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This page lists the dates and events the player has with Xyla.

Hangout Event

This event triggers from the cycle 9 dialogue. Xyla will ask the player to show up at their house the following day at 5pm.

Face Xyla.png: So, here we are. I remember you saying that there was more to you than I thought. I'm ready to find out now. Go ahead, impress me!
Player: Impress you how?
Face Xyla.png: Well, I don't know, sewer rat. Are you telling me there's nothing more to you? What I see is what I get?
Player: You haven't even scratched the surface! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: Is that so? Well then I can't wait to dig deep!
Player: At least I don't have to act tough all the time. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: It's not an act, outsider. Keep talking like that and you'll see firsthand.
Face Xyla.png: Still, you are the first outsider from Sun Haven to have reached Withergate. That still amazes me, you know.
After the rumors started, we worked hard to make sure Withergate was near-impossible to reach from Sun Haven for our own safety.
Player: What do you mean?
Face Xyla.png: Oh, it's boring to get into. Just that once the Humans started spreading rumors about Withergate, we realized that Sun Haven was a dangerous place for monsterfolk.
We cursed the forest with fog and left that nasty old dog to guard the boat. I never thought somebody would actually ask the dog for a ride!
Player: It was a really clever puzzle, though. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: It can't have been that clever if you figured it out.
Then again, you've shown that you're not completely useless. Maybe you're the kind of person we want to find Withergate after all.
Player: Your defenses are weak. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: Our defenses are perfect. Don't turn this into something ugly, outsider.
Face Xyla.png: I guess, in a way, I'm glad you broke our defenses. It's been fun messing with you, at least!
And maybe I'm actually starting to like you. Maybe.
Player: I'm just glad I got to meet you.
Player: Look at that - you're being nice!
Face Xyla.png: Okay, that's enough nice talk. Is everyone in Sun Haven like this? How do you stand it!?
Player: You're not very good at dating, are you? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: I have some trouble, but only when the date is a complete flop - like with you.
Player: Don't worry, we can go back to trading insults whenever you want. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: Thank goodness... All those Humans in Sun Haven, no wonder they're so soft. Being nice is exhausting.
Face Xyla.png: Well sewer rat, it's getting late and I have work to do. Somehow, this wasn't all that bad!
Player: "Not all bad" sounds like the perfect night to me. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: Heh, I agree. Thanks for the fun, sewer rat. I'll see you around!
Player: Okay Xyla - this was fun!
Face Xyla.png: What are you, a child? This wasn't some playdate, you know!
Anyway, I'll see you around, sewer rat.


This event triggers from the cycle 11 dialogue. Xyla will ask the player to show up at their house the following day at 5pm.

Face Xyla.png: So? Aren't you going to compliment my apartment?
Player: It's really nice.
Face Xyla.png: Hah! Sure, okay. That didn't sound rehearsed at all!
Player: No really, I love how it looks in here! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: Now you're just trying too hard, [Player].
Player: Fine then, your apartment stinks. Big time. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: There's the sewer rat I know! Thanks from the bottom of my heart, truly.
Face Xyla.png: You know, these apartments are some of the nicest rooms in Withergate - outside of the castle, of course.
Player: Would you want to live in the castle?
Face Xyla.png: What, like a queen? Queen Xyla? Xyla, the Genius Demon Queen? Uh, no, no I've never even thought about it before.
Player: You wouldn't be good at it, anyway. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: You better hope I'm never queen, or you're going right into a dungeon.
Player: Sure, it totally sounds like you've never even thought about it... +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: All right, you've got me. Do I fantasize about it before I go to bed sometimes? Sure. Have I planned out exactly how to overthrow the Demon King and take his throne? Of course.
... Wait, what was the question?
Face Xyla.png: As fantastic as I would be as Withergate's queen... Queen Xyla... it's not really the job for me. The power is totally appealing, but the actual work is not really my speed.
Player: I'm surprised you think so.
Player: Don't you think you could do it?
Face Xyla.png: It's not like I think I'd be bad at the job, but the everyday work is actually quite boring. A looot of paperwork.
Besides, trying to make a city of people happy doesn't sound like my kind of fun. My whole life I've been good at one thing, and that's making myself happy.
Player: I agree, I don't need to be a ruler to make myself happy. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: I think anyone that needs power to be happy is psychotic...
Don't get me wrong, power is a ton of fun! But there's a difference between having it and needing it.
Anyways, this was fun, but it's getting late. I'd invite you to stay the night, but... nah. Talk to you tomorrow, sewer rat.
Player: That's a pretty low bar. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Xyla.png: If you think making yourself happy is a low bar, then I don't know what to tell you, sewer rat. You should talk to someone, I guess.
Anyways, this was fun, but it's getting late. I'd invite you to stay the night, but... nah. Talk to you tomorrow, sewer rat.

