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Nim is a young human male who works as the cashier at the Pet Store. He finds there is always something to clean; whether its the animals cages or after Kitty makes a visit. When hes not cleaning he passes the time he enjoys people watching and making up extraordinary life stories for those passing by.

Nim has light brown hair and wears a blue shirt.


Nim currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Appears in the Pet Store.


This NPC is not involved in any quests or collections.


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Nim will send the player a letter which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
You know, working in the pet shop is a thankless task! Everyone comes through the doors of the shop and the only thing they want to do is cuddle with the pets. When you walked through my door for the first time, I thought nothing of it. Another patron who would make gaga eyes at the cute pets before moving along on their way... except, that's not what happened. You actually came up and had a conversation with me! I almost couldn't believe it. And then you kept coming back. Most people find a pet when they visit my shop, but now I can say that someone's found a friend. It's me, [Player]! I'm the friend, haha!




When speaking to Nim for the first time in a new game:

Face Nim.png Hello, new friend. Heh, you can call me Nim. What's your name?
Player: I'm [Player]. Good meeting you, Nim!
Face Nim.png Good indeed! If I can help you with anything, I'll be right here for you.

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Nim and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Nim.png:"Are you an animal lover, too?"
Face Nim.png:"All animals are important, but I especially love the fluffy ones."
Face Nim.png:"Have you ever slept in a pile of bunny rabbits? You've got to try it at least once!"
Face Nim.png:"Kitty says that I'm funny, but not when I tell actual jokes. What's with that?"
Face Nim.png:"Are you off on an adventure? I can only imagine!"


Cycle 1
Face Nim.png: Hello again, good to see you!
Player: Do you like working here?
Face Nim.png: I wouldn't want it any other way. Kitty is often busy taking care of her barn animals, so I like that I can help.
Honestly though, Kitty is a very... unconventional boss. She's great at taking care of animals but sometimes she comes in and makes an even bigger mess than the pets!
Player: How do you manage that?
Face Nim.png: Don't tell Kitty, but I can get her to leave if I start mopping. She hates the smell of the cleaning solution I use on the floor, so she never sticks around when I mop.
Player: Being her employee must be a challenge at times.
Face Nim.png: I think it's fun most of the time. Except for when she pays me in fish instead of gold. That is less fun.
Player: Nim, how do you pass the time?
Face Nim.png: There's almost always something to clean in here. But when there's nothing to do, I like to watch our neighbors walking past the window.
I try to think of the most interesting places they could be going. Like if it's Nathaniel, then he's going to battle! Or if it's Lucia then she must be rushing to soothe a raging dragon somewhere.
Player: Okay, then where am I going next? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nim.png: You, the farmer? I'd say you're on your way to fight the Snaccoons off of your crops! Be careful out there [Player], heheh.
Player: Why not just ask where they're going? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nim.png: I don't think you get the point of the game, [Player].


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