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Tonya is a resident of Sun Haven and the towns Courier. She enjoys being healthy and cardio exercises, which is why she loves her job; it keeps her moving. She lives east of the player's farm with her son Topi and husband Giuseppe.

Tonya has swooping blonde hair and wears a green top and messenger bag.


Tonya has two schedules that she alternates between each sunny day and one that she follows on rainy days. Rainy days replace any subsequent sunny day schedule.

06:00Wakes up at home.
07:00Walks to Town Hall.
09:30Walks to the Library.
11:30Walks to the Barracks.
13:00Walks to the Tavern.
16:00Walks to the General Store.
17:00Walks to the Pet Store.
19:00Walks to Town Hall.
20:00Goes home.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
A Heros Harvest Celebrate the peace ceremony! Community Token.png Community Token × 10Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 20Tickets.png Tickets × 20 Health.png Health × 5Mana.png Mana × 5
Chocolate Milk Stand Bring Tonya 10 Wood Planks. Wood Plank.png Wood Plank × 10 Coins.png Coins × 150Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 30Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Coins.png Coins × 250Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 40Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 40
Lost Letter (quest) Bring Tonya her lost letter. Lost Letter.png Lost Letter Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 25 Coins.png Coins × 125Speed Potion.png Speed Potion


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Tonya will send the player a letter which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Hello there. I slipped this letter into your mailbox on my morning rounds! I wanted to say that you've become a bit of an inspiration to me. Running all over town the way you do! You make me feel like I'm falling behind - so I'm going to kick it up and do my best. You won't leave me in the dust! Count on it.




When speaking to Tonya for the first time in a new game:

Face Tonya.png You're the new neighbor Lucia told me about? I'm Tonya, glad to meet you.
Player: Good to meet you too! I'm [Player].
Face Tonya.png You're living on the farm, right? I'm the town's courier, so I'll be delivering your mail there.

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Tonya and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Tonya.png:"Keep an eye on your mailbox. You don't want to miss a letter!"
Face Tonya.png:"Adding the old farm to my delivery route should boost my cardio nicely!"
Face Tonya.png:"I like to keep in shape. I try to exercise every day outside of work."
Face Tonya.png:"Looking for a running partner? Let me know if you're interested!"
Face Tonya.png:"I know everyone pretty well. It's easier getting to know people when you talk to them every day."
Face Tonya.png:"Giuseppe is such a softie. I love it!"
Face Tonya.png:"I was hoping my kid would look like me, but Topi inherited his father's hair..."


