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This page lists the dates and events the player has with Lucius. Each event will be available to the player for one in game hour. If the player misses one of the events they cannot re-do them.

Hangout Event

This event triggers from the cycle 9 conversation. Lucius will ask the player to show up in front of the Temple of the Moon the following evening at 8pm.

Lucius Hangout Cutscene
Face Lucius.png: Thanks again... For coming... [Player]... Shoot!... Almost... Had that one...
Player: So, what did you want to talk to me about?
Player: Didn't you ask me out here to talk to me about something?
Face Lucius.png: Um, right. Let me put this away.
Face Lucius.png: I asked you out here to talk to you, didn't I? I'm sorry, [Player]. I was using work as an excuse to beat around the bush.
Player: You do seem awfully nervous.
Player: You REALLY don't want to talk about this, do you?
Face Lucius.png: Whew.
Face Lucius.png: Oh boy..
Face Lucius.png: Here we go...
Face Lucius.png: Um. Are you ready, [Player]?
Player: Whenever you are.
Player: Spit. It. Out!
Face Lucius.png: Right. Well, no use in putting it off any longer...
Lucius takes a deep breath, as if to strengthen his nerves.
You're not entirely sure if it worked...
Face Lucius.png: So... You know I'm an attendant of the moon, right? And... You remember what I told you, right? About how I elected to become an attendant, right?
Player: I remember.
Player: Uhh, I forget...
Face Lucius.png: Well, what I need to confess to you is... I sort of lied. A lot.
To you.
About myself.
You see, I haven't just been an attendant for just 11 years... I've been an attendant since I was a child.
Player: Really? Since you were just a kid?
Face Lucius.png: It's for the best you forget anyways, because it um... wasn't true. I sort of lied. A lot.
To you.
About myself.
You see, I haven't just been an attendant for just 11 years... I've been an attendant since I was a child.
Player: Really? Since you were just a kid?
Face Lucius.png: That's right. See, being an attendant to the moon isn't something you decide to do. It's something you're born into. Born into, like I was. And Opal. And the others.
Face Lucius.png: It looks like Lucius is having a hard time talking about this. What will you say to make him feel better?
Face Lucius.png: Come here you little glow sprite... Almost got you...
Player: Lucius!
Face Lucius.png: Oh... Right. Sorry... My mind wanders a little bit when I'm feeling especially anxious about something. Let me put this away again.
Face Lucius.png: But yes. I have to come clean to you about the attendants. You see, Nel'Varians mark themselves with tattoos as expressions of faith or individuality or even occupation. But... these markings on my body, they're not tattoos.
I was born with them.
Player: Born with them?
Face Lucius.png: Yes. It's called Moon Marked, and it's what we're known as. The Moon Marked.
Player: So you were like... a tattooed baby?
Face Lucius.png: Yes, I guess? It's called Moon Marked, and it's what we're known as. The Moon Marked.
Player: Why lie about something like that?
Face Lucius.png: Heh, well, you see... the Moon Marked don't really fit into Nel'Vari all that well. We aren't hated, or even disliked. It's just... We're different. And Elves don't prefer the night. Culturally, the night is seen as dangerous and frightening.
Player: But... Why do they make you live in an old temple away from everyone else?
Face Lucius.png: Oh gosh! No one makes us do that. We choose to live in the temple freely. It works better that way, because of our work. Which, um, is another thing...
Player: What about it?
Face Lucius.png: Everything else I told you was true. The attendants work at night, taking care of nature while the others rest. What I didn't tell you is that we also gather and collect the mana of the Moon.
In fact, um... Well, we sort of need to do it.
Player: Does someone make you do it?
Player: Let me guess, Wesley makes you do it.
Face Lucius.png: Heh, [Player], you seem to think Nel'Vari is a much nastier place than it really is. No, we're not forced to do it by anyone. Other than ourselves, perhaps. You see, I - and the other attendants... Well, we're sort of dependant to the Moon's mana.
Player: Dependant?
Face Lucius.png: That's... Exactly right. It's a secret that not many people know. Nivara, of course. And the Elder. Moon Marked are reliant on mana from the Moon. But, it's not bad at all. I work at night, I keep nature balanced and I naturally absorb all the mana I need.
It works out perfectly for everyone involved!
Player: But why hide this from me??
Player: Still don't really get why you lied, though...
Face Lucius.png: Yeah. I'm sorry, [Player]. I really am. It's only that when you first started talking to me, this amazing-looking outsider hero who Nivara herself spoke of... Who the Elder himself went to personally meet...
