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This page lists the dates and events the player has with Kai. Each event will be available to the player for one in game hour. If the player misses one of the events they cannot re-do them.


When the player first stumbles onto Kai, he is stuck in the sand. The player must trigger this cut-scene by walking up to him in the sand, he will only be available starting in Summer Year 1.

They're still breathing, but they seem to have lost consciousness!
Player: Shoo, crab!
Crab scuttles away.
Player: Are you alright?
Player: Hey buddy, no sleeping on the beach.
Face Kai.png: H-huh? Where... where am I...? Who was pinching...?
Player: You've washed up in Sun Haven.
Player: You don't look like you're from around here.
Face Kai.png: Urgh... hello there.
This is a little embarrassing for me to ask, but... could you give me a hand?
Player: Let me help you.
Player: What, don't you have legs?
Face Kai.png: That's better. I must apologize, this isn't normally how I prefer to meet a new friend.
Player: You're a Naga!
Face Kai.png: That's right! Did my snake tail give it away? That's usually what does it.
Face Kai.png:
Naga dialogue icon.png
Huh? Oh! No, nothing like that, friend. I'm merely a Naga. You're a Naga too, right? Have you... never seen another Naga before?
Face Kai.png: Huh? Oh! No, nothing like that, friend. I'm merely a Naga. Do you... not know what a Naga is?
Player: How did you get on the beach?
Face Kai.png: I'm... not sure. I don't seem to be harmed. I... can't quite recall, actually.
Player: You don't have any memory of what happened?
Player: You have amnesia?
Face Kai.png: I can't recall the events that lead me to arrive on your beach. Or anything else, for that matter.
Player: There's a doctor in town...
Face Kai.png: Doctor? Town? Wait, where have I washed up?
Player: Sun Haven.
Face Kai.png: Sun Haven...
It sounds... distantly familiar.
Player: Sun Haven, in the Western Region of the Four Regions.
Face Kai.png: Western Region?
Four Regions??
Player: Are you okay?
Face Kai.png: Forgive me. My head is a bit foggy, not to mention it feels like I've drank a barrel of sea water.
I thank you for helping me out of the sand, the sun was really beginning to cook me.
Player: Where are you going?!
Player: You're going the wrong way!
Face Kai.png: I need time to get my bearings and look around this strange land I've washed up on. May we meet again!
Player: Wait!
The mysterious Naga jumps into the water with a splash.

This leads to the quest A Stranger in Town.

Hangout Event

This event triggers from the cycle 4 dialogue. Kai will ask the player to show up at their cave the following day at 4pm.

