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This page lists the dialogue lines for Anne. If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.


Face Anne.png:"If you're wasting my time, you're wasting my money. Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"I'm telling you, [Player] - live in a cart. It's so much more affordable than a house! Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"As much as I hope this town gets its revival, I worry about competing stores opening their doors. Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"What are you staring at? Haven't seen a classy lady like me before? Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"If you're not buying or selling, you're getting left behind. Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"I need to do a little spring cleaning in my cart... a yearly sale is always good for a little profit. Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Spring is the start of a new year. Are you as busy as I am with it, farmer? Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"The heat makes business a little slower, but it gives me an excuse to relax. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Here's a tip, [Player]. Don't buy twelve wagons of ice cream in the middle of summer. ...It'll never last until you can sell it all. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Ugh, this heat. It makes Dukey-kins paint drip right off of him. He already needs a new coat. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Let's make this chat quick, [Player]. I've got somewhere to be. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Still using those old tools I sold you, [Player]? I hope you upgraded by now. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Getting a little chilly these days. I can't wait to live somewhere where it's never cold. Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Crunching leaves remind of the sound coins make when you rattle them together - I love it! Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Sun Haven has some great food, I'll admit that. Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Is it just me or is this town seeming more lively as of late? Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Lucia is always overworking herself. The girl needs to learn to cut back sometimes, know what I mean? Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Snow gets in the way of business, yet it's beautiful. So I can't really complain, can I? Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Winter in Sun Haven is... nice. There's a coziness to everything. Eh, I could get used to it. Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Don't even think about hitting me with any snowballs, [Player]. Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Dukey-kins can't stand the cold. It puts him to sleep, poor guy. Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Hmmm... what kind of business should I deal in this winter? Oh - I know! I'll sell socks and call them stockings! Winter Token.png"


Face Anne.png:"Look at you, a successful farmer, and Blessed too! You've come a long way since you stepped off that train."
Face Anne.png:"You're doing great work, [Player]. Keep it up and you'll be where I'm at one day."
Face Anne.png:"I've got a bad blister on my hand. I should hire some muscle to move my crates around for me."
Face Anne.png:"Cynthia thinks she has Sun Haven's romance market in the palm of her hand. I love the girl, but she's going to see how a real merchant plays the game."
Face Anne.png:"I've been in Sun Haven for a while now. If business keeps picking up, I may stick around longer than I thought."


Face Anne.png:"I'm trying to organize a big sale and here you are, trying to flirt with me! You're lucky I love it. "
Face Anne.png:"Hey there, "business partner." "
Face Anne.png:"Sun Haven continues to be full of surprises... You, for instance! "
Face Anne.png:"Let's see, divide by six, carry the two... ugh, you're distracting me from my calculations, [Player]! "
Face Anne.png:"I'm something of a queen among my fellow merchants, you know. Yep, you're dating royalty! "


Face Anne.png:"I never saw myself as a farmer's wife... It's not so bad! "
Face Anne.png:"I have plenty of work of my own to focus on, sorry I can't join you in the fields, love! "
Face Anne.png:"How's my favorite farmer doing today? "
Face Anne.png:"Honestly, it's not the biggest ring I've ever seen. But it's certainly the most meaningful - because it's from you. "
Face Anne.png:"Let me clear something up - you're still not getting any discounts. "
Face Anne.png:"They say spring is the season of new life. I guess that reflects our new life, eh? Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Is that love in the air, or is it just you, [Player]? Spring Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Hey there, lover. Did it just get a little hotter, or am I imagining things? Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Enjoying your summer, [Player]? It better not be slowing you down! Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Trying to flirt? Come on, isn't it hot enough already? Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"If you want to cool off at the beach, why don't you let me know? We could go together. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Summer is a great time of the year for dates. Hint, hint. Summer Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Ever wondered what it was like to walk alone with a beautiful merchant woman through the freshly fallen leaves? Let's find out! Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"It gets dark so quick these days. Not that I'm complaining, of course. I have you! Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"I'm a bit busy trying to close a trade deal right now... but I have a moment for you, [Player]. Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"The changing leaves make me think of how our lives have changed. Heh, I'm glad it's for the better. Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"I've been feeling oddly satisfied with life lately. Do you have anything to with that, I wonder? Fall Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Here I am, putting up with the snow for the rest of my life. And it's all because of you! Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"If it isn't my little winter blessing... I mean you, [Player]! Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"It's pretty cold outside, isn't it? At least we can keep each other warm. Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"Just because we're married doesn't mean you can hit me with any snowballs. You better remember that! Winter Token.png"
Face Anne.png:"The town should really hire someone to take care of all the ice on the streets. Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "You really know how to treat a lady! Thanks a lot for the [item], [Player]."
  • Liked: "Hey, this is a pretty nice [item]. Thanks, [Player]!"
  • Good: "[item] wouldn't have been my first choice, but thanks anyway."
  • Disliked: "[item]? Is this is the best you could come up with?"

