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This page lists the dates and events the player has with Wesley. Each event will be available to the player for one in game hour. If the player misses one of the events they cannot re-do them.

Hangout Event

This event triggers from the cycle 9 dialogue. Wesley will ask the player to show up at the Grand Tree Tavern following day at 3pm.

Wesley's Hangout Event
Face Wesley.png: Alright, now as I explained on the walk up here, you'll pretend to be the children that I'll be giving the seminar to. Just react naturally, however you think a child would. It will help me put into perspective how the actual children will react.
Player: I got it.
Face Wesley.png: Excellent. I knew you'd catch on right away. Elder Gorwin is excellent at pretending to be the children - I'm sure you'll do just fine, too.
Player: But I'm bad at acting.
Face Wesley.png: Nonsense. It's not difficult at all. Elder Gorwin, for instance, is excellent at pretending to be the children - I'm sure you'll do just fine, too.
Face Wesley.png: Ahem. Now, if you'll excuse me. I need a moment to get into the 'zone'.
Editor's Note: Wesley turns away from you for a moment, then turns back.
Player: You can do it!
Player: This is going to end badly.
Face Wesley.png: Hello, children. This year we've prepared a very special and important seminar on the history of your home: Nel'Vari! My, I see lots of faces this year!
Player: History... yay?! +1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Such excitement! It's so good to see children who appreciate their roots.
Heheh, roots. Like a tree?
...Get it?
...Yes, well, anyways - roots are important. Just as the Grand Tree has roots, so do we.
Player: Boo, history. Tell us a joke instead. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Grrr. I was hoping you'd take this a little more seriously, but you're JUST like Elder Gorwin.
Hmph. Fine. You want a joke?
Alright: why are mushrooms so good at behaving?
Because they don't want to get in TRUFFLE!!
Wesley laughs profusely at his own joke for a moment, you watch on in silence.
Player: Can I ask a question?
Face Wesley.png: Yes, you there. The strange, adult-shaped and not-Nel'Varian looking child. What did you want to ask?
Player: Will there be any snacks?
Face Wesley.png: Yes! Well, no. Not for you. There will be snacks provided for the children on the day of the seminar. I thought you'd be resourceful enough to find your own meal for today.
Forget snacks! Why don't we move on?
Player: Your jokes stink. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: That isn't a question!! And besides, being part of the grand council is easy. Comedy is hard! Hmph!
This isn't a comedy routine, it's a seminar. Why don't we move on?
Player: Can you tell us about YOUR roots? +1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Oh. Well, okay. I can do that. Er, since you asked.
...Ahem. I was born here, in Nel'Vari. My father was... well, he was the leader of the Restoration Society. He worked hard to preserve the history and lessons of Nel'Vari, and safeguard them against ever being lost again.
Player: Your father sounds very noble.
Face Wesley.png: You're right. He was. He worked his entire life to ensure Nel'Vari would remain as it always had been. Nothing was more important to him, really.
Player: Is that where you get your love for history from?
Face Wesley.png: You could credit my father for that, yes. He worked his entire life to ensure Nel'Vari would remain as it always had been. Nothing was more important to him, really.
Player: Do you think he was right?
Face Wesley.png: Of course I do. It's very important that we adhere to history, and always remember to record it in the present day. Remember: 'Today's today is tomorrow's yesterday!'.
In the future, Nel'Varians will look at us for guidance, too. Nothing could be more important than that, right?
Player: It makes sense... but isn't change a good thing, too?
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. You ask too many questions, just like the children always do.
...Sigh. I was taught that the past was how things should be. It always sounded right, but no one else ever seems to quite agree with me.
And then you came along, and now I truly wonder if I've really been wrong this entire time.
Editor's Note: Wesley pauses for a moment.
Player: The past doesn't hold all of tomorrow's answers.
Face Wesley.png: ...Sigh. I was taught that the past was how things should be. It always sounded right, but no one else ever seems to quite agree with me.
And then you came along, and now I truly wonder if I've really been wrong this entire time.
Editor's Note: Wesley pauses for a moment.
Player: ...Wesley?
Face Wesley.png: Hmph.
This has all become so complicated. I'm meant to be the Elder, but deciding things on my own is... hard. Elder Gorwin does it without even batting a wrinkled eye.
This is all YOUR fault, [Player]! So you have to tell me what to do now!
Player: You should think about change.
Face Wesley.png: ...Fine.
Well, maybe fine.
It's something to think about, at least. You may be right, but my father would disagree... hmph.
Player: You have to do what you think is right.
Face Wesley.png: Grr! How am I supposed to do that?! If I get it wrong, then it's all MY fault, and...
...Hmph. Fine. You've given me something to think about, at least. You may be right, but my father would disagree... hmph.
Player: Seriously, get better jokes. It would really help.
Face Wesley.png: Oh yeah?! W-well...!
...Alright, FINE! I'll study some new material! How do you like that, huh?!
...Maybe change is a good thing. Change is growth, right? It's something to think about, at least. You may be right, but my father would disagree... hmph.
Player: So... is the seminar over?
Face Wesley.png: OVER? Gah - I have to start from scratch now, writing a brand NEW seminar!! I'll have to stay up all night...
Oh well, Slate doesn't mind when I stay late at the tavern. Hmph. Very well, it is what it is.
Player: Is there anything I can do to help you?
Face Wesley.png: No, no... you've given me enough help, [Player]. This is something I have to think about on my own, like an Elder would...
Hm. I suppose that means the seminar is over. I have a lot of work to do, and a lot to think about.
This was strangely fun, though. Normally I can't stand when people don't agree with me, but you...
Well, I don't mind it so much.
Player: It was fun hanging out with you.
Face Wesley.png: Yes. It was fun 'hanging out' with you, too, [Player]. We may have to do it again sometime, after I'm done workshopping my seminar...
Player: It was a bit different, but still kinda a cute date!
Face Wesley.png: DATE?! Is THIS what this was??!! I- I....