Face Kai.png: Thank you very much for doing this! It should prove to be very enlightening.
Player: Don't mention it.
Player: Moving to a new place is hard... especially when you wash up on the beach.
Face Kai.png: Where shall I be taken first?
Player: Follow me!
The Player and Kai walk to the Bulletin Board.
Face Kai.png: I see. So, people come here to communally ask for and receive help from one another? What a fantastic concept!
Face Emmett.png: Hey there, [Player]. Whoa, who's your new friend?
Player: This is Kai, he just moved to town.
Player: He's Kai. He washed up on the beach!
Face Emmett.png: Well hey there, Kai. Welcome to Sun Haven.
Face Kai.png: Greetings to you! You must be one of Sun Haven's humble merchants.
Face Emmett.png: Uh, yeah. Something like that. I'm also at the farming store, the fishing store, the... well, [Player] can tell you all about it.
Player: This way, Kai!
Player: Come on, there's other cool things to see.
The Player takes Kai to the Library.
Face Kai.png: Ah, I see. A grand library! No doubt its halls are filled with all manner of ancient and mystic tomes, cataloguing fantastical histories!
Player: Something like that, yeah!
Player: Uh, sure, you could say that.
Face Amanda.png: Yeah... we also have a noise policy. Keep it down.
Face Kai.png: Oh, heheh, right. My apologies, tome-keeper.
Face Amanda.png: Ugh...
Face Kai.png: Books are wonderful, but what else does Sun Haven have to offer? I saw a tavern the other day...
Player: I know the owners! Come on.
Player: Not a book person? Fine, follow me.
The Player takes Kai to the Tavern.
Face Kai.png: Such warmth! The smells of cooking food, the chatter of world weary adventurers in search of a drink...
As a rugged explorer washed up on the shore, this must be the sort of place I would enjoy.
Player: That makes sense to me!
Player: Does it feel familiar to you?
Face Kai.png: It doesn't feel the most familiar yet, but I'm certain it will all come back to me soon!
Face Mari.png: Who's your new friend, [Player]? Handsome lad, he is.
Face Ronald.png: Ah, what do you mean 'handsome', wife? I'm in just as good shape as he is - my shape is just round!
Face Kai.png: I see the tavern keepers' words are as warm as their tavern![]I'm feeling a bit thirsty, might I get a round of your darkest brew?
Face Mari.png: Any friend of our farmer is a friend of ours! If you're lookin' for something nice and strong, we've got just the thing!
Mari hands Kai a mug full of a frothy, intense looking brew. You think you can hear it hissing, ever so slightly...
Player: I'm not sure you should drink that, Kai.
Player: That drink looks like it'll knock you out.
Face Kai.png: Nonsense! In my past life as a sailor and/or mercenary, I must have drank stuff like this all the time! Watch!
Kai takes a deep sip of the tavern grog, and immediately coughs it up.
Face Kai.png: Ye-ugh! Whew...!
Heh, okay, so... maybe my taste for drink has diminished a bit. It will likely come back to me when my memories do, I'm sure.
Player: I should show you town hall next.
Player: Come on, lightweight. Let's go to town hall next.
Face Mari.png: You two take care!
The Player takes Kai to the town hall, where they meet up with Lucia.
Face Lucia.png: Hello! I had heard Sun Haven had a new visitor. I see you've already acquainted yourself with our farmer.
Face Kai.png: I take from your robes and finery that you are Sun Haven's Archmage?
Player: Wow, how did you know, Kai?
Player: Wow, Kai! Lucky guess!
Face Kai.png: It was nothing, truly! I've spoken to many Archmages...
Face Lucia.png: You certainly carry yourself like a true-born dignitary! Did I hear your name was Kai?
Player: Kai?
Player: Hello? Kai? Is anyone in there? Hellooo?
Face Kai.png: Oh, please - excuse my rudeness. I suddenly feel slightly off balance. I may need to rest for a moment.
Face Lucia.png: Oh dear, please do be careful! [Player], would you see Kai back to his home?
Player: I've got him, don't worry.
Player: Kai's living in a cave, down by the ocean.
The Player takes Kai back to his cave.
Player: Are you okay, Kai?
Player: You look shaken up.
Face Kai.png: I-it's nothing. I just suddenly had a bit of a head rush, that's all.
Player: Are you remembering something?
Face Kai.png: I'm not sure...
Forgive me, my head is spinning. Maybe we should call an end to our tour?
Player: You should get some rest.
Face Kai.png: Yes, some rest would be good.
I must thank you for the tour, though. You did very good! I felt oddly comfortable being shown the sights of Sun Haven. I'm sure that had everything to do with your skills as a guide.
Player: I hope you feel better soon, Kai.
Player: Take it easy, pal.
Player: But I didn't even show you the big talking dragon!!
Face Kai.png: Hah, that sounds like certainly the sight to be seen! ...Perhaps another time, though?
I must thank you for the tour. You did very good! I felt oddly comfortable being shown the sights of Sun Haven. I'm sure that had everything to do with your skills as a guide.
Player: I hope you feel better soon, Kai.
Player: Take it easy, pal.


This event triggers from the cycle 9 dialogue. Kai will ask the player to show up at the library the following day at 5pm.

