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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Wesley. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Wesley.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Wesley, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Wesley.png: Hello, [Player]. Are you... enjoying your time in Nel'Vari?
Player: So Wes', working hard... or hardly working?
Face Wesley.png: I'll have you know that I work hard every day! There's no time for me to slack off when-
...Oh, I see. You're making a joke.
Player: Learn to lighten up.
Face Wesley.png: ...Hm, you're right, [Player]. I should have known it was a joke. If you said something like that to Elder Gorwin, he would have laughed...
Maybe I could try laughing? -Ahem-...
...I'll work on it.
Player: We all know how hard you work.
Face Wesley.png: I should have known it was a joke. If you said something like that to Elder Gorwin, he would have laughed...
Maybe I could try laughing? -Ahem-...
...I'll work on it.
Player: Are you excited about becoming Elder?
Face Wesley.png: Excited? Well, I suppose you could say that. I just want to see Nel'Varian tradition and way of life maintained for future generations. Elder Gorwin's retirement... truly a sad day for Nel'Vari.
Player: Yeah, Gorwin retiring means YOU as an Elder! Lucky them, haha. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: (Wesley's eyes narrow, and he grumbles... perhaps your joke didn't quite land the right way...)
Player: Gorwin leaves Nel'Vari in capable hands, though. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: ...Thank you, [Player]. It's good to know someone here recognizes my hard work. I'll make sure I don't leave our people wanting for an Elder.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Wesley.png: Hm? Oh, apologies, [Player]. I didn't notice you there. By the way, have you tried the honeybrew? This latest batch is especially sweet.
Player: What's your favorite menu item at the tavern?
Face Wesley.png: That is an excellent question, [Player]. And it is one that deserves an... um, an ...excellent answer.
...Sorry, I'm trying to learn how to talk more like Elder Gorwin. Er- anyways, I prefer the baked fish. It's baked in a crust of salt and herbs. Absolutely delicious.
Player: Thanks for the recommendation. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Of course...
...Between you and I, [Player], it feels quite nice to recommend a Nel'Varian dish to someone from the outside. Hm...
Player: Sounds too salty to me. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. You should give it a try before you judge it... I suppose that's the lesson I learned from you, actually...
But still! That doesn't mean you shouldn't take your own advice, [Player].
Player: You seem up to your nose in work right now.
Face Wesley.png: Is it that obvious? I thought I could handle the increased workload, but admittedly, it's a larger burden than I anticipated.
Player: What brought you to this?
Face Wesley.png: I confess that your lessons with World Dragon Nivara left me inspired to double down on my duties. I elected to take on some of Elder Gorwin's reponsibilities.
It puts a lot on my plate, but... I don't regret it. Elder Gorwin deserves more time to relax.
Player: You were already doing so much, though.
Face Wesley.png: I confess that your lessons with World Dragon Nivara left me inspired to double down on my duties. I elected to take on some of Elder Gorwin's reponsibilities.
It puts a lot on my plate, but... I don't regret it. Elder Gorwin deserves more time to relax.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Wesley.png: I caught up with Lily the other day. She had... a lot to say about your farm.
Player: Why is Lily telling you about my farm?
Face Wesley.png: Elder Gorwin was interested in keeping an eye on your farm, so he tasked Lily with reporting back to him. Don't be alarmed, she wasn't spying. Just observing. She's good at that.
Player: Why was she watching my farm?
Face Wesley.png: Elder Gorwin merely wanted to see how your farm was progressing. He doesn't get out as much as he used to, so he relies a bit on requesting others to keep eyes out in his stead.
Player: That still sounds like spying to me.
Face Wesley.png: Well, it wasn't intended to be. Elder Gorwin doesn't get out as much as he used to, so he relies a bit on requesting others to keep eyes out in his stead. That's all. He merely wanted to see how your farm was progressing.
Player: What do you think of my farm?
Face Wesley.png: I'd say you've... proven your talents. Life grows easy in Nel'Vari, but you seem to have a natural talent for it. Lily is excitable, but doesn't tend to exaggerate. I admit, my initial judgments of you were wrong in that regard.
Player: You thought I'd be a bad farmer?
Face Wesley.png: Ahem. Well, I wasn't expecting you to exhibit such natural talents. That's all I meant...
I'm a bit busy to visit your farm myself, so it was good Elder Gorwin tasked Lily with observing your work.
Player: What do you think of my farm?
Face Wesley.png: I'm a bit too busy to visit it myself, but Lily has informed me - at length - of your prowess for the farming arts. As I said, I realize now that I judged you wrongly.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Wesley.png: I've been meaning to ask you something, [Player]. You also have a farm in Sun Haven, don't you?
Player: Yeah, I have a farm in Sun Haven!
Face Wesley.png: And you find time to tend to both Sun Haven and Nel'Vari? You... might work even harder than I do.
Player: It's rewarding work.
Face Wesley.png: My father used to tell me that work was its own reward. I never believed that, though. The fruit of our labor is what makes the work worth doing. I'm sure you must feel the same way.
Player: Yeah, it's hard work. You guys don't happen to have sprinklers here, do you...?
Face Wesley.png: Sprinklers? What in the world is a sprinkler? Hmph, it sounds rather crude, if you ask me.
I understand how hard working multiple farms must be, however. My father used to tell me that work was its own reward. I never believed that, though. The fruit of our labor is what makes the work worth doing - I'm sure you feel the same way.
Player: I do more than just farm, too.
Face Wesley.png: I've seen. I'm beginning to realize that someone as talented as yourself may be a valuable asset to Nel'Vari...
Player: Outsiders are good. Let's open Nel'Vari up to them! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: No, no! Let's not rush to conclusions like that! It's... a much more delicate question. I'm open to entertaining the notion, but it's a very big thing to consider. You have to take such matters much more slowly, [Player].
Perhaps someday it may happen, I will concede that much. After all, your farm is proof that Sun Haven shares at least some Nel'Varian values.
Player: Outsiders can be a benefit to Nel'Vari. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: I'm open to entertaining the notion, but it's a very big thing to consider. Maybe... maybe someday. After all, your farm is proof that Sun Haven shares at least some Nel'Varian values.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Wesley.png: Hm, [Player]. I have something to ask you.
Player: What did you want, Wesley?
Face Wesley.png: Your Sun Haven town. What's something you like about it? Something that we don't have in Nel'Vari, I mean.
Player: The beach is wonderful.
Face Wesley.png: A beach? Oh - you must mean the sand at the edge of the sea. Hmph. Vaan has told me about it before, in one of his various bids to convince Elder Gorwin to send Nel'Varians to greet Sun Haven.
I dismissed Vaan's stories, but if you enjoy the 'beach', perhaps it's worth seeing for myself...
Player: There's a great local bakery.
Face Wesley.png: A bakery? Nel'Varians have traditionally done their baking in their own homes. To have a dedicated individual producing baked goods for the whole town... yes... I can see the value in that.
But what would we call the one who does all our baking? Hmm... oh! Aha! I've got it! We'll call them a BAKER! A new word of my own invention.
Player: Hey - I have something to ask YOU!
Face Wesley.png: Is that so? What is it?
Player: Who's your favorite person in Nel'Vari? Besides yourself and Gorwin, I mean.
Face Wesley.png: Hm. That's an odd question. If I had to say anyone, perhaps Slate, the tavern keeper? He listens to my stories and problems, though I half suspect he only does so because I provide patronage to his tavern.
I'm wondering what we could do to help Nel'Vari grow in the future. Hence why I had a question for you.
Player: What's your favorite thing to do in Nel'Vari?
Face Wesley.png: If I had to say, other than my work, it would be enjoying honeybrew at the tavern. Slate, the tavern keeper, even listens to my stories and problems, though I half suspect he only does so because I provide patronage to his tavern.
I'm wondering what we could do to help Nel'Vari grow in the future. Hence why I had a question for you.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Wesley.png: Ahem. Oh. Hello there, [Player].
Player: Why are you acting so awkward?
Face Wesley.png: Awkward? Me?! I'm not acting AWKWARD! I, well... it's just, you know. We're dating now, you and I. But we still have an image to maintain! Especially myself.
Player: It's okay, Wes. Just lighten up. -2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. My dear [Player], if we are to have a... a relationship such as the one we have now, then at least some certain rules must be followed.
Player: You should act a little more natural. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. Maybe you're right. If I keep acting so suspiciously, people will definitely begin to gossip. Word spreads fast through the leaves, and even faster through Nel'Varians. I'll keep that in mind.
Player: Wesley... have you ever dated someone before?
Face Wesley.png: What sort of question is that?!?! If you must know, I have always been too busy to persue something like dating! And besides, no one has ever been worth what little time I have to spare for such things.
Player: No one, until me?
Face Wesley.png: W-well, yeah. That's right.
Player: Not even... Beeanca?
Face Wesley.png: W-what?! No! Not even Beeanca!

