A Heros Harvest

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Step 1:
Urgent Summons


  1. Talk to Tonya.png Tonya on the farm.
  2. Meet Lucia.png Lucia at the Town Hall.
  3. Speak with Bernard.png Bernard in the Town Hall.
  4. Return to the Sun Haven Farm.
  5. Return to Bernard.png Bernard in the Town Hall.


Urgent Summons

Tonya is visiting my farm. I better go see what she needs!

Face Tonya.png:"Hey there, farmer! I was doing delivering the daily mail when the Archmage herself stopped me. Apparently she needed me to tell you to visit her in Town Hall right away.
It seemed urgent... she was frazzled, to say the least. Excited, I mean. Talking a hundred words a second! She's normally so formal and composed.
Whatever she needs to tell you, I'd get there as soon as you can."

Tonya arrived on my farm with an urgent summons from Lucia. I wonder what it could be? I should meet Lucia at town hall as soon as I'm ready.

The Three Cities

Lucia has told me to speak to Bernard in Town Hall to learn what we need to get for the peace ceremony with Nel'Vari and Withergate. I should speak to Bernard!

Special Delivery

There's a special delivery waiting for me on my Sun Haven farm! I should see what it is.

Hero's Harvest

Everyone in Sun Haven pulled together to get everything I needed for Bernard! I should return to Bernard in Town Hall with everything.


It's time to celebrate a new age of friendship between Sun Haven, Withergate and Nel'Vari! I should speak to Clerk in Town Hall to begin the ceremony!


  • 1.1: Quest added to the game.