This event triggers from the cycle 12 dialogue. Wesley will ask the player to show up outside of the Grand Tree the following day at 5pm.

Wesley Hangout 2
Player: This is the tavern.
Face Wesley.png: I know that! But it's a great place to just relax. Although I don't think I've ever done much relaxing here before. Usually I'm working, or thinking about working. It's weird to be sitting here with the intention of just relaxing.
Player: Is it like... a different PERSPECTIVE?
Face Wesley.png: I- I suppose it is! A new perspective, even. Elder Gorwin never seemed to work too hard, and always told me I should 'take it easier'. Hmph. Maybe I should have listened to his advice years ago.
Player: Nivara would approve of the change in perspective.
Face Wesley.png: Yes, I think she would... as would Elder Gorwin. He never seemed to work too hard, and always told me I should 'take it easier'. Hmph. Maybe I should have listened to his advice years ago.
Player: How do you feel about the future?
Face Wesley.png: Hm. The future looks bright, but I'm still uncertain.
It's clear to me now that the path some of us have been trying to steer Nel'Vari down is not popular nor desired by the majority of the villagers. To force Nel'Vari down such an unpopular path would require... well, tyranny.
I... uh, don't want to be a tyrannical Elder one day.
Player: So you agree that change should happen?
Face Wesley.png: I'm still not entirely certain. Tell me, [Player]. Do you know about the battle?
Player: The battle of Nel'Vari? I'm familiar.
Player: I don't think I am.
Face Wesley.png: Nel'Vari always had to defend itself from aggressive outsiders. ...But, a long time ago, a large army of Humans came to Nel'Vari. They wanted the mana of our Grand Tree.
The Elves fought in ways they never needed to before. We copied the Humans and their metal armor and weapons...
This was before I was born, of course. My father, and Elder Gorwin, and the previous Elder as well... they all lived through it.
I was raised on stories of those times. Although none in Nel'Vari wish for such things to ever happen again, they don't seem to understand that opening up Nel'Vari... could invite disaster.
Player: You can't protect people from themselves.
Face Wesley.png: Maybe I can't. But I feel it's my job to at least try. I won't know if opening Nel'Vari is truly the best thing to do unless I try to stop it from happening. If I can't stop it from happening, then it will be clear what the true answer was.
I understand what you're trying to say, but you have to understand where I'm coming from, too.
Player: Times are different. They're safer than before.
Face Wesley.png: Safer? A dark fog is rolling at the edges of our forest, deafening the trees and withering plants. You call that 'safer'?
I understand what you're trying to say, but you have to understand where I'm coming from, too. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: ...Hmph.
Player: The tavern is lively tonight.
Face Wesley.png: Yes. It's a night where people of Nel'Vari come together to sing songs. In public. It's called karaoke.
Player: Do you ever sing karaoke?
Player: I bet you'd be awesome at karaoke!
Face Wesley.png: What? Not me.
I mean, I couldn't. I've never done it before.
Player: Come on, you must know lots of Nel'Varian songs.
Face Wesley.png: Wesley takes a sip of his honeybrew, as if trying to dodge your question.