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Wesley.png: You look... fresh today, [Player].
Player: What do you mean by 'fresh'?
Face Wesley.png: Just... I'm not sure. Like you have your eyes on the future. It's hard to describe. I saw the same look in your eyes the day we met. At first, I hated it. Now, though...
Player: Aw, you don't hate it anymore? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Yes, and even more than that... I've come to like it. I find it... inspiring? Is that the right word? Gah...
Player: You hate it even more? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: No! That isn't what I meant! I mean, I've come to like it. I find it... inspiring? Is that the right word? Gah...
Player: Doing any special work today, Wesley?
Face Wesley.png: Just my usual routines. Some of the members of the Restoration Society need my aid in assembling some mana shards they recently acquired.
I'm head of the Restoration Society, by the way. In case you didn't know.
Player: So what IS the Restoration Society?
Face Wesley.png: It's an organization of Nel'Varians who make it their sworn duty to restore and preserve the past. The society's previous head, my father, worked with unmatchable fervor toward that duty.
He didn't care what anyone thought of his tireless hours spent towards his work. Truly... 'inspiring'...
But you, you're not like him at all. You work hard, yet you keep the future in focus, too. Which is what I mean when I say you're looking 'fresh'.
Player: I'm not entirely sure what the Restoration Society is.
Face Wesley.png: It's an organization of Nel'Varians who make it their sworn duty to restore and preserve the past. The society's previous head, my father, worked with unmatchable fervor toward that duty.
He didn't care what anyone thought of his tireless hours spent towards his work. Truly... 'inspiring'...
But you, you're not like him at all. You work hard, yet you keep the future in focus, too. Which is what I mean when I say you're looking 'fresh'.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Wesley.png: Slate was asking about you the other day while I was working. Sigh. So begins the gossip.
Player: What work were you up to?
Face Wesley.png: I've been working on a seminar, actually...
Each year, I present a seminar to the children of Nel'Vari. Stories from our past, the values we build our society on. It's very important, though not every youngster agrees...
Player: Do you make the seminars boring?
Face Wesley.png: I- I don't know! I don't think they're boring! But then, I never did. Nel'Vari's history and principles have fascinated me since I was a child. I can't imagine why today's children don't feel the same...
Player: Kids aren't interested in your stories?
Face Wesley.png: I- I don't know! I don't think they're boring! But then, I never did. Nel'Vari's history and principles have fascinated me since I was a child. I can't imagine why today's children don't feel the same...
Player: Are you worried that people gossip about us?
Face Wesley.png: I am not worried, per se. But I don't want it to change how people will see me as an Elder. Will they believe I'm abandoning Nel'Varian tradition? Will they think I'm embracing change? It's impossible to know.
Player: You should do what you think is right. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Thank you for saying so, [Player]. Yet, it's hard. I'll need to think on it. Thankfully, I have plenty of work to keep my mind occupied on tasks that are... easier to think about.
Player: It doesn't matter what anyone thinks. -2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. If only it were so simple. It absolutely does matter what people think. I hope you can understand that, [Player]. Otherwise this relationship may not work out.
But for now, I'm just thankful for plenty of work to keep my mind occupied on tasks that are... easier to think about.