What was I going to say? "Hello, my name is Lucius. I am addicted to Moon power."... I just didn't really know how to tell you. But when you kept talking to me, I knew you'd ask eventually. So I came up with a stupid story as a way to protect you... and maybe protect myself as well.
Player: I would have been okay, but I understand why you fibbed.
Player: This isn't something you had to hide from me, Lucius.
Player: Man, I really believed you so easily? I'm kinda dumb...
Face Lucius.png: ...Thanks. Looking back on it, it was pretty stupid of me to lie to you. The truth would have had to come out eventually, or you would have found out from someone else. I just didn't want you to think badly about me, but all I did was risk you thinking badly of me for lying. Jeez, talk about a rock and a hard place.
Player: Being dependent on mana must be hard. How do you live with it?
Face Lucius.png: ...Yeah. Looking back on it, it was pretty stupid of me to lie to you. The truth would have had to come out eventually, or you would have found out from someone else. I just didn't want you to think badly about me, but all I did was risk you thinking badly of me for lying. Jeez, talk about a rock and a hard place.
Player: Being dependent on mana must be hard. How do you live with it?
Face Lucius.png: N-no, you're not dumb! I'm just a great liar... I guess? Looking back on it, it was pretty stupid of me to lie to you. The truth would have had to come out eventually, or you would have found out from someone else. I just didn't want you to think badly about me, but all I did was risk you thinking badly of me for lying. Jeez, talk about a rock and a hard place.
Player: Being dependent on mana must be hard. How do you live with it?
Face Lucius.png: I suppose so... When you have a Moon Marked child, they must receive infusions of mana as they are still learning how to absorb their mana from nature. However, these infusions are more critical as a child grows into their markings.
It was an innocent enough evening. I was just a boy, spending the dusk capturing glow sprites, just like tonight, and I missed my parents calling me home for my infusion. I remember trying to show my parents my jar of glow sprites, but when Elder Plato saw my arm... he knew the damage was already done.
Player: Oh Lucius... Does it still hurt?
Player: You did do it to yourself, actions have consequences.
Face Lucius.png: Don't worry [Player], it doesn't hurt anymore. After a few extra infusions I was able to gain full movement back, but I bear the scar of my mistake. I am considered very lucky that this is the only repercussion of my brush with the dark side of the Moon.
These days, my fellow Moon Marked see me with my arm and take it as an example... of what could happen if they don't take their responsibilities seriously.
Player: Thank you for telling me what happened.
Face Lucius.png: I suppose you're right [Player]. Not to worry though, it doesn't hurt anymore. After a few extra infusions I was able to gain full movement back, but I bear the scar of my mistake. I am considered very lucky that this is the only repercussion of my brush with the dark side of the Moon.
These days, my fellow Moon Marked see me with my arm and take it as an example... of what could happen if they don't take their responsibilities seriously.
Player: Well you won't make that mistake again!
Face Lucius.png: Thank you for listening... So now you know, [Player]. Does it change how you feel about me at all? Please don't hold back, I can take the honesty I denied to you. I deserve it, even.
Player: It changes nothing, Lucius. You are who you are.
Player: It's a lot to wrap my head around...
Face Lucius.png: Well now that's a relief. I'm sure you've never even heard of the word 'Moon Marked' before today, and now you find out that you're, um... dating one. You could have just as easily never given me the time of night - or, well, in your case, the time of day.
Player: Well, you don't have to be lonely anymore.
Face Lucius.png: That's right. I've got the Moon, and I've got you. What else does a guy like me need? Hm, maybe a spiced honeybrew... But I'm lucky enough with what I have now.
Player: Come on, those glow sprites won't catch themselves.
Face Lucius.png: I know that it is. I wish I would have told you sooner... I'm sure you've never even heard of the word 'Moon Marked' before today, and now you find out that you're, um... dating one. You could have just as easily never given me the time of night - or, well, in your case, the time of day.
Player: Yeah, yeah, you love the moon...
Face Lucius.png: "Love" is maybe a bit strong. I certainly am drawn to the Moon, but... Don't be jealous. I don't want to marry the Moon or something... weird like that. I just want to, uh, stare at it a lot. Like, a lot. That's all.
Player: Pass me the net, I'll show you how a pro catches little glowy balls.
Face Lucius.png: Heheh. Thanks, [Player]. Thanks for everything.


