotaur, a monstrous bull-man. Demon King Minos' own design also reflects this.
    • The Thick Ancient Tome strongly implies that demons born in the Witherrealm looked more like Minos.
  • Minos was once wedded to Aisling, the woman who mothered Darius, while he was still a prince himself. However, she was killed during a Naga raid, and he does not appear to have remarried since.
  • While King Minos states he and his father raised Withergate Castle and the city around it, Dynus claims Withergate was founded because of his own presence. It is not clear whether the Demon Kings or Dynus came first.
    • The Thick Ancient Tome asserts that the whole Withergate Castle was pulled through a portal called the Wither Gate from a place named the Witherrealm. It's a place that had many demon kings in competition with one another.
  • Given the similarity in design between Minos' sword and that of his son, Darius, it is possible that Minos' sword is also forged from a Demon ancestor of his, perhaps his own grandfather.


  • 1.1: Dialogue Cycle 3 updated.

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