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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Lucius. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Lucius.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Lucius.png: Have you ever basked in the glow of the moon before, [Player]?
Player: Why do you like the moon so much?
Face Lucius.png: There's a balance to nature. Fire and water, plant and animal, sun and moon. Most of the citizens in Nel'Vari embrace the sun. Elves like me are the other side of that balance.
Player: The moon is beautiful. People should appreciate it more often. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: You truly respect the duality of nature. Perhaps you're more at home here than you know, [Player].
Player: The sun is way more important than the moon, though. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: That's a primitive way to think. Every bit of nature is important, [Player], and no one part is worth more than another.
Player: What do you do here in Nel'Vari?
Face Lucius.png: I'm an attendant to the Moon. We take care of Nel'Vari during the night, while the others rest. I take my task seriously, though really I just love working in moonlight.
Player: So you're the night crew?
Face Lucius.png: That's a strange way of putting it, but yes.
Nature doesn't sleep like you or I. Even at night there's much to be taken care of, and it's the attendants of the Moon who handle it.
Player: Does Nel'Vari need that much care, even at night?
Face Lucius.png: That is correct, [Player]. We live in a delicate ecosystem.
Nature doesn't sleep like you or I. Even at night there's much to be taken care of, and it's the attendants of the Moon who handle it.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Lucius.png: Hello again, [Player]! I didn't see you for a second.
Player: You look deep in thought.
Face Lucius.png: So I am, [Player]. I was reflecting on some things. I'm used to being able to think for long stretches of time without being bothered. I apologize if it seemed like I was ignoring you.
Player: Why are you used to something like that?
Face Lucius.png: Well, as I told you before, I work as an attendant to the Moon. This means I'm active mostly at night, when everyone else is asleep. It's serene, but a touch lonely. Plenty of time to think, though!
Plus, even in the daytime, not many people tend to approach me. We both live in the same Nel'Vari, but sometimes I feel like people treat me as if I'm from another world...
Player: You didn't come off as rude. Just... a deep thinker.
Face Lucius.png: Well, as I told you before, I work as an attendant to the Moon. This means I'm active mostly at night, when everyone else is asleep. It's serene, but a touch lonely. Plenty of time to think, though!
Plus, even in the daytime, not many people tend to approach me. We both live in the same Nel'Vari, but sometimes I feel like people treat me as if I'm from another world...
Player: So... Opal and you work together?
Face Lucius.png: Ah, yes. Opal is another attendant to the Moon. We do work together, though we tend to work in silence. I think I've spoken to Opal... eh, maybe three times? She's a nice girl. I love our chats.
Player: Working in silence sounds peaceful. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: It is, yes. Very much so. It gives me lots of time to think to myself. Self-reflection is beautiful and important. Plus, making up arguments with myself, which is also always fun.
Player: Working in total silence sounds boring. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Now, mind you that I didn't say we work in total silence. There is so much to hear and see in the Nel'Varian night. I hoped you would have understood that, [Player].