Late Night Event

Xyla Late Night Event
Face Xyla.png: Right now? Hah, I'm game. Sit down.
You look tense. Are you second guessing your little impromptu date?
Player: (option 1) Not at all.
Face Xyla.png: That's what I like about you. Sometimes, you say exactly the right thing. Sometimes. Most people never do.
Player: (option 2) Well...
Face Xyla.png: What I like about you is that sometimes, you say exactly the right thing. Sometimes. Most people never do, so you're slightly better than the common rabble.
Player: So, the drink bar in here...
Face Xyla.png: What? Thirsty?
Player: I could go for a drink.
Player: Thirsty for you, maybe.
Face Xyla.png: Clever. I think I know something you'd like, actually.
Xyla throws her arms around you, embracing you. She kisses you, growling slightly as she does, before releasing you.
Face Xyla.png: What's wrong? Can't handle a little kiss? You're really going to lose it when I tell you that I love you, bwahahah!
Xyla prepares a couple of drinks. She hands you a glass of black, fizzing liquid. She downs it in one gulp, you can barely tolerate just smelling it. It tastes... really horrible.
Xyla makes fun of you for awhile, before showing you a shred of mercy and changing the topic. You decide it's best to leave before it gets too late.



Face Xyla.png: This is the happiest day of my life!
Player: I can't wait to start our lives together. (This starts the ceremony.)
Player: I want to meet with our guests a bit longer.


Face Bernard.png: Quiet, please! Thank you. Now, let us begin.

We gather here in order to celebrate the sacred bond between two radiant beings - [Player] and Xyla, of Withergate. Today they join together as one and enter into this most intimate commitment.

In marriage, they will find comfort and safety as they journey through a life made more beautiful by their love.

To our soon-to-be-wed, I say this: make not a bond of love, but let your love carry you as the sea carries a ship, and let your happiness show as clear and visible as a white sail filled with wind. Xyla, would you like to say a few words before the exchanging of vows?

Face Xyla.png: Yeah, yeah. Really lovely setup. Too many flowers for my taste, but whatever makes my lucky little spouse happy.

I didn't think I'd ever find someone who could tolerate my venom, most people cower and scurry away when I sink my claws into them. I'm not above admitting when I've met my match, though. Let's seal this deal with a kiss already and get on to things that are actually important.

Face Bernard.png: Well spoken! So do you, Xyla, take [Player] to be your wedded partner?
Face Xyla.png: [Player], what words do I have to say that you shouldn't already know? This is the start of an incredibly powerful union that will rock the foundations of Withergate - and the world - to its core.

Many have tried and failed to stand beside me. In you I find not just love, but someone worthy. Let me cut right to the chase...

...I do!

Face Bernard.png: And now, [Player], I ask: Do you take Xyla to be your wedded partner?
Player: I do.
Face Bernard.png: Xyla, [Player], before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage.
With the power granted to me by the officiating office of the Great City, I hereby declare you joined in matrimony. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss!
Player: I do not. (This will end the ceremony.)
Face Bernard.png: Oh dear! This is ... very, very unfortunate.And awkward! Emmett, quickly... take everything down, get the guests out of here...

