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Ronald is Sun Haven's barkeep, and runs the Tavern with his wife Mari. Ronald and his wife often make bets with each other in place of arguing, seeing it as healthier for their relationship. During the main quest line, if the player chooses to save the former bandit Stephen, they are both kind enough to let him work at the Tavern and provide him a room to live in.

Ronald has long brown dreadlocks and wears a white shirt with a blue vest.


Ronald currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Appears in the Tavern.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Onion Shortage Bring Ronald 10 onions. Onion.png Onion × 10 Coins.png Coins × 1,000Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 30Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Coins.png Coins × 500Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 50Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 50
Ronald and Mari's Bet Bring 5 Leafie's Leaves to Ronald. Leafie's Leaf.png Leafie's Leaf × 5 Coins.png Coins × 150Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 30Community Token.png Community Token × 5 Coins.png Coins × 250Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 50
Turn Up the Heat Bring Ronald 1 hot sauce. Hot Sauce.png Hot Sauce Coins.png Coins × 100Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 25Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Coins.png Coins × 200Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 35Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 35Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 35


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Ronald will send the player a letter which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Hey there, favorite customer! It's Ronald, from the tavern. Sorry if the letter is a little hard to read, I wrote it on the back of one of Edwin's old tabs. I just wanted to do something personal to tell you how much I love you coming around the business and being a good personality. I've never been one for writing letters, plus I'm running out of space on this tab note. Come by more often!

-Rona (Ronald ran out of room to finish writing his name, leaving his signature half-finished...)



When speaking to Ronald for the first time in a new game:

Face Ronald.png You must be the new farmer I've heard about. Welcome to our tavern!
Player: Hello, my name is [Player].
Face Ronald.png And I'm Ronald. Let me know if you're craving anything to eat or drink, you hear?

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Ronald and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Ronald.png:"The music has been great lately. Come get on the dance floor sometime!"
Face Ronald.png:"The people in this town are the best... even better when they're having a drink!"
Face Ronald.png:"Got some travelers staying with us tonight. Your usual spread - merchants, adventurers, traveling weirdos. You know how it goes!"
Face Ronald.png:"I cook the food and pour the drinks, but Mari is the beating heart of this place."
Face Ronald.png:"Whatever you need, I'll be sure to take care of ya."

Music Festival

Face Ronald.png:"What's music without snacks, huh? What can I get ya?"


Cycle 1
Face Ronald.png: Welcome in, farmer. Make yourself comfortable.
Player: Your tavern is so cozy. There's an inn upstairs too?
Face Ronald.png: Yep, upstairs too! Where else are weary travelers supposed to put their feet up?
Player: Have you heard any rumors about the monster town?
Face Ronald.png: I've heard rumblings from different folk, especially travelers coming from the north. Hard to make sense of rumors, though.
Player: What kind of travelers do you get?
Face Ronald.png: Folks from all kinds of places. We even get sailors from the Southern Islands sometimes. Sun Haven may have seen better days, but our reputation for trade still draws folks in.
Player: What's it like running a tavern?
Face Ronald.png: People come in and we take care of them, simple as that. It can be a lot to manage, though. No matter what, our customers always leave full, rested, and happy.
Player: That's a lot of ruckus. Sounds like annoying work. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Ronald.png: Maybe, but I've learned to enjoy the job and all that comes with it. Sounds like you might not understand, though.
Player: It must be interesting seeing so many different people. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Ronald.png: Oh sure, the people make the job. Hearing travelers' stories is a perk of the work.
Cycle 2
Face Ronald.png: Pull up a seat, neighbor! Let's have a chat.
Player: So what did you do before the tavern?
Face Ronald.png: Before this place, I worked construction. Built a lot of houses farther west. It wasn't as fun, but it was good money.
Player: Wait, does that mean you built this place?
Face Ronald.png: Haha, I wish! I would've done a better job with the seams in the ceiling, I can tell you that much.
No, I didn't get to build this place. Mari and I renovated it together, though.
Player: Doesn't this place make good money?
Face Ronald.png: The tavern pulls in some gold, but we break even more often than not. That's just how it is until business picks up a bit.
Player: When did you learn to cook?
Face Ronald.png: Actually, I taught myself to cook when I was working construction. I used to make lunch for the whole crew!
Eventually I realized I was having way more fun cooking lunch than building houses. The rest is history, as they say.
Player: It's lucky you were able to pursue your passion. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Ronald.png: You're telling me! Who knows where I would be if I'd stuck with construction?
Player: Do you think you were helping more people in construction? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Ronald.png: I help plenty of people right here. I don't need to break my back every day to help out.
Cycle 3
Face Ronald.png: I'm already used to seeing you around here, [Player]. Anyway, what can I do for you?
Player: What's the best piece of advice you've heard?
Face Ronald.png: Best advice ever? Are you in some kind of trouble, [Player]?
Heh, I'm just joking. The best advice I ever got was to talk to as many people as I can. Making friends can open a lot of doors for you.
Player: I try to talk to everyone I can. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Ronald.png: A socialite like me, huh? You'll do just fine for yourself here, [Player].
Player: I don't like talking to people much. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Ronald.png: No? Then that's how we're different. Talking to people is all I do, all day long!
Player: Is there anyone in town you don't like?
Face Ronald.png: I don't want to talk down on anyone, but since you asked... Peter can be a real handful some nights. He'll cause a ruckus if he gets too happy.
Player: Have you had any problems with him?
Face Ronald.png: There was one night he broke a stool after he said he could balance it on his head. Yeah, he couldn't.
He came back and paid for the damage the next day, so it was fine in the end.
Player: That makes sense to me.
Face Ronald.png: Ah, so you've spent some time with him already? A man that wears a live crab on his head is bound to be a little rough around the edges, I guess.


  • Ronald is a former construction worker that taught himself how to cook. He no longer builds houses, but he and Mari did renovate the tavern together.

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