Dugan's Deadeye

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Dugan's Deadeye costs 30 Tickets.png for a standard game. Challenge mode costs 50 Tickets.png. The player can earn 30 Red Ticket.png for a score higher than 55 during a standard game. During Challenge mode, the player can win 85 Red Ticket.png for the same score.

Dugan's Stall is one of the harder carnival games. Unlike P.A.M's Strength Stall where the dummy stays still, this game has multiple moving targets.

Mini-Game Strategy

The player cannot use a sword for this game, as they are behind a fence and must use ranged combat. This can be accomplished by using spells or a crossbow. Since all the targets are moving around, the player will want to rely on the fall pattern of their spells or arrows. Don't expect to hit many targets if only shooting straight. The player must aim to where the targets are going to be.

AOE attacks are very helpful in this game, as is upgrading crossbow abilities in the skill tree.

Challenge Mode

In challenge mode, the time limit and speed stay the same, however there are more targets. to tackle challenge mode, the player needs to upgrade their crossbow and combat skills. Unlocking Arrow Storm is a huge help, because it volleys 12 arrows at once, allowing the player to hit multiple targets.

It is also recommended that the player stand at the far left or far right of the screen. Standing in the middle and trying to catch all the moving targets wont work in the player's favor. As stated before, the player will need to aim where the targets are going to be, not where they currently are.

If the player sit on the far left, they can shoot and volley arrows diagonally across the screen. This will hit more targets than if they were in the middle and trying to aim their crossbow in different directions. If the player is on the far right, they can cut off the targets and preemptively shoot as they come out since the targets will always come out from the left side and leave through the right.


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