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Lucius.png: Hello, [Player]! Busy at work again, are we?
Player: What are you up to right now, Lucius?
Face Lucius.png: I'm thinking about some of my favorite owls. The owls of Nel'Vari are excellent predators, and completely silent when they fly through the night sky.
Lately, though, I believe they've fallen on hard times with their hunts. If the owls are finding less prey to catch, then it must mean there's less prey to go around. I do hope the situation improves soon.
Player: Nature sounds very complex. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: It is! Very complex, and delicate. Nivara once explained to me that nature is like a chain, each individual link of the chain relies on the link below and above it.
If just one link breaks, the chain snaps. I didn't think Nivara was the type to use chains as a metaphor, but it certainly painted an effective picture.
Player: Why don't you think of the poor prey animals? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: But I do. Nature is a delicate balance, and every step of it must be maintained. If there's something wrong with the animals the owls prey on, I want to figure out what it is, and help fix it.
Maybe it was too much of me to expect you to understand right away.
Player: What do you like to do for fun?
Face Lucius.png: Oh, well, when I'm not able to gaze up at the moon, I do enjoy good music. Which Nel'Vari is full of!
The natural hymns of the night - the chirping of the insects and the unfiltered rushing of the river... are beautiful. But a hot bowl of noodles and the mushroom bards is also perfectly acceptable.
Player: What about griffon riding?
Face Lucius.png: Hmm, I've never been much of an adventurous type before... but I won't know unless I give it a try, right? Hey, do you suppose I could ride a griffon at NIGHT? Now THAT would be AMAZING.
Player: What about something like painting, or exploring?
Face Lucius.png: I tried painting once, actually. But it's sort of hard to do at night. So I tried painting during the day, and realized I was terrible at it. Do you think I'd make a good painter? Perhaps I could give it another try.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Lucius.png: Greetings! Good to see you again, [Player].
Player: So how did you become an attendant to the moon, anyway?
Face Lucius.png: Oh, yes, well, you see... So, I was just a normal Elf, right? Living in a mushroom and doing my thing. Well, the Elder puts out a notice that the attendants of the moon are recruiting.
I thought it sounded interesting, so I joined the meeting where the Elder and Nivara explained the job. I realized two things during the meeting - that the attendants were a very important part of Nel'Vari...
...And that no one wanted to join their order. Which makes sense. You're awake all night, your skin turns funny colors and no one wants to hang out with you. It's a thankless job, so not many elect to do it.
Player: I think your color looks amazing! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Really? I mean, I know it's a striking color and all. That's what happens when you absorb enough of the moon's energy, I suppose. Everyone is always talking about how much they love mine and Opal's white hair.
Player: You should have let someone else do the job. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: How could I? There was a severe imbalance between the night and day of Nel'Vari. It was my duty to step up and help restore balance. I won't be convinced otherwise. Not ever.
Player: Could I ever become an attendant to the moon?
Face Lucius.png: Well... I don't see why you couldn't.
But, there is a slight issue with the recruitment proccess. You see, by tradition, the attendants of the moon only recruit once every 100 years...
But hey, only 89 years left until the next recruitment drive! Although I suspect Wesley will be Elder by then... that'll be a really fun time.
Player: 89 years?!
Face Lucius.png: Yup! Which means I've been an attendant for... What is it? 11 years? Wow! Time sure flies when you're having fun. In the woods. At night. For 11 years.
Player: So you've been an attendant for 11 years?
Face Lucius.png: Would it be 11? ...Yeah, 11. That's right. Wow! Time sure flies when you're having fun. In the woods. At night. For 11 years.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Lucius.png: Still in Nel'Vari, are you? I don't know if anyone expected you to stick around as long as you have.
Player: Were you expecting me to leave?
Face Lucius.png: Not me specifically, no. I actually didn't know what to expect, heh. Most people I talk to - which isn't many, in all fairness - seemed to believe you'd leave after you took care of your business. Your training with Nivara, I mean.
Player: I think I'll stick around Nel'Vari, actually. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Is that so? I admit that I've gotten quite used to seeing you around - you're almost a part of my routine at this point, heh. I'm glad to know you'll still be in the village.
Player: Nel'Vari could be more exciting, I'm not really feeling the Elf vibe... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: You don't say? Well, trees and flowers aren't for everyone. I'm already used to people not partaking in my personal interests, but it's still unfortunate you feel this way about Nel'Vari. I guess I won't be seeing much more of you, then?
Player: Who are your friends in Nel'Vari?
Face Lucius.png: Ah, I have many friends. Each night I greet the lightning bugs, and then there's the night doves - oh, and the beetles that come out to feed on the mana dew. And the raccoons! Haha, they hiss and scratch at me so delightfully... Such noble creatures.
Oh,You mean "friends" like "people friends". Um, right. Well... Slate talks to me when I buy honeybrew. But that hardly counts, does it? There are my fellow attendants, but I suppose I don't often speak to them...
Player: What about me?
Face Lucius.png: Well, I guess it would make sense to call you a friend. I just hope we aren't rushing into anything crazy... like casual friendship!
Player: People don't talk to you so much, do they?
Face Lucius.png: I suppose they don't. That's okay, though. Everyone in Nel'Vari is very busy - they just don't have time for friendly banter!


Cycle P6

Cycle P6
Face Lucius.png: Ah, the Moon. I know it's so far away in the Everbeyond, but sometimes I feel as if it's so... close. Is that poetic, or just delusional?
Player: What's great about the moon?
Face Lucius.png: Heh, when you've spent as much time with the moon as I have, I suppose it rubs off on you a little bit. Maybe I think of the Moon the same you think of your Sun Dragon? Or how other Elves in Nel'Vari feel about Nivara.
Player: Is the moon more important than Nivara to you?
Face Lucius.png: Oh no, not at all. Maybe my example wasn't very good...? There isn't a lot in my life that isn't dependable, but I can always count on the Moon. It's not going anywhere, and whenever I look upwards... there it is.
Player: The moon is that important to you, huh?
Face Lucius.png: Well, I spend almost all of my time working beneath it. There isn't a lot in my life that isn't dependable, but I can always count on the Moon. It's not going anywhere, and whenever I look upwards... there it is.
Player: You live in the Temple of the Moon, right?
Face Lucius.png: That's right. Maybe you've seen me around there. It's a communal temple for the attendants to live in, where we prepare for our work. Others use the temple as a place of honor to the Moon.
It's very much unlike the other architecture found in Nel'Vari, so I wonder what an outsider like you would think of it. Your perspective, I mean.
Player: It's a very beautiful temple! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: You agree, do you? Few will admit it, but many in Nel'Vari don't agree with the architecture of our temple. It's not... Tree-y enough for them, I suppose.
But the temple was built out of necessity, and so the builders had to use what they could get, namely stone. It's good that you appreciate their craft!
Player: It's sort of ugly. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: So you're like the others? Not everything in Nel'Vari needs to be grown from the ground. Those who built the temple used what material they were able to get - in this case, they used stone. I hope your perspective is open to change, [Player].

