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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Anne. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Anne.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Anne, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Anne.png: Hey, you're that new farmer. Whatever you need, I can help - for a price!
Or are you just looking to chat?
Player: You seem to like it here.
Face Anne.png: What's not to like? Good weather means a lot of foot traffic, and a reputation as a trading hub sure doesn't hurt business either. Plus, I can enjoy the sunshine when business is slow.
Player: It doesn't feel right to judge a town by the money it makes you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I'm not sure, but it's definitely not right to judge people you just met.
Player: I can appreciate a business-minded person like yourself. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You sound like you really get it. I look forward to seeing you around town - and I mean that in every sense!
Player: I don't think we were properly introduced. You're Anne?
Face Anne.png: Whoops, that's not the first time that's happened. Yep, I'm Anne, the best merchant in Sun Haven and don't let anybody tell you different!
Player: Are you from Sun Haven originally?
Face Anne.png: I got my start farther west. Traveled a lot for work. If you ask me, every big city is the same. Same people, same dirty streets, same same same.
But then I heard about Sun Haven and thought, "That sounds different."
It was a risk coming here, but risk often leads to reward. For me, anyway.
Player: What brought you to Sun Haven in the first place?
Face Anne.png: I got my start farther west. Traveled a lot for work. If you ask me, every big city is the same. Same people, same dirty streets, same same same.
But then I heard about Sun Haven and thought, "That sounds different."
It was a risk coming here, but risk often leads to reward. For me, anyway.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Anne.png: Hey there, [Player]! Buying anything today, or just looking for a chat?
Player: You're always out for a sale, huh? How did you get started as a merchant?
Face Anne.png: Let's just say I've been supporting myself for a long time. I learned the ins and outs of trade to survive from a young age.
I'm living proof that survival is for the fittest!
Player: That sounds hard on your own. Don't be afraid to lean on others for help. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I didn't ask for your opinion, so keep your thoughts to yourself.
Player: That's actually inspiring, you're a real-life success story. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I know I am, but it's nice to hear it out loud!
Hold on, don't go thinking that compliments will get you a discount. They won't.
Player: Do you plan to stay in Sun Haven long?
Face Anne.png: If business doesn't pick up someday soon, I might have to move on. Sun Haven has been good to me though. I'm really pulling for this town.
Player: If I didn't know better, I'd say you like this town for more than its profitability.
Face Anne.png: Don't get me wrong, profit is my North Star. But, okay, there's part of me that likes Sun Haven for what it is.
Or maybe making friends is part of my marketing strategy - who knows!
Player: I hope you're able to stick around.
Face Anne.png: Me too, [Player]. Packing everything up and moving is such a hassle for me, not to mention expensive.
No matter how well I secure the cart, something always comes loose and makes a huge mess...

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Anne.png: I knew you'd be back, [Player]. Something I can help you with?
Player: You have good taste, right? What's your favorite food?
Face Anne.png: When I asked what I could do for you, I meant in terms of merchandise, but...
Are we talking favorite food of all time? Then I have to go with raspberry cheesecake. So creamy and rich! How can anyone say no to that?
Player: Good to know.
Face Anne.png: I don't like that look on your face. Let me just say that whatever you're up to, it's not going to work and it better involve raspberry cheesecake.
Player: Do you think I should try it?
Face Anne.png: You haven't had it before? [Player], that's completely unacceptable! Go to Liam's bakery and grab a piece immediately! ... And bring me a piece too!
Player: I was just wondering, have you gone to see Elios?
Face Anne.png: I went to see the Sun Dragon on my fourth day in town. It was mostly for publicity though - don't want to snub the local traditions, right?
Anyway, I'm not Blessed like Lucia. Who needs magic when you've got a steady income?
Player: Pretending to value a town's tradition is worse than not participating in it at all. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You're right, how dare I receive the Sun Dragon's blessing and make an honest living for myself! I'm so ashamed...
... I hope you can tell that I'm being sarcastic.
Player: You seem so strategic, no wonder you're such a success. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Ooh, surprise flattery! Be careful [Player], you're starting to grow on me.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Anne.png: [Player], good to see you! Do you need any help managing your finances? I have some great tips!
Player: Since you know so much, why not just buy a shop in town?
Face Anne.png: My mobility is a key part of my success. To put it simply, I find my way out when the gold stops coming in. That's how I've survived this long.
It's a lot harder to leave if my shop isn't on wheels!
Player: Maybe if you put your effort into a store, customers would travel to you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I put plenty of effort into my shop already, [Player]. Besides, a farmer is the last person I would take business advice from.
Player: You've got some good survival instincts! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Of course I do! Whoops, I mean... thanks! Survival was the first thing I learned. The second was business.
Player: I know you've traveled a lot for work. How many cities have you lived in?
Face Anne.png: Oh jeez... I've visited too many to count but I only actually lived in about ten of them. A couple here in the Western Region, five in the Eastern Region, and three in the north.
Player: You've never lived in the south?
Face Anne.png: One day I will, but only after I'm done with my merchant cart. Getting it to the islands in the south is a real pain - it doesn't float and transportation costs more than it's worth.
Player: You spent a lot of time in the east, huh?
Face Anne.png: Easterners treated me very kindly. Plus, they have very loose pockets, if you know what I mean! They can be a little traditional for my taste, but everyone is welcoming no matter where you go.
Not to mention the food. The servings they give are huge!