Face Wesley.png: Wesley continues his sip...
Face Wesley.png: ...Still going...
Wesley inadvertently downs his entire mug of honeybrew... it looks like the honey really went to his head!
Player: ...Are you okay, Wesley?
Face Wesley.png: Fine! *hic!* you think I can't sing a sonch... *hic!* Well you're WRONG, humph. I'll... I'll sing a song... show you...
Player: Maybe you should let the honeybrew wear off first?
Face Wesley.png: Wesley, fired up with honeybrew, either doesn't hear you or ignores you. He flies out of his chair and takes to the stage, a shocked hush overtakes the tavern...
Face Slate.png: Well this is... unexpected.
Anonymous: Is that the real Wesley?
What's he doin' up there?
This guy isn't going to actually sing, is he? He never sings!
Face Slate.png: Erm, ladies and gentle-Elves, give a warm applause for... Wesley.
Player: (Cheer for Wesley)
Face Wesley.png: You cheer for Wesley! Which is good, because no one else does. The rest of the tavern patrons are busy looking on in confusion, uncertain if they're all seeing what they're actually seeing...
Player: (Remain silent, indulge in the cringe)
Face Wesley.png: You silently join the rest of the tavern patrons, who are busy looking on in confusion, uncertain if you're all seeing what you're actually seeing...
Face Wesley.png: Thank you, Slape. *hic!*. Thank you.
You know, *hic!*, I want to deddurcate this sonch... to my dearest... [Player] *hic!*. Of whom *hic!* I would not be stambing here... right now. YOU, [Player], are a *hic!* rearry great pershun.
Anonymous: Thanks a lot, [Player]! You jerk!
Face Wesley.png: *hic!* Ahem. I will now sing for you... a tradishional Nef'farian song of love...
Sung, of corsh, *hic!*, in the old tongue...
Face Wesley.png: OOOOO!!! LI'LAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhh...
Face Slate.png: Uh, so that was Wesley, everyone. Good show.
Player: (Applaud) +2 Heart.png Points
Player: (Awkwardly sit in silence)
Player is transported to the Nel'Vari hospital. Wesley is in the hospital bed.
Face Wesley.png: Urgh... my stomach. How much honeybrew did I drink?
Player: You drank a whole mug... really quick.
Face Wesley.png: Yeah... that would do it.
...I made a complete fool of myself, hmph.
Player: Don't say that. It was a great performance. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. It most certainly was not a great performance. But... I'm glad you enjoyed it. And honestly? It was a lot of... fun. I've never done anything like that before, but when you got me into it...
Well, I couldn't bring myself to tell you 'no'. Perhaps your adventurous spirit is beginning to rub off on me, hmph.
Player: Yeah, you sure did! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. Thank you for confirming. But... I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it. And honestly? It was a lot of... fun. I've never done anything like that before, but when you got me into it...
Well, I couldn't bring myself to tell you 'no'. Perhaps your adventurous spirit is beginning to rub off on me, hmph.
Face Wesley.png: But - oh! The time! It's gotten rather late already. We should call it a night for now, don't you think? I'm sure you have a busy day tomorrow. I know I do.
Player: I hate to go so soon, but you're right. Goodnight.
Player: Yeah, it's late. I'm gonna head out. Goodnight.


