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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Kai. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Kai.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Kai, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Kai.png: Sun Haven, Sun Haven... I've been thinking, and I'm pretty sure I remember reading about Sun Haven before.
Player: What did you read about Sun Haven?
Face Kai.png: It's a famous town. I suppose I pictured it being bigger, based on everything I'd read about it. Isn't Sun Haven supposed to be the largest city in the Four Regions? How small is everywhere else?!
Player: You're thinking of the Great City.
Face Kai.png: Great City? Oh, alright. It seems the Four Regions has more than one famous settlement. I must have been getting my memories crossed.
Player: You're thinking of the wrong place.
Face Kai.png: ...'Great City'? Oh, alright. It seems the Four Regions has more than one famous settlement. I must have been getting my memories crossed.
Player: Don't you want to go back to your home?
Face Kai.png: My home? I don't remember where 'home' is. For all I can remember, maybe I was escaping scrutiny. Maybe I was a pirate! Or a fisherman. Or I got stuck on a boat.
Either way, I'm here in Sun Haven now. I'll stay a little while, I think.
Player: Don't you have family?
Face Kai.png: Ah, yes. My wife and six kids...
No, only kidding! I remember enough to know that I was a single snake before... whatever happened. As for any other family or friends I may have left behind, well... I don't recall right now.
Player: What about your family?
Face Kai.png: Ah, yes. My wife and six kids...
No, only kidding! I remember enough to know that I was a single snake before... whatever happened. As for any other family or friends I may have left behind, well... I don't recall right now.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Kai.png: Greetings again, [Player]. Hm? What are you looking at? Do I have something in my teeth?
Player: So... about the arms...
Face Kai.png: Arms? Oh! Yes, my four arms! You must not be accustomed to seeing someone who looks like me. I've had them all my life. They aren't hard to live with, if that's what you're concerned about.
Just the opposite, really! They're very helpful. I feel quite special to have them, like they mark something great about me.
Player: They make you look very unique! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: It warms me to hear you say so. I believe the mark of a good person is when one can appreciate another's differences.
Player: They just look odd... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Should I be sorry my body offends you? It is sad to see you're so close minded.
Player: How are you getting along so far?
Face Kai.png: I'm doing just fine! I'm still settling in to my little cave home, but I'm sure I've got the skills to get everything I need up and operational. I'm having a bit of an issue finding enough wood to suit my needs, but I'll collect enough eventually.
Player: I can help you get some wood. Quest:Home Improvement
Face Kai.png: Oh, no. I wouldn't want to ask you to go to any trouble. ...Ah, but if you insist, then I will gladly accept your help! Thank you!
Player: Yeah, it can't be easy turning a cave into a house.
Face Kai.png: It's not, but I feel comfortable with what little I have. It's... liberating.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Kai.png: Hello there, [Player]. How goes your business today?
Player: What are you up to, Kai?
Face Kai.png: I've started to explore Sun Haven. You spoke truly when you said before that people here are friendly. No one seems to question that I'm a new citizen of the town, or treat me differently because of it. I've yet to approach anyone directly, but it's a wonderful first impression.
Player: Have you met the Archmage yet?
Face Kai.png: Archmage? Such a familiar title... are they your town's leader? Archmage, Archmage... it's as if I've heard that title many times before.
...But, no. Not yet. Maybe I will meet her soon?
Player: You should meet our Archmage, if you haven't.
Face Kai.png: Archmage? Such a familiar title... are they your town's leader? Archmage, Archmage... it's as if I've heard that title many times before.
...But, no. Not yet. Maybe I will meet her soon?
Player: Have you remembered anything else yet?
Face Kai.png: I have not. But I've been searching through some of the floating wreckage that has washed towards the shore with me. I've been piecing together who I must have been, based on what I'm finding. I'm looking for clues, essentially.
Player: Who do you think you were?
Face Kai.png: Well... I've found barrels of salted meat, a few sabres sunken into the coral, pieces of armor... I'd say I must have been a member of a traveling group of warriors! Perhaps I was an explorer, or maybe a mercenary of some kind? Very exciting!
Player: Were you a PIRATE?!
Face Kai.png: Haha! I don't know about that, but I've found barrels of salted meat, a few sabres sunken into the coral, pieces of armor... I'd say I must have been a member of a traveling group of warriors! Perhaps I was an explorer, or maybe a mercenary of some kind? Very exciting!