Lucius Confrontation Cutscene
Face Lucius.png: Oh! Hello girls. What do I owe this meeting to?
Face Maria.png: Elder Plato wanted to make sure you were keeping on task. You haven't been gathering your usual amount of mana.
Face Terrae.png: Yeah, Lucius. What's up with that? You know what will happen if you don't. You already messed up your arm once...
Face Lucius.png: Oh, um, I'm sorry. I've just been a little distracted lately. I'll make up the work I've missed soon, you don't have to worry!
Face Maria.png: Distracted? What could possibly be distracting you? Just get your work done. We don't like being asked to get on your case.
Face Maria.png: Yeah, it's not fun. Besides, we have our own work to do.
Face Lucius.png: Right. Just, don't worry about me! It's all okay! Nothing odd going on with me or anything.
Face Maria.png: Whatever.
Face Terrae.png: Yeah, whatever.
Face Lucius.png: Whew...
Player: (Approach Lucius loudly)
Face Lucius.png: Urk!
Player: (Approach Lucius quietly)
Face Lucius.png: ...?!
Face Lucius.png: I- Oh. It's just you, [Player]. You made my stomach jump.
Player: What was that about, Lucius?
Face Lucius.png: Oh, d-did you see me chatting just now? Those were just a few of my fellow attendants! They were... Asking about a little festival that we throw at the temple each year!
Player: Are you sure you're telling the truth, Lucius?
Player: I heard something a lot different...
Face Lucius.png: I... Uh... Oh. So you heard everything, didn't you?
I'm sorry, [Player]. They're just... checking in on me. It's a little embarrassing.
Player: Why not tell me the truth right away? And what happened to your arm...
Face Lucius.png: I... Uhh, I really must be going! I have some, uh... Moon-related stuff that I have to collect. From... the bottom of this water! Gotta go!
Lucius jumps into the water, face-down.
Lucius is hiding something... But he doesn't seem ready to talk right now. Maybe he'll come around before too long...


This event triggers from the cycle 13 conversation. Lucius will ask the player to show up in front of the Temple of the Moon the following evening at 8pm.

