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Topi lives in the house just north east of the farm as you enter Sun Haven with his mother Tonya and father Giuseppe. He spends most of his time with his best friend Pod, but is Elizabeth is around he will focus his attention on her.

Topi has dark green hair like his father and wears a green shirt with a brown collar.


Topi has two schedules that he alternates between each sunny day and one that he follows on rainy days

06:00At home.
10:00Plays with Pod outside.
12:00Walks to the Library.
16:00Goes home with Jun.
17:30Stands outside with Guiseppe.
18:00Plays with Pod outside.
20:00Walks to his room.
22:00Goes to bed.

06:00At home.
10:00Plays with Pod outside.
13:00Walks To Pet Store.
16:30Goes home with Guiseppe.
20:00Goes to his room.
22:00Goes to bed.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Building Bridges Bring Topi 15 Stone. Stone.png Stone × 15 Cookies.png Cookies × 3Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 25Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 30Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 30Fishing EXP.png Fishing EXP × 30
Sun Haven Ink Bring Topi 5 Coal. Coal.png Coal × 5 Amethyst.png Amethyst × 1Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 25Community Token.png Community Token × 4 Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 50Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 50
Topi's Studies Bring Topi his lost Notebook. Topi's Notebook.png Topi's Notebook × 1 Cookies.png Cookies × 3Stone.png Stone × 6Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 30Community Token.png Community Token × 5 Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 40Exploration EXP.png Exploration EXP × 40


Once specific relationship levels are reached, Topi will send the player a letter which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Hey farmer, a lot of the adults around here are boring! But you go on all sort of adventures. You should train me so that I can be just like you when I grow up! Then I'll be able to adventure and protect Sun Haven. Yeah, I'm gonna grow up and become an adventurer, just like you!




When speaking to Topi for the first time in a new game:

Face Topi.png Um, hi... Who are you?
Player: My name's [Player]. I'm the new farmer.
Face Topi.png We have a new farmer? Nobody told me!

General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Topi and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Topi.png:"My mom gave me a gold coin, but I lost it on the beach... Don't tell!"
Face Topi.png:"I asked my dad if we could get a pet dragon. He said maybe!"
Face Topi.png:"Once I saw a lady dive into the ocean and disappear and I think she had a fish tail. No, really!"
Face Topi.png:"Doing homework stinks..."
Face Topi.png:"One day, I'm going to be a rich merchant like Anne!"
Face Topi.png:"Spring is alright, but I wish it were still winter! You can't make snowballs in the spring. Spring Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"My mom says summer is the best time for running. I don't know how she does it! Summer Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"Me and Pod are going to go swimming in the ocean. I bet I'll see a shark! Summer Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"The barbecue pits smell so good! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it... Summer Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"I asked Nathaniel to teach me how to use a sword, he told me to start with sticks. Summer Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"All the good mud dries up real fast in the summer. Summer Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"Do you think it'll snow soon, farmer? Fall Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"Me and Pod climbed a tree yesterday. He got stuck, but I helped him get down! Fall Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"I see you go into the mines a lot, farmer. Will you take me inside sometime? I'm not scared! Fall Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"I like how the leaves crunch when you walk on them. I wish they could fall all year! Fall Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"My dad says you have to take it easy in the fall, but he takes it easy all the time. Fall Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"I'm not cold! I'm tough, like a dragon! Winter Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"Wanna have a snowball fight, farmer? Winter Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"I like when the water freezes, then you can slide around on it! Winter Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"We made monsterfolk out of snow. Nathaniel got scared when he saw them! Winter Token.png"
Face Topi.png:"I wish I had some hot cocoa right now. Winter Token.png"


Cycle 1
Face Topi.png: It's nice having a new neighbor. I hope you like playing games!
Player: What is your favorite thing about living here?
Face Topi.png: I like that I live right next to Pod. It makes playtime easier. Lucia is real pretty, too.
Oh, don't tell anyone I said that!
Player: I'm going to tell! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: Noooo! We won't be friends if you do!
Player: I won't tell. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: Oh good... My friends would never stop making fun if they found out.
Player: I bet you know a lot about Sun Haven. What should I know?
Face Topi.png: The beach is the best place to find seashells. I have the biggest collection in town!
Player: What do you do with them?
Face Topi.png: Oh, nothing I guess. They're just pretty, is all.
Player: I'm going to make an even bigger collection!
Face Topi.png: Yeah right - you're on!
Cycle 2
Face Topi.png: Hi [Player]. I'm going to play Dragons with Pod!
Player: Your parents trust you to play without them watching?
Face Topi.png: I guess so. Anyway, Dad usually works on his sculptures outside so he can see me and Pod playing.
Player: You must be very responsible for your age. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: I guess so. I don't know.
Player: Is your dad good at watching you? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: I guess so. I don't know.
Player: How do you play?
Face Topi.png: First you have to make a dragon - mine is an ice dragon so you can't choose that one. Then, you have a dragon battle!
Player: I'll choose... lightning dragon! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: Whoa, cool! Nobody's ever played lightning dragon before!
Player: I'll choose... fire dragon! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: No fair, you just chose that because I chose ice. You play just like Pod!
Cycle 3
Face Topi.png: I'm soooo bored in school. The work is easy because I'm the oldest kid in class.
Player: Are you the oldest kid in town ,too?
Face Topi.png: I'm the oldest, unless you count Kitty.
Player: Why would I count Kitty?
Face Topi.png: She acts funny. She even plays with us, sometimes!
Player: Actually, I do count kitty.
Face Topi.png: She acts funny. She even plays with us, sometimes!
Player: You could ask for more challenging work.
Face Topi.png: I guess... but what if it's too hard then?
Player: You're smart, you'll figure it out. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: If it means I'm less bored then maybe I will. Thanks, [Player]!
Player: Then you work harder! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: Nooooo [Player], I don't want that at all.
Cycle 4
Face Topi.png: You're lucky you get to play on a farm all day!
Player: You know that what I do is hard work, right?
Face Topi.png: Sure, but it's fun because you get to play in dirt and mud and stuff too. Right?
Player: I try not to get too dirty. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: Figures, adults are always so boring.
Player: That's right, farming is a lot of fun! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: I knew it! I want to be a farmer too now, just like you, [Player].
Player: You get to play all day too, right?
Face Topi.png: It's not the same. When I get too dirty then I get in trouble with my mom.
Player: Your dad doesn't care?
Face Topi.png: He's usually dirty too, hehehe.
Player: Just clean up before your mom gets home.
Face Topi.png: Ooh, that sounds like something Pod would say. You're real smart, [Player]!
Cycle 5
Face Topi.png: I want a little sister, but mom says dad is too lazy to go and get one!
Player: You should tell your dad to try harder!
Face Topi.png: I try to, but he never listens. He just says "we'll see about it soon," but I want a sister now!
Player: I'd bet you'll have a little sister before you know it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: You really think so, [Player]? I hope it's a sister and not a brother, or Pod will get jealous!
Player: You shouldn't whine like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Topi.png: You sound like my mom.
Player: What would you do if you had a little sister?
Face Topi.png: That's easy. I'd teach her where my best hiding spots are, and how to play Dragons!
Player: What if she's better at Dragons than you?
Face Topi.png: Then we'd be the best brother and sister Dragon team ever!
Player: Where are your best hiding spots?
Face Topi.png: Well there's one right behind the record shop where... just kidding! I'm never telling you, [Player]!


  • Topi may confess to the player that he has a crush on Lucia, but he requests that the player keep this a secret (if the player agrees to keep it a secret, they will earn friendship points).
  • He enjoys collecting seashells for their appearance.

Sun Haven
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