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Anne.png: Hey there, [Player]. Just stopping by?
Player: Oh, just visiting the best merchant in Sun Haven.
Face Anne.png: Didn't I tell you once before that I don't give discounts based on compliments? Heck, I don't give discounts at all.
Player: That just sounds like smart business to me. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: It's easy to be smart about your business when you work alone. No coworkers to disagree with you, and no splitting profits!
Player: That's nothing to be proud of, you know. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Whatever, it's decisions like that that helped me rise to the top.
Player: Have you always worked alone?
Face Anne.png: Aside from my old mentor, nobody's ever worked with me but me.
Player: It must be easier working alone.
Face Anne.png: Eh, depends on the business. I planned for my own success - as you can see - so being alone is what works best for me.
Sometimes I consider taking on a partner, but then I count my money and forget about it.
Player: It must be a challenge working alone.
Face Anne.png: Eh, depends on the business. I planned for my own success - as you can see - so being alone is what works best for me.
Sometimes I consider taking on a partner, but then I count my money and forget about it.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Anne.png: What do you think of my necklace? I want people to think I look rich, but not too rich. I think I nailed it!
Player: Who do you actually like to hang out with in Sun Haven, anyway?
Face Anne.png: I don't know if I really "hang out" with anyone, but I've had a few good conversations with the doctor. Wornhardt is a good man, even if he doesn't know it.
Player: What do you mean by that?
Face Anne.png: I'm not one to gossip, but he's still working through some stuff from his past. If you really want to know, go talk to him about it. But don't expect him to open up right away.
Player: You don't like to spend time with anyone here?
Face Anne.png: I see plenty of people at work all day. Then, I hit the tavern. There's always someone there to talk with.
Ronald and Mari run a good business, so I'll chat with them. Heck, they probably know me better than anyone - but you're a close second at this point!
Player: You look like a queen in a storybook! Do you ever read stories like that?
Face Anne.png: I don't read a lot of book with characters in them. I mostly like to read books about places.
It started as a way to get to know different cities that I was traveling to but, believe it or not, I actually enjoy it now! I know, sounds boring, huh?
Well, there's a lot of history out there. And some of it is actually pretty fascinating!
Player: Interesting! You must know things about a lot of different places. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Sure I do. Did you know this town began as an archeological dig site? Sun Haven has an interesting history. There's a book in the library that tells the whole story. You should read up on it!
Player: That sounds... yeah, kind of boring. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Hey, you're the one who started a conversation about reading. That's on you. Anyway, a lot of the stuff I've learned has helped me in my business.
For instance, don't try to sell earmuffs in the Eastern Region. They have a folk tale where somebody wears earmuffs for too long and their soul suffocates... or something like that.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Anne.png: Well if it isn't one of my favorite people in Sun Haven! Actually, truth told, I have something I want to give to you.
Player: What is this... some sort of rock? + Anne's Pearl Earrings.png Anne's Pearl Earrings
Face Anne.png: A rock? All right [Player], listen up. The first time I ever had enough money to buy myself something nice - just for fun, not like food or shelter - I bought myself pearl earrings.
This is one of the two earrings. I'm keeping the other, but I want you to have this one. You're becoming a good friend and I guess I want to show you that it means something to me.
But you better not lose this! Just stick it in your pocket or something, as long as it's safe.
Player: Are you sure? It sounds important.
Face Anne.png: Keep it safe like I said, okay? It's lucky, you know!
Player: I'd be happy to keep it for you.
Face Anne.png: Keep it safe like I said, okay? It's lucky, you know!