((Emmett, quickly! Pour the memory loss potion in the punch bowl... Make sure everyone has a drink before they leave... No one will have to remember a thing...))

...Oh, um, excuse me, everyone! Let's all have some refreshments before we leave...!


If the player talks to the various NPCs after the main ceremony, they will have different responses congratulating the player on their marriage.

Face Anne.png:"It seems like just yesterday I was barging through your door for the first time... Now look at you!"
Face Catherine.png:"This is such a beautiful wedding, I told myself I wouldn't cry, but..."
Face Claude.png:"Congratulations on the marriage. I couldn't imagine standing up in front of everyone and getting married like that."
Face Darius.png:"So this is how they celebrate marriage in the Human town... Consider me unimpressed."
Face Donovan.png:"Hey, good job on getting married. Hope you have lots of happy years together, and all that. So is there going to be any food, or..."
Face Iris.png:"This is so different from an Elven wedding... Oh - still nice though!"
Face Jun.png:"Oh, [Player]. I'm so happy for you! If you ever need any advice, you know where to go."
Face Kai.png:"Fantastic ceremony! The love in the air is practically palpable."
Face Kitty.png:"Congratulations, congratulations! You make such a cute cute couple, nya!"
Face Liam.png:"Emma and Elizabeth weren't too bothersome during the ceremony, were they? They were both so excited, they wouldn't stop fidgeting... Oh, and congratulations!"
Face Lucia.png:"Watching two of Sun Haven's citizens joined in matrimony is truly heartwarming. Congratulations, [Player]."
Face Lucius.png:"May your marriage be as beautiful and eternal as the moon!"
Face Lynn.png:"This is the biggest wedding I've ever been seen. It seems like half the town is here!"
Face Miyeon.png:"W-what? Cry? I can't help it... I always cry at weddings...!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Don't worry, I was on alert through the whole ceremony."
Face Shang.png:"This is the start of a union between you and yours, [Player]. May it be a blessed and happy one."
Face Vaan.png:"Human ceremonies are so much more practical than Elven ones. It's funny how our cultures differ, even in celebration."
Face Vivi.png:"That's it? No one is even going to start a fight? Boooring."
Face Wesley.png:"Is that the end of the ceremony? Hm."
Face Wornhardt.png:"What a wonderful ceremony! It's good to have nice things like this to focus on. It's not just a special day for you, you know. The whole town is celebrating."
Face Zaria.png:"Well, [Player]. Here's to happy years with the person of your dreams."
Face Karish.png:"You finally tied the knot, [Player]! I hope you have a happy marriage!"
Face Emmett.png:"Don't worry about the chairs, I'll gather them all up."
Face Peter.png:"Looks like you landed the big fish!"
Face Kara.png:"Days like this remind us what it means to be part of a community."
Face Tonya.png:"The best thing about marriage? Permanent workout partner! Hm, when is the last time Giuseppe joined me on a jog..."
Face Giuseppe.png:"Tonya ran a marathon the day after our wedding... I slept in."
Face Emma.png:"Farmer! Are you going to have a baby now??"
Face Elizabeth.png:"Hello, farmer! Liam told us to say congratulations...... Congratulations!!"
Face Topi.png:"Can we play games now?"
Face Pod.png:"Do I have to get married like this someday, too?"
Face Bernard.png:"Here's to many happy years together!"

Wishing for a Child

Wishing for a child cutscene
Player: I want to have a child.
Face Xyla.png: I was in the middle of some important city planning when an urge I couldn't ignore took over me. Why am I not surprised you were behind it, love? You're wishing for children, aren't you?
You actually think I'll settle down and have a kid, [Player]? Well... It WOULD be nice to have a little version of myself running around. The world had better beware!
Player: Let's do it.
Face Xyla.png: I hope you're ready to be the second favorite parent, my dear.
Your wish has been made. The magic of the wish will make your house ready for the new baby! Next time you sleep, the magic's powers will take hold…
Player: Actually... I'm not ready yet.
Face Xyla.png: Then why are we wasting our time here? Let's go. We can come back when you're ready.