View table: Items

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Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. sell - Integer
  3. selltype - String
  4. stack - Integer
  5. rarity - Integer
  6. hearts - Integer
  7. itemType - String
  8. subtype - String
  9. category - String
  10. dlc - Boolean
  11. region - String
  12. source - String
  13. season - String
  14. produces - String
  15. capacity - Integer
  16. exp - Integer
  17. requirement - Wikitext string
  18. armorset - Wikitext string
  19. organic - Boolean

This table has 3,919 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name sell selltype stack rarity hearts itemType subtype category dlc region source season produces capacity exp requirement armorset organic
Acai Bowl (edit) Acai Bowl 100 coins 50 1 1 Consumable Food
Acorn Anchovy (edit) Acorn Anchovy 18 coins 50 1 1 Fish Sun Haven Fall 22
Acorn Milk (edit) Acorn Milk 21 orbs 50 2 1 Consumable Food
Acoustic Guitar (edit) Acoustic Guitar 100 Coins 10 1 1 Furniture Musical Instrument
Adamant Axe (edit) Adamant Axe 500 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Tool Axe

Exploration Category.pngExploration Level 20

Adamant Bar (edit) Adamant Bar 180 coins 999 2 1 Item Resources Metal Bar
Adamant Chest Plate (edit) Adamant Chest Plate 1,242 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Armor Chest

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20


Adamant Gloves (edit) Adamant Gloves 828 coins 1 0 1 Equipment Armor Gloves

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20


Adamant Helmet (edit) Adamant Helmet 1,035 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Armor Helmet

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20


Adamant Hoe (edit) Adamant Hoe 500 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Tool Hoe

Farming Category.pngFarming Level 20

Adamant Key (edit) Adamant Key 540 coins 999 2 1 Consumable Key
Adamant Legs (edit) Adamant Legs 1,035 coins 1 0 1 Equipment Armor Legs

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20


Adamant Ore (edit) Adamant Ore 45 coins 999 2 1 Item Resource Ore
Adamant Pickaxe (edit) Adamant Pickaxe 500 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Tool Pickaxe

Mining Category.pngMining Level 20

Adamant Sword (edit) Adamant Sword 500 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Weapon Sword

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20

Adamant Watering Can (edit) Adamant Watering Can 500 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Tool Watering Can

Farming Category.pngFarming Level 20

Advanced Attack Potion (edit) Advanced Attack Potion 300 coins 50 3 1 Consumable Potion Stat
Advanced Compost (edit) Advanced Compost 1 coins 50 0 1 Item Resources
Advanced Defense Potion (edit) Advanced Defense Potion 300 coins 50 3 1 Consumable Potion Stat
Advanced Earth Fertilizer (edit) Advanced Earth Fertilizer 1 coins 999 2 1 Consumable Fertilizer
Advanced Fire Fertilizer (edit) Advanced Fire Fertilizer 1 coins 999 2 1 Consumable Fertilizer
Advanced Fish Bait (edit) Advanced Fish Bait 1 coins 50 2 1 Consumable Bait
Advanced Furniture Table (edit) Advanced Furniture Table 100 coins 10 3 1 Workbench
Advanced Magic Fertilizer (edit) Advanced Magic Fertilizer 1 coins 999 4 1 Consumable Fertilizer
Advanced Spell Damage Potion (edit) Advanced Spell Damage Potion 300 coins 50 3 1 Consumable Potion Stat
Advanced Water Fertilizer (edit) Advanced Water Fertilizer 1 coins 999 2 1 Consumable Fertilizer
Adventure Keepsake (edit) Adventure Keepsake 50 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Accessory Keepsake

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0

Adventurer Cape (edit) Adventurer Cape 80 Orbs 1 4 1 Equipment Clothing Cape
Adventurer Potion (edit) Adventurer Potion 300 coins 1 0 1 Consumable Potion Transmogrification
Adventurer Shirt (edit) Adventurer Shirt 32 Orbs 1 0 1 Equipment Clothing Shirt
Adventurer's Barrel Potion (edit) Adventurer's Barrel Potion 100 coins 1 0 1 Consumable Potion Transmogrification
Aerodynamic Chest Plate (edit) Aerodynamic Chest Plate 1,932 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Armor Chest

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20

Aerodynamic Helmet (edit) Aerodynamic Helmet 966 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Armor Helmet

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20


Aerodynamic Plate Legs (edit) Aerodynamic Plate Legs 1,610 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Armor Legs

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20

Aerodynamic Wings (edit) Aerodynamic Wings 1,288 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Armor Cape

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20

Air Hockey Table (edit) Air Hockey Table 10 coins 1 1 1 Furniture Games
Air Mage Potion (edit) Air Mage Potion 300 coins 1 0 1 Consumable Potion Transmogrification
Albert's Sword (edit) Albert's Sword 0 coins 1 0 1 Item Quest Item
Albino Squid (edit) Albino Squid 25 tickets 50 4 1 Fish Withergate Any 100
Albino Squid Rings (edit) Albino Squid Rings 55 tickets 50 3 1 Consumable Food
Alchemy Table (edit) Alchemy Table 100 coins 10 0 1 Workbench
Algae Dipped Pretzel (edit) Algae Dipped Pretzel 4 orbs 50 0 1 Consumable Food
Algae Staff (edit) Algae Staff 20 orbs 1 2 1 Equipment Weapon Staff