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Anne.png: Hi [Player]. You look far off... Something on your mind?
Player: Topi and Pod have me thinking. What's your favorite childhood memory? Quest: Hangout Event
Face Anne.png: I don't really have an answer. Look, I had a rough childhood. I didn't have birthday parties or lollipops whenever I scraped my elbows. And in case my tone isn't clear, I don't like getting into it. Sorry.
But who has time for bad memories, huh? I could go for something fun after work. What do you say, [Player]? Want to hang out?
Player: You and me? That sounds fun!
Face Anne.png: It's a date! Come by my cart tomorrow at 4:00 pm.
Player: I'm not sure.
Face Anne.png: Indecisive? Such an unattractive trait. Oh well, if you change your mind, come by my cart tomorrow at 4:00 pm.

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Anne.png: Before you ask, no I will not be your mentor. I work too much to be someone's role model!
Player: Is there any role model you look up to?
Face Anne.png: I've got to respect Lucia's ability as a leader. I don't know how, but she's got this town wrapped around her magic little fingers.
Other than her? Probably my old mentor. At least, I used to.
Player: You've never mentioned a mentor before. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Actually, I have. Can't expect you to remember everything, I guess.
Player: I remember you talking about her before. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Actually, my old mentor was a man, but I don't think I told you that. Heck, I'm surprised you remember me mentioning him at all!
Player: I'd say you work too much, Anne. What would you even do on a day off?
Face Anne.png: Day off, huh? I can't imagine why I'd want a day off. I guess if I had to take a day off, I would spend it on the beach with a whole cheesecake to myself.
Oh, and at the bottom of the cake is a diamond!
Player: Don't you ever want a day off?
Face Anne.png: I don't like days that don't make me any money. Too many days like that and I don't eat.
A while back, I promised myself that I would never go to bed hungry again. I definitely intend to keep that promise.
Player: Cake on the beach sounds risky. What about the sand?
Face Anne.png: [Player], if you think a little sand would stand between me and a delicious raspberry cheesecake then you really don't know a thing about me. Besides, I've eaten some nasty food in my time.


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Anne.png: Hmph. That's odd, could I seriously have miscounted?
Player: I'm shocked you made a mistake in your counting!
Face Anne.png: Hey, no one's perfect. My income does rely on being precise, however...
Player: I'm sure you'll find it again, and then it's like a bonus!
Face Anne.png: Heh. [Player], I like the way you think. I'd prefer to have it now, but I suppose that's just life sometimes.
Player: So work double-time and make up the loss!
Face Anne.png: That's a good idea. Glad I thought of it first! I'm already calculating how to make up this little mishap. More importantly, though, is how to ensure it doesn't happen again.
Player: So what's the problem?
Face Anne.png: It seems I accidentally ordered too much iron ore. I had a contract to supply Rex, but now I've got extra...
Player: So what? Just give him the extra ore as a gift. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I... I... I don't know what to say... That is genuinely a terrible suggestion, [Player]!
I'm trying to run a business. If Rex wants the extra ore, Rex can pay for it.
Player: Maybe Solon would buy it? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Silly [Player], trying to play merchant like me.
Solon is only interested in refined bars, though perhaps if I had someone to turn the ores into bars for me then I could make my money back.