Cycle P7

Cycle P7
Face Lucius.png: Good to see you again, [Player]!
Player: How's the night life been treating you?
Face Lucius.png: Everything has been running as smoothly as can be. In fact, ever since we began talking, it's been going better than usual. I feel more energetic, and less encumbered by unpleasant feelings...
Player: What sort of unpleasant feelings? You can tell me. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Hah, I should have expected you to care. Mostly I mean... loneliness. I love what I do, but I will admit it's sometimes a little too devoid of interactions with others. I needed a friend to keep the loneliness at bay. Thank you for that, [Player].
Player: That's cool, I guess. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Oh, you don't really want to hear about my feelings, do you? Ah, you're not so different from everyone else. I don't blame you, of course, but it still compounds the loneliness I often feel stuck with.
Player: Do you have any favorite foods?
Face Lucius.png: Ohh, when it comes to food do you know what I'm particularly partial to? Blueberries! I'm not sure what it is about them, they're just so squishy and juicy. Plus, they sort of look like little moons! It's like I'm eating the Moon!
Player: Blueberries, huh? I'll remember that.
Face Lucius.png: Ah, what do you mean by that, [Player]? You're not thinking of getting any blueberries for me, are you? Now you've got me excited!
Player: Really? Just... Blueberries?
Face Lucius.png: I guess so! It might not be the most exciting, but it sure does do the trick for me. Oh, sweet blueberries... I could really go for some right now, actually.

Cycle P8

Cycle P8
Face Lucius.png: Oh dear, [Player], I'm stuck in a bit of a problem... You know Opal, yes? My fellow attendant? Her birth night is coming up, but I've forgotten to get her anything for the occasion...
Player: Um, don't you mean birthDAY?
Face Lucius.png: Oh - no, I don't! You see, a birthday is the day you're born, right? Well, a birth night is the night when you joined the temple as an attendant! It's the start of your new life, and your new you.
...But functionally speaking, yes. It's a second birthday. It's customary for attendants to give and receive gifts to mark the day each year. I completely forgot about Opal this year, though! What do you think would work as a last minute gift?
Player: Buy her something expensive.
Face Lucius.png: Expensive? Well, I did have some extra mana orbs. Perhaps she'd like a pet? Or maybe a giant moth? Those are perfect ideas, [Player]! Opal has always forgotten my night day, but after an amazing gift, she's sure to start remembering from now on!
Player: Make her something nice and homemade.
Face Lucius.png: Homemade? I do make an excellent model replica of the Moon out of river clay. Oh, she's always brushing her hair... Maybe a comb made out of... river clay? Or a clay figure, made out of river clay! Those are perfect ideas, [Player]!
Opal always forgets my night day, but after a gift as amazing as the one you suggested, she's sure to start remembering from now on, I'm certain of it!
Player: What do you plan to do with your life after you're done being an attendant to the moon?
Face Lucius.png: Attendant' is a lifelong position, so... Nothing. It's just like the words of the temple, "Ve O'aj, Celor O'aj". Well, those are the words in the old Nel'Varian tongue. When translated it means "Given to the Moon, kept by the Moon.
My position is lifetime, essentially.
Player: I didn't realize you were so dedicated, Lucius. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Well, nature relies on me to be dedicated. There are other reasons for my dedication, of course. Nature is just the most important one. I have to do my part, as all do in Nel'Vari.
Player: You'll never do anything else with your life? That sounds boring. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Yes, just as everyone else says. If only I could make you understand that nature relies on me to be dedicated. There are other reasons for my dedication, of course. Nature is just the most important one. I have to do my part, as all do in Nel'Vari.

