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This page details out the mail the player receives from Xyla. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Xyla will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
Hello Sewer Rat,

You've been such a pest, all of Withergate is talking about you sneaking into my city. Listen to me closely, I will PAY you to just stay out. So take the bribe, and stick to your cushy farm in Sun Haven. You got it?

- Xyla
Tickets.png Tickets × 100

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Hey Sewer Rat PLAYER,

I've yet to meet someone from the Human town that actually has some value to me, and that's still true. I will not allow you to bring your human nonsense into my town and mess up the place. So take whatever you were playing in your apartment and throw it out immediately. This is real music and I expect you to listen to it. Understood?!

- Xyla

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8

Seems you're finally understanding the importance of all my work. The buildings, the layout, the shops, the carnival. All my work! When you were on your terrace the other night, I couldn't help but think about that. Wow, you weren't admiring me for once. Instead, you were admiring my craftsmanship, my work. In a way, that felt better than actually getting complimented. So take this, then you can admire my work at all times and compliment me about it later.

- Xyla