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Tornn is the store clerk of the Cape Store in Nel'Vari. While it is unknown if Tornn owns the cape store, he does tell the player that all of the wares are handcrafted by himself, made from the finest silk that can be foraged. Prior to being a cape-maker he and Rel'Tar used to be in some sort of dangerous business together, helping folks who could afford it.


Tornn currently has only one schedule that he follows, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Appears at the Cape Store and stands there.
08:00Cape Store opens, Tornn offers their wares to the player.
10:00Cape Store closes for the day, Tornn no longer offers their wares to the player.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Heroes Never Die Gather 6 blueberries and a small mana tome for Tornn. Blueberry.png Blueberry × 6Small Mana Tome.png Small Mana Tome × 1 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 25Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 60 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 25Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 100Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 100


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Tornn will send mail to the player which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
I don't talk to many people, nor do many talk to me. I've liked it that way. Life is more peaceful, and I can focus on my work. You, however, were different. You kept talking to me. At first I didn't quite get it, but now I believe I do. You're one of the few people in this village I consider a friend. It's no wonder that of all the people in the world, you are the one who found Nel'Vari.




When speaking to Tornn for the first time in a new game:

Face Tornn.png Hm? Oh, hello. My name is Tornn, I sell capes here.
Player: Hi Tornn, my name is [Player]. It's good to meet you.
Face Tornn.png Likewise, traveler.

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Tornn and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Tornn.png:"You look pretty stylish, but one of my capes would really pull your look together."
Face Tornn.png:"The finest capes made from the finest silk. I harvest it myself from wild centipillars and spider webs."
Face Tornn.png:"I hope you're appreciating Nel'Vari, because not many strangers have the privilege of seeing our village."
Face Tornn.png:"It's my dream to make a beautiful cape for Nivara... but I would need so much silk, I don't know if it's possible."
Face Tornn.png:"My people are protective, but not inhospitable. You're certainly welcome here."


Cycle 1
Face Tornn.png: I remember you, you're [Player]. Did you come looking for a cape, or just some conversation?
Player: Do you make the capes yourself?
Face Tornn.png: From the finest silk I can forage, that's right. Of course I'm careful to make sure any spider webs are empty before I collect them. I don't want to steal anybody's home.
Player: You really care about the forest. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Tornn.png: Spiders are a crucial part of the food chain, just like everything else. That might seem thoughtful to you, but for Elves it's a simple fact of life.
Player: They're just spiders. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Tornn.png: That shows how much you care about the forest, then. Spiders are a crucial part of the food chain.
Player: Have you always been a cape salesman?
Face Tornn.png: I used to do some jobs with Rel'Tar, but we've retired from that work now. I much prefer the peace and quiet of Nel'Vari to the action that goes on outside of the forest here.
Player: Who were the jobs for?
Face Tornn.png: We charged a hefty sum for our skills, since the work was often dangerous. So we were mostly hired by officials from other cities since they were the only ones who could afford us.
I can tell you're curious, so I'll say right up front that I don't care to dwell on those times. But I'll say this one thing about it - at the end of the day, all we did was help people.
Player: It sounds like you were doing dangerous work.
Face Tornn.png: You're right about the work being dangerous, but I really don't care to dwell on those times.
I can tell you're curious. I'll say this one thing about it - at the end of the day, all we did was help people.


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