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Wesley.png: Hmph, what a disaster...
Player: What's wrong, Wes? Quest: WesleyHangout1Quest
Face Wesley.png: The yearly seminar! It's in only a few days, yet I am still underprepared for it.
Normally I always had Elder Gorwin to help me, but I didn't want to bother him with the work...
I'll still put the seminar on, of course, but I fear that it will end up being wholly inadequate.
Player: Would you like some help?
Face Wesley.png: You would elect to help me? I... I would be honored, [Player]. It's settled. Meet me in front of my house, tomorrow at 12 pm. I'll fill you in on the details there and then. Oh - and thank you.
Player: Whew, good luck with that!
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. You mean to tell me that with all the incredible things you do, you can't help me out?! Well, if you should have a change of mind, meet me outside my house, tomorrow at 12 pm. I'll fill you in on the details there and then.


Cycle P6

Cycle P6
Face Wesley.png: I have very little time to talk right now, [Player]. Make it quick, if you can.
Player: What's wrong?
Face Wesley.png: Nothing is 'wrong', I'm just busy. It's sap season for the Grand Tree, and if we don't get it bucketed and cleared away, it can pool on the Grand Tree's bark and cause all sorts of icky problems.
Player: Taking care of the Grand Tree must be a pain.
Face Wesley.png: It certainly can be. The Grand Tree is like any other tree - it needs to be tended to and taken care of. That's one of my primary jobs.
Player: That sounds like a lot of work!
Face Wesley.png: It certainly can be. The Grand Tree is like any other tree - it needs to be tended to and taken care of. That's one of my primary jobs.
Player: Can you tell me more about the Grand Tree?
Face Wesley.png: Well, I suppose I have time for a quick history lesson. The Grand Tree is the oldest and most important thing in Nel'Vari. Not to sell Earth Dragon Nivara short, but it's even older than her.
We Nel'Varians created the position of 'Elder' as someone who would primarily oversee care of the Grand Tree, and preserve the traditions and teachings that keep it safe and thriving.
Player: That's a lot of responsibility.
Face Wesley.png: You've got that right. Now you might understand why I'm so busy.
Player: Wow... even older than Nivara?
Face Wesley.png: It's incredible to think about, but there are things in our world that are far older than even the mighty Guardian Dragons. Now if you'll excuse me, I am rather busy...

