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Introduction Dialogue Lines Needed

This page lists the dialogue lines for Xyla. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.


Face Xyla.png:"Make way, sewer rat!"
Face Xyla.png:"What are you looking at, sewer rat?"
Face Xyla.png:"How's it feel to be in the company of the upper class?"
Face Xyla.png:"If you keep staring at me, I'm going to remove your ability to stare at anything."
Face Xyla.png:"Don't try me, outsider, or I'll show you what these horns can do."
Face Xyla.png:"Is that the scent of fresh flowers I detect on you? Ew. I'm allergic to flowers. Spring Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Let me guess? It's spring in the outside world, isn't it? Ugh, I'm thankful I live somewhere that doesn't have seasons. Spring Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"I wonder how much longer that old goat Minos can realistically hold the throne for... huh? Go on, tell him I said it! Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Witergate keeps getting bigger and harder to maintain. Maybe I should take on an apprentice. Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Hmm, 50 tickets... I wonder if that will be enough... Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Darius struts about like some kind of self-centered peacock. I can admire the energy, but the boy should learn his place. Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"The idea of relaxing on a hot beach sounds... nice. I'd have to tolerate the sun, but how bad can it really be? I've seen other Demons do it, why can't I? Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"That carnival just keeps getting better and better! It must be because I built it, eh [Player]? Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"The trees in Sun Haven change color in the fall? Beautiful colors? Ugh, how boring. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"I've seen Humans dressing up like monsterfolk to celebrate their weird little customs. Honestly? I think it's hilarious. Maybe I should join in sometime and see how many idiot Humans realize I'm no costume! Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"The bats are starting to migrate south for the winter already. It must be getting colder. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Out of my way, I've got business that needs doing. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"This city stays operational no matter what time of the year it is. It may always be night, but this city never sleeps. Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Have a complaint about the city? Take it up with Minos or Darius, I've got better things to do. Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Aw, is the little sewer rat cold because of the big bad winter? Toughen up. Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"You mean that the Humans spend time decorating for winter? That sounds like a horrible waste of time to me. I'd rather decorate for myself than some stuffy old tradition. Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Spend a winter in Withergate. I'm sure even you could agree we do it better than your Sun Haven. Winter Token.png"


Face Xyla.png:"Nobody in this town takes my punches like you, [Player]!"
Face Xyla.png:"Sitting on the royal council is mostly just dealing with citizens. And mostly, it's dumb citizens."
Face Xyla.png:"What's the Human town like, anyway? Boring, right? Yeah, I figured."
Face Xyla.png:"I don't have a lot of close friends in Withergate. Most people scare too easily."
Face Xyla.png:"Darius and Cordelia are both behind on their work for King Minos... Once again, Xyla picks up the slack."


Face Xyla.png:"Don't start hanging around me all the time just because we're dating. I still have an image to maintain. "
Face Xyla.png:"It took me a long time to earn a reputation as a tough Demon here. I don't need you messing that up! "
Face Xyla.png:"What are you looking at? ... Jeez, your eyes are gorgeous. "
Face Xyla.png:"You know I still think of you as a sewer rat, right? "
Face Xyla.png:"If anyone asks, you're a gladiator instead of a farmer. Got it? It's less embarrassing for me. "


Face Xyla.png:"Did you know that your face is way too easy to make fun of? I thought you should hear it from someone who loves you! "
Face Xyla.png:"Sewer rat! Aw, you crawled out of a sewer and into my heart. How gross! "
Face Xyla.png:"I like the ring you gave me, but it could use a couple of spikes. "
Face Xyla.png:"Now that we're married, my reputation here is basically ruined. "
Face Xyla.png:"One day, I'll have to visit Sun Haven - just to freak everyone out! "
Face Xyla.png:"I've seen Humans giving each other flower boquets to celebrate the spring. Try something like that with me and you'll be wearing the boquet as a hat, my dear. Spring Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"You still stink like fresh flowers... but honestly, my allergies don't seem to bother me much anymore. Spring Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"What should I build next, [Player]? Perhaps a palace for the two of us? Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Should I still call you sewer rat? But no, that would imply I'd love a sewer rat. Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"I expect you to do a lot for me, [Player]. That's the price of being with someone like me! Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"You'll need to wash all that Sun Haven off you before hopping into bed with me, [Player]. Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Sometimes I miss my old cave. There are far too many idiots here in Withergate. Though I suppose you aren't one of them, [Player]. Summer Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Is it hard to be with someone so brilliant? I must cast quite the shadow... I hope you don't mind the dark, sweetie. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Dynus lives the perfect life. Laying on his riches, being worshipped and catered to. Try doing that to me more often, got it? Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"The wind howls and the trees of the dark forest shake... ah, truly my kind of weather! Be a good sewer rat and keep me warm. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Oh - what's that utterly foul smell? Oh, it's you. Well, at least you look cute. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Forget your changing leaves in that ramshackle Sun Haven. I'm the only thing you need. Fall Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Tell me, darling, which is more cold? The snow - or me? Ha! Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Snow would be a terrible headache to deal with. Thankfully we don't have that issue here, so I can focus on the things that really interest me... like you, for instance. Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"I heard the Humans give gifts in the winter to those they love. You'd better be getting me the biggest gift of them all! Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"Feeling cold? Drop by my place, we'll see if I can't warm you up a little bit. Winter Token.png"
Face Xyla.png:"It's cold but I'm with someone who is at least partially on my level. I'd say I'm feeling pretty good right about now, [Player]. Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "A [item]? That's what I'm talking about! Thanks [Player], I actually appreciate this!"
  • Liked: "A [item]! Hey, look at you! I'm surprised you didn't screw this up, water balloon."
  • Good: "A [item]. I guess this isn't the worst gift I've ever gotten."
  • Disliked: "An [item]. Wrong. Better luck next time, sewer rat."