Kai Hangout 2
Face Kai.png: We're here!
Player: You took me to the library?
Face Kai.png: Well, it's certainly better than standing on the beach, isn't it? Heheh. And besides, look at the places we can go!
Player: ...Places?
Face Kai.png: That's right. While you can look out across the ocean and dream of lands beyond, books can actually take you to those places! Well, in your mind, at least. Unless they're magic books...These books aren't magic, I'm assuming.
Face Amanda.png: Listen, Kai, not that your little library date idea isn't super, duper cute and all, but could you keep it down over there, please?
*grumble*...no one ever takes ME on a library date...stupid lucky farmer... *grumble*
Face Kai.png: Oh! Yes, Amanda! We'll try to stay quiet.
Player: So what made you choose the library?
Face Kai.png: I don't need to do anything crazy or exciting with you, [Player]. Enjoying some books together would be perfect. We can explore the world together, in pages.
Player: You're so goofy, Kai. Goofy and romantic. +1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Aw, is that so? You're going to make me blush! Which book should we read first?
Player: Let's read a book about history.
Face Kai.png: History, huh? Believe it or not, it's one of my favorite subjects. Here, I picked out a good one for us. I'll read it...
Face Kai.png: 'History of the Four Regions and their peoples'. I figured I should read up on the Four Regions, since I'm living in them now!
Face Kai.png: Kai reads to you a chapter on the history of the Eastern Region. It's a bit boring, but Kai's narration is entertaining all on its own.
Face Kai.png: I could read books like this all day. There's always something new to learn, you know?
Player: Are we just going to read?
Face Kai.png: I don't need to do anything crazy or exciting with you, [Player]. Enjoying some books together would be perfect. We can explore the world together, in pages.
Player: Boooring. Can't we go slay dragons or something?
Face Kai.png: Haha! Come on, [Player]. Try it with me, at least. Which book should we read first?
Player: Let's read a story about romance.
Face Kai.png: A romance story on a date? That makes sense! Here, I picked out a good one for us. I'll read it...
Face Kai.png: 'The Runaway Heart'. Amanda tells me this is a good one!
Face Kai.png: Kai begins reading the story. It starts off a little slow, but quickly gets... awful saucy. By the end of the first chapter, you're both blushing.
Face Kai.png: Amanda certainly didn't undersell how spicy this story gets!
Face Amanda.png: Can you two please keep it down.*grumble* NO ONE reads to ME... How is THIS fair?? *grumble*
Face Kai.png: Oh! I'm sorry again, Amanda!
Player: Yeah, sorry.
Player: Oh yeah, I'm reeeally sorry, for real.
Face Kai.png: Why don't you pick out something new to read, [Player]?
Player: Like what?
Face Kai.png: You glance around your immediate surroundings. There's so many books, how can you choose one? Suddenly, a leatherbound book, edged in sparkling gold leaf, catches your eye.
Player: What about that one?
Face Kai.png: Ohh, 'Noteworthy People of the World'. This looks like an interesting one. Let's see...
...Old kings and queens... Archmages... Oh, hey, it's Lucia! And is this her grandfather? Hah! Same red hair.
It looks like you have to be either rich or important - or both! - to be included in this.
They were serious when they said 'the world', there's people from all over! Such great pictures of them, too.
...Hey! Look at this, this person has the same name as me, haha. I've never met another 'Kai' before.
Player: They... look an awful lot like you, too...
Face Kai.png: Hmm. Yes, look at their picture. You're right... It looks like me, but wearing ridiculous clothes. Maybe it's my long lost cousin?
...A cousin who is... named the same name as me?
Player: What does the book say?
Player: Yeah, that must be it...
Face Kai.png: Oh. Ahem... "Prince Kai of the Old Kingdom of Qh'aab, sixth son to Grand... Emperor... Xara...zik..."...
I'm sorry, I feel a bit dizzy all of a sudden.
Player: Kai... that's YOU.
Face Kai.png: ...Yes, that seems to be the case. Can you believe that? I guess I'm a prince. Xarazik... that name rings a bell...
I mean, apparently he's my father.
Player: I'm sorry but did you just say YOU'RE A PRINCE?!
Face Amanda.png: This is the last time I will ask. PLEASE be quiet.
Face Amanda.png: Why couldn't I have found a hot prince washed up on the beach... Stupid lucky farmer... *grumble*
Face Kai.png: Apologies Amanda but...Yes [Player]? According to this book. I must have been on some sort of journey when my ship crashed and I ended up in Sun Haven. The memories still won't come back...
Player: Don't you want to go back to your kingdom?
Player: We have to find a way to get you back to your kingdom!
Face Kai.png: Please, please, calm down...
I'm not going back to my kingdom.
Player: ... What?
Face Kai.png: I'm building a LIFE in Sun Haven. One where I do what I want, to make myself happy. I fish and cook, even if I'm not the best at either of those things yet.
...I don't want to be a prince to some faraway kingdom across the sea. Come on, [Player], don't you know me?
Player: Are you sure, Kai?
Player: You're serious?
Face Kai.png: Yes! Absolutely. Whatever I was before is in the past. What I am now is all that matters, and I'm just... Kai, from Sun Haven.
Face Amanda.png: That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
Face Amanda.png: ...If I had the chance to be a Princess I would take it.
Player: I support your decision, Kai.
Player: I hope you're making the right choice, Kai.
Face Kai.png: Thank you, [Player]. I know it might sound crazy to you, but think about it. I'm the sixth son to some stuffy old emperor? I probably won't even be missed over there. Well, maybe all of my various admirers will miss me, heheh.
Face Amanda.png: First you're talking in my nice quiet library, then you're screaming, now you're a Prince but you want to stay in this do nothing town?
Face Amanda.png: I am going to have to ask you to leave, now.
*grumble* I can't even. Imagine the library of a prince. And to just turn it down. What a waste of good literature! *grumble*
Face Kai.png: Heheh. You can't make everyone happy, I guess. That's one thing you don't have to worry about when you aren't a prince.
Player: This is a lot to take in...
Face Kai.png: Yes... I can agree with that. Maybe we should both sleep on it, eh? I don't want you to think that this changes anything between us. I'm not 'Prince Kai of Qa'bobwhatever'. I'm just Kai. The same Kai.
Except I was a prince. But not anymore!
Player: Yeah, let's sleep on it.
Player: I'm going to need a LOT of sleep...
Face Kai.png: Heheh... Oh, and, hey - maybe I don't need to even ask this, but do you think you could... not tell anyone? About me being a prince?
Player: Of course.
Player: Ugh, it's going to be SO HARD, but yes...
Face Kai.png: What about you, Amanda? Can I trust you to keep my se-
Face Amanda.png: Stop. Talking. To me.
Face Kai.png: Okay! Let's consider that a promise to keep the secret safe!
Face Kai.png: Goodnight, [Player].