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Kai.png: Hello, [Player]! Don't mind me - I'm just finding my way through Sun Haven. Can I be honest with you, though? I've been passing people by, yet I still feel a shyness about approaching them.
Perhaps my skills do not lie with meeting new people? Odd, considering I must have been quite the dashing charmer before I lost my memories!
Player: What if I showed you around town? It might even jog your memory. Quest:Hangout Event
Face Kai.png: Like a tour? That would be a wonderful idea!! You could show me around all of your town's important places. We might even run into a few of your friends - you could introduce me.
Not to mention that it may prove useful for my elusive memories, yes. Hah, this will be quite helpful. My thanks, in advance.
Player: What time works best for you?
Face Kai.png: Let's say tomorrow, at 12 pm? You can meet me right out in front of my cave! I'll be waiting!
Player: Well, on second thought, I might be busy.
Face Kai.png: Really? I would understand if that was the case, of course. If the fates change, then let's say tomorrow, at 12 pm? You can meet me right out in front of my cave! I'll be waiting.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Kai.png: Hm? Ah, hello, [Player]! My apologies if I seem a bit distant. I've a lot to think about at the moment.
Player: Are you feeling alright, Kai?
Face Kai.png: Physically I feel perfectly fine. However, after speaking with your Archmage, my mind has been racing. I'm not sure why, but it feels like...
Player: Like your memories are returning?
Face Kai.png: ...Maybe. I had a strange dream last night, where I was speaking with row upon row of Archmage, dressed in their fancy robes. The conversations we had were distant and distorted, as if underwater.
But one thing I did feel for certain was that I was immeasurably bored by all the talking, as it never seemed to end. I hope that doesn't mean I find Lucia boring to talk to! She seems like quite a nice lady.
Player: ...like you have a CRUSH on Lucia?!
Face Kai.png: No, nothing like that. But after speaking with her, I had a strange dream the other night. I was speaking with row upon row of Archmage, dressed in their fancy robes. The conversations we had were distant and distorted, as if underwater.
But one thing I did feel for certain was that I was immeasurably bored by all the talking, as it never seemed to end. I hope that doesn't mean I find Lucia boring to talk to! She seems like quite a nice lady.
Player: Are you starting to get comfortable in Sun Haven?
Face Kai.png: I think I am! It's a wonderful place, I would have visited years ago if I had known such a quaint gem like this town existed. I dare say that I'm even beginning to fit in.
Player: Sun Haven would be happy to have you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Thank you! That means very much coming from you, believe me. If you think so, then I'm certain the rest of Sun Haven would agree.
Player: You're a bit strange for Sun Haven. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Is that so?! I... I see. I realize I'm a bit different from someone you might usually see in Sun Haven. Perhaps I won't fit in as nicely as I was hoping...


Cycle P6

Cycle P6
Face Kai.png: Such lively children in this town! If you're not careful, they'll run circles around you.
Player: I take it you met Topi and Pod?
Face Kai.png: Yes, the two human boys? I forget how energetic youth can be. They were in awe of my four arms, it was quite hard to deny helping them in their quest to build a mountain fort.
Player: A fort... on a mountain?
Face Kai.png: Well, we didn't build on a real mountain. It was more like a small hill, but you know how children can be. To them and their imagination, it was a mountain!
Player: A mountain fort sounds a bit dangerous.
Face Kai.png: Well, we didn't build on a real mountain. It was more like a small hill, but you know how children can be. To them and their imagination, it was a mountain!
Player: Have your memories come back at all?
Face Kai.png: Ah... no such luck with that, I am afraid. I've been hoping that exploring more of Sun Haven might jog something in my mind, but so far it isn't. It's alright, though. I'm starting to make plenty of friends here. My memories can wait, I think.
Player: I wish there was something I could do to help you.
Face Kai.png: Please, friend. You have helped me far more than enough. If I can have a good life surrounded by friends, then that can be enough...
Kai smiles, though he brushes the topic off.
Player: Are you sure you're okay, Kai?
Face Kai.png: Yes! Please, friend. Don't worry about me. If I can have a good life surrounded by friends, then that can be enough...
Kai smiles, though he brushes the topic off.