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Xyla a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Xyla's birthday is the 11th of Fall.

Face Xyla.png:"Wow, you got me a crummy gift for my birthday. How unexpected."
Face Xyla.png:"A decent birthday gift. I'll take it."
Face Xyla.png:"Well, you know what a girl like me wants for my birthday? Perfect."
Face Xyla.png:"My, my. Trying to impress me? It's working. This might be the best birthday gift I've ever gotten - though to be fair, not many are brave enough to try offering me one."

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Xyla.png: What's this? Buying me a drink, huh? I've trained you well, my little sewer rat. You know exactly how I like my drinks - free!
Not Married
Xyla drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Xyla.png: That was a terrible drink. Wait, what were we talking about, again? What was I... did I forget something? Ah, whatever. It probably wasn't important.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Xyla drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Xyla.png: That's it? Next time, get me something with a little kick. And why do I have this ring on my finger? Ugh, it's absolutely atrocious. What in the world was I thinking when I put this thing on?


Xyla has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted any color Crown:

Face Xyla.png:"Perfect. How did you know a crown was just my style?"

When gifted Snappy Plant:

Face Xyla.png:"A little snappy plant? How adorable. You've done well, [Player]. Keep it up, won't you?"

When gifted Heavy Crossbow:

Face Xyla.png:"What a beautiful crossbow. Did you get it for me? How thoughtful. I'm actually at a loss of rude words for you right now."

When gifted refined concrete, glass, or plastic:

Face Xyla.png:"Oh? Why thanks. I could always use more building material. We go through this stuff like crazy."

When gifted a Chess Board:

Face Xyla.png:"A chess board? Hm... alright, I'll take it. Thanks."

When gifted an Apple:

Face Xyla.png:"Aw, a nice healthy snack. Pass."

When gifted Coal:

Face Xyla.png:"You got some nerve gifting me a lump of coal. I'm going to be honest, it's a little attractive."

When gifted a Leafie's Leaf:

Face Xyla.png:"Oh wow it must have been so hard to slay such a dangerous little leaf monster. I can hardly believe you survived, sewer rat."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Xyla.png:"Grew this on your little farm? I'll humor you and take it. Thanks a lot."

When gifted Wheat Seeds:

Face Xyla.png:"Huh? I don't farm. Keep your seeds to yourself."

When gifted Bone Gift:

Face Xyla.png:"Ew. What kind of Demon do you think I am? Give me something with a little bit of meat on it next time."

When gifted gold ore or bars:

Face Xyla.png:"Gold, how original. Useless for building and ugly to boot. Fail."

When gifted a Ruby, Sapphire, Amethyst, or Diamond:

Face Xyla.png:"A useless sparkly rock, just what I always wanted. Not."

When gifted Rel'Tar's Mark

Face Xyla.png:"Gah! What is this Elven junk? Get it away from me!"

When gifted Xyla Record:

Face Xyla.png:"What? Is your taste in music hot garbage or something? It must be, if you're giving me this record back!"

When gifted Xyla Wedding Ring:

Face Xyla.png:"Is my ring not stylish enough for you? Poor baby. Give it back, then."

When gifted Xyla's Queen Chess Piece:

Face Xyla.png:"You have some nerve giving me this gift back. It's almost attractive, if it wasn't so enraging."

When gifted Darius's Royal Heirloom

Face Xyla.png:"What's this...? PFFFFT!! BWAHAHA!! Did you actually con Darius into giving you this?! What a riot! What an utter lark. I LOVE it. I can't wait to show him who you gave his precious crown to, bwhahaha!"

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem

Face Xyla.png:"Huh? What's this? Ohh, you'll get in some real hot water if anyone around here catches you with something like THIS. Me, though? I don't fear the creatures who made this. Who knows? Maybe someday, I'll even rule them."

When gifted Ticket Counterfeiter:

Face Xyla.png:"What is THIS? This thing is producing the counterfeit tickets?
First, I'm going to take this thing apart, piece by piece, and see EXACTLY how they stole my designs... Then, I'm going to find out who made this... And I'm going to take THEM apart piece by piece!"

When gifted Ticket Counterfeiter Schematic:

Face Xyla.png:"What's this?
...THIS IS MY SCHEMATIC. Where did you get this, XX?! You'd better tell me or else-...!
...*SIGH*. Never mind. You're a very good little farmer for bringing me this, but I think I'd rather find out for myself who stole these from me. It will give me plenty of time to think about what I'm going to do to them..."

Morning Gifts

When married to Xyla, there is a chance she will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above her head, and will be available until the player talks to her.

When gifting Red Velvet Cupcake.png Red Velvet Cupcake:

Face Xyla.png:"There's a baker in Withergate who makes the best cupcakes. He said he wouldn't deliver to Sun Haven, but a few slices of my claws changed his tune. Go on, try one."

When gifting Silk.png Silk × 5:

Face Xyla.png:"I bought a roll of the best silk I've ever seen. I think it was spun by some tree hugging Elf. Make me something beautiful with it, won't you?"

When gifting Fabric.png Fabric × 5:

Face Xyla.png:"It's so hard to find good fabric in this town. It's not much to work with, but I know you'll make me something wonderful with it... right?"

When gifting Ruby.png Ruby × 3:

Face Xyla.png:"I don't care too much for shiny rocks, but the rubies remind me of blood. Which reminds me of things I love. Which reminds me of you."