Late Night Event

Kai Late Night Cutscene
Face Kai.png: Well well, [Player]. This is certainly a surprise. What brings you to my quiet little cave, so late at night... and alone?
Player: I just wanted to see you, Kai.
Face Kai.png: Just 'see'? But [Player], now that you're here, there's so much more you could do, heheh.
Player: I just wanted to a see a friend, that's all...
Face Kai.png: Heheh. Well, I am honored to a 'friend' you'd like to 'just see'. In the evening. Alone.
Player: I admit, your cave really does have a certain charm to it.
Player: Isn't it hard to host a guest in a cave?
Face Kai.png: Heheh. Some people don't get the simple charm of a cave. I've heard rumors of a she-Demon who lived in a cave to the north. They say she terrorized the land, until one day she left without so much as a trace.
I don't know about terrorizing any lands, but if a cave is good enough for a snooty Demon, then it's perfect for me.
Player: You sure know lots of stories.
Player: Is there anything you don't know, Kai?
Face Kai.png: Heheh... well, I do learn plenty of things. I'll tell you a secret that I know, though. Come here, let me whisper it to you...
Player: Whisper?
Kai's scaly tail wraps around the back of your waist, pushing you close into him. He kisses you, all four of his arms taking you by the shoulders.
Face Kai.png: I love you! That's the secret! Heheh.
Kai shows you some old maps he's collected since landing in Sun Haven. You get the impression he could talk about the subject all night, but you decide it's best to leave before it gets too late, besides, that tail of his is awful tricky...



Face Kai.png: This is the happiest day of my life!
Player: I can't wait to start our lives together. (This starts the ceremony.)
Player: I want to meet with our guests a bit longer.


Face Bernard.png: Quiet, please! Thank you. Now, let us begin.

We gather here in order to celebrate the sacred bond between two radiant beings - [Player] and Kai, our world-weary Naga. Today they join together as one and enter into this most intimate commitment.

In marriage, they will find comfort and safety as they journey through a life made more beautiful by their love.

To our soon-to-be-wed, I say this: make not a bond of love, but let your love carry you as the sea carries a ship, and let your happiness show as clear and visible as a white sail filled with wind. Kai, would you like to say a few words before the exchanging of vows?

Face Kai.png: When I woke up for the first time on Sun Haven's sandy, crab-pokey shores, I had no idea that the face I saw looking down on me in concern would be the very face I would begin to see in my dreams each night!

I know I am not from Sun Haven, but I consider it my adoptive home - and all of you who are here today are something like my adopted family. Well, my adoptive neighbors, at least! I hope for many long and happy years in Sun Haven spent among you all, with my love by my side.

Face Bernard.png: Well spoken! So do you, Kai, take [Player] to be your wedded partner?
Face Kai.png: I left a life of royalty to cross a sea and end up shipwrecked on the sandy beach of a land I had only ever read about in books. After an adventure like that, there's no way I'm going to give you up for anything, [Player]! Heheh, in other words...

...I do!