Cycle P7

Cycle P7
Face Kai.png: Ah, is my tail still looking wet? I was hoping my scales would dry by now...
Player: Why is your tail all wet?
Face Kai.png: Oh, it's nothing terrible. It's just that last night, as I lay snoozing in bed... well, the tide sort of... came in stronger than usual. It, well, flooded my cave a bit.
Player: Are you okay?!
Face Kai.png: Of course! It wasn't a lot of water, but it was a bit unexpected. I'm just thankful I had picked up my books before sleeping. The water would've ruined them for sure.
Player: Ugh, tell me about it. My farm got invaded by a giant talking weed.
Face Kai.png: Oh my! That certainly makes my issue seem minor in comparison. Perhaps I should be grateful for the problems I have, heheh.
Player: Living so close to the ocean must come with risks.
Face Kai.png: I admit it does. But you can't beat the fishing! Peter has been tutoring me lately. He's a guy who certainly appreciates the concept of living close to the water.
Player: What has Peter taught you?
Face Kai.png: The secrets of the angler, of course! Or at least he's beginning to teach me. It isn't an easy skill to master, but Peter seems to enjoy teaching. He would make an excellent instructor, if he ever decided to become a teacher!
Player: Have you been getting any good at fishing?
Face Kai.png: I'm improving! I'm able to snag my own meals now without much effort. Of course, I don't catch the best fish, but all skills can be mastered. At least I have plenty of food in the meantime!

Cycle P8

Cycle P8
Face Kai.png: I love the library, though lately I fear I'm running Amanda's patience thin...
Player: What kind of books have you been reading?
Face Kai.png: History and geography! I find both subjects fascinating. Not to mention that there's a chance I may remember something while reading. I can feel bits and pieces of fractured memories toy at the edge of my mind. Quite frustrating, really, heheh.
Player: What's your favorite land to read about?
Face Kai.png: Currently, my favorite is Sun Haven! I live here now, after all. And for such a small town, it's brimming with important and impressive history. It might seem odd, but I feel strangely as if I was meant to be here.
Player: Do you really think books hold answers?
Face Kai.png: Maybe they do, and maybe they don't. It's not that I'm reading specifically to find answers. I do it for my own enjoyment. Should something trigger my memories, then that's all the better. At the moment I'm reading a lot about Sun Haven, actually.
For such a small town, our Sun Haven is brimming with important and impressive history. It might seem odd, but I feel strangely as if I was meant to be here.
Player: Amanda can be a bully.
Face Kai.png: I won't deny your experiences with her, though I think she's just misunderstood. She seemed quite excited to share her favorite books with me. I think she just has trouble opening up to people!
Player: Yeah, right. Amanda is a jerk.
Face Kai.png: Don't think that way, [Player]! You must get to know someone before you can truly judge their character.
Player: You could be right...
Face Kai.png: I feel you must get to know someone first, before you can truly judge their character. It certainly helps to keep an open mind.

Cycle P9

Cycle P9
Face Kai.png: Oof! Why didn't anyone warn me of how dangerous the wilderness could be!
Player: What's wrong, Kai?
Face Kai.png: I was just taking a stroll into the eastern wilderness, when a group of unruly little monkeys attacked me! I managed to escape their banana-slinging and make it back to town, where Roza chased them off.
Player: Lucky for you Roza was there!
Face Kai.png: Yes, very much so. Though when I thanked her for the rescue, she responded by calling me a 'softy'! What do you think she meant by that?
Player: You couldn't beat the chimchucks yourself?
Face Kai.png: Ah, I confess... no. They were fast! And they were throwing BANANAS! Ah - perhaps my skills don't lie in combat. After rescuing me, Roza called me a 'softy'. What do you think she meant by that?
Player: Aren't you used to defending yourself?
Face Kai.png: If I have a past as an adventuring rogue, then I must surely be adept at defending myself. Though on my recent exploration into the forest, I was sent retreating by a group of angry monkeys!
Player: At least you're not hurt.
Face Kai.png: Perhaps only my pride. Although those monkeys were armed with bananas, and were leaping from tree to tree. The greatest of warriors wouldn't pose a challenge to them!
Player: You got out in one piece, that's what matters.
Face Kai.png: I very much agree, [Player]. Thank you for feeling the same way!

Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Kai.png: Here's a friendly piece of wisdom - you can't bake in a cave...
Player: ...Why were you trying to bake in a cake?
Face Kai.png: I wanted to make a cake! As a way of aplogizing. Allow me to explain... you see, the other day as I was walking through Sun Haven, I came across a huge field of wheat...
Player: Let me guess - Liam's field?
Face Kai.png: Heheh, yes... you may already know how this story goes, it seems. I thought the wheat to be free, and took some for my own use. Imagine my shock when poor Liam is running up to me, frantically asking why I'm stealing his crops!
He understood when I explained that I didn't realize they were his personal property, but I still wanted to do something nice. To show him I truly meant no harm.
Player: I know where this is going.
Face Kai.png: Heheh, yes... you may already know how this story goes, it seems. I thought the wheat to be free, and took some for my own use. Imagine my shock when poor Liam is running up to me, frantically asking why I'm stealing his crops!
He understood when I explained that I didn't realize they were his personal property, but I still wanted to do something nice. To show him I truly meant no harm.
Player: Do you think you did much baking in your 'past' life?
Face Kai.png: Hm... well, if I did then I've forgotten everything about the craft! Which is funny, as I do rather enjoy baked breads and sweets. I do remember vague memories of enjoying fine pastries, served on shining platters.
Hm... maybe I was the son of a baker? Or... maybe I just lived next to a baker? Agh, now I'm going to be thinking about this all day!
Player: Liam bakes some pretty fancy stuff, too.
Face Kai.png: That he does! I can't put my finger on it, but I feel as if what Liam bakes tastes all the more sweeter. Maybe it's because I share a more personal connection to Liam, than I ever did with whomever baked the pastries from my memories? Hmm...
Player: Just how fancy are these pastries we're talking about?
Face Kai.png: They were quite 'fancy', to be sure! Though despite that, I feel as if what Liam bakes tastes all the more sweeter. Maybe it's because I share a more personal connection to Liam, than I ever did with whomever baked the pastries from my memories? Hmm...


Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Kai.png: Sun Haven has some truly delightful denizens! It's as if there's an inviting aura in the air, especially now that I'm meeting more new people.
Player: Have you been meeting the people of Sun Haven?
Face Kai.png: I have! I had gotten the impression Sun Haven was a fair place, but I'm now learning how truly friendly it is. When I washed up on your shore, I admit I wasn't sure how best to approach others.
I'm still not certain if I'm doing everything right, though people seem to find me charming enough, heheh.
Player: Do you find it hard to talk to others?
Face Kai.png: I'm not sure. I feel like it should be easy, though after pleasantries are dispensed I find myself grasping for things to say...
I'm fortunate that you're easy to speak with, at least. Maybe it's just because you pulled me from the sands, but I feel you're easier to connect with.
Player: You seem like you're a natural schmoozer.
Face Kai.png: I do feel like it should be easy, though after pleasantries are dispensed I find myself grasping for things to say...
I'm fortunate that you're easy to speak with, at least. Maybe it's just because you pulled me from the sands, but I feel you're easier to connect with.
Player: What about the jerk librarian?
Face Kai.png: Ah, you mean Amanda? I had no qualms with her. She was actually rather helpful. She said it was refreshing to have someone who didn't want to chat, but only wanted to read.
Player: Wow, you're great at making peace! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Peace is easy to achieve, if you happen to know what the other side wants. Some people don't enjoy being bothered. Amanda is like a sleeping tiger... Leave her alone, and you don't get torn to ribbons.
Player: What? I don't believe it! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Please don't think I would lie to you. You just have to know how to size people up - there are some people who don't enjoy being bothered. Amanda is like a sleeping tiger... Leave her alone, and you don't get torn to ribbons.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Kai.png: Do you do much fishing, my dear [Player]? Sun Haven has some amazing fishing! It might be the best place I've ever fished, if memory serves. Which... it doesn't!
Player: Are you handy with a rod?
Face Kai.png: I love eating fish, and I thought I'd be experienced at fishing - most Naga are, you know. But it turns out I'm not very good at it! Imagine that - a high seas rogue like me, bad at landing a fish!
Very strange, truthfully. Fishing seems like a skill you would never forget, no matter what happens. ...Perhaps while washing ashore, I bumped my head on a reef especially hard?
Player: You should talk to Peter.
Face Kai.png: Peter, you say? Ah - my neighbor at the fishing store! He must be another friend of yours, am I right? Hah! I'll speak with him the next time I see him, maybe he can reawaken my skills with the rod.
Player: Sun Haven has plenty of people who can teach you to fish.
Face Kai.png: I do see many an angler, fishing from the docks of the beach. Perhaps the old man? Though he seems like he naps more often than fishes, heh. But still, I'm sure someone can reawaken my skill swith the rod.
Player: What other hobbies do you have?
Face Kai.png: I find reading to be relaxing. The library in Sun Haven is full of books that cover the local histories as well as far away lands. Amanda told me that it seemed absurd that an adventuring type like I would find such pleasure in books.
Player: Reading is a great way to experience the world. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Perhaps not as exciting as venturing out into the world, but reading is very convenient - and safer, heheh. You don't tend to wash ashore on beaches when you're merely reading about lands across the sea.
Player: You look nothing like a bookworm. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: ...Worm? What do you mean by that? I wasn't trying to assert that I was anything, merely that I enjoyed reading about the world.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Kai.png: Sun Haven is a lovely place. I could see myself staying here awhile, especially with you.
Player: Do you think about leaving Sun Haven?
Face Kai.png: When I first arrived, I wasn't entirely sure I would being staying here. However, I feel like this place may offer me something that I won't find anywhere else. Maybe it was fate that I washed up upon these shores?
Player: Fate doesn't exist - it was just a coincidence.
Face Kai.png: Perhaps you're right, though I did find the idea to be romantic. -1 Heart.png Points
Player: I believe it's fate, too.
Face Kai.png: So you believe in fate as well, [Player]? Then it's true - our hearts may be two, yet they beat in tandem. +2 Heart.png Points
Player: Are you ever going to move out of your cave?
Face Kai.png: Well, it's not the most comfortable of abodes, but I think I quite like it! It's a space all my own, which feels very liberating. Besides, at night, the sound of the waves on the beach are very relaxing.
Player: Sleeping in a cave makes you feel liberated?
Face Kai.png: It's not specifically sleeping in a cave that is liberating. It's more that... I have my own space. It's mine, and no one else's! Maybe it's better to have a cave of my own, than a castle I'm confined to?
...What a curious way of putting it. I must have read that saying in a book once, heheh.
Player: Falling asleep to sea waves does sound nice...
Face Kai.png: The waves are nice, but it's much more than that... I have my own space. It's mine, and no one else's! Maybe it's better to have a cave of my own, than a castle I'm confined to?
...What a curious way of putting it. I must have read that saying in a book once, heheh.

