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This page lists the dates and events the player has with Anne. Each event will be available to the player for one in game hour. If the player misses one of the events they cannot re-do them.

Hangout Event

This event triggers from the cycle 8 dialogue. Anne will ask the player to show up at her cart the following day at 4pm.

Face Anne.png: I've got to say, I wasn't expecting you to ask me out. Most people think of doing it but never actually do! At least, I assume they think about doing it.
Player: I'm glad you agreed to this.
Face Anne.png: Hey, I'm not as unapproachable as some people think. I'm just glad you had the guts to ask!
Player: I knew you'd say yes. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: So you took a calculated risk? That's a good move! And I'd say it's paying off.
Player: I didn't think you'd say yes. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: What, didn't you want me to? Well tough, you're stuck with me at this point, even if it's just one date.
Face Anne.png: Things were getting pretty dull, you know. In Sun Haven. You moved here just in time to save me from complete boredom.
I'm glad you took over that farm instead of someone completely pointless.
So [Player], keep me interested! Ask me a question.
Player: Anne, is there anything you care about as much as your business?
Face Anne.png: Well, sure. I mean... probably? Actually, I don't know if I've ever thought about that. Never seemed to matter before!
Player: I guess it doesn't really matter. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Why would it? My business is my number one priority - you know that, [Player]. But times change, people change, and I'm no fortune-teller. Who knows what's in my future!
Player: It should matter. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Why would it? My business is my number one priority - you know that, [Player].
Face Anne.png: All right, farmer, it's my turn to ask you a question. Is this new life working for you? I mean, do you enjoy it?
Player: Absolutely! This life is exactly what I wanted.
Player: Feel free to ask me anything, whenever you want.
Face Anne.png: You know what's funny about you, [Player]? I never wonder if you're telling the truth. I've met a lot of questionable folk in my travels, but you are more genuine than most.
Player: I just want you to know who I really am. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I won't lie, [Player] - that's totally cheesy! But I don't mind. It's a nice change of pace from the people I've seen in the past.
Player: I've never lied once in my life. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Well NOW it sounds like you're lying....
Face Anne.png: Not to be a stick in the mud, but it's getting a little late and I still have to tally today's profits. What do you say we wrap it up?
Player: Sure thing. Can you cover the bill? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Typical. I guess that's what I should expect from a farmer - no class.
Player: I'll pay for us both. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You're a class act! I actually had a good time, too.
Thanks for a fun date, [Player]. I'll see you around!


This event triggers from the cycle 10 dialogue. Anne will ask the player to show up at her cart the following day at 4pm.

Face Anne.png: I'm glad you had the guts to ask me on a second date, [Player]. Turns out, I have a really good time with you!
Player: You're staring. Is there something on your mind?
Face Anne.png: Huh? Wow, you really are getting to know me, [Player]. Yeah, something has been rattling around my brain all week.
Player: Tell me if you want - I've learned not to pry by now. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Actually [Player], I don't think I mind you prying into my business anymore. I'd say we're close enough by now.
Player: Tell me, tell me! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Ugh... okay, but you have to calm down first.
Face Anne.png: I've been thinking about something my mentor told me when I was a kid. His first lesson to me. He said, "Don't count on any one person but yourself."
I used to take that to heart, but lately I've been questioning it.
Player: What made you start thinking about this?
Face Anne.png: I can't really say. Maybe it's my business, the people in town, or even you.[]A lot has happened since you moved here. It's hard to look at all the changes in Sun Haven and not think about my own life.
Player: Wait, you said even me?
Face Anne.png: Come on, [Player]. It's obvious we have a connection. Don't tell me you're still playing dumb! We're way past flirting now.
Player: Have you come to any conclusions?
Face Anne.png: For one, I think my old mentor was an angry, lonely person. I didn't see it like that though, not at the time. I thought he was a survivor like me. On the same team, you know?
Face Anne.png: I guess it all comes down to old habits. As a kid, I was living alone on the street until I met this grifter - my old mentor. Yes, he was a con man. But he helped me.
He gave me food and clothes. He even taught me how to make money on my own. His advice kept me alive. Heck, I still use what he taught me every day at the shop.
In the end, he took all the money we made together and disappeared. Never even told me his name.
I was able to get by just fine, but I always worked alone after that.
Player: I can't believe someone would do that to a kid.
Player: You're lucky you got away from that creep.
Face Anne.png: Well, he did teach me what I needed to know to make a living. Tricks to trading, how to make profit, how to make connections. I even learned a grift or two - but I don't do that anymore.
Really, I'm thankful he took me under his dirty little wing. Look at me now!
Player: You're a real survivor, Anne. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Yeah, I know. I mean, thanks [Player], but I already know that I'm the definition of success. I guess I wanted you to know, too.
Player: This explains a lot about you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: "What's that supposed to mean? You mean I seem like a street urchin, or a fraud? You know what, don't bother explaining.
Face Anne.png: Listen, I haven't told that story to anybody before. Do you get that? [Player], I'm trying to tell you that I trust you.
I want to be your girlfriend, [Player]! And if you didn't see that coming by now, then you're really hopeless.
So, what do you say?
Player: I don't think so, Anne. -4 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: What? Really, you're turning me down?? Wow...
I'm the full package, [Player]. If you can't appreciate that, then it's good you turned me down.
I think we're done here. You should go. I'll see you around, [Player].
Player: Absolutely! +4 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I knew you'd say yes! I mean, how could you say no?
Oh, shoot it's late! I'm sorry [Player], but I need to prepare for tomorrow. But hey - I'm really glad we did this. I'll see you, [Player]}!