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Anne a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Anne's birthday is the 21st of Winter.

Face Anne.png:"...Really? It's my birthday today and this was the best you could do?"
Face Anne.png:"Maybe I'm spoiled, but I would have expected something nicer considering it's my birthday. Oh well."
Face Anne.png:"Aw, and on my birthday, [Player]? How sweet. I'll take it."
Face Anne.png:"Someone knows how to impress! And you even got me this on my birthday. You're too good to me, [Player]. Well, almost too good."


Anne has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted Diamond:

Face Anne.png:"Well, well! They say that diamonds are a girl's best friend. You might not be far behind, though, [Player]."

When gifted a Small Money Bag:

Face Anne.png:"Aw, all those coins just for me, [Player]? You know what I want... I like that."

When gifted Cheesecake:

Face Anne.png:"Cheesecake?! And it's my favorite flavor, too. Trying to win me over, [Player]? Because it may be working."

When gifted Coal:

Face Anne.png:"What makes you think I'd want a lump of coal, [Player]? It takes more than that to impress someone like me."

When gifted Stone:

Face Anne.png:"Oh, a hunk of stone. How... useless. This is a useless 'gift'. Thanks."

When gifted a Ruby, Sapphire, or Amethyst:

Face Anne.png:"What a lovely little stone. Is it for me, [Player]? A good gift can get you almost anything you want, you know. Don't forget that."

When gifted Gold Ore:

Face Anne.png:"I'd prefer it to be a bar of gold, but this is still nothing to snuff at. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Gold Bar:

Face Anne.png:"Hey, how did you know gold was my favorite color? And in a convienent bar form. I like it, [Player]. I like it a lot."

When gifted a Raspberry:

Face Anne.png:"A raspberry? Heh, I won't say 'no' to it, that's for sure. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted a Apple:

Face Anne.png:"An apple? If you're trying to win me over, I certainly hope you can find a better gift. But I won't say 'no' to it."

When gifted a Berry:

Face Anne.png:"Hm, not my favorite berry, but you must have foraged this yourself, right? The thought counts... at least a little bit."

When gifted a Leafie's Leaf:

Face Anne.png:"Did you get this from a Leafie? My, my. Someone's stronger than they look."

When gifted a Log:

Face Anne.png:"Erm, thanks for the log. I'd like it better if you turned this into something nice, though."

When gifted a Mushroom:

Face Anne.png:"Working on your foraging? Mushrooms are nice, I suppose, but let me know if you ever come across a sack of coins."

When gifted a Wood Plank:

Face Anne.png:"Ah, someone's working on their crafting. You know what? I'm happy to take these planks off your hands. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Anne.png:"Oh, wheat. Grew it yourself and everything? Someone took my advice."

When gifted Wheat or Greenroot seeds:

Face Anne.png:"Seeds? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with these. YOU'RE the one who needs these, [Player]."

When gifted Greenroot:

Face Anne.png:"Greenroot? Hm. I could find a use for this. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Anne.png:"I've never grown a tree before, and no offense but I don't think I'll be trying my hand at it anytime soon. Thanks for the seeds, though."

When gifted a Catfish:

Face Anne.png:"Ew, catfish? I'll pass."

When gifted Anne Wedding Ring:

Face Anne.png:"Why would you give your wedding ring back? Ugh, the gemstone wasn't big enough, was it? I knew it..."

When gifted Anne's Pearl Earrings:

Face Anne.png:"What? I trusted you with this. Are you afraid you'd lose it? Fine, hand it over."

When gifted Anne Record:

Face Anne.png:"Huh. I misread your musical taste, I guess. Oh well.""

Morning Gifts

When married to Anne, there is a chance she will give the player a gift in the morning. This is indicated by a quest marker above the character's head.

When gifting Small Money Bag.png Small Money Bag × 3:

Face Anne.png:"Here you are, love. What? I love showering my favorite person in money. It's the best love language there is."

When gifting Small Money Bag.png Small Money Bag × 5:

Face Anne.png:"Time for your allowance, dear. Hey, I like it when your wallet is nice and full!"

When gifting Amethyst.png Amethyst:

Face Anne.png:"I was shopping the other day and this amethyst reminded me of you. Hey, people in the Southern Isles consider this the gem of love."

When gifting Souffle.png Souffle:

Face Anne.png:"I ordered souffle from the bakery. It's delicious, you have to try some."