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Kai.png: We should see more of each other, [Player].
Player: Don't we see each other a lot? Quest:Date
Face Kai.png: No, no, I mean see each other alone! A date, you know. Do I have to spell it out for you, love?
Player: Oh. Right. A date! That sounds nice.
Face Kai.png: I know you all too well. I have something special planned that I think you may truly enjoy. Meet me in front of the my house, tomorrow at 5 pm?
Player: I'm a little busy.
Face Kai.png: Is that so? I hope you can find some spare time. I have something special planned that I think you may truly enjoy. If you are able, meet me in front of my house, tomorrow at 5 pm?

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Kai.png: Ah, hello, [Player]... I apologize, I'm having a hard time coming to terms with everything. Just as I was becoming comfortable, my memories come back... and now I am not sure how to feel.
Player: What do you remember, Kai?
Face Kai.png: I am the sixth son of Emperor Xarazik, a ruler of a kingdom far across the Eastward Sea. I grew up in the Seraglio, my father's palace.
As the sixth son, I was far from being of any real importance. I met with fellow dignitaries and performed all the tasks that befit my station. Which is to say, I lived a very boring life!
So I left. With my memories gone, I could have been anyone I wanted to be. But now I must be myself - and I worry how my past may change how others perceive me.
Player: I don't see you any differently, Kai.
Face Kai.png: Thank you, [Player]. That alone puts much of my worries at ease. I merely do not wish to be treated differently, but I also do not want to deceive others and lie about my past. Changing my story is something I can no longer do.
Player: No one will treat you differently just because you're the son of a super rich, super powerful emperor. ...Probably?
Face Kai.png: Thank you, [Player]. That alone puts much of my worries at ease. I merely do not wish to be treated differently, but I also do not want to deceive others and lie about my past. Changing my story is something I can no longer do.
Player: So... you're not a skilled adventurer?
Face Kai.png: I confess, I have no skills in adventuring or combat. I recall that I always wished to learn to fight, though my father never gave me the chance. I was his sixth youngest son, and he took very little interest in me.
My eldest brothers were more important, and therefore more worthy of his attention.
Player: You're number one to me, Kai. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Do you truly mean that, [Player]? Heheh, I've always wanted to matter as more than proof my father could sire sons. To truly matter to someone... it fills me with joy.
Player: That's not very exciting. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: If only I could be a dashing adventurer, but that is not my life. I'm sorry if I set up expectations that I can no longer live up to, [Player].