Lucius Date
Face Lucius.png: Hmm...
Player: Is that a telescope?
Player: That's a big tube you've got there, sir.
Face Lucius.png: Yup, that's exactly right. It's an old piece of equipment we had at the temple. No one else was interested in it, so I took it for my own. It completely changes how you look at stars. Or anything, really.
Player: So... what are you doing with the telescope?
Face Lucius.png: It's called a 'telescope'! It's an old piece of equipment we had at the temple. No one else was interested in it, so I took it for my own. It completely changes how you look at stars. Or anything, really.
Player: So... what are you doing with the telescope?
Face Lucius.png: I'm trying to locate a certain constellation...
Player: Constellation?
Player: Conste-whatnow?
Face Lucius.png: Constellations are groups of stars that form a recognizable pattern. It's all part of an old art of star reading. The temple used to practice the art, but at some point it was abandoned. I managed to find some journals about star reading in the temple's storage chambers.
Player: So you find shapes in the stars?
Face Lucius.png: That's right! But they're not just shapes. They have meanings to them. Like this one, right here. Go on, take a look through the telescope!
Face Lucius.png: Well, what do you think, [Player]? Pretty impressive, isn't it?
Player: Umm, what is this?
Face Lucius.png: This constellation- Wait huh? Let me take a peak quick.
...Oh. I must have bumped the telescope. This isn't what I was trying to show you, heh...
Player: Now I'm curious though, what is it?
Face Lucius.png: Ah, according to my star reading texts that's... Hm. That's odd. I see a page in here that mentions a red star in the distance of the Everbeyond, but someone must've poured a thick ink all over the rest of the page. Now who would have done that? Some people have no respect for books!
But oh well, this isn't what I meant to show you, anyways. Here, let me just readjust the telescope's position..
Player: Well that's disappointing - but what are looking for now?
Player: Hey, I'm not done looking at the spooky red star yet...!
Face Lucius.png: Here we are! Take a look at this, [Player]. The brightest stars form the pattern that comprises the constellation.
Player: What is this one named?
Face Lucius.png: This one is called the 'Dragon'. The Dragon is supposed to be a guardian and guide in the Everbeyond and those under its glow are protected by it's watchful eye. There is a legend Elder Plato used to tell us, that dragons came to our world from out in the Everbeyond, following this Dragon of stars.
It's probably a load of griffon feathers, but I thought it was interesting. Say, [Player], which do you think the dragon constellation represents? Elios, or Nivara?
Player: Elios.
Face Lucius.png: You imagine it resembles Elios, hm? That makes sense. You are from Sun Haven, after all! Maybe the ancient star gazers who first spotted and recorded the constellation were thinking of Elios when they named it.
Player: Nivara.
Face Lucius.png: You really think so? Nivara is the World Dragon, but I wonder if she has a deeper connection with what lays beyond our world. I've never gotten to know Nivara as well as I should have, perhaps I need to change that...
Player: Me. I am the dragon. Rawr!
Face Lucius.png: You, [Player]? Well... You're impressive enough to be a dragon! Oh, maybe you're a reincarnation of the original dragon. Heheh, could you imagine if such a crazy thing were true?
Face Lucius.png: There's actually another constellation I meant to show you, [Player]. Give me just a moment...
Player: What do you want to see up there?
Player: You really think these stars mean anything?
Face Lucius.png: I want to see everything. Have you ever gazed into the endless expanse of stars, [Player]? It's... endless! It stretches forever. There's so much up there, [Player]. There has to be some sort of wisdom we can learn from it all.
Player: Perhaps there is.
Face Lucius.png: I do. Have you ever gazed into the endless expanse of stars, [Player]? It's... endless! It stretches forever. There's so much up there, [Player]. There has to be some sort of wisdom we can learn from it all.
Player: I dunno, it sounds a little fishy to me...
Face Lucius.png: When I looked up into the sky, seeing how small I was compared to it... It made me feel... small! Which was a nice feeling! Feeling so small made being lonely better. Jeez, does that even make sense? Well, it makes sense to me at least.
But then... Well, I met you, [Player]. And I realized... maybe I wasn't as small and insignificant as I thought. Or rather, it was harder to keep telling myself that.
Maybe being a world apart from the others of Nel'Vari did bother me more than I thought. I have to say, falling in love turned out to be very troublesome! Um, not that I regret it, mind you.
Ah! I've located the constellation I wanted to show you. Now I can stop talking and start showing. Whew.
Player: What do you want to show me Lucius?
Face Lucius.png: There are many silent languages out there, but I feel like the stars can say the words we all struggle to say. Hidden meanings, like a bouquet of stardust.
Player: What's this one?
Face Lucius.png: Heh, do you think you can guess what this one is supposed to be [Player]?
Player: It's a heart?
Face Lucius.png: That's right! This one is the Heaven's Heart. It represents endless love, devotion... That sort of stuff.
Anyways, you're supposed to show it to the person you love. According to the book, I mean.
Player: Some sort of... bunny?
Face Lucius.png: Eh, I can sort of see how you'd get "bunny". But no, it's supposed to be a heart. The Heaven's Heart constellation, to be exact. It represents endless love, devotion... That sort of stuff.
Anyways, you're supposed to show it to the person you love. According to the book, I mean.
Player: It's a rock.
Face Lucius.png: Close, but no! It's not a rock, it's actually supposed to be a heart. The Heaven's Heart constellation to be exact. It represents endless love, devotion... That sort of stuff.
Anyways, you're supposed to show it to the person you love. According to the book, I mean.
Player: Oh, is that so...
Player: Then why are you showing it to me?
Face Lucius.png: Heheh, well, it is what the book says!
[Player], before I met you, I looked at the night sky for beauty. The stars don't shun each other or have problems with one another. But now... I know there's an endless beauty on the ground, too.
It's you, [Player]!
Face Lucius.png: Well, it's just what an old musty star reading tome says, of course.
[Player], before I met you, I looked at the night sky for beauty. The stars don't shun each other or have problems with one another. But now... I know there's an endless beauty on the ground, too.
It's you, [Player]!
Face Lucius.png: Um, I guess I said everything I wanted to say in the end. Didn't I?
Player: Oh Lucius, that was incredible.
Face Lucius.png: You deserve to hear it. I have so many words for you. I'm just not used to actually getting to say them outloud. After thinking about it, I decided that I couldn't go a day longer without showing you what you really mean to me.
Player: Wow that was sappy.
Face Lucius.png: Perhaps, but I have so many words for you. I'm just not used to actually getting to say them outloud. After thinking about it, I decided that I couldn't go a day longer without showing you what you really mean to me.
Player: What if I said I love you too?
Face Lucius.png: You don't need to say it now [Player]. I just thank you. You accepted me, who I was, who I am. I had given up in believing someone would be interested in me. But here we are, my partner and myself, on a date looking at the stars. It feels like a dream.
Player: A dream for me as well.
Player: I can pinch you if you want.
Face Lucius.png: Oh! Thank you for the offer, but that won't be necessary. I just hope you feel the same.
Face Lucius.png: That's all I could ask for, [Player].
Face Lucius.png: Come, my starlight. I have even more to show you in the Everbeyond.
Player: I can't wait Lucius.
You spend some time with Lucius, looking into the endless sky.
...Until a sudden chattering in the trees interrupts your together time! Lucius informs you that it sounds as if the raccoons are arguing again and bids you farewell, as duty calls. Before you know it, he vanishes into the thick forest. Ah well, sometimes that's how things go...