Cycle P9

Cycle P9
Face Lucius.png: Hello, friend! Oh, I can call you friend, right?
Player: Are you dating anyone?
Face Lucius.png: Well, no. I'm not. I don't know if I see much of a point in dating, etiher. I wouldn't know what I was doing, and I wouldn't want to mess up my first ever relationship... That would just be embarrassing!
Player: Is there anyone you want to date?
Face Lucius.png: If there were anyone I wanted to date, then... They'd have to want to date me, too. I'm too clueless. If someone ever did try to drop hints of romance, I'm certain they'd go completely over my head.
Player: You mean you've NEVER dated before?
Face Lucius.png: I've never even been close to dating someone before, heh. I'm too clueless. If someone ever did try to drop hints of romance, I'm certain they'd go completely over my head.
Player: Do you think we're friends yet?
Face Lucius.png: I do. I've actually come to consider you a very good friend. I might not talk to many people, but I know what a friend is! I certainly hope you'd consider me a friend to you, or else I'd be feeling pretty silly, heh...
Player: You're a good friend of mine, Lucius. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: See? I knew I was right - but ah, now that you say those words, I feel embarrassed anyways!
Player: I don't think we're "very good" friends. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Ah, I should have realized I was nothing particuarly special to you. I understand the night habits of fruit moths better than I understand the dynamics of friendship. Maybe I need to keep my head down more and not jump to assumptions.

Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Lucius.png: I've been watching the stars change across the Everbeyond. I'm no good at star reading, but I think they predict good changes for Nel'Vari.
Player: What do the stars say?
Face Lucius.png: It's not what they say, it's what they hint at. Star reading includes a bit of interpretation on the part of the reader. A sign of goodness and bounty might actually be a portent of doom, as an extreme example...
But I choose to read the recent signs as good. Maybe I'm just a hopeful fool, but I often choose to accept the good interpretation of a reading.
Player: Hope is never foolish. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: What an inspiring thing to say, [Player]. I'll have to remember those words the next time I'm feeling poor.
Player: You should put your faith in something more reliable than stars. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: But [Player], the stars are reliable. There may be nothing else more reliable! What isn't reliable is my flawed interpretation of what I'm seeing. If you call anything unreliable, let it be me. Spare the stars.
Player: Enough about the sky, how is everything on the ground?
Face Lucius.png: Everything is going wonderfully! Better than usual, really. The forests are absolutely teeming with mana, which is beneficial for every living creature. I think your presence in Nel'Vari has something to with that, [Player].
Player: How would my presence be helpful?
Face Lucius.png: Well, mana energy in the forests has been low lately. No one knew why, and we weren't sure when things would go back to normal. Ever since you've arrived, though, things have been improving. Whatever it is you're doing, I would say it's working.
Player: Aw, shucks, it was nothing...
Face Lucius.png: Truly incredible that you're capable of singlehandedly fixing a problem no one else knew how to handle, and even more incredible that it apparently was so easy for you to do! All of Nel'Vari owes you a debt, [Player].


Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Lucius.png: Now that we're dating, [Player], I find that the nights pass slower. It's like I just can't wait for day to come, so we can see each other again!
Player: Do you miss me at night?
Face Lucius.png: Well, I have plenty of things to keep me occupied, but I find myself longing for you more and more as we grow closer. If only you could join me in the night, the stars themselves would pale in comparison to the radiance you would... radiate.
Player: But, I have to sleep...
Face Lucius.png: Yes, you sleep during the night and I sleep during the day. It's a unique challenge, but I'll do whatever I can to make our relationship work.
Player: I'm sorry, but I am literally incapable of staying awake past midnight.
Face Lucius.png: Really? That's quite interesting, because I'm actually incapable of staying awake past noon. It's a unique challenge, but I'll do whatever I can to make our relationship work.
Player: Too bad I can't farm at night.
Face Lucius.png: I wouldn't say that. There are plants that grow in darkness, you know! You could be a night farmer, growing night crops. It's like a normal farmer, only at night.
Player: You're really trying to make this work, aren't you? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Well, I was just making suggestions, but since you ask... Yes, I would like our budding relationship to blossom into something bigger and better! Don't you feel the same?
Player: You're coming off a bit desperate. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Is that a bad thing? Maybe it makes me seem incapable of independence. I should have thought more before I spoke.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Lucius.png: Ah, hello, [Player]. I apologize if I seem a little off - I've been thinking about something most troubling.
Player: What's troubling you?
Face Lucius.png: I'm just wondering... Are you sure you actually like me? Sure, I have a rugged chin and incredible hair... but are those enough? We don't live on the same schedules, I know nothing about your Sun Haven... Am I good enough for you, [Player]?
Player: You don't have to worry, Lucius. You're very important to me, and I can't wait to learn even more about you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Oof! What did my heart do just now? Either I pricked myself on that heartstopper vine earlier, or it was because of what you just said... Maybe even both! ...If that's the case, I'll need to take an antidote immediately.
But, thank you for what you said! I'm going to remember it from now on.
Player: Quit being such a worrywart. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Ah, but now I have to worry even more. Is this the problem with caring deeply for someone? Worry becomes multiplicative? Urgh...
Player: I've never asked about your tattoos...
Face Lucius.png: My markings, you mean? Ah, right, you think they're the same tattooed markings the other Elves have... I realize there's a lot you don't know about me. Maybe it's wrong to date you without telling you the truth...
Player: The 'truth'...?
Face Lucius.png: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make that sound so foreboding. I just suddenly have a lot to think about is all, [Player]. Don't feel anxious, it's nothing bad. I just need some time to... plan.
Player: Are you saying we shouldn't date anymore?
Face Lucius.png: No, no! Nothing like that, [Player]... I just suddenly have a lot to think about is all. Don't feel anxious, it's nothing bad. I just need some time to... plan.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Lucius.png: ...Hello, [Player]. How are you doing?
Player: Why did you... run away from me?
Face Lucius.png: I'm just wondering... Are you sure you actually like me? Sure, I have a rugged chin and incredible hair... but are those enough? We don't live on the same schedules, I know nothing about your Sun Haven... Am I good enough for you, [Player]?
Player: I'm sure you have your reasons. Just talk to me about them. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: You're too good, [Player]. You have every right to be upset at me, but instead you're just asking me to talk. I promise we'll talk soon, okay? But do you think you could give me some time to... gather myself? Just a little bit of time, that's all I need! I promise.
Player: Yeah, I do. So spit it out. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: You have every single right to be upset at me, [Player]. I understand. I promise that we'll talk soon, okay? But do you think you could at least give me some time to... gather myself? Just a little bit of time, that's all I need! I promise.
Player: Those girls said something about your arm...
Face Lucius.png: My markings, you mean? Ah, right, you think they're the same tattooed markings the other Elves have... I realize there's a lot you don't know about me. Maybe it's wrong to date you without telling you the truth...
Player: Is your arm still hurt?
Face Lucius.png: Oh no, it's okay now. Just a temporary wound is all. Truly it's nothing you should worry about...
Lucius awkwardly stares to the ground. Whatever he knows, he isn't ready to share.
Player: How did you hurt your arm?
Face Lucius.png: It was nothing, I was just careless when I was younger. Just a temporary wound is all. Truly it's nothing you should worry about...
Lucius awkwardly stares to the ground. Whatever he knows, he isn't ready to share.

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Lucius.png: [Player], there you are.
Player: You look like you have something to say. Quest:Hangout Event
Face Lucius.png: I think we both know that there's a lot you need to know about me, [Player]. Things I haven't told you... and some things I haven't been exactly honest to you about. I want our relationship to be a strong one, and it's clear to me that just ignoring the problems doesn't make them go away...
I want to know, will you meet me, in private? I want a chance to come clean to you, and show you all about the real me.
Player: Of course, Lucius.
Face Lucius.png: Meet me outside the Temple of the Moon tomorrow? Nice and early, when the others will be out. Does 8 pm work for you?
Player: That sounds exciting, but I'm a little bit busy right now. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Oh? That makes sense, yes. You are normally very busy. Um, well, if you get some free time, will you meet me outside of the Temple of the Moon tomorrow? Nice and late, when the others will be out. Does 8 pm work for you?

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Lucius.png: Hello again, my starlight.
Player: Your 'starlight'?
Face Lucius.png: Well, you've certainly become a light in my life. If the Moon and stars provide light for my eyes, then you are a light for my heart. Or my soul. Hm, whichever sounds more romantic.
Player: Starlight'. It's a cute name. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: It's what I think of when I think about you! So it's not only a cute name, but rather fitting. The Everbeyond may have the Moon, but I have you - my starlight.
Player: I'd prefer '[Player]', please. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: That's understandable. I took a shot... and I missed. I just hope I only embarrassed myself and not you.
Player: So how do you like living in a temple?
Face Lucius.png: Oh, it's nice. The temple was specifically built in an area of the forest that attracts a lot of moonlight energy, if you couldn't tell. It's quite lovely, I think.
Player: How old is the temple?
Face Lucius.png: It must be very old. I know it's not as old as the Grand Tree, though. It was built by the first attendants, or at least that's what we're taught.
Player: Where did the temple come from?
Face Lucius.png: I'm not entirely sure. Well, I know it was built by the first attendants. Or at least that's what we're taught. So I guess it 'came' from them?

