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Peter is Sun Haven's fisherman and owns the fishing shop on the Beach. Peter is a goofy, fun loving sailor. He can often be found wandering the town in and fishing at the various ponds within. The first time the player visits the beach, Peter will give them his fishing rod for them to use to fish.

On Summer 15, Peter will appear on the player's farm, asking for their help in defeating his archnemesis, Herman. Herman is a giant squid who stole his lucky hook years ago. This event is one of the yearly seasonal bosses.

Peter wears a straw hat with a crab on it, has blue hair, and carries a red harpoon.


Peter has two schedules that he alternates between each sunny day and one that he uses during rainy days. A rainy day will replace any subsequent sunny day schedule.

07:00At the docks
10:30Leaves docks and walks past Wornhardt's house to reach the lake next to his house
11:00Standing at the lake east of Wornhardt's house
14:00Walks past the Market stands to reach the river on the west
15:00At the river west of the Market Stands
16:30Walks back toward the Beach
18:00At the docks for the night.

07:00At the docks
15:00In the Fishing Store for the night

07:00In the Fishing Store
12:00At the docks
13:00On the Beach near the boats for the night


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Amanda's Book Bring Amanda's Book to her. Amanda's Book (item).png Amanda's Book × 1 Coins.png Coins × 150Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 20Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 40Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 40
Angler's Bet Bring Peter 5 Cuddlefish Cuddlefish.png Cuddlefish × 5 Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 250Community Token.png Community Token × 15 Fishing Skill Tome.png Fishing Skill Tome
Dealing with a Dragon Help Solon deal with the baby dragon. Coins.png Coins × 300Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 30Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 30Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 30Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 30
Peter's Lure Bring Peter his Lure. Peter's Lure.png Peter's Lure Coins.png Coins × 100Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 30Community Token.png Community Token × 5 Coins.png Coins × 200Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 35
Proper Sealegs Bring Peter a pair of Copper Legs. Copper Legs.png Copper Legs Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 30Sea Bass.png Sea Bass × 3Seaweed.png Seaweed × 3Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Coins.png Coins × 400Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 80Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 80


General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Peter and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Peter.png:"Come take a look at my merchandise. You might spy something you like!"
Face Peter.png:"Keep your eyes on the sea - she will tell you anything you need to know about the weather."
Face Peter.png:"Something smells fishy... oh, that's me."
Face Peter.png:"Are the fish biting for you?"
Face Peter.png:"Don't you just love the open ocean? Breathing in that salty air... it gives me life!"
Face Peter.png:"Fish get real hungry in the spring. Well, they're real hungry every season of the year... but hey, it's a great reason for some springtime fishing! Spring Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Summer is hot, so don't overdo it! Just lay back and get a line in the water - your body will thank you! Summer Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"'Hoy! Staying cool, farmer? It's hot, after all! Summer Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"The ocean really sparkles when the sun hits it. It's almost blinding, really. Summer Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Huh? Oh, sorry about that. I was thinking about which bait I was going to try out next. Summer Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Maybe I'll close up shop early tomorrow and get out on the water... eh, nah. Emmett needs the work. Summer Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Nice thing about the colorful leaves this time of year is they make great flies for fly fishing. Fall Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"I still have the best fishing gear you'll find! Stop on by the shop anytime. Door's always open! Except when we're closed. Fall Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Sometimes I feel like casting off from Sun Haven and going on a good long sail. Fall Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Beach really starts to clear off after Summer ends. Kind of nice to have it quiet around here. Fall Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"It's almost crabbin' season! Er- don't tell Shelby. Fall Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"Ever done some winter fishing, farmer? Winter Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"What are you after these days? I'm going for migrating shark! Winter Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"The worst day of fishing still beats the best day of being the bait, heh. Winter Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"You can really feel the shifting of the ocean tides. Well, I can. Can't you, farmer? Winter Token.png"
Face Peter.png:"You know it's getting cold when the sea foam starts to frost over in the mornings. Winter Token.png"

Summer Boss

Face Peter.png:"Hoy, [Player]! Ready to set sail after that beast? Make sure you have your best fishing rod - you're going to need it!"
Face Peter.png:"You handle the fishing, farmer. I'll keep the waters nice and chummed to attract the bomb fish, so that you can catch them."


