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Farming is the skill associated with planting, growing, harvesting crops on the farm, and caring for farm animals. It's one of the main sources for cooking ingredients.

How to Farm

When the player first begins the game, they are given a quest from Anne to plant some wheat. This serves as the introduction to farming within Sun Haven.

To till the earth the player must equip the hoe in the utility bar and left click the ground. Seeds can only be planted in tilled ground. To undo an area that was previously tilled, the player can right click while having the hoe equipped.

To plant seeds, the player must have the seeds on their utility bar (they cannot be planted from the inventory). If the cursor is above tilled ground, it will highlight and allow the player to plant the seed.

Once the seed has been planted, crops then need to be watered daily in order to grow. If a day is missed, the crop's harvest will be delayed a day. If it is raining the player does not need to manually water their crops. Crops that continue to grow after the initial harvest, still need to be watered every day to produce more crops. However, the player does not need to continue to water flowers around bee hives, for the bee's to continue to produce. Once the flowers are full grown, no additional care for the crop is needed. Tree's do not need to be watered.

Watering Cans only water one tile at a time. The more advanced the watering can the more water it can hold. The player will know how much water the can has by looking at the blue bar on the can icon. When the watering can has one more pour left, the player will hear a "thunk" noise. That same noise will persist ever click after the last pour until it is refilled. Once empty, they can be filled by standing next to a body of water and left clicking the mouse.

Later on in the game, the player unlocks the ability to cast a rain cloud spell. The rain cloud covers the width of 5 tiles, and travels 10 tiles.

Once the grow time of the seed has passed, the finished crop will glow slightly. This means it is ready for harvest! The player uses the scythe to harvest their crops. The axe or pickaxe will not damage or harvest the crops. They can only be harvested with the scythe. If the player uses the scythe on a crop that is not fully grown, it will tell the player how much time is left for that particular crop to grow.

To remove crops that have not fully grown, right click with the hoe. It will return the seeds for that crop to the inventory, allowing the player to plant them again.


The player is not able to buy crops outright in Sun Haven, they must buy the seed and grow the associated crop. Different seeds can be planted in different seasons, some seeds can be planted in all seasons. Seeds that can be planted in all seasons can be bought from the General Store. Seeds for seasonal specific or for flowers can be bought from the Farming Store.

Leveling and Skills

Experience Points

The user is granted experience for doing many farming activities. Tilling, watering crops, harvesting crops and animals. Different activities give a different amount of experience. Once Jam Maker has been crafted, jams can be created to give the player experience in skills. There are certain equipment in the game that can increase the experience gained while doing these activities.

Every level gives a skill point, and every skill has a level cap of 70. Additional skill points can be earned through quest rewards, crafted books, and potions bought from city hall. The player can get all skill points unlocked, and Sun Haven rewards this by giving the player a achievement for it.


Skills Page

Recipe Unlock

Some recipes for items will unlock as the player progresses through the skill, and reaches a certain level of that skill.



Scarecrows scare away pests that will eat the players' crops. Each season has its own set of pests, therefore each season has it's own scarecrow. Pests will attack all regions, so the player should expect to craft these for each of the farms. Scarecrows protect crops within five tiles in each of the cardinal directions, for a total area of 11x11.


Totems differ from scarecrows, because rather than scaring away pests they provide certain benefits to the farm. Similar to the scarecrows, totems also have a maximum number of 120 crops a single totem can provide benefits to.

There are many types of totems, some provide experience bonuses, give resistances to seasonal effects, or allow the player to plant non-native crops in various regions.


The fertilizer must be applied on the first day the seed planted. The same fertilizer cannot be added to a single crop more than once, so the player does not have to worry about accidentally wasting fertilizer. Each crop can only have one active fertilizer on it at a time, however, the fertilizer can be changed to a different type by applying that new type to the crop. Once the crop has been fertilized, it will have a sparkling animation, in the color of the fertilizer.

There are three main types of fertilizer:

  • Earth fertilizer gives a chance to grant extra crops upon harvest.
  • Water fertilizer gives a chance to keep the crop watered overnight.
  • Fire fertilizer speeds up growing time of the crop.

These types can be combined into magic fertilizer which combines all of the benefits into one. Slime fertilizer gives the benefits of water and earth, at different qualities, as it uses a special slime to be crafted.


Gameplay Mechanics
The Player
Equipment Amulets • Armor • Clothing • Keepsakes • Rings • Tools • Weapons
The Game
Game Basics Children • Controls • Events • Friendship • Game Time • Multiplayer • Seasonal Crop Effects • Seasonal Pests • Statistics • Quests • Races • Romance
Skills Combat • Cooking • Exploration • Farming • Fishing • Foraging • Mining
Primary Coins • Mana Orbs • Tickets
Special Black Bottle Caps • Candy Corn Pieces • Community Token • Mana Shard • Red Carnival Ticket
Seasonal Spring Token • Summer Token • Fall Token • Winter Token