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Lucius.png: You know, [Player], there's something I wanted to ask you...
Player: Ask away, my dear.
Face Lucius.png: "My dear", heheh. I like that!
But, I realized something the other night... You've asked me so much about myself, but I've asked you almost nothing about yourself. I can't believe I've been so selfish.
I wanted to make up for not asking enough about you by... asking about you. Tell me about your farming!
Player: My farm is going wonderfully.
Face Lucius.png: Is that so, my starlight? I figured your farm must be doing well, but I had no idea. I don't know what a good or bad farm looks like! I really must visit, you can teach me everything there is to know. Or, at least, teach me everything I can possibly remember about it...
Player: Eh, I don't do much farming unless I have to.
Face Lucius.png: Is that so, my starlight? You must get up to all sorts of other tasks. Like... fishing, or hitting rocks in order to get smaller rocks. Oh, I've been a terrible partner, haven't I? I really must keep up more with what you're doing!
Player: Tell me more about being a 'Moon Marked'.
Face Lucius.png: Hm. What's there to really say? I was born with my markings, I didn't make many friends growing up and spent my childhood at the temple. It's not exciting, but it's been a happy enough life. My parents weren't pleased that I had the mark, but I haven't talked to them in a long time.
Do you really want to know more about the Moon Mark?
Player: I want to know everything about you, silly. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: I want to tell you anything! Everything! Whatever you want to know. I just... apologize for being bad at it. Maybe there's a better way to tell you. A way that I'd have an easier time with...
Player: Not if you're going to be so coy about it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: I'm not trying to be coy... It's just hard to explain. Maybe there's a better way to tell you. A way that I'd have an easier time with...

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Lucius.png: There are you, [Player]! I have something that I want to give you.
Player: What is it, Lucius? + Lucius' Moon Beads.png Lucius' Moon Beads
Face Lucius.png: You want to know more about me, and I'm terrible at talking about myself. I don't know why. I'm not great at talking at all, really. But that can't be an excuse I use to get out of telling you things. So... I made you these.
Maybe, in some weird way, they'll remind you that I will always do what it takes to make you happy - even if I do a bad job at it sometimes.
Player: Beads?
Face Lucius.png: They're Moonbeads, carved from rocks that have fallen from the Everbeyond. We collect them in the temple. They're supposedly sacred, but... I mean, we have a whole pile of them. No one noticed when I carved a few into beads, heh.
Whenever you hold these beads, it'll be like you're holding a part of me. Technically you'll be holding part of the Moon, but I'm speaking metaphorically. I hope you keep them with you always, so I can be there with you no matter where you go.
Player: Why do they feel so... cold?
Face Lucius.png: They're Moonbeads, carved from rocks that have fallen from the Everbeyond. We collect them in the temple. They're supposedly sacred, but... I mean, we have a whole pile of them. No one noticed when I carved a few into beads, heh.
Whenever you hold these beads, it'll be like you're holding a part of me. Technically you'll be holding part of the Moon, but I'm speaking metaphorically. I hope you keep them with you always, so I can be there with you no matter where you go.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Lucius.png: [Player], [Player]! There you are! I've been looking for you all evening, my starlight!
Player: What is it, Lucius? Quest:Date
Face Lucius.png: I wanted to know if you'd like to go out! On a date! With me! I've been thinking - making those beads to show you my feelings was really easy. A lot easier than trying to talk about my feelings! It gave me a sort of idea...
Instead of trying to tell you things, I want to show you things.
Maybe that's an easier way for me to explain why I am the way I am, heh. I have some things I would really like to show you, if you're willing and have the time to spare...
Player: I'm in!
Face Lucius.png: Oh, [Player], my starlight. The actual stars of the Everbeyond themselves will seem like dim specks in the sky compared to you and your own... glowy, shiny, starry-ness...
Er, anyways, would you consider meeting me at 8 pm tomorrow, in front of the Temple of the Moon? I'll be waiting, don't worry!
Player: I'm a little busy for stuff like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Is that so, [Player]? What a shame... I was certain you would have said yes, but I suppose it's impossible to be right all the time, isn't it?
I will miss you not being there with me, for even the very stars of the Everbeyond themselves would seem like dim specks in the sky compared to you and your own... glowy, shiny, starry-ness...
If you stop being busy, would you consider meeting me at 8 pm tomorrow, in front of the Temple of the Moon? I'll be waiting, don't worry!