Cycle P7

Cycle P7
Face Wesley.png: Ah, this week is the monthly meeting of the Restoration Society, isn't it? I'll have to get my hat out of storage...
Player: What is the Restoration Society?
Face Wesley.png: It's a collective of like-minded Nel'Varians who work together to find, record and preserve ancient Nel'Varian history. For a very long times the Elves lived without recording their history... it's our task to decipher the meager clues they left for us.
Player: And you're its leader, right?
Face Wesley.png: That's correct. My father held the position before me, and I took over once he stepped down. I have some big shoes to fill, and even bigger problems to solve.
Player: So you're archeologists?
Face Wesley.png: The correct term is actually 'Elfeologist'. It's a word in the old tongue that means 'Past Finder'. I'm the head of the Restoration Society, just like my father before me. I have some big shoes to fill, and even bigger problems to solve.
Player: What sort of stuff does the Restoration Society do?
Face Wesley.png: Primarily we look for and study artifacts. The most precious artifacts are the mana shards we collect from the roots of the Grand Tree. Mana shards are memory, and they contain the memories of Nel'Varians that lived in ages past.
Player: Mana is... memory?
Face Wesley.png: Mana is energy. Energy is just a way to 'store' memories. If you know how to correctly 'pull' them from the hardened mana crystals they're stuck in, of course.
Player: So memories like... how to bake cookies?
Face Wesley.png: Well, yes. Memories of all sorts of things. Recipes, skills, personal achievements, events and other important things. It's all there, in the mana. We just have to find and preserve it - and learn more about our history as we do.

Cycle P8

Cycle P8
Face Wesley.png: Have you seen Vaan? I've a bit of a twig to pick with him.
Player: Is Vaan in trouble?
Face Wesley.png: I have it on good authority that he's been leaving Nel'Vari and exploring around on that cloud of his! You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, [Player]?
Player: Me? Uhh... no...
Face Wesley.png: Hmm. You're not fibbing are you, [Player]? ...Hmmm... Wesley grumbles to himself but seems to otherwise not suspect you...
Player: Yeah, he flies to Sun Haven all the time.
Face Wesley.png: Hmph! I knew it! I'll give him a real piece of my mind - just as soon as I can find him.
Player: Who do you think helps Nel'Vari more... Iris, or Vaan?
Face Wesley.png: That's easy. It's Iris. She is dedicated completely to her work, which has brought Nel'Vari leaps and bounds into the future of modern living. She invented mushroom massage chairs, for Nivara's Sake!
Player: Sounds like Vaan doesn't contribute much.
Face Wesley.png: He doesn't. Although I will confess, Vaan's one contribution to Nel'Vari is probably the most valuable thing anyone has ever contributed. Scaling the Grand Tree wouldn't be the same without his wind lift...
Player: So is Vaan known for being lazy then?
Face Wesley.png: Perhaps not 'lazy', but he doesn't use his powers for the good of Nel'Vari. Although I will confess, Vaan's one contribution to Nel'Vari is probably the most valuable thing anyone has ever contributed. Scaling the Grand Tree wouldn't be the same without his wind lift...

Cycle P9

Cycle P9
Face Wesley.png: The Tree Guardians are in complete disarray. They wander all over, hardly paying attention to the forest around them!
Player: Is everything okay, Wesley?
Face Wesley.png: Ah, yes. Please forgive my complaining. But between you and I, Elder Gorwin has truly let the Tree Guardians have free run. They're supposed to be keeping watch of the forest, but Elder Gorwin lets them do as they please...
Player: Well, even Tree Guardians like to relax.
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. The problem is that trees are SLOW. Once they get off task, it takes ages to get them to pay attention to their duties again. Elder Gorwin is too soft. It's up to me to be hard.
Player: What's so bad about that?
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. The problem is that trees are SLOW. Once they get off task, it takes ages to get them to pay attention to their duties again. Elder Gorwin is too soft. It's up to me to be hard.
Player: Is that dirt on your fingers?
Face Wesley.png: Huh? Oh... yes. I suppose I didn't clean my hands properly. I've just gotten done planting some of the Grand Tree's acorns.
Player: You plant the Grand Tree's seeds?
Face Wesley.png: It's part of a process. Nel'Varians have been attempting to cultivate a secondary Grand Tree for thousands of years. It's never worked, and at this point it's become more of a ceremonial tradition than a true effort to grow a second Grand Tree.
The seeds grow, of course. But despite the seeds coming from the Grand Tree, the saplings never grow into anything other than ordinary trees.
It's my theory that this means the Grand Tree may have been a normal tree, and its... Grandness is the result of some kind of outside influence. But it's just a theory. A tree theory.
Player: Why are you doing that?
Face Wesley.png: It's part of a process. Nel'Varians have been attempting to cultivate a secondary Grand Tree for thousands of years. It's never worked, and at this point it's become more of a ceremonial tradition than a true effort to grow a second Grand Tree.
The seeds grow, of course. But despite the seeds coming from the Grand Tree, the saplings never grow into anything other than ordinary trees.
It's my theory that this means the Grand Tree may have been a normal tree, and its... Grandness is the result of some kind of outside influence. But it's just a theory. A tree theory.

Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Wesley.png: Good day, [Player].
Player: So - how do you style your hair?
Face Wesley.png: My hair? Huh? Well, the green is my natural color. So is the white, if that's what you mean. I don't know why my hair is the way it is. It just is! My father's hair was the same way. It's very distinct, if you ask me!
Player: I meant to ask how you got such lift and volume.
Face Wesley.png: ...Oh. In that case, it's lily honey, mixed with the mashed petals of tree daisies. Nel'Vari is a treasure trove of natural balms and crèmes.
Player: Are you sure you don't dye your hair at all? You can tell me!
Face Wesley.png: Yes! My hair is completely natural! If you keep up this unfounded prodding about my hair, I'll be wont to lose my temper!
Player: What's your best memory of Nel'Vari?
Face Wesley.png: Well, that would have to be the day Elder Gorwin selected me as his apprentice. It was not only the moment I was recognized for my talents and hard work, but also marked the path the rest of my life would follow.
Player: Was it a big ceremony?
Face Wesley.png: Well, not exactly. I recall being summoned to the council chamber. I thought Elder Gorwin was simply going to give me a new task... which he did. It just wasn't the 'task' I was expecting.
My father was there, and some of the other councilmembers. Elder Gorwin appointed me, I accepted and... well, that was it. Elder Gorwin didn't even say any of the ancient words, though! When I appoint my apprentice, I'll do it right.
Player: It must have been a big deal.
Face Wesley.png: Well, not exactly. I recall being summoned to the council chamber. I thought Elder Gorwin was simply going to give me a new task... which he did. It just wasn't the 'task' I was expecting.
My father was there, and some of the other councilmembers. Elder Gorwin appointed me, I accepted and... well, that was it. Elder Gorwin didn't even say any of the ancient words, though! When I appoint my apprentice, I'll do it right.


Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Wesley.png: Ah, [Player]! I was meaning to find you!
Player: You're in an unusually happy mood. + Wesley's Woven Necklace.png Wesley's Woven Necklace
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. Is it so easy to read me? Or is it just because I never look happy?
Gah, forget about it. I just wanted you to know that due to some... recent circumstances, I decided to change up the annual children's seminar. Instead of focusing so much on history and its importance, we... made crafts instead.
Don't look at me like that! Yes, I said 'WE'. I did crafts, too. A few of the loom workers joined me, and together we gave a seminar on Nel'Varian art.
Some of the children even asked me if I knew what sort of things people crafted in Sun Haven. I wonder why they'd think I know about Sun Haven!
It was probably my most successful seminar I've ever put on for the children. They even laughed at the joke I told! I'm aware that I have you to thank for the change, so... I made this for you.
Player: What is it?
Face Wesley.png: It's a necklace I wove at the seminar. The children helped me pick out acorns, so there's one from each of them. In Nel'Varian culture, acorns represent change. More superficially, they also represent acorn pie.
But forget about acorn pie. If you wanted proof that Nel'Vari can change, then this necklace is it. I wouldn't try wearing it, though. It's not durable enough to work as jewelry, but will make a nice keepsake. Keep it with you, won't you?
Player: You're giving me... acorns?
Face Wesley.png: It's a necklace I wove at the seminar. The children helped me pick out acorns, so there's one from each of them. In Nel'Varian culture, acorns represent change. More superficially, they also represent acorn pie.
But forget about acorn pie. If you wanted proof that Nel'Vari can change, then this necklace is it. Keep it with you, won't you?