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Kai.png: Hello, my dear. Forgive me if I feel distant. My memories are back, yet my mind is still a tempest.
Player: How have you been feeling?
Face Kai.png: I feel alright enough. I've just been reflecting on my time here in Sun Haven. For instance, I suddenly see why speaking to Lucia always tugged at my memories.
When I was prince, I spoke to many Archmages. Both those of my father's court, and those from foreign lands... namely, the Four Regions. When I spoke with Lucia, it was as if I was being taken back to the days of audiences with Archmages.
Player: Do all Archmages look as fancy as Lucia?
Face Kai.png: They do, yes! Whenever I would see their wild robes and hear them speak of matters concerning distant lands, I was always reminded that there was an entire world outside the walls of my father's palace.
Player: You've met lots of Archmages?
Face Kai.png: Dozens - well, dozens of dozens! Whenever I would see their wild robes and hear them speak of matters concerning distant lands, I was always reminded that there was an entire world outside the walls of my father's palace.
Player: Will you tell me more about your life as a prince?
Face Kai.png: I don't like to dwell too much on the topic, but for you I shall make an exception.
My family life was very cold. I never knew my mother, and although I knew I had sisters, I never met them. Servants to my father raised and tutored me, a task they performed out of duty... and nothing else.
When I think about my childhood, I realize that it was neither happy, nor exactly sad. It was... nothing. I find that fact makes it somehow all the more worse.
Player: I'm sorry, Kai. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: ...Thank you. I know it may sound a bit anticlimactic, but despite my royal upbringing I lived a very boring life without many stories to tell.
Player: You should be more grateful for what you got. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Grateful for a lonely life? I would have rather been raised a penniless peasant, had it meant I would've had a mother and father that cared for me.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Kai.png: I find myself looking across the sea at night, wondering about all that sits across the endless horizon. What I'm trying to say *yawn* is that I'm having some restless nights lately.
Player: Do you remember how you ended up washing ashore in Sun Haven yet?
Face Kai.png: Ah, in fact, the memory came back to me. It's a funny story, actually. You see, when I decided that I was going to leave my homeland, I knew that I wanted to sail over the Eastward Sea and find a land called Sun Haven.
Heheh, that's right! I remember reading about Sun Haven, and how it was a place that one could go to in order to find what they've been missing. I attempted to secretly charter several vessels, though no captains would dare 'kidnap' a son of the emperor.
In the end, I purchased a small ship and stocked it with supplies. Naga are naturals at sea, right? Well... I made good progress, until I was shipwrecked by a raging beast! Its massive white tentacles broke my ship into splinters. It was a miracle I made it to shore unscathed.
Player: I guess you really are a little bit of an adventurer, Kai! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: I suppose I am, aren't I? Heheh. And it's a miracle that you found me, too. Little did I realize at the time, but you would be the beginning of a bright, bright future.
Player: Crossing the ocean by yourself was incredibly reckless. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Yes, it was not a great idea, in hindsight. Please don't scold me, though. I did what I had to do in order to find happiness.
Player: Have you been keeping your mind off the past?
Face Kai.png: It's been easier than I thought. Despite my worries, whenever I tell others of my past, they treat me no differently than before. They're amazed at the story, of course, but I can't hold that against them. A secret prince has lived among them all this time, after all!
Player: Forget your father. You can be the prince of Sun Haven!
Face Kai.png: A tempting offer, but would I offend if I declined? Heheh, I just want to be normal, lives-in-a-cave-and-dates-a-farmer Kai. Besides, what would Lucia have to say of such an idea, heheh?
Player: You shouldn't worry about what anyone thinks.
Face Kai.png: Maybe I shouldn't, but it still makes me happy to know that I am among people who accept me for whatever I want to be. It's not a feeling I've ever known before, you know?