Late Night Event

The late night event is triggered once the player has 15 hearts with Lucius and visits the Temple of the Moon after 8pm ? ] .

Lucius Late Night Event
Face Lucius.png: I wasn't expecting a visitor tonight. Or... Ever, really. My room isn't exactly built to accomodate guests. I hope you don't mind if there's nothing in particular to do.
Player: You're here, and you're all I need.
Face Lucius.png: [Player], your ability to find beauty in the most mundane and earthbound things is truly remarkable. It inspires me to take my eyes off the stars, to see what I've been missing down below.
Player: Don't you ever want a larger room, though?
Player: You look like you have everything you need.
Face Lucius.png: In the past I was perfectly content with my room here. It was small, but it was all I needed. But now you've shown me that maybe there's more than bare minimums, [Player].
Player: Everyone deserves to be happy. You're no different.
Face Lucius.png: Need, yes. But... what if there's more than just what I need? You've shown me that maybe there's more than bare minimums, [Player].
Player: Everyone deserves to be happy. You're no different.
Face Lucius.png: Well... If that's true, then I have you to thank. You've made be happier than I've ever been. More complete than I've ever felt. I guess what I'm trying to say is...
Lucius leans in and gives you a fast kiss, barely hitting your lips. He pulls back, his blue cheeks flush, his moon markings sparkling slightly in the restrained light of the temple room.
Face Lucius.png: Sorry. I'm worse at that than I thought, aren't I?
You and Lucius spend some alone time together in his chamber. He suggests you watch the shimmering light of the moon that filters in through the window. You have to admit, it's oddly hypnotic.
Lucius shows you some of the markings across his body, the way they glimmer and sparkle when catching light. It's a humble date, but there's a beauty to its simplicity - you weren't wrong when you told Lucius that he was all you needed.
Lucius, clearly reluctant to cut your impromptu date short, explains he must tend to his duties. Unfortunate, but fair enough. You bid him goodnight (or maybe good day?) You shuffle out of the moonlit temple and go on your way...



Face Lucius.png: This is the happiest day of my life!
Player: I can't wait to start our lives together. (This starts the ceremony.)
Player: I want to meet with our guests a bit longer.


Face Bernard.png: Quiet, please! Thank you. Now, let us begin.

We gather here in order to celebrate the sacred bond between two radiant beings - [Player] and Lucius, of Nel'Vari. Today they join together as one and enter into this most intimate commitment.

In marriage, they will find comfort and safety as they journey through a life made more beautiful by their love.

To our soon-to-be-wed, I say this: make not a bond of love, but let your love carry you as the sea carries a ship, and let your happiness show as clear and visible as a white sail filled with wind. Lucius, would you like to say a few words before the exchanging of vows?

Face Lucius.png: Hello! I don't know many of you. Except Vaan and Iris. Oh, and Wesley. When my beloved came to me in Nel'Vari, I never expected the whirlwind romance that swept me completely off of my feet. It seems that whirlwind has landed me here, in Sun Haven.

Seeing all of my Starlight's close friends coming to witness our union fills me with a happiness and sense of togetherness that I've rarely felt before in my life. Thank you all.

Face Bernard.png: Well spoken! So do you, Lucius, take [Player] to be your wedded partner?
Face Lucius.png: [Player], when you came to Nel'Vari I was content to watch you from a distance. But clearly you had other plans for me, heheh. You've taken my hand and shown me emotions I thought I'd lost.

Though my fate has already been decided by the Moon, you chose me anyways. I only hope as we go through life that I have the chance to somehow prove to you that my devotion matches your own.

...I do!