Cycle 1
Face Peter.png: Hoy, [Player]! Can you feel that wind? It's going to be a beautiful day.
You have a question for me?
Player: So are you from Sun Haven originally?
Face Peter.png: I've lived here all my life, so you tell me! Yep, I know this town backward and forward. Not a thing I would change about it. Other towns just can't compare.
Player: There are a few things I would change... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: Well, change them or don't. Complaints don't solve a thing.
Player: I'll take your word for it! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: Well I've visited every port town on the western coast, so I'm not just blowing hot air here!
Player: Have you always been a fisherman?
Face Peter.png: Not always. I used to run trade with my ship, but I got tired of that. I don't like traveling on routes as much as sailing the sea freely.
Player: Does fishing allow you more freedom, then?
Face Peter.png: Sure does! Now I just follow the weather and my own natural instinct. The sea guides me.
Player: Did you like having a trade ship?
Face Peter.png: It was a decent living with regular work. Boring, though. Not nearly as exciting as feeling the first nibble on the end of your fishing line.
Cycle 2
Face Peter.png: Hey there farmer! Spending some time with the sea today?
Player: I have to ask... about the crab.
Face Peter.png: The what? Oh! You mean Shelby?
Player: That's an adorable name! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: She's the finest lady I ever sailed with. I was shipwrecked once and washed ashore. Shelby pinched me right on the cheeks and woke me up before the tide swept me out again.
She's my savior, and my first mate!
Player: You named it? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: I named her, and she's the finest lady I ever sailed with.
I was shipwrecked once and washed ashore. Shelby pinched me right on the cheeks and woke me up before the tide swept me out again.
She's my savior, and my first mate!
Player: What's your opinion on Withergate?
Face Peter.png: That's the city that's supposed to be dark all the time, right? I hear a lot of tall tales from port to port, but Withergate might be the tallest tale yet.
Player: So you don't think it's true?
Face Peter.png: I didn't say that. In my experience, it's best to be wary of these things, true or not.
Player: You aren't worried about the monsters, then?
Face Peter.png: I didn't say that. In my experience, it's best to be wary of these things, true or not.
Cycle 3
Face Peter.png: I caught a huge fish last night! It was too beautiful to keep, so I let it go.
... Okay, it broke my line.
Player: Does that happen a lot?
Face Peter.png: Not with my lines, but this was one tough customer. I fought it for a full hour!
Player: It sounds like your gear failed you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: My equipment is top-notch, buddy. You think you can make a stronger line? Be my guest.
Player: Some fish are really amazing. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: No kidding! This isn't a loss for me though - it's a challenge. One day, I'll catch that fish.
Player: That's unlucky. You'll get it next time.
Face Peter.png: That's the right attitude. A fisherman's best tool is patience. I learned that from an old fish-trapper while I was waiting out a storm in the east.
Can you believe they do all their fishing with traps over there? It's true, no lines or nets!
Player: Do you use traps?
Face Peter.png: Nah, I prefer the struggle between fish and man. The instant you get a bite on the hook is a special experience. For a split-second, nothing else in the world matters.
Player: Do traps work better than rods?
Face Peter.png: Maybe for small fish, but I'm always after the big fish. You strike me as a big fish kind of person, too!
Cycle 4
Face Peter.png: [Player]! Hey, you look strong. I guess sailing isn't the only way to build real muscle, huh?
Player: When did you learn to sail?
Face Peter.png: I was born on the sea, so I like to say I started learning from day one.
Player: You were born on a boat?
Face Peter.png: Sure was. I don't think my mother ever forgave me for that... I'm not even joking!
Player: But when did you really learn?
Face Peter.png: I started early, can't be sure. Definitely when I was a kid, though. I might've been five? My little hands could barely hold a rope!
Player: Okay, what's the story behind the spear?
Face Peter.png: Oh, this? It was a gift from an Elven village I found by accident.
A storm forced me ashore on an uncharted island once. Uncharted islands are risky, so I didn't know what to expect. I sure didn't expect Elves!
I promised not to reveal their location - you know how secretive Elves can be - and they gave me this as a parting gift. It's super sharp because it's made from coral!
Player: It's good of you not to reveal their location. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: I guess so, but I don't know why I would even bother doing that. What's there for me to gain? An island of enemies? No thanks!
Player: So... where was this island? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Peter.png: Nice try, [Player]. I'm a sailor, and sailors keep their word.


Upon reaching Fishing.png fishing level 5 -

Fishing Net Cutscene
Face Peter.png: Hoy again, [Player]! There's been an abundance of fish on the market these days. Would you have anything to do with that, eh?
Player: Yeah, thanks to the fishing rod you gave me!
Player: I was born to fish!
Face Peter.png: Since you've been fishing quite a bit, I wanted to give you a new tool that should really help a lot...
It's a Small Fishing Net! This will catch fish for you even when you're not around.
Player: Thanks, Peter!
Face Peter.png: You can cast nets like these into the waters on your farm. Though before you can do that, you'll also need a Net Permit.
Don't worry, I've actually brought you one. Here, take it!
Player receives a tier 1 fishing permit
Player: Why do I need a permit to fish with a net?
Face Peter.png: Net fishing is so effective that it has to be regulated to make sure no one is overfishing!
Once you activate that permit, all you have to do is place it right in the water and check back later!
Player: Awesome! How do I get more nets?
Face Peter.png: You can stop by my shop if you ever want more nets. I also sell Permit Upgrades, too.
Just remember you can only use nets on your farm! Good luck with your anglin', [Player].


  • Peter is a lifelong resident of Sun Haven, and sees it as the perfect town for him to be in.
  • Before he became a fisherman, Peter worked as a merchant. He found it "not as exciting as feeling that first nibble on the end of your line."
  • He is implied to be in a secret relationship with Amanda, as he gives a quest for the protagonist to return a book that she left at his place.
    • Amanda will request that the protagonist not speak about the book or the connection between the two.

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