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When Felix first meets the player, he mentions that he doesn't like talking to others much. He has a rather uncaring attitude, but thinks very highly of his appearance. He lives with his girlfriend, Felicity, in apartments above the nightclub. Felicity is a positive influence on Felix, as he says she encourages him to break out of his comfort zone.

The player is told that Felix spends a good amount of time talking and whispering with Tony, he also tells the player that he runs deliveries to all over the world. It is implied that Felix is involved with Tony's smuggling ring.

Felix is a demon with a gothic style, he has black hair with a rainbow stripe.


Felix currently has only one schedule that he follows, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Sitting on park bench south of ferris wheel with Felicity.
03:00Leaves the bench and begins walking to the dance area.
03:20Standing on dance floor.
05:00Leaves the dance floor and begins walking to the arcade.
05:30Standing at claw machine in the arcade.
07:00Leaves the arcade and begins walking to the outdoor movie theatre.
07:40Sitting at outdoor movie theater.
10:00Leaves the movie theatre and begins walking to the park bench.
11:00Sitting on park bench south of ferris wheel.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Mirror, Mirror... Deliver the hand mirror to Felix. Hand Mirror.png Hand Mirror Tickets.png Tickets × 30Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 20Moonplant Seeds.png Moonplant Seeds Tickets.png Tickets × 15Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 140Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 140Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 140


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Felix will send mail to the player which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
How's it going, [Player]? I hope you're fitting into Withergate well. I know from watching Felicity that it isn't always easy to impress some of the people around here. It isn't fair, but hey, that's life. I'm counting on you to prove that an outsider can fit into Withergate. Because if you can make it here, then that means anyone can. That's a lot of pressure, I know. I'm sorry. But I'll be here, cheering you on. Silently, at least. In my head. No one else will know. But that's what makes it special, right?




When speaking to Felix for the first time in a new game:

Face Felix.png Hm? Oh, what do you want?
Player: I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm [Player].
Face Felix.png Interesting name. My name is Felix.

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Felix and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Felix.png:"Felicity keeps making me take her out on dates. Good thing I've got plenty of tickets."
Face Felix.png:"Have you met Donovan? For an Amari, he's alright. Good to share travel stories with."
Face Felix.png:"Hey there, [Player]. I suppose the nice thing to do would be to wish you a good night."
Face Felix.png:"Some people here aren't very friendly to people who come from Human towns, though I you must know that by now."
Face Felix.png:"I think this hairstyle is growing on me..."


Cycle 1
Face Felix.png: Hello again. I'm sorry if I was a little distant when we first spoke. I'm getting better at being... more friendly.
Player: It's okay to be shy, you don't have to apologize.
Face Felix.png: Who said I was shy? I just don't usually like talking to other people very much.
I used to focus mainly on myself, although these days I'm learning to open up a little more.
Player: Just admit that you're shy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Felix.png: People not listening to me is a big reason why I don't like to chat.
Player: It's brave to go outside of your comfort zone. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Felix.png: Yeah, that's what Felicity tells me. Maybe I should try a bit harder...
Player: Did you know there's a rainbow in your hair?
Face Felix.png: Er, yeah. I did. My girlfriend Felicity wanted me to try it. She's always talking about bright colors and that sort of stuff. I don't know if I like it very much, but it makes her really happy.
Player: It's sweet to put your girlfriend's happiness first like that.
Face Felix.png: Some of the other Demons around here would disagree with that, but I stopped caring about what they thought years ago.
Player: At least she likes it.
Face Felix.png: It's sappy for a Demon to say this, but Felicity means a lot to me. I used to be a lot colder, but she's really rubbed off on me. I never thought there were any Demons like her.
Cycle 2
Face Felix.png: Hello again, [Player].
Player: Have you lived in Withergate for long?
Face Felix.png: All my life. My grandfather was actually a part of the previous Demon King, Aster's, royal guard. So I have a little bit of royalty in my blood. Or at least royalty-adjacent.
Player: You would fit in with Darius.
Face Felix.png: Not a chance. For lack of a better term, I think Darius is a jerk. He throws his weight around like a 'proper' Demon. I'm not one for bluster like that.
Player: Wow, you must really respect your grandfather.
Face Felix.png: Hm, I suppose I do. I never got a chance to meet him, as he died in battle before I was born. It's not a sensitive topic for me, I'm only saying.
Player: Where else in the world have you seen?
Face Felix.png: I've traveled a lot around the Western Region. Some in the Eastern Region. Once or twice I've been up to the Northern Region. I've never had any business in the Southern Islands yet.
Player: Business?
Face Felix.png: Oh. Nothing. I do deliveries, that's all.
Player: What takes you all over the place like that?
Face Felix.png: Nothing, really. Just some work. I do... deliveries. Plus, I like the see the world. It's how I met Felicity, after all.
Cycle 3
Face Felix.png: You seem to be getting along well these days, [Player].
Player: I think I'm starting to fit into Withergate.
Face Felix.png: Despite its rough exterior, Withergate really is a very inclusive place. It was a city made by outcasts, to be lived in by outcasts.
Player: Outcasts?
Face Felix.png: Monsterfolk were outcasts from everywhere. As for Demons, well, our race has a very deep history. You should read a book about it sometime.
Player: Demons are outcasts?
Face Felix.png: Monsterfolk were outcasts from everywhere. As for Demons, well, our race has a very deep history. You should read a book about it sometime.
Player: Where do you live in Withergate?
Face Felix.png: Felicity and I live in an apartment. It's not much, but it's comfortable... and large enough for the both of us.
Player: Oh, I live in the apartments, too!
Face Felix.png: Oh... I didn't mean Flemmett's apartment building. We live in an apartment above a night club. It's got all the space we need.
...Sorry, they're not the type of apartments I could really recommend for you. They're, uh, all occupied. Sorry.
Player: Oh yeah, the apartment building! Which apartment is yours?
Face Felix.png: Oh... I didn't mean Flemmett's apartment building. We live in an apartment above a night club. It's got all the space we need.
...Sorry, they're not the type of apartments I could really recommend for you. They're, uh, all occupied. Sorry.


  • Felix mentions the rainbow streaks in his hair were Felicity’s idea.

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