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Anne.png: I'm stocking white sand, all the way from the volcanic beaches of the Southern Islands! They say it has medicinal purposes.
Player: I don't know about that, but it does sound like fancy sand.
Face Anne.png: Yes. It's super fine, even for your typical beach sand. Pure white, too.
Sailors say it looks like snow from a distance. And it even stays nice and cool in the sun!
Player: It's like a touch of the south.
Face Anne.png: ...
Can I use that as a sales pitch? I'm using it as a sales pitch.
Player: It would look pretty in a glass bottle.
Face Anne.png: Hm. An interesting idea, very classy. Most people would call it "decorative art," but I just call it "an easy way to charge more than it's worth."
I wonder where I could source some fancy looking bottles... Hmm...
Player: Do you believe the sand really works as medicine?
Face Anne.png: Well... no. I think it's just white sand. Pretty sand, but still just sand.
But it's not like I'm the one who's calling it medicine! People can believe what they want, I just sell the goods.
Player: You just told me that people use it as medicine! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: No, I said they say it has medicinal purposes. That's totally different!
Player: Calculating as ever, Anne. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Aw, why thank you, [Player]. Wait, you did mean that as a compliment, right?
It's not like I'm the one who started the idea that the sand does anything, you know!

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Anne.png: I'm thinking about investing in some property around Sun Haven.
Player: I didn't take you for a property dealer.
Face Anne.png: Only sometimes. It's profitable, but I prefer to be able to pick up and travel with my goods.
Until I find someone versed in magic who knows how to move land, property is a firmly fixed asset.
Player: You should buy a farm, like me!
Face Anne.png: Hm, no thanks. You of all people should know that land meant for farming needs considerable preparation and upkeep.
I've no interest in hiring workers to turn undeveloped land into something worth reselling. And I'm sure not doing it myself!
Player: Someone that can move land? That's a wild idea!
Face Anne.png: Hey, I didn't entirely mean it as a joke. If someone can dream it, then they can do it. And then I can pay them to do it for me!
If there is someone out there who can actually move land, then I'll find them, contract them, and make a fortune!
Player: Which property were you looking at?
Face Anne.png: The mines! Can you believe no one really owns it? Bernard at the town hall might sell me the deed of ownership. It's incredibly expensive, but just imagine!
I could charge an entry fee, a minecart fee, a charge for ore collection... so many options!
Player: What would we get in return for those fees? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Well for starters, did you know the entire mine is dangerously unstable? It'll need to have support beams installed, which isn't cheap.
And the minecart tracks haven't been cleaned or repaired since being laid down years and years ago.
There's a lot of work to be done and it won't come cheap, but I can make it happen if I'm smart about it.
Player: That sounds greedy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I might charge people to use the mines, but then I'd also be responsible for making sure it's safe - something no one is doing.
It's a lot more than just me making a quick buck, but thanks for assuming the worst of me [Player].

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Anne.png: How's the farm treating you, [Player]? I can't imagine the labor of keeping up a farm!
Player: Why were you wondering about my farm?
Face Anne.png: Oh, come now, don't give me that look! I'm not always trying to get something from you. I like to chat, too.
Player: Sometimes it's hard to tell with you.
Face Anne.png: Is that so? Good! I try to keep people on their toes. I don't want people thinking they've figured me out, because then they think they can haggle with me.
Player: I've learned to play it safe with you.
Face Anne.png: Is that so? Good! I try to keep people on their toes. I don't want people thinking they've figured me out, because then they think they can haggle with me.
Player: You work pretty hard, too.
Face Anne.png: Sure, but I've come a very long way from doing any of my own dirty work. You're out there everyday, working in the dirt.
Truth be told, the only physical labor I want to do is counting my money.
Player: Sounds like you've found your true calling. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: That's true, this is who I am. And I wouldn't change that for anything, not even a mountain of gold.
Player: On second thought, you sound kind of lazy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Well that's the funny thing about thoughts. You can have as many of them as you like, but it doesn't mean they're any good.

