Discarded Journal

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Discarded Journal is a book found in Xyla's House. On the right side of Xyla's apartment, there is a book on the ground that can be interacted with. This item cannot be put into the player's inventory the player can interact with it to read it.

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Xyla 11 n/a n/a


❝ I'm going to start a journal. Yes, I hate writing. It's a huge waste of time. ❞
— Xyla, "Discarded Journal"


❝ I'm going to start a journal. Yes, I hate writing. It's a huge waste of time. But I need SOMETHING to help me blow off steam. So I'll complain to a journal. Why not?

Here's a free tip to any chump reading this: Don't build cities in swamps. Just don't do it. It's nothing but one problem after another. The King and the Prince prattle on constantly about how they used their might to clear the lands of its prior occupants, conquering it for themselves... and then they both sit on their royal butts and expect me to do everything else.

The castle is a good building. Built of nice, ancient Witherstone. A classy fortress. I don't mind living in its chambers for the time being, but I swear if I don't get away from their royal highnesses soon, I'm going to be imprisoned for the rest of my days for the crime of regicide. That old goat Minos keeps eyeing me at council meetings.

Does he really think I'd be interested in an over-the-hill bum who does nothing but sit around all day? I'd like to be alone with him for a few minutes. I'll tell him where he can really stick that crown of his.

And then there's Cordelia. Always schmoozing it up with the King, always trying to undercut me. The prince is too busy wacking training dummies all day to be much of a bother. But once things get more interesting around here, he'll end up being a thorn in my side, too. I lived in a cave to get AWAY from this sort of stuff. We Demons are too ambitious for our own good - not that I'm necessarily complaining.

Ugh. The stone around here is TOTAL CRAP. It's too hard for the monsterfolk to mine, it's too hard to work with, it doesn't hold under weight very well... And the monsterfolk won't stop whining about how it 'feels strange' and 'whispers weird stuff'. They're afraid to even go near it, and when they do, they get all clammy and nervous. Superstitious morons.

We need to find something better. Something that can build a city. What if we made our own stone? Crumble stuff together, mix it with water, let it dry... Something strong but versatile. Yeah... that's exactly what we need! I'm so wonderfully genius. I'll have to start experimenting right away.

The sewers were going along so slowly. The monsterfolk are just sooo slow, and trying to convince a Demon to dig in the mud is like getting a fish to fly. But then these slimes showed up. They don't complain about anything. They love the mud and muck. They can haul tons of pipes. I don't mind admitting that we owe the sewers to the slimes. Darius is less pleased about our reliance on slimes.

Minos casually agreed with me that we should allow the slimes permanent residence in the new city, I could tell it made Darius angry. I could barely hold in my laughter.

With the sewers up and running, we'll be able to pump out all of the nasty bog water and turn these lands into something worth putting a city on. On top of that, my concrete is turning out to be P-E-R-F-E-C-T. We're going to turn this wasteland into a paradise. MY paradise. This world is here for ME to conquer. I'll stand at the top of the tallest building and laugh at the entire world. That's why I left my cave.

The rest of the journal is filled with rough schematics and potential street layouts. Several hundred pages are dedicated to the carnival. ❞

— Xyla, "Discarded Journal"
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