Tickets Per Day

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Tickets per Day is one of the player's stats. It provides free passive Tickets income every day. These tickets are calculated at the start of the day (overnight). There are two related player's stats Gold Per Day and Orbs Per Day, which act similar to tickets per day but with different currencies.

This stat should not be confused with Gold Gain, which increases the amount of currency the player receives from all sources by a certain percentage.

Impacted By

This stat can be impacted by the following list of equipment items.

Item Effect Requirements Sell price
Darius Wedding Ring.png Darius Wedding Ring Attack Damage.png Attack Damage 5Gold Per Day.png Gold Per Day 500Tickets Per Day.png Tickets Per Day 35Health.png Health 15Mana.png Mana 20File:Bonus Experience.png Bonus Experience 10% Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0 100 Coins.png
Darius's Royal Heirloom.png Darius's Royal Heirloom Health.png Health 10Defense.png Defense 5Tickets Per Day.png Tickets Per Day 10Gold Per Day.png Gold Per Day 100 Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0 1 Coins.png
Xyla Wedding Ring.png Xyla Wedding Ring Attack Damage.png Attack Damage 5Defense.png Defense 5Tickets Per Day.png Tickets Per Day 50Health.png Health 20File:Bonus Experience.png Bonus Experience 10% Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0 100 Coins.png

Gameplay Mechanics
The Player
Equipment Amulets • Armor • Clothing • Keepsakes • Rings • Tools • Weapons
The Game
Game Basics Children • Controls • Events • Friendship • Game Time • Multiplayer • Seasonal Crop Effects • Seasonal Pests • Statistics • Quests • Races • Romance
Skills Combat • Cooking • Exploration • Farming • Fishing • Foraging • Mining
Primary Coins • Mana Orbs • Tickets
Special Black Bottle Caps • Candy Corn Pieces • Community Token • Mana Shard • Red Carnival Ticket
Seasonal Spring Token • Summer Token • Fall Token • Winter Token