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Angel is a silly young female who has a sense for good people. She makes jokes with the player during conversations and appears to be light-hearted and kind.

Angel has light purple hair and purple eyes. She has the lower-body of a goat, the upper body of a human, and a unicorn horn on her forehead.


Angel currently has only one schedule that they follow, regardless if it is sunny or rainy.

06:00Appears on the second level of the Grand Tree.


Title Objective Requires Rewards Bonus Rewards
Shiny Hooves Deliver hoof polish to Angel. Hoof Polish.png Hoof Polish × 1 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 15Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 60 Mana Orbs.png Mana Orbs × 10Coins.png Coins × 500Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 80


General Dialogue

General non-conversational dialogue between Angel and the player. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.

Face Angel.png:"Sometimes butterflies land on my horn when I'm napping."
Face Angel.png:"Did you know I'm the fastest runner in Nel'Vari? Well, except for the Centaurs. Nobody is faster than a Centaur."
Face Angel.png:"When I'm hungry, I go relax under a tree until some fruit falls down."
Face Angel.png:"Even though I'm not an Elf, Nel'Vari is the nicest home I've had."
Face Angel.png:"Hey! What's your hurry? Don't you want to dip your hooves in the river?"


Cycle 1
Face Angel.png: Hello again! So the Elder must like you, huh? Otherwise you wouldn't still be here. Anyway, I knew he would.
Player: What made you so sure the Elder would like me?
Face Angel.png: I have a sense for these things. Some people call it intuition, some tell me it's a magic sense.
I don't know which is true. I don't really care anyway. All I know is that I can always tell when a person has a kind soul.
Player: That's a useful skill.
Face Angel.png: It has certainly helped me out before. In fact, I might've never made it to Nel'Vari without it!
Player: What if I'm secretly evil?
Face Angel.png: Hah, yeah right - and I secretly have toes!
Player: What does the Elder do with people he doesn't like?
Face Angel.png: I don't think that's ever happened before, not while I've been here anyway. Not a lot of folks find their way in here.
I assume Salix would escort the person out of Nel'Vari. He's the big tree guy you saw guarding the entrance.
We don't need much security, but it's nice having him around just in case!
Player: You could be a guard, too! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Angel.png: What! Me?? Come on, you're pulling my hoof. I know I have a horn, but it's not meant to be a weapon.
You know, you're the only person who ever thought I could be a fighter! That includes myself, heheh.
Player: It sounds like this place would be completely helpless without him. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Angel.png: Don't be so quick to assume, [Player]. The Elves have their own safeguards in place, and I'm not talking about Salix.
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