Witches: What Are They?

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Witches: What Are They? is a book found in a place ? ] . This item cannot be put into the player's inventory - the player can interact with it to read it.

Book Information

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Unknown 5 n/a n/a


❝ Witches come in many different flavors. ❞
— Unknown


Witchcraft is unlike other magics. It naturally lacks the flair and obvious powers that Mages display, and is not as inclined to wanton destructiveness as utilized by Warlocks. The power of a Witch is much more subtle, which has lead to the notion that the art is inherently weaker or less useful than other spellcrafts.

This notion, of course, is a misconception. Witchcraft is the most natural of the magics. In fact, true spells are hardly ever used at all. Rather, Witchcraft relies more utilizing basic ingredients of the earth to treat maladies, predict weather patterns, conjure natural phenomena and - of course - cast a few spells.

Witches are traditionally healers. Medicine men, tribal witchdoctors, frontier salve-bearers. Just as there are Mages of Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Warlocks of shadowy Darkflame, Witches come in many different flavors.

Although the primary role of Witchcraft has always been for the health and longevity of the Witch's community, this does not mean that Witchcraft is without its own art of violence. Witches versed in the study of Posicology arts learn to weaponize the natural defenses found in flora and fauna. This book shall avoid at full length all such dire subjects - for those who would use Witchcraft for combat do nothing but bring a sour name and reputation to the whole of Witchcraftdom.

<The books goes on and on and on about moon cycles, flowers and secret meanings behind everyday objects. Reading it makes your head hurt - how did Catherine learn all this stuff?!>

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