Late Night Event

Wesley's Late Night Event
Face Wesley.png: Apologies, [Player]. I wasn't expecting guests. I don't normally host friends - it's too much trouble, so I normally make an excuse if anyone ever asks.
Player: Why do you never have people over?
Face Wesley.png: Well, I don't have time or a reason to necessarily have friends over. That's why I spend my time in the tavern. It's enough for me to get my socializing done that way.
Player: You don't like having friends over?
Player: It's fine. I prefer you all to myself, anyways.
Face Wesley.png: W-w-what's THAT supposed to mean, [Player]?!
I don't have time or a reason to necessarily have friends over. That's why I spend my time in the tavern. It's enough for me to get my socializing done that way.
Player: Yeah, I can dig that vibe. Being left alone is great.
Face Wesley.png: It's not that I prefer being alone. Other people don't seem to really want to 'hang' out with me, usually. That's fine. I have my work with Elder Gorwin, and that's enough.
Or at least it was, until I met you.
Player: And now you want something more?
Player: What else do you want, Wesley?
Face Wesley.png: Erm, well. I've been reading on Nel'Varian romance customs, and I think there's a few things we could try.
Player: Like what?
Face Wesley.png: Wesley quickly leans towards you, clumsily kissing your cheek.

Ahem. I, uh, believe that I love you, [Player].
You spend some time with Wesley, who gives you a private lecture in Nel'Varian customs dating back 800 years. It's not exactly interesting, but Wesley is especially thrilled to tell you about it. He's rather passionate when he wants to be.
After a round of Wesley's private label honeybrew, you decide you should take your leave before it gets too late.



Face Wesley.png: This is the happiest day of my life!
Player: I can't wait to start our lives together. (This starts the ceremony.)
Player: I want to meet with our guests a bit longer.


Face Bernard.png: Quiet, please! Thank you. Now, let us begin.

We gather here in order to celebrate the sacred bond between two radiant beings - [Player] and Wesley, of Nel'Vari. Today they join together as one and enter into this most intimate commitment.

In marriage, they will find comfort and safety as they journey through a life made more beautiful by their love.

To our soon-to-be-wed, I say this: make not a bond of love, but let your love carry you as the sea carries a ship, and let your happiness show as clear and visible as a white sail filled with wind. Wesley, would you like to say a few words before the exchanging of vows?

Face Wesley.png: I thought for a long time that I knew everything about my status in the world. I thought life was a clear, straight and narrow path that would offer no unexpected twists or turns.

...And then an outsider came to Nel'Vari, and turned everything I knew upside down. I won't forget the day I laid eyes on that outsider... or the day I realized that I had fallen in love with them.

It once pained me to admit this but, Nel'Vari is all the better for the outsider's influence - and I am, as well.

Face Bernard.png: Well spoken! So do you, Wesley, take [Player] to be your wedded partner?
Face Wesley.png: [Player], I must admit that without you, my life would be less complete. Merely knowing you was enough to change me as an Elf, but to love you has changed... Everything.

Elder Gorwin spoke of you as someone that would change the world. I've come to realize how foolish it was for me to have doubted that. Everything is as clear as a mana crystal to me now, and there is no one more fitting to be by my side than you. So, I must say...

...I do!

Face Bernard.png: And now, [Player], I ask: Do you take Wesley to be your wedded partner?
Player: I do.
Face Bernard.png: Wesley, [Player], before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage.
With the power granted to me by the officiating office of the Great City, I hereby declare you joined in matrimony. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss!
Player: I do not. (This will end the ceremony.)
Face Bernard.png: Oh dear! This is ... very, very unfortunate.And awkward! Emmett, quickly... take everything down, get the guests out of here...

((Emmett, quickly! Pour the memory loss potion in the punch bowl... Make sure everyone has a drink before they leave... No one will have to remember a thing...))