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Anne.png: I have to say, Sun Haven has really been turning itself around lately. I hear you're the one to thank for that, [Player].
Player: Do you have any favorite customers around town?
Face Anne.png: Not trying to butt into my clientele, are we? Hah, just kidding [Player]! My favorite customer is the one handing me cash.
But if you want a name, then it's Kitty. Whenever I have pet food, Kitty buys it all up right away!
Player: Kitty buys all your pet food?
Face Anne.png: She might be a bit of a goof, but the girl does own her own business, after all. Seems like she's doing well for herself, too.
Player: She does have lots of mouths to feed.
Face Anne.png: True, but I've seen her open a bag of the stuff and start munching on it right away!
She's a real character, but she pays well so I'm not complaining.
Player: Do you plan to ever leave Sun Haven?
Face Anne.png: You know, I think you asked me something similar when we first met. I think I said that if business didn't pick up, I'd have to leave.
That's still true, but I really don't see myself leaving town anytime soon. Sun Haven's really bounced back!
Player: Looks like you owe me one. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Excuse me? Listen, maybe you've had something to do with Sun Haven's dramatic turnaround, but the only one I owe for my profit is me.
Player: Good, Sun Haven wouldn't be the same without you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Nowhere is the same without me, [Player]! I'm a bit of an icon, if you haven't noticed.

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Anne.png: You work real hard, don't you? I wonder if you've made as much money as I have since coming to Sun Haven!
Player: How much money have you made?
Face Anne.png: Well, a good merchant never sells and tells. I'm not going to give up sensitive information like that!
Don't forget, information can fill a wallet just as quick as it can drain it.
Player: You're just being dramatic. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Call it dramatic if you like, [Player]. I've been in the game a long time, so I know I'm not just blowing smoke.
Player: That's a smart precaution for a business owner. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: It might sound like I'm being dramatic, but I've been in the game a long time. I know I'm not just blowing smoke.
Oh, but it's not that I don't trust you, of course.
Player: What do you make all your money for, anyway?
Face Anne.png: At first, it was simple survival. But then I learned to like the taste of success and the comforts that come with it.
Player: You're a very driven person.
Face Anne.png: True, but I still know how to have fun! I'll slow down some day. Maybe in the distant future, heh.
Player: At least invest everything wisely.
Face Anne.png: Wisely? [Player], you're a farmer! You want me to invest in potatoes? Oh wait, I already did - it's called dinner!


Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Anne.png: Hey [Player]. Have you put on some muscle? You look really good!
Player: What are you up to today, Anne? Quest: Date Event
Face Anne.png: I finished up some business I needed to tend to, but now I'm free. Maybe I could be convinced to hangout with you.
Player: Hangout? With you? I'd love to. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Well, well. It's a date. Come by my cart at 4:00 pm tomorrow - don't be late.
Player: I'm too busy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You say so? I can understand that. If things change, feel free to come by my cart at 4:00 pm tomorrow.