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Wesley.png: Nel'Vari has quite the influx of forest creatures flocking to it lately. I wonder why that is?
Player: Do animals not usually live around Nel'Vari?
Face Wesley.png: Of course it does. It's just that lately, there's been more than usual. I can't help but admit that it seems to be a sign Nel'Vari is prospering more than usual.
Player: I've been planting lots of crops on my Nel'Vari farm. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Yes... I remember the demonstration you provided for us when Elder Gorwin gave you your farm. I don't find it hard to believe you've been hard at work, and your crops certainly would attract nature life.
It appears Nel'Vari owes you, my dear [Player]. As do I.
Player: Don't look at me, I barely grow anything on my Nel'Vari farm! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Eh? You're not utilizing the farm? From the demonstration you provided for us when Elder Gorwin gave you your farm, I would have believed your farm was progressing swiftly.
I'm sorry. We should have given you a more fitting place to stay... perhaps a mineshaft, or a fishing pier? If only I were able to get to know you before you came to Nel'Vari, this mistake would not have happened.
Player: What's your favorite animal?
Face Wesley.png: All animals have a role to play in nature, and each possess a deeper meaning in Nel'Varian culture. Squirrels scatter acorns around, and are symbols of growth. Butterflies transfer pollen between plants, and are... also symbols of growth.
Lots of symbols of growth, now that I think about it. Anyways, I don't claim to have a favorite. They are all equally important to me.
Player: Even hornsnakes and arcbugs?
Face Wesley.png: Even 'monsters' such as those have important places in nature. In a way, you are the same. You had your own part to play in Nel'Vari.
Player: Riiight, but what animal is your MOST favorite?
Face Wesley.png: What? Didn't you hear what I just said?! Hmph, fine. If you insist to force me to choose, then...
...I would say it's the Greencrested Woodlapper. It's a species of bird that constructs its nest by regurgitating chewed scraps of bark.
...Don't give me that look! It's VERY fascinating! And green! So hmph!

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Wesley.png: The future seems so oddly bright. But I still wonder if that's a good thing or not...
Player: What are you thinking about today? Quest: WesleyHangout2Quest
Face Wesley.png: In the wake of a successful yearly seminar, I've decided to take a little time off of work. I believe I'm ahead of this season's tasks, so there's time to relax a little bit. What an... unusual feeling.
Erm, anyways - I meant to ask you, perhaps we could share an evening together?
Player: Like a date?
Face Wesley.png: I suppose you could look at it that way. I won't, though. Unless you do. Do you? Gah, forget I asked. If you want to join me, just meet me outside of the Grand Tree at 5 pm tomorrow. Alright?
Player: I think I'm a little busy...
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. Yes, I know that feeling all too well. Gah, forget I asked. If you end up finding time to join me, just... meet me outside of the Grand Tree at 5 pm tomorrow. Alright?