...Oh, um, excuse me, everyone! Let's all have some refreshments before we leave...!


If the player talks to the various NPCs after the main ceremony, they will have different responses congratulating the player on their marriage.

Face Anne.png:"It seems like just yesterday I was barging through your door for the first time... Now look at you!"
Face Catherine.png:"This is such a beautiful wedding, I told myself I wouldn't cry, but..."
Face Claude.png:"Congratulations on the marriage. I couldn't imagine standing up in front of everyone and getting married like that."
Face Darius.png:"So this is how they celebrate marriage in the Human town... Consider me unimpressed."
Face Donovan.png:"Hey, good job on getting married. Hope you have lots of happy years together, and all that. So is there going to be any food, or..."
Face Iris.png:"This is so different from an Elven wedding... Oh - still nice though!"
Face Jun.png:"Oh, [Player]. I'm so happy for you! If you ever need any advice, you know where to go."
Face Kai.png:"Fantastic ceremony! The love in the air is practically palpable."
Face Kitty.png:"Congratulations, congratulations! You make such a cute cute couple, nya!"
Face Liam.png:"Emma and Elizabeth weren't too bothersome during the ceremony, were they? They were both so excited, they wouldn't stop fidgeting... Oh, and congratulations!"
Face Lucia.png:"Watching two of Sun Haven's citizens joined in matrimony is truly heartwarming. Congratulations, [Player]."
Face Lucius.png:"May your marriage be as beautiful and eternal as the moon!"
Face Lynn.png:"This is the biggest wedding I've ever been seen. It seems like half the town is here!"
Face Miyeon.png:"W-what? Cry? I can't help it... I always cry at weddings...!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Don't worry, I was on alert through the whole ceremony."
Face Shang.png:"This is the start of a union between you and yours, [Player]. May it be a blessed and happy one."
Face Vaan.png:"Human ceremonies are so much more practical than Elven ones. It's funny how our cultures differ, even in celebration."
Face Vivi.png:"That's it? No one is even going to start a fight? Boooring."
Face Wornhardt.png:"What a wonderful ceremony! It's good to have nice things like this to focus on. It's not just a special day for you, you know. The whole town is celebrating."
Face Zaria.png:"Well, [Player]. Here's to happy years with the person of your dreams."
Face Karish.png:"You finally tied the knot, [Player]! I hope you have a happy marriage!"
Face Emmett.png:"Don't worry about the chairs, I'll gather them all up."
Face Peter.png:"Looks like you landed the big fish!"
Face Kara.png:"Days like this remind us what it means to be part of a community."
Face Tonya.png:"The best thing about marriage? Permanent workout partner! Hm, when is the last time Giuseppe joined me on a jog..."
Face Giuseppe.png:"Tonya ran a marathon the day after our wedding... I slept in."
Face Emma.png:"Farmer! Are you going to have a baby now??"
Face Elizabeth.png:"Hello, farmer! Liam told us to say congratulations...... Congratulations!!"
Face Topi.png:"Can we play games now?"
Face Pod.png:"Do I have to get married like this someday, too?"
Face Bernard.png:"Here's to many happy years together!"

Wishing for a Child

Wishing for a child cutscene
Player: I want to have a child.
Face Wesley.png: I felt an odd presence bidding me to follow it. Somehow I knew you were waiting for me here. This looks like a place of strange and powerful energy... Are you wishing for children? I'm happy to wish for the same, if you're certain this is what you want.
Just make sure you're certain about this, my dear.
Player: Let's do it.
Face Wesley.png: Then I am in agreeance. We'll have a child. We'll have to teach it Nel'Varian history, of course. Oh, and the old Nel'Varian language, and...
Your wish has been made. The magic of the wish will make your house ready for the new baby! Next time you sleep, the magic's powers will take hold…
Player: Actually... I'm not ready yet.
Face Wesley.png: It's all for the best. If you aren't ready, then having a child would be a major mistake. Let's go. We can come back here once you're certain you are ready.