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Anne.png: Hey, good lookin'!
Player: So should I call you sweetie now?
Face Anne.png: Call me anything other than Anne, and I'll buy your farm out from under you. Then you'll be farmless!
Player: There's no way you could afford that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Don't make me prove you wrong, [Player]!
Player: I would laugh, but I know you really could. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You're smart. I actually thought about buying that land a while back. Good thing I didn't or you wouldn't have a home.
Player: Being together is a relief - I was getting tired of flirting.
Face Anne.png: Yeah, I was getting tired of your flirting too!
Player: Hey, that's uncalled for!
Face Anne.png: Relax, I'm just messing with you. I'm glad we're done playing games, too. Being together is loads easier.
Player: Wait, was I bad at flirting?
Face Anne.png: Relax, I'm just messing with you. I'm glad we're done playing games, too. Being together is loads easier.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Anne.png: I've been hearing a lot of talk lately. I think people know about us!
Player: Does that worry you? I thought you weren't afraid of anything!
Face Anne.png: What am I, some kind of action novel hero? Of course I have fears, [Player]. I'm just a person. But I'm not afraid of talk. Talk is just, talk.
Player: Will you tell me what scares you, then? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: All right, sure. Part of me will always be afraid of losing everything, going broke, and living on the streets again. Also... crabs kind of freak me out.
Have you noticed that I stay away from Peter? Now you know why. I can't believe he lives with that sea bug on his head!
Player: And here I thought you lived fearlessly. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You're being weird, [Player]. I'm just a normal person like anyone else. Except, more successful and attractive.
Player: I've never been so popular!
Face Anne.png: No? First time for everything, I guess!
I'm used to this kind of attention, but that shouldn't surprise you. Getting people to talk about me is part of my business plan, after all.
Player: You've always got a plan, huh?
Face Anne.png: Well, not always. To tell you the truth, a lot of the time I'm just making it up as I go. I just do well when the pressure is on! I bet you know what that's like, too.
Player: Is the attention tiring?
Face Anne.png: Yes, in a way, but it's something I've lived with for years now. It's not going anywhere, and I refuse to let it run me down.
It feels good to talk about it a bit. I haven't had the chance to do that very much before you.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Anne.png: At this point, there's not much about me you don't know. It's a funny thing, getting to know so much about a person.
Player: I can find something new about you - what's the most exciting thing you've done?
Face Anne.png: Heh, you're good at this relationship business!
Okay, there was one time when I won a talent show in the Eastern Region. I don't normally go for stuff like that, but there was a cash prize and I happen to have the voice of a siren.
What, can't you imagine me on stage?
Player: I can see it - you're already a complete showstopper! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You've got that right! Maybe one day I'll find a stage to sing on again.
Player: You don't strike me as much of a performer. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: For your information, I got a standing ovation when I was done singing.
Player: What's so funny about getting to know someone, anyway?
Face Anne.png: Not funny like a joke or Nathaniel's face or anything. I guess I'm saying it's... unfamiliar. In a good way. A fun way.
Player: I'm surprised, you're usually so confident.
Face Anne.png: Make no mistake, I'll always be sure of myself. It's how I grew up, remember?
But even I can admit when I'm in uncharted waters. That's what our relationship feels like to me - an unpredictable adventure.
Player: It will feel familiar soon.
Face Anne.png: Even I can admit when I'm in uncharted waters, [Player]. That's what our relationship feels like to me - an unpredictable adventure.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Anne.png: You know, if you let me invest in your farm we could really increase production!
Player: You think I need help on the farm?
Face Anne.png: It's not about needing help, it's about expansion! Hire some workers, buy a little more land... I usually charge for this kind of advice, you know!
Player: I know you're just thinking about what's best for my future. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: You're darn right I am! That's all I think about, you know. The future. Investments.
We've got a very long road ahead of us, [Player], and I want to pave it with gold.
Player: I don't need any of your help with my farm. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: I know that, but - oh, forget it. Stubborn farmers...
Player: Not everyone is so focused on productivity, Anne.
Face Anne.png: And not everyone gets to wear solid gold jewelry, but to each their own I guess!
Player: Do you even like wearing all that jewelry?
Face Anne.png: Hey, I have an image to protect! And that image is sparkly and expensive.
Player: I really shouldn't be surprised by that answer.
Face Anne.png: No, you shouldn't! I wear my priorities on my sleeve. And on my ears, and around my neck. Get it?