Cycle 1
Face Tonya.png: Hey neighbor, you're looking fit! Is that from farming, or are you a health nut like me? Both, I bet.
Player: Do you like delivering mail?
Face Tonya.png: Well I get to see everybody in town once a day and I get some great cardio out of it. I don't see any downside!
Player: You'll get bored of it sooner or later. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: You don't know me very well, farmer.
Player: No wonder you're a great courier - you have a great attitude. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: It's true, your attitude does affect the job! That being said, I'd bet you're a top-notch farmer.
Player: Doesn't it get tiring, being so healthy all the time?
Face Tonya.png: Sure it does, but being tired makes me happy. I never feel better than when my muscles are all sore from a really good workout.
Player: What's your favorite way to exercise?
Face Tonya.png: I like running on the beach in the morning when the sun comes up. I imagine the sunrise is like my reward.
Player: Where do you usually work out in town?
Face Tonya.png: I like running on the beach in the morning when the sun comes up. I imagine the sunrise is like my reward.
Cycle 2
Face Tonya.png: Hey, farmer. I'm having a great cardio day. Here's a cardio tip for you - have a kid!
Player: It's amazing that you stay so positive these days.
Face Tonya.png: Do you mean because Sun Haven is hurting a little bit right now?
You know, I could waste my energy being worried about it if I wanted to, but I don't see any point in that. So I focus on other things, like my job and family.
Player: It's important to focus on what makes you happy. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Exactly. Stressing out about the bad stuff never helped anyone.
Player: It sounds like you're ignoring reality. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Call it what you want, farmer. We all have to get by somehow.
Player: In your experience, what's the hardest thing about being a mom?
Face Tonya.png: The hardest thing? Hm, let me think... I guess it's not knowing what kind of trouble goes on while I'm gone during the day.
Giuseppe is great at being a dad, but not always the best at being an adult.
Player: Does that get tiresome?
Face Tonya.png: Sure, but it's also why I love him. He reminds me that I'm allowed to have fun, too.
Player: At least he makes Topi happy, right?
Face Tonya.png: When it comes down to it, that's all that really matters... but it helps that he watches Topi when I take my afternoon nap, too.
Cycle 3
Face Tonya.png: There's Sun Haven's favorite farmer!
Player: Actually, I'm Sun Haven's only farmer.
Face Tonya.png: Exactly! So you must also be the favorite, right?
Running mail all the way out to your farm is great for my morning routine, at any rate.
Player: I'm glad to be of help! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: I'm glad, too! My routine was getting a little too easy.
Player: So I'm only the favorite farmer by default, huh? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Oh, don't sound so insulted. At least people like you!
Player: If I'm Sun Haven's favorite farmer, then you're it's favorite courier!
Face Tonya.png: You're darn right I am! You show me someone who delivers mail faster than I can, and I'll eat one of Giuseppe's sculptures.
Player: You'd actually eat a sculpture??
Face Tonya.png: Well not really, [Player]. I wouldn't even know how to start... Maybe with a fork and hammer?
Player: You're so fit, it's hard to picture someone faster than you.
Face Tonya.png: Honestly, it would be nice to have someone to race. I love some healthy competition!
Cycle 4
Face Tonya.png: Everytime I see you, you look a little bit stronger! You must be really working your farm over there.
Player: Do you really think I'm looking stronger?
Face Tonya.png: I'm not joking, if that's what you think. I take fitness seriously, and it seems you do too.
Oh, maybe we could start a class together! It's time the neighborhood got into shape.
Player: That sounds fun!
Face Tonya.png: Really? Nobody in town is ever so excited about exercise - other than me, of course.
Player: I'm too busy for something like that.
Face Tonya.png: And here I thought you could be the fellow health nut I've been waiting for in Sun Haven. Oh well, maybe I can get Giuseppe to do some sit ups... yeah right!
Player: The farm keeps me plenty busy.
Face Tonya.png: I can see that! Sometimes I think Giuseppe would benefit from more work, too. But then I see how good he is with the kids and, well, it would be a shame to sacrifice that.
Player: You're lucky to have each other. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Don't I know it! Even if we get into a squabble, he has me laughing by the end of it.
Player: Isn't it worth it if Giuseppe is healthier? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Hm, I don't think so. It's easy to be healthy, but it's difficult to be a good parent.
Cycle 5
Face Tonya.png: If there's ever a night you aren't busy, you'll really have to join us for dinner sometime.
Player: What do you like to do when you aren't busy?
Face Tonya.png: Sometimes I pose for Giuseppe when he needs a model for a new sculpture, or painting, or whatever art phase he's in.
When I'm all alone, though? I actually enjoy a little birdwatching! The trees near my house always have a bird or two chirping away, so I can make a cup of tea and watch right out the window.
Player: That sounds so peaceful for you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Heh, people are always surprised to learn that about me. Even I know that you have to slow down once in a while.
Player: That sounds so boring. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Tonya.png: Oh? Well, it's not for everyone. Kitty, on the other hand, loves it. I've even seen her waiting in the trees for birds to come by!
You know, I wonder if she was doing more than just watching the birds...
Player: What would you do if you couldn't deliver mail anymore?
Face Tonya.png: That's a funny question. My courier job fits my lifestyle so well that I don't know what I could replace it with. Hm, maybe I'd work with Solon at the smithery?
Now that would be a physical challenge.
Player: I could see you working at an anvil.
Face Tonya.png: Is that so? Giuseppe has his sculptures so maybe I could try metalworking. I know he'd love that since he's always encouraging me to find new ways to express myself.
Player: You could be a physical trainer.
Face Tonya.png: You mean like a teacher, but for exercise? That's... a really good idea! Maybe someday I'll hang up my courier pouch and open my own training grounds!


  • Tonya enjoys cardio workouts, which is why she enjoys her job as the Town Courier. She states that she usually runs in the early morning on the beach so that she can see the sunrise.

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