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Kai.png: [Player]! I was looking for you.
Player: What's that you've got there, Kai? + Kai's Golden Necklace.png Kai's Golden Necklace
Face Kai.png: It's something I found. Well, it was mine, but I found it washed up on the beach when I first 'arrived' in Sun Haven. It's a locket, with a powerful gem set inside of it. It was a trinket of mine when I was still Prince Kai.
It's a symbol of a life I left behind, and one I am now ready to let completely go of. I want you to have it, [Player]. My life in the past lies across the Eastward Sea. But my life from this point forward belongs with you.
Thank you for bearing with me as I've sorted through my memories and fears. Talking and being with you has kept my feet on the ground throughout everything. Well, I don't actually have feet but... you get what I mean.
Player: It's beautiful. Are you sure you want to give this to me?
Face Kai.png: Yes! Like I said, I don't need it. I don't care how beautiful it is - it is nothing compared to you. But I know you'll have a use for it. Let it symbolize a new life, for both of us.
Player: It radiates with power. Are you sure you want to give it away?
Face Kai.png: Yes! Like I said, I don't need it. I don't care how powerful it is. But I know you'll have a use for it. Let it symbolize a new life, for both of us.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Kai.png: Kitty told me I should have a 'cave warming' party. Like a house warming party, only with my cave.
Player: Are you ever going to get a house?
Face Kai.png: But a cave is a house! Or it's a house to me, rather. In my homeland we had a saying: 'Silk without a hole can not be patched'. Though here in Sun Haven I've heard the saying goes, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.
Player: As long as you're comfortable.
Face Kai.png: Believe me, I am! A peaceful cave is a paradise compared to what I escaped from.
Player: You should at least get a door for your 'house'.
Face Kai.png: Ah, but then people will knock at it and make a ruckus. Better that they just pop their heads in and let me know they're visiting!
Player: You like fish, but what other food do you like?
Face Kai.png: I'm a simple snake. Give me something well spiced, and I'll eat it. Have you ever had scorpion before? Delicious, with a splash of apple wine and coated in spices.
Player: Then you're easy to cook for! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: As far as I'm concerned, you can cook me anything, anytime, [Player].
Player: So there's nothing special I can make you? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Oh, [Player]. Don't say things like that. Anything you make me would be special. I don't have to have something special already.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Kai.png: My fingers are beginning to look rough. Doing my own work is really changing my body.
Player: Do you miss having servants?
Face Kai.png: Hmm, if I am being completely honest? Maybe only a liiittle. Sometimes. But normally, no. I'm proud to be taking care of myself, even if I'm still learning how to day by day. Of course, you've been much help with that.
Player: I'm here whenever you need help. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: And I shall never, ever forget that. I owe you much, and I swear that I will repay it by being as dedicated and loyal to you as a snake can be. You have my word, [Player].
Player: You shouldn't rely on me so often. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Don't think my aim is to take advantage of you, [Player]. If you're worried about something like that, by all means, I can always back off...
Player: Life as a simple peasant is a lot different from being a prince, huh?
Face Kai.png: It is, it is! Not everything is different. For instance, I realized why I have a bit of a talent for making peace... once I recalled all the peacekeeping and playing nice I was required to do in my old life, heh.
The one thing that is most different is that I'm not guided around everywhere I go. I'm quite used to being ushered by guides, but being left on my own to figure things out is so much sweeter.
Player: What if you can't find what you're looking for?
Face Kai.png: It's true. Sometimes I fail. But when I fail, I fail. No one but me. It is my own choices, my own experiences and my own lessons. And no one to tell me that I'm doing anything wrong, or that I have another boring meeting with a drab diplomat!
Player: Have you been building muscle?
Face Kai.png: I think so! All the work I do gathering firewood and food is starting to pay off! Look, let me flex for you!
...Eh, eh? See those bulging muscles?? ...Oh come on, they're there! Bah, maybe we're just in bad lighting right now...

Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Kai.png: I traveled to Dragon's Meet the other day. Lucia insisted that I make the journey.
Player: Did you meet Elios?
Face Kai.png: I did! He's certainly much bigger up close. I've seen dragons before, but none compare to a Guardian Dragon. No wonder Sun Haven stays so safe. This is to say nothing of his peerless wisdom.
He also knew of my father, and a great deal of the lands where I hail from. It shocked me to learn his knowledge of the world stretched so far! It is good that Elios is so happy to share his wisdom and power.
Player: He asked you questions, didn't he?
Face Kai.png: He did! I wasn't comfortable at first, but I couldn't resist the urge to answer Elios truthfully. It was as if he was looking at my very soul.
He told me that my wayward spirit had a place in Sun Haven, and that he had watched as I grew to belong. Hearing it come from such a great being really has a way of dispelling any lingering feelings to the contrary.
Player: What did he say to you?
Face Kai.png: He told me that my wayward spirit had a place in Sun Haven, and that he had watched as I grew to belong. Hearing it come from such a great being really has a way of dispelling any lingering feelings to the contrary.
Player: Did you have a safe trip to Dragon's Meet?
Face Kai.png: We did! Lucia is a very talented mage, though I suppose that's why they call her an Archmage. I've met plenty of Archmages in my time, but seeing one in action is another thing entirely.
Player: You think I'm weaker than Lucia? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Just what are you insinuating, [Player]? I can't tell if you're asking such a question out of jealousy, but you should know better.
Player: They don't call Lucia an Archmage for nothing! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: That's right! Remind me to never get on Lucia's bad side. I like things hot - but not 'torrent of roaring flames' hot!