Face Bernard.png: And now, [Player], I ask: Do you take Kai to be your wedded partner?
Player: I do.
Face Bernard.png: Kai, [Player], before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage.
With the power granted to me by the officiating office of the Great City, I hereby declare you joined in matrimony. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss!
Player: I do not. (This will end the ceremony.)
Face Bernard.png: Oh dear! This is ... very, very unfortunate.And awkward! Emmett, quickly... take everything down, get the guests out of here...

((Emmett, quickly! Pour the memory loss potion in the punch bowl... Make sure everyone has a drink before they leave... No one will have to remember a thing...))

...Oh, um, excuse me, everyone! Let's all have some refreshments before we leave...!


If the player talks to the various NPCs after the main ceremony, they will have different responses congratulating the player on their marriage.

Face Anne.png:"It seems like just yesterday I was barging through your door for the first time... Now look at you!"
Face Catherine.png:"This is such a beautiful wedding, I told myself I wouldn't cry, but..."
Face Claude.png:"Congratulations on the marriage. I couldn't imagine standing up in front of everyone and getting married like that."
Face Darius.png:"So this is how they celebrate marriage in the Human town... Consider me unimpressed."
Face Donovan.png:"Hey, good job on getting married. Hope you have lots of happy years together, and all that. So is there going to be any food, or..."
Face Iris.png:"This is so different from an Elven wedding... Oh - still nice though!"
Face Jun.png:"Oh, [Player]. I'm so happy for you! If you ever need any advice, you know where to go."
Face Kitty.png:"Congratulations, congratulations! You make such a cute cute couple, nya!"
Face Liam.png:"Emma and Elizabeth weren't too bothersome during the ceremony, were they? They were both so excited, they wouldn't stop fidgeting... Oh, and congratulations!"
Face Lucia.png:"Watching two of Sun Haven's citizens joined in matrimony is truly heartwarming. Congratulations, [Player]."
Face Lucius.png:"May your marriage be as beautiful and eternal as the moon!"
Face Lynn.png:"This is the biggest wedding I've ever been seen. It seems like half the town is here!"
Face Miyeon.png:"W-what? Cry? I can't help it... I always cry at weddings...!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Don't worry, I was on alert through the whole ceremony."
Face Shang.png:"This is the start of a union between you and yours, [Player]. May it be a blessed and happy one."
Face Vaan.png:"Human ceremonies are so much more practical than Elven ones. It's funny how our cultures differ, even in celebration."
Face Vivi.png:"That's it? No one is even going to start a fight? Boooring."
Face Wesley.png:"Is that the end of the ceremony? Hm."
Face Wornhardt.png:"What a wonderful ceremony! It's good to have nice things like this to focus on. It's not just a special day for you, you know. The whole town is celebrating."
Face Zaria.png:"Well, [Player]. Here's to happy years with the person of your dreams."
Face Karish.png:"You finally tied the knot, [Player]! I hope you have a happy marriage!"
Face Emmett.png:"Don't worry about the chairs, I'll gather them all up."
Face Peter.png:"Looks like you landed the big fish!"
Face Kara.png:"Days like this remind us what it means to be part of a community."
Face Tonya.png:"The best thing about marriage? Permanent workout partner! Hm, when is the last time Giuseppe joined me on a jog..."
Face Giuseppe.png:"Tonya ran a marathon the day after our wedding... I slept in."
Face Emma.png:"Farmer! Are you going to have a baby now??"
Face Elizabeth.png:"Hello, farmer! Liam told us to say congratulations...... Congratulations!!"
Face Topi.png:"Can we play games now?"
Face Pod.png:"Do I have to get married like this someday, too?"
Face Bernard.png:"Here's to many happy years together!"

Wishing for a Child

Wishing for a child cutscene
Player: I want to have a child.
Face Kai.png: I knew I would find you here. Something in my heart told me to come here, so... I did. I feel you've made a wish, for children? I can't believe it's finally time to have a family of our own!
...So this is it? We just wish at a well? Huh... The books I read as a child painted this much differently. But who cares what old books say! What do you say, [Player]?
Player: Let's do it.
Face Kai.png: Yes, let's. I can't wait to meet our child, [Player]! This is the beginning of a new chapter for both of us.
Your wish has been made. The magic of the wish will make your house ready for the new baby! Next time you sleep, the magic's powers will take hold…
Player: Actually... I'm not ready yet.
Face Kai.png: It's alright. We can always do it later, or never at all. Heheh, I want you to do what will make you happy, [Player].