Late Night Event

Anne Late Night Event
Face Anne.png: So that's what you want, huh? Then come on in where it's nice and warm. My cart isn't exactly equipped for entertaining guests, but I'm always glad to have you over.
Player: (option 1) You're all I need, Anne.
Player: (option 2) I'm sure there's something we could do...
Face Anne.png: Oh, is that so? I won't complain - you're cheap to please.
Player: (option 1) That makes one of us!
Face Anne.png: Hey, I just like the finer things in life. Maybe that's why I like you, eh?
Player: You look beautiful in the candlelight.
Face Anne.png: Do I? Oh, but wait, you think I look beautiful all the time, don't you, [Player]?
Player: (option 1) I do...
Player: (option 2) Well, yeah, but you look ESPECIALLY beautiful in the candlelight.
Player: (option 2) You think I'm cheap?
Face Anne.png: Hey, I like the finer things in life. I like you, so you must be fine, right?
Player: You're the finest thing in this whole cart.
Face Anne.png: You know, before I met you, I thought the finest things in the world were golden chairs and marble statues. But you? You're better than any of that junk.
Player: (option 1) You are too, Anne.
Player: (option 2) Woohoo! I'm better than junk!
Face Anne.png: Hey, I've got an idea. Come here, [Player].
Player: What is it?
Anne leans into you, pushing her lips against yours. Before you know what to say or do, you're sharing a kiss.
Face Anne.png: You know I love you, [Player].
You spend some time with Anne, but decide it's best to leave before it gets too late.



Face Anne.png: This is the happiest day of my life!
Player: I can't wait to start our lives together. (This starts the ceremony.)
Player: I want to meet with our guests a bit longer.


Face Bernard.png: Quiet, please! Thank you. Now, let us begin.

We gather here in order to celebrate the sacred bond between two radiant beings - [Player] and Anne, our esteemed merchant. Today they join together as one and enter into this most intimate commitment.

In marriage, they will find comfort and safety as they journey through a life made more beautiful by their love.

To our soon-to-be-wed, I say this: make not a bond of love, but let your love carry you as the sea carries a ship, and let your happiness show as clear and visible as a white sail filled with wind. Anne, would you like to say a few words before the exchanging of vows?

Face Anne.png: Maybe this sounds corny, but I think I've just made a fortune worth more than any amount of gold.

...Well, almost any amount. I used to picture myself married in the biggest and most lavish ceremony, with the rich and prestigious in attendance.

...But all of you are a pretty close second. Hehehe, I'm kidding, I'm kidding! This is the happiest moment of my life, and even if it's not exactly what I imagined - I admit, it's better than anything I could have dreamed of.

Face Bernard.png: Well spoken! So do you, Anne, take [Player] to be your wedded partner?
Face Anne.png: [Player], I've put my ambition first for a very long time. I'm ready to change that. From now on, you'll be first in my heart - always.

...I do!