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Kai.png: The air in Sun Haven is so pure. It's good for clearing my head of doubt... and lingering memories.
Player: What do you see in your future?
Face Kai.png: I see me, growing old in Sun Haven, surrounded by friends and family. You're there with me, of course. Right where you belong - by my side!
Player: You sound like you know exactly what you want. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: That's good! Because I do. Sun Haven has grown on me. It's my home now, and I see no reason to leave it anytime soon. Or ever, really.
Player: You can't know for sure what the future will bring.
Face Kai.png: Well, no. Maybe I can't... but that doesn't mean I can't be confident. I thought you'd be happy to know how I felt.
Player: Kai, are you happy with our relationship?
Face Kai.png: Of course I am. I'm happier with you than I've ever been before. I don't care how many ships I crash... You are one thing I will never forget.
Player: I feel the same way, Kai.
Face Kai.png: Then let us make a lifetime of memories together, [Player]. Ones that I can look back on and be happy with.
Player: I want to spend forever with you.
Face Kai.png: Heheh, forever is a very long time, you know. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try, right?


Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Kai.png: It feels like a chapter of my life has closed, and new one is about to be written. Are you feeling the same way, [Player]?
Player: What would a book of your life be called?
Face Kai.png: That's a fun question. Let me think... Probably, "The Handsome Naga Who Washed Up On A Beach And Married A Farmer". It's not a great title, but it gets the point across really well.
Player: If it gets the point across, then it's a great title.
Face Kai.png: I suppose you're right about that. But still, is it snappy enough? Now I'll be thinking about this all day!
Player: What about, "Kai: Life Unknown"?
Face Kai.png: Ohh, mysterious. I kind of like it. Now I'll be thinking about this all day!
Player: Are you truly ready to move on from your past?
Face Kai.png: That's quite a question to wait until AFTER marriage to ask, heheh. But please, my love. Don't worry about it. You must understand by now that I truly am not focused on the past, but my future. With you.
Player: I know I shouldn't worry. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: I'll just have to make sure I really prove to you that I'll never leave Sun Haven. I can think of a few ideas how...
Player: I can't help but worry. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: You must learn to stop worrying, [Player]. If you don't, this question will haunt you forever. It's no way to live.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Kai.png: You know, I should help you out on your farm! I could be your farmhand.
Player: Aren't you busy with other things?
Face Kai.png: Well, I'm still working on my fishing. Sometimes I help Peter haul in his fishing nets. Then I also help Amanda sort books at the library. Four hands are better than two, whether it's fish in a net or books on a shelf.
Player: You do enough, Kai. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Kai.png: Is it wrong that I'm relieved to hear that? I love helping out, but I love watching you work even more.
Player: It's okay, I don't need any help.
Face Kai.png: Heh, you aren't just saying that because you think I'd be bad at farming, do you? Perhaps it's best if we never find out. I can save myself some embarrassment!
Player: You'd probably make a good farmhand.
Face Kai.png: Well, I do have four hands. I could hoe the ground, plant a seed and water it all at once! Though even for me that might be a bit tricky.
Player: Forget being a farmhand, your arms are great for giving extra big hugs.
Face Kai.png: That might be the sweetest and most farm-specific thing anyone has ever said about my arms. Come here, my love. You deserve a hug!
Player: What about a miner? Four pickaxes.
Face Kai.png: This is true. I can break rocks in half the time! Imagine all the gemstones I could find.

Cycle 20

Cycle 20
Face Kai.png: You aren't working too hard, are you, love? It's as if you're always pushing yourself to your limits!
Player: If you didn't end up in Sun Haven, where else would you have liked to live?
Face Kai.png: Hm, I don't know. I never gave that question much thought. I've been doing a lot of reading, I've heard that there's a desert in the Eastern Region. I'd like to explore it one day, if you'd travel with me.
Player: I'd love to see the eastern desert with you.
Face Kai.png: Perhaps someday in the future, we'll both go there together. For the immediate future, however, let us focus on our lives here!
Player: I'd rather stay in Sun Haven.
Face Kai.png: Then forget about the desert. I already have! What desert are we talking about? I know no deserts.
Player: You know, I think you'd fit into another town around these parts...
Face Kai.png: Oh really? Which town is that, love?
Player: Withergate, the monster city.
Face Kai.png: Withergate? The name sounds intriguing, though also dangerous. You'd have to go with me. You know, for protection!
Player: Nel'Vari, the Elven village.
Face Kai.png: I've met some good Elves in my time. To see an ancient village of theirs would be a remarkable sight. If they're friendly to an outsider, I don't see why I wouldn't go for a visit.

Cycle 21

Cycle 21
Face Kai.png: You know, I was thinking, and... Why don't we take our marriage to the next level, [Player]? I speak of children, of course! Maybe it's time we had one of our own?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Kai.png: I knew you would feel the same way! I'm ready to become a parent whenever you are, my love!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Kai.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Kai.png: Is that so? I'm perfectly okay with not having children if it's not something you want. As long as you're happy and content, I'll be the same.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Kai.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!