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Lucius.png: Hello, my starlight! It's good to see your shine again. Not to say it's ever not good to see it, of course. It always is.
Player: Do you think the attendants will ever be understood by the others in Nel'Vari?
Face Lucius.png: Now that's a rather deep thought, [Player]. I don't know. Nel'Vari has always had a complicated relationship with the concept of change. Maybe we won't, maybe the way things are now is how it shall always be.
But so what if it is? I have you now, and I'm happy. It doesn't matter what others think, does it?
Player: You're right. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: I'm glad to hear you say that, [Player]. No matter what happens... If Nel'Vari dried to dust and the Moon and stars went black, we would always have one another.
Player: So the future of the attendants doesn't matter? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Hm, no... You're right. I was being selfish again, wasn't I? I'm so sorry. I'm much too self-centered. I should have considered the good of every attendant, not just myself.
Player: You seem more energetic than usual.
Face Lucius.png: I think I am! I feel invigorated with a new energy. Like an arcbug after a fresh lightning storm, or a hornsnake after a fresh... horn thing. I don't know what hornsnakes like.
I haven't thought about the future in a long time, [Player], but now I find myself thinking about it constantly. How much more wonderful can my life be? I feel excited and happy! And I know I have you to thank for it.
Player: I like this new you!
Face Lucius.png: I feel like I'm seeing the world with a fresh set of eyes. A new perspective, if you will. You've shined with such illustrious light, my dear [Player], but it's guided me rather than blinded.
Player: I don't think I've seen you talk this boldly before.
Face Lucius.png: I feel like I'm seeing the world with a fresh set of eyes. A new perspective, if you will. You've shined with such illustrious light, my dear [Player], but it's guided me rather than blinded.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Lucius.png: It seems like just the other day I was standing around, when suddenly a beautiful stranger walked up to me and started asking me questions! That beautiful stranger was you, [Player]. If you couldn't tell.
Player: I remember the day we met, too.
Face Lucius.png: I'm glad to hear that, my starlight! I replay the same moment in my head whenever I'm feeling down. I count myself lucky beyond description that you picked me of all people to talk to.
Player: It wasn't luck, I was attracted to you! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Well I was attracted to you, too! Well, not at first. But then you kept talking to me! And then I felt attracted to you. Don't take it personally, I just had no idea you liked me so much at first!
Player: I talked to lots of people, Lucius. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lucius.png: Um, right. I meant that you talked to me about romantic things. I know you talked to everyone else about other stuff. Personally, I figured you'd have been swooned by Vaan's honeyed words... Or maybe Gren's rugged good looks.
Player: Are you happy with our relationship?
Face Lucius.png: Happy? Of course I am! I'm so happy I could sing it from the top of the Grand Tree! Only I'm bad at singing and I have no idea how to get to the top of the Grand Tree. So I'll just say it here, on the ground. I can't imagine it's possible to even feel any happier.
Player: What about... marriage?
Face Lucius.png: M-marriage?! Me? I suppose that WOULD make me even happier! But could you ever imagine me getting married? I never did! But maybe... there's a first time for everything? Oh, now I'm absolutely shaking with excitement!
Player: Hmm... I wonder...
Face Lucius.png: What do you wonder, [Player]? Oh, come on! Tell me! I'm no good with guessing. But whatever you're wondering, it has be absolutely shaking with excitement!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Lucius.png: Hello my darling starlight! Is this what being married feels like? It feels like... Like walking on a cloud, or something else equally squishy and soft. Heheh, I quite like it!
Player: What do the other attendants think of your marriage?
Face Lucius.png: They all congratulated me, actually. It was the first time I'd ever even spoken to some of them. I don't know why but my marriage to you has seemed to affect everyone. The attendants have kept to themselves out of habit and tradition...
But now it's as there's a new energy among the temple. A desire for change. I guess I'm responsible for leading that change... I hope it's a good thing, I wouldn't want to be responsible for something bad.
Player: I know the change will be good.
Face Lucius.png: You saying that puts my nerves at ease, [Player]. I never thought that I of all people would be important enough to lead a change, and now that I am, I'm frightened that I'll mess it up. I'm just trying not to crack like an egg under pressure.
Player: So you're saying Opal is looking to date?
Face Lucius.png: She was one of the ones that expressed an interest in dating, yes. ...Hey, wait! You're not going to leave me for Opal are you?! ...Oh, you were only joking? Whew! I was going to say, have you seen how Opal braids her hair? I can't compete with that!
Player: You feel really good about our marriage, huh?
Face Lucius.png: Of course! Don't you? I feel like I'm floating down a gentle river, letting the current take me away without a worry about where I'm going. And unlike literally floating down a river, there's no waterfalls to worry about!
People can't believe that it was me who married the mysterious farmer from Sun Haven! Looks like I'm more interesting than they thought!
Player: You've proved them all wrong, my love! //Relationship Lucius21 Happy
Face Lucius.png: Aw, but it isn't about proving anyone wrong, is it? Let others think what they want! I'm just happy to have found someone so special to share my life with!
Player: Is proving critics wrong what matters the most to you? //Relationship Lucius21 Sad
Face Lucius.png: No, my starlight. Not at all. I didn't mean for you to take my words that way. Marrying you wasn't about proving anyone wrong. Let others think what they want, I'm just happy to have found someone so special to share my life with.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Lucius.png: [Player], my star of stars! My light of lights! My... person that I love lots! You'll never believe what happened!
Player: What happened?
Face Lucius.png: I was star reading last night, when I came across an incredibly rare star pattern that I've never seen before. It's called The Torch, and it's meant to represent a bright and clear future.
I know it might not mean a lot to you, but I see it as a sign of our budding future. It will be a bright one, that's for certain. The stars never lie... Mostly because you can interperate them however you want. But still!
Player: I didn't need stars to tell me our future was bright.
Face Lucius.png: Heheh, maybe not. But still, it can't hurt to have the approval of the stars, right? It's just one extra layer on the layer cake of our love. Oh, actually, cake sounds good right about now...
Player: If the stars say so, then it must be true.
Face Lucius.png: Ah, see? If you think the stars hold the truth, then there must be truth to their meanings. I feel like our bond can only grow tighter, [Player].
Player: Do you think being on two different sleep schedules is going to be hard?
Face Lucius.png: You mean how you sleep at night, and how I don't sleep at night? Um, well, that's a great question! I certainly hope it won't. Maybe this was something we should have thought about before getting married, huh...?
But don't worry, [Player]! If push comes to shove, I'll stay up in the day more often! I'll just have to do my work at night extra fast!
Player: Don't overwork yourself. We can find other ways to make our marriage work. //Relationship Lucius22 Romantic
Face Lucius.png: I know we can do it! With you, I feel like I could do anything, or overcome any obstacle. Within practical reason, of course. But still, it's an incredible and empowering feeling! We're an unstoppable team, [Player]! Unstoppable within practical reason!
Player: Maybe marriage was a mistake... //Relationship Lucius22 Sad
Face Lucius.png: Oh, come on now, [Player]. It's too early to be having such doubts. Give me a chance! You'll see that I can do whatever it takes to make sure our marriage functions correctly and doesn't miserably crash and burn in an inferno of failure!