Face Bernard.png: And now, [Player], I ask: Do you take Anne to be your wedded partner?
Player: I do.
Face Bernard.png: Anne, [Player], before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage.
With the power granted to me by the officiating office of the Great City, I hereby declare you joined in matrimony. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss!
Player: I do not. (This will end the ceremony.)
Face Bernard.png: Oh dear! This is ... very, very unfortunate.And awkward! Emmett, quickly... take everything down, get the guests out of here...

((Emmett, quickly! Pour the memory loss potion in the punch bowl... Make sure everyone has a drink before they leave... No one will have to remember a thing...))

...Oh, um, excuse me, everyone! Let's all have some refreshments before we leave...!


If the player talks to the various NPCs after the main ceremony, they will have different responses congratulating the player on their marriage.

Face Catherine.png:"This is such a beautiful wedding, I told myself I wouldn't cry, but..."
Face Claude.png:"Congratulations on the marriage. I couldn't imagine standing up in front of everyone and getting married like that."
Face Darius.png:"So this is how they celebrate marriage in the Human town... Consider me unimpressed."
Face Donovan.png:"Hey, good job on getting married. Hope you have lots of happy years together, and all that. So is there going to be any food, or..."
Face Iris.png:"This is so different from an Elven wedding... Oh - still nice though!"
Face Jun.png:"Oh, [Player]. I'm so happy for you! If you ever need any advice, you know where to go."
Face Kai.png:"Fantastic ceremony! The love in the air is practically palpable."
Face Kitty.png:"Congratulations, congratulations! You make such a cute cute couple, nya!"
Face Liam.png:"Emma and Elizabeth weren't too bothersome during the ceremony, were they? They were both so excited, they wouldn't stop fidgeting... Oh, and congratulations!"
Face Lucia.png:"Watching two of Sun Haven's citizens joined in matrimony is truly heartwarming. Congratulations, [Player]."
Face Lucius.png:"May your marriage be as beautiful and eternal as the moon!"
Face Lynn.png:"This is the biggest wedding I've ever been seen. It seems like half the town is here!"
Face Miyeon.png:"W-what? Cry? I can't help it... I always cry at weddings...!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Don't worry, I was on alert through the whole ceremony."
Face Shang.png:"This is the start of a union between you and yours, [Player]. May it be a blessed and happy one."
Face Vaan.png:"Human ceremonies are so much more practical than Elven ones. It's funny how our cultures differ, even in celebration."
Face Vivi.png:"That's it? No one is even going to start a fight? Boooring."
Face Wesley.png:"Is that the end of the ceremony? Hm."
Face Wornhardt.png:"What a wonderful ceremony! It's good to have nice things like this to focus on. It's not just a special day for you, you know. The whole town is celebrating."
Face Zaria.png:"Well, [Player]. Here's to happy years with the person of your dreams."
Face Karish.png:"You finally tied the knot, [Player]! I hope you have a happy marriage!"
Face Emmett.png:"Don't worry about the chairs, I'll gather them all up."
Face Peter.png:"Looks like you landed the big fish!"
Face Kara.png:"Days like this remind us what it means to be part of a community."
Face Tonya.png:"The best thing about marriage? Permanent workout partner! Hm, when is the last time Giuseppe joined me on a jog..."
Face Giuseppe.png:"Tonya ran a marathon the day after our wedding... I slept in."
Face Emma.png:"Farmer! Are you going to have a baby now??"
Face Elizabeth.png:"Hello, farmer! Liam told us to say congratulations...... Congratulations!!"
Face Topi.png:"Can we play games now?"
Face Pod.png:"Do I have to get married like this someday, too?"
Face Bernard.png:"Here's to many happy years together!"

Wishing for a Child

Wishing for a child cutscene
Player: I want to have a child.
Face Anne.png: I was minding my business when I felt the strangest sensation, like an invisible hand pulling at me, leading me here to you. Is it children you're wishing for, [Player]?
Maybe this is a chance for me to do things right... Are you sure you're ready, though?
Player: Let's do it.
Face Anne.png: It's decided! I'll have a little apprentice merchant of my own, hehe... Well, you'll have an apprentice too, of course.
Your wish has been made. The magic of the wish will make your house ready for the new baby! Next time you sleep, the magic's powers will take hold…
Player: Actually... I'm not ready yet.
Face Anne.png: I'm not going to argue with that. Maybe we should keep focusing on our own lives for now? We'll be ready soon, I'm sure.