Face Bernard.png: And now, [Player], I ask: Do you take Lucius to be your wedded partner?
Player: I do.
Face Bernard.png: Lucius, [Player], before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage.
With the power granted to me by the officiating office of the Great City, I hereby declare you joined in matrimony. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss!
Player: I do not. (This will end the ceremony.)
Face Bernard.png: Oh dear! This is ... very, very unfortunate.And awkward! Emmett, quickly... take everything down, get the guests out of here...

((Emmett, quickly! Pour the memory loss potion in the punch bowl... Make sure everyone has a drink before they leave... No one will have to remember a thing...))

...Oh, um, excuse me, everyone! Let's all have some refreshments before we leave...!


If the player talks to the various NPCs after the main ceremony, they will have different responses congratulating the player on their marriage.

Face Anne.png:"It seems like just yesterday I was barging through your door for the first time... Now look at you!"
Face Catherine.png:"This is such a beautiful wedding, I told myself I wouldn't cry, but..."
Face Claude.png:"Congratulations on the marriage. I couldn't imagine standing up in front of everyone and getting married like that."
Face Darius.png:"So this is how they celebrate marriage in the Human town... Consider me unimpressed."
Face Donovan.png:"Hey, good job on getting married. Hope you have lots of happy years together, and all that. So is there going to be any food, or..."
Face Iris.png:"This is so different from an Elven wedding... Oh - still nice though!"
Face Jun.png:"Oh, [Player]. I'm so happy for you! If you ever need any advice, you know where to go."
Face Kai.png:"Fantastic ceremony! The love in the air is practically palpable."
Face Kitty.png:"Congratulations, congratulations! You make such a cute cute couple, nya!"
Face Liam.png:"Emma and Elizabeth weren't too bothersome during the ceremony, were they? They were both so excited, they wouldn't stop fidgeting... Oh, and congratulations!"
Face Lucia.png:"Watching two of Sun Haven's citizens joined in matrimony is truly heartwarming. Congratulations, [Player]."
Face Lynn.png:"This is the biggest wedding I've ever been seen. It seems like half the town is here!"
Face Miyeon.png:"W-what? Cry? I can't help it... I always cry at weddings...!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Don't worry, I was on alert through the whole ceremony."
Face Shang.png:"This is the start of a union between you and yours, [Player]. May it be a blessed and happy one."
Face Vaan.png:"Human ceremonies are so much more practical than Elven ones. It's funny how our cultures differ, even in celebration."
Face Vivi.png:"That's it? No one is even going to start a fight? Boooring."
Face Wesley.png:"Is that the end of the ceremony? Hm."
Face Wornhardt.png:"What a wonderful ceremony! It's good to have nice things like this to focus on. It's not just a special day for you, you know. The whole town is celebrating."
Face Zaria.png:"Well, [Player]. Here's to happy years with the person of your dreams."
Face Karish.png:"You finally tied the knot, [Player]! I hope you have a happy marriage!"
Face Emmett.png:"Don't worry about the chairs, I'll gather them all up."
Face Peter.png:"Looks like you landed the big fish!"
Face Kara.png:"Days like this remind us what it means to be part of a community."
Face Tonya.png:"The best thing about marriage? Permanent workout partner! Hm, when is the last time Giuseppe joined me on a jog..."
Face Giuseppe.png:"Tonya ran a marathon the day after our wedding... I slept in."
Face Emma.png:"Farmer! Are you going to have a baby now??"
Face Elizabeth.png:"Hello, farmer! Liam told us to say congratulations...... Congratulations!!"
Face Topi.png:"Can we play games now?"
Face Pod.png:"Do I have to get married like this someday, too?"
Face Bernard.png:"Here's to many happy years together!"

Wishing for a Child

Wishing for a child cutscene
Player: I want to have a child.
Face Lucius.png: Hello, [Player]. I felt a weird power that urged me to come to this place... And felt you were waiting for me. Are you wishing for children? I'm ready if you are, but...
Are you confident we're ready for this, [Player]?
Player: Let's do it.
Face Lucius.png: Alright, I trust you completely. But... What if they're Moon Marked, like I am? No... Let's not think about that. I'm sure our child will be happy and healthy, [Player]!
Your wish has been made. The magic of the wish will make your house ready for the new baby! Next time you sleep, the magic's powers will take hold…
Player: Actually... I'm not ready yet.
Face Lucius.png: I admit that hearing you say that is a relief. I'm wondering... What would we do if our child ended up Moon Marked, like their father?