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 10

Alien Plushie (edit) Alien Plushie 1 tickets 10 0 1 Furniture Plushie
Allergy Medication (edit) Allergy Medication 0 coins 1 0 1 Item Quest Item
Aloe Vera Plant (edit) Aloe Vera Plant 480 coins 10 0 1 Furniture Plant
Alpine Hat (edit) Alpine Hat 100 coins 1 0 1 Equipment Clothing Hat
Amethyst (edit) Amethyst 90 coins 999 2 1 Item Resources Gem Amethyst Node
Amethyst Ring (edit) Amethyst Ring 300 coins 1 3 1 Equipment Accessory Ring

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0

Amp (edit) Amp 100 coins 10 1 1 Furniture Musical Instrument
Amulet of Immortality (edit) Amulet of Immortality 200 coins 1 4 1 Equipment Accessory Amulet

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0

Amulet of Time (edit) Amulet of Time 2,473 coins 1 3 1 Equipment Accessory Amulet

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 20

Anchor Shirt (edit) Anchor Shirt 480 coins 1 0 1 Equipment Clothing Shirt
Ancient Amari Totem (edit) Ancient Amari Totem 10 coins 5 2 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Angel Quill (edit) Ancient Angel Quill 10 coins 5 2 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Elven Headdress (edit) Ancient Elven Headdress 10 coins 5 2 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Magic Staff (edit) Ancient Magic Staff 10 coins 5 2 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Naga Crook (edit) Ancient Naga Crook 10 coins 5 2 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Nel'Varian Sword (edit) Ancient Nel'Varian Sword 100 coins 1 3 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Sun Haven Sword (edit) Ancient Sun Haven Sword 100 coins 1 3 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Ancient Withergate Sword (edit) Ancient Withergate Sword 100 coins 1 3 1 Item Quest Item Museum
Anemone Dress (edit) Anemone Dress 10 coins 1 2 1 Equipment Clothing Dress Yes

Ocean Shores DLC

Angel Fish (edit) Angel Fish 54 coins 50 2 1 Fish Sun Haven Any 18
Angel Wing Ice Sculpture (edit) Angel Wing Ice Sculpture 100 coins 10 0 1 Furniture Statue
Angelfin (edit) Angelfin 18 orbs 50 4 1 Fish Nel'Vari Any 100
Angelic Floral Tea Pot (edit) Angelic Floral Tea Pot 50 Coins 10 3 1 Furniture Misc
Angelic Incense (edit) Angelic Incense 50 Coins 10 3 1 Furniture Misc
Angelic Potion (edit) Angelic Potion 300 coins 1 0 1 Consumable Potion Transmogrification
Angie (edit) Angie 25 orbs 1 2 1 Animal Pet
Angler Snaccoon Plush (edit) Angler Snaccoon Plush 100 Coins 1 3 1 Furniture Plushie
Angry Cardboard Box Hat (edit) Angry Cardboard Box Hat 100 Tickets 1 0 1 Equipment Clothing Hat
Animal Food (edit) Animal Food 10 coins 100 1 1 Item
Animal Name Tag (edit) Animal Name Tag 50 coins 1 1 1 Item
Anne Record (edit) Anne Record 400 coins 1 0 1 Item Record
Anne Wedding Ring (edit) Anne Wedding Ring 100 coins 1 4 1 Equipment Accessory Ring

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0

Anne's Pearl Earrings (edit) Anne's Pearl Earrings 1 coins 1 3 1 Equipment Accessory Keepsake

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 0

Antler (edit) Antler 1 Orbs 50 1 1 Item
Anubis Chest Piece (edit) Anubis Chest Piece 50 Tickets 1 4 1 Equipment Armor Chest

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 40


Anubis Gloves (edit) Anubis Gloves 50 Tickets 1 4 1 Equipment Armor Gloves

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 40


Anubis Headpiece (edit) Anubis Headpiece 50 tickets 1 4 1 Equipment Armor Helmet

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 40


Anubis Legs (edit) Anubis Legs 50 Tickets 1 4 1 Equipment Armor Legs

Combat Category.pngCombat Level 40


Anvil (edit) Anvil 100 coins 10 0 1 Workbench
Apollo (edit) Apollo 10 coins 1 2 1 Animal Pet Yes
Apple (edit) Apple 8 Coins 50 0 1 Forageables Food Yes
Apple and Worm Plushie (edit) Apple and Worm Plushie 24 Tickets 10 0 1 Furniture Plushie
Apple Cake (edit) Apple Cake 760 coins 50 2 1 Consumable Food
Apple Cider (edit) Apple Cider 400 coins 50 1 1 Consumable Food
Apple Core (edit) Apple Core 5 coins 10 0 1 Item Junk
Apple Crisp Ice Cream (edit) Apple Crisp Ice Cream 160 coins 50 3 1 Consumable Food
Apple Jam (edit) Apple Jam 290 coins 50 1 1 Consumable Jam
Apple Juice (edit) Apple Juice 60 coins 50 1 1 Consumable Food
Apple Pie (edit) Apple Pie 470 coins 50 2 1 Consumable Food
Apple Pillow (edit) Apple Pillow 24 Orbs 10 0 1 Furniture Misc
Apple Sauce (edit) Apple Sauce 460 coins 50 1 1 Consumable Food
Apprentice Potion (edit) Apprentice Potion 300 coins 1 0 1 Consumable Potion Transmogrification
Arcade Shed Kit (edit) Arcade Shed Kit 15 tickets 1 2 1 Building Shed
Arcane Essence (edit) Arcane Essence 12 orbs 50 1 1 Consumable Essence
Arched Bridge (edit) Arched Bridge 100 Coins 10 4 0 Furniture Bridge
Arched Wooden Chair (edit) Arched Wooden Chair 640 Coins 10 0 1 Furniture Chair
Archeologist Cape (edit) Archeologist Cape 1 coins 1 1 1 Equipment Clothing Cape