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Anne.png: [Player]? You're... gazing at me. It's almost romantic, though. Almost.
Player: I've been thinking about our future.
Face Anne.png: Our future? I've got a plan for my own future, [Player].
If your future plan joins with mine, then great! But I'm not changing course anytime soon.
Player: I would expect nothing less from you, Anne.
Face Anne.png: I feel like that can be taken either as an insult or a compliment, so I'll choose compliment!
Player: I love that about you - you're as determined as a young dragon.
Face Anne.png: Ooh, you said a young dragon? I like that! Maybe I should make that my shop's new insignia.
Player: Anne, are you happy with our relationship?
Face Anne.png: Whoa - that was out of the blue! What, you think I'll leave you for a business opportunity or something?
Sure, my life is a constant race with money at the goal, but that's business. And I still want to race, you know?
But now I have you and suddenly I find myself thinking of something other than the next big score.
Wow... I wasn't even sure of that until I said it out loud!
Player: Do you ever really stop thinking about money? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Nope. Never have, never will. If you ever want to have a life with me down the road, you have to consider that.
Player: Maybe what you need is a partner in your race. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Aw, using my own analogy to say something sweet! Unoriginal, but sweet. I knew there was a reason I fell for you, [Player].
Maybe you're right - maybe I could use a partner like you in my race. But if you join me, it has to be for good.
Are you getting the hint, [Player]? Well here's another - I could really use a new ring!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Anne.png: I don't think you realize just how lucky you are, [Player]. I have a lot of suitors, you know. But you're the only one who ever got a ring on me.
Player: You had other suitors?
Face Anne.png: Well, they thought so. I never really had an interest in any of them despite the many, many gifts they sent me.
I've gained admirers in a lot of places, but all of them want me the same way they want a pile of gold. You're the only person who's made me feel wanted as a person and not a trophy.
Player: Who needs trophies when I've got you? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Heh, oh please get all sappy for me, [Player]. I think I'm warming up to your cheesy lines!
Player: You should have told me about these "suitors" earlier. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Really, [Player]? They were nothing to me, so why mention them?
We're married, remember? You don't need to be so insecure.
Player: Putting a ring on you was no easy feat!
Face Anne.png: Good! I've worked hard my entire life - it's time someone else worked hard for me!
When it comes down to it, it makes sense that the hardest worker won me over. And nobody works harder than a farmer!
Player: I could say the same about you, Miss Renowned Merchant.
Face Anne.png: Excuse me? That's Mrs. Renowned Merchant now!
Player: I wasn't competing, I was only doing what I wanted to do.
Face Anne.png: That's the kind of thing that sets you apart from the others [Player]. Did you hear yourself? You weren't even competing! Oh my, what style, what class!

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Anne.png: Hey there, sweetie. How does it feel to be the other half of Sun Haven's number one couple?
Player: I didn't realize we were ranked!
Face Anne.png: Sure we are! Look at everything we get done on our own - we practically run this town apart, so think of what we can do now that we're together! This is the start of a venture like no other!
Player: All right, I'm on board! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Of course you are [Player], this is a lifelong commitment after all. I can already see our success building right in front of us...
Player: All right, don't get ahead of yourself. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Sorry [Player], my momentum only ever increases. Better get ready, because you're in this with me, now!
Player: Does being married change your plans at all?
Face Anne.png: I guess it isn't a whole lot different than before. But with you on my side, there's no end to what I could accomplish!!
Well, what we could accomplish, I mean. Sorry, my head is racing right now with possibilities.
Player: What kind of possibilities?
Face Anne.png: The most obvious one is, I could sell your produce on my cart. Heck, I could even cart it to nearby villages and charge extra!
Player: I'm glad to be your inspiration!
Face Anne.png: Two great people are going to have that affect when you put them together, aren't they?

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Anne.png: Don't forget, you're going to owe me anniversary presents for the rest of our lives!
Player: Don't you mean "Anne"-iversaries?
Face Anne.png: Very cute, [Player]. No, really, that's actually a very cute joke!
But for the record, I don't accept jokes for gifts.
Player: Yes, dear...
Face Anne.png: Oh, don't pout like a child - that makes me feel bad! It's not like I'm sending you to your room, for goodness sake.
Player: You'll change your mind when you hear my good jokes.
Face Anne.png: I somehow doubt that, [Player]... But feel free to try!
Player: I'm lucky you have such a wide range of tastes, then!
Face Anne.png: Don't be so quick, [Player]. I appreciate a variety of items, but they're all linked by one virtue - worth.
Player: So, expensive tastes then. Got it! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: To put it bluntly... but that's part of why I love you, isn't it?
Player: What about homemade gifts? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Anne.png: Only if you're an expert jeweler, [Player]. Are you an expert jeweler? I didn't think so.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Anne.png: You know, darling, I've been thinking. Maybe it's time for us to have a kid. I know, I know, "bad for business" and all that, but I've been wondering lately... Maybe it would be good for us?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Anne.png: Yeah? Well, what are we waiting for?
Player: Let's do it!
Face Anne.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Anne.png: Oh, don't look so red in the face! It was just a suggestion. I'm letting you know it's something I'm ready for, that's all. If you aren't, then that's fine too. Come on, babe, take it easy.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Anne.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!