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Wesley.png: A new wind blows in Nel'Vari. Is it a wind of change?
Player: Would you go adventuring with me sometime?
Face Wesley.png: Adventuring? Outside of Nel'Vari? Hm. I may be obligated to do so. It would be unwise to approach the issue of opening Nel'Vari without knowing much about what is outside of our borders.
I've read books, of course, and Vaan will talk your ear off about what you'll find in the lands beyond. Seeing it with my own eyes, though... that would be different.
Player: We could go to the dark forests!
Face Wesley.png: Hiking is no problem, but being escorted through monsters and blazing heat is entirely different. Give me some credit, [Player]!
Player: We could travel the seas!
Face Wesley.png: The SEAS?! I don't know about that, [Player]. Elves belong on the ground! Trees, not water!
Player: Doesn't Gorwin want to open Nel'Vari? Why didn't he?
Face Wesley.png: Elder Gorwin would tell me, when we were alone, that the opening of Nel'Vari was inevitable. Deep down I believed he knew that someday, either friend or foe would meet us at our village gates.
He hoped it would be friends - and he counted on me to prepare for foes.
As for the ultimate choice for Nel'Vari's future? It seems Elder Gorwin has left it up to me...
Player: I think whatever choice you make will be the right one. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: ...Thank you. Elder Gorwin would always tell me the same thing, but it always seemed like wishful thinking. Hearing you say it makes it sound real. Maybe you're right. Or at least I certainly hope that you are.
Player: Can you step down from all your responsibilities? Let it be someone else's decision. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. That's... not possible. I'm the only one apprentice of Elder Gorwin. Not to mention that no one else seemed to even want the job. I can't run away from my responsibility, [Player]. This is a choice I need to make.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Wesley.png: I went leaf collecting the other day. Not for work, but just for fun. I might be able to get used to these... 'recreational activities'.
Player: Did you find any good leaves?
Face Wesley.png: Indeed I did. I stopped by Iris's house to share some of my findings. She looked alarmed to see me, wondering if I was on a task given to me by Elder Gorwin.
Player: She couldn't believe you were collecting leaves for fun?
Face Wesley.png: It seems I've earned a certain reputation in Nel'Vari. I commanded respect, but I'm seeing now that it never won me many friends, ahem...
Player: This is a new leaf for you, literally!
Face Wesley.png: Haha, a new leaf! Okay, I get the joke. And you're right. I'm a new Elf. Or at least, a higher quality version of my previous self.
Player: So, what do your markings mean?
Face Wesley.png: Huh? Oh - the cheek markings? They're symbols of spring. Green leaves, verdant life and renewal. It's actually my family's crest. My father had the same markings, as did his before him.
Player: What a wonderful family tradition. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: If I should ever have children of my own, I would hope they follow the same tradition. I know not everything must revolve around old traditions... but this is one I would like to keep.
Player: Why not go for something more original? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: The point of the markings is precisely to not be original! I know not everything must revolve around old traditions... but this is one I would like to keep. Should I have my own children one day, I hope they follow suit.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Wesley.png: The tree guardians seem more springly as of late. Everything does, actually. Could it be the positive energy of our relationship?
Player: Have you spoken to Nivara lately?
Face Wesley.png: I keep in touch with the World Dragon. Her and Elder Gorwin speak often, and I am usually the one to send messages between the two.
Player: Yes, but have you spoken with her yourself?
Face Wesley.png: I've had talks with her, of course. About my future in Nel'Vari, and about Elder Gorwin's shifting position. She and Elder Gorwin do a lot of gossiping on the side. As a child, I knew World Dragon Nivara was wise and sagely... but I didn't know she loved to gossip so much.
Player: What do Nivara and Gorwin talk about?
Face Wesley.png: These days they... mostly just gossip. When I was a young Elf, I looked at Nivara as an awesome and infinitely wise sage. She is certainly that, though I never suspected she had such a knack for gossip.
Player: If you hadn't become the Elder's Assistant, what do you think you would have done?
Face Wesley.png: I think I may have tried my hand at enchanting. I was told I had a talent for it as a boy, but the art of enchanting is too complicated to master if you don't devote yourself to it almost entirely.
Other than that... maybe a brewer of drinks? Berry juices, honeybrew, acorn smoothies...
Player: What about something more exciting, like a ranger? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: W-what? Is a brewer not impressive enough for you? Hmph. I won't apologize for answering honestly!
Player: A brewer? I never would have guessed. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Who knows? Elder Gorwin has begun to get into some of his old crafts again. Perhaps in a few hundred years or so, I'll rediscover some of my old interests in retirement.

Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Wesley.png: You're giving me an odd look, [Player]. Did I do something to upset you?
Player: I'm just looking at you, silly.
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. If you say so. I'm used to getting shifty gazes from people around the village. Probably because they're worried I'm about to scold them for something. As of late, I've been working to change that reputation, ahem.
Player: What makes you want to change your reputation? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: I've come to realize that if I am to be an effective Elder, then I must be more popular with the villagers. My old ways weren't doing me any favors in the popularity department. I'm going to try to be more like you, [Player].
Player: You did earn your bad reputation, to be fair. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. Thanks for being blunt, though I'm fully aware of the facts. I've come to realize that if I am to be an effective Elder, then I must be more popular with the villagers. My old ways weren't doing me any favors in the popularity department. I'm going to try to be more like you, [Player].
Player: Wesley, are you happy with our relationship?
Face Wesley.png: What, are you worried I'm not happy? I admit, a relationship like ours is a little bit new to me, but that doesn't mean I'm confused about anything. I'm perfectly happy with you, [Player]. You've shown me a perspective I never knew existed.
Player: I'd love to see you change more.
Face Wesley.png: Hm, well, our relationship when you first arrived in Nel'Vari was considerably different, to put it lightly. I don't think anyone would have believed you and I would grow this close. Imagine if we were to grow even closer? They'd all lose their heads, hah.
H-hey, you're looking at me funny, again!
Player: I'm happy with you, too.
Face Wesley.png: Our relationship when you first arrived in Nel'Vari was considerably different, to put it lightly. I don't think anyone would have believed you and I would grow this close. Imagine if we were to grow even closer? They'd all lose their heads, hah.
H-hey, you're looking at me funny, again!


Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Wesley.png: After our wedding, Elder Gorwin told me that Elders, per tradition, were not allowed to be married... I nearly fainted.
Player: He was just pulling your leg.
Face Wesley.png: Hmph. You certainly caught on faster than I did. I've never seen Elder Gorwin laugh so hard. He's getting on in years, but he still knows how to laugh.
Player: You must wisen up, young Wesley.
Face Wesley.png: Hmph, not you, too! Oh, you're also pulling my leg, aren't you?
Player: Prank him back.
Face Wesley.png: Prank? Elder Gorwin? Me?
...I could do that. I'll have to consider the best ways to do it. Perhaps I can replace his walking stick with a slightly different stick? He'd never see it coming, yes...
Player: Did you think you'd marry a farmer?
Face Wesley.png: A farmer? I didn't marry a farmer, [Player]. I married someone who can mend a rift between people, who didn't hesitate to rise to any challenge in their path. They just so happened to also be a farmer.
Player: You're one lucky Elf. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Yes, I won't argue with that. I'll always remember the day we first met as the best day of my life - even if I wasn't aware of it at the time.
Player: Is that the only reason you married me? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: I didn't marry you just because you're good at quests. Do you think I'm so shallow, [Player]? I truly hope not.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Wesley.png: I've ventured through the Elven forest, to the borders of Sun Haven. Your Sun Haven has a rich supply of mana. I wonder if it could support a Grand Tree of its own?
Player: Will Nel'Vari open its gates to Sun Haven?
Face Wesley.png: I'm still not entirely sure if Sun Haven and Nel'Vari can have future together in such a way, but I'm willing to remain cautiously optimistic. Maybe.
Player: Maybe? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: Yes, 'maybe'. There's much that must be done before the day Nel'Vari could truly be open, but we're making great leaps and bounds right now. It's not an impossibility.
Player: That's fair enough. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: There's much that must be done before the day Sun Haven and Nel'Vari could truly have peace and friendship, but we're making great leaps and bounds right now. It's not an impossibility.
Player: How much mana does Sun Haven have?
Face Wesley.png: A lot. Comparable to Nel'Vari itself... if not more. I'm aware Sun Haven has its own Guardian Dragon, so it does make sense. Fascinating that the Elven forest has a Grand Tree, whereas Sun Haven does not.
Player: Where do you think the Grand Tree came from?
Face Wesley.png: We have our legends, but when it comes to the ancient stories I don't believe what I hear at face value. It's said that the Grand Tree did not grow, but actually came to Nel'Vari.
It's a very absurd notion, so the Restoration Society works to unravel the mysteries of our deep past. If the answer is out there, we'll find it someday.
Player: Maybe we could plant a Grand Tree?
Face Wesley.png: That's an incredible idea, though I don't know how one goes about finding seeds of a Grand Tree. The Grand Tree has never produced any seeds that we've ever found, at least. It's a unique tree, and that's putting it very lightly.
It's said that the Grand Tree did not grow, but actually came to Nel'Vari. A very absurd notion, and so the Restoration Society works to unravel the mysteries of our deep past. If the answer is out there, we'll find it someday.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Wesley.png: I saw World Dragon Nivara the other day. She actually summoned me.
Player: Why did Nivara summon you?
Face Wesley.png: She talked to me about many different things. Most importantly, she spoke to me about how much I've grown. Then she gave me her Blessing.
Player: Wow, Nivara Blessed you?
Face Wesley.png: She did. I admit it was... less ceremonious than I thought. I just closed my eyes and that was it...
Although I do feel a power coursing through me. Nivara told me that Nel'Vari had more growing to do, and as Elder, it would be my job to guide that growth. I think I know what she means, and I believe I've now got the power - and wisdom - to do it.
Player: Hey, welcome to the club!
Face Wesley.png: I must admit it was... less ceremonious than I thought. I just closed my eyes and that was it...
Although I do feel a power coursing through me. Nivara told me that Nel'Vari had more growing to do, and as Elder, it would be my job to guide that growth. I think I know what she means, and I believe I've now got the power - and wisdom - to do it.
Player: Nivara must have given you something to think about.
Face Wesley.png: Indeed she did. I'm starting to feel more confident in the future of Nel'Vari. It will be a long road, and there might be setbacks along the way... but I'm ready to take that road, with you by my side.
Player: I'm with you always, Wesley. +1 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: I'm glad to know that. We'll forge a new future for Nel'Vari, and it will be together.
Player: We may not be together forever. -2 Heart.png Points
Face Wesley.png: I'm aware of such possibilities, though I prefer not to entertain them. You shouldn't let negative hypotheticals cloud your judgment, [Player]. Believe me.

Cycle 20

Cycle 20
Face Wesley.png: With the future of Nel'Vari in my hands, I think it's time we considered an important question, my dear. Should we have a child together?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Wesley.png: That was more enthusiastic than I expected! If you're so excited at the prospect then perhaps we should make preparations right away?
Player: Let's do it!
Face Wesley.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Wesley.png: Is that so? It's a very big question, so I'm not surprised you're indecisive. I won't push the subject, however. You're all I need to be happy, I think you know that. Leave the topic of children for another time.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Wesley.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!