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Lucius.png: No day or night would be complete without you, [Player]. How did I ever get by without you to constantly inspire me?
Player: You're the one who inspires me, Lucius.
Face Lucius.png: Don't say that! I didn't do anything worthy of inspiration! I just stood around while you said nice things to me. It was like I was one of your little plants, being watered by the watering can of your constant, unrelenting love.
Player: You? My little plant? That's adorable. //Relationship Lucius23 Happy
Face Lucius.png: Well, I'd rather be an Elf than a plant, but I suppose the idea is sort of cute, isn't it?
Player: Yeah... In retrospect, you were a bit boring. //Relationship Lucius23 Sad
Face Lucius.png: Oh no. Did you finally realize how boring I am? I knew this was bound to happen eventually. Ah well... At least I got to experience being married before the jig went up.
Player: I'm happy to be your inspiration.
Face Lucius.png: I'm happy that you're my inspiration, and you're happy to be it! It works out quite neatly, doesn't it? It reminds me of the noble pond moss, growing on the bark of willow trees.
The moss protects the tree from parasites, and the tree provides a home for the moss to grow. It's a give-give relationship where both parties are happy. Just like you and I!
Player: Uh, am I the pond moss or am I the tree?
Face Lucius.png: I don't know! Maybe that was an awful metaphor, but the point is we make each other happy. A perfect balance, just like nature intends for everything.
Player: I'd grow on you anyday, Lucius.
Face Lucius.png: Oh, but you can't, because you're not pond moss and I'm not a tree... Ohh you're just being flirtatious, aren't you? Well in that case, grow, [Player]! Grow on me! ...Am I flirting right?

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Lucius.png: Oh, there you are, my starlight. I was doing a bit of stargazing late last night and I believe I saw a vision of sorts. I know this might sound a little funny to you, but I believe I saw... You and I, with a child of our own! That doesn't sound too farfetched to you, does it, my love?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Lucius.png: Then once again the stars have lead me true! It seems we were fated to start a family, my starlight!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Lucius.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Lucius.png: I understand... I would never expect you to hold the same reverence for celestial visions as I do. Um, let's... Let's just forget this conversation ever happened, maybe?
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Lucius.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!