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This page details out the mail the player receives from Darius. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Darius will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2

I am not going to pursue you as Xyla would, but I do think you have much to prove if you wish to be a true part of Withergate. So take these and show me you have some value to my family's kingdom. I do demand a cut of your crop, so bring me a Kraken Kale as thanks for my generosity.

- Darius

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5

Human culture has always been lesser than that of the Demons. When we began the construction of Withergate City, musicians from across the land dared to present their music to my father and me. This is a recording of the best musicians to ever grace this world. Listen to it and perhaps you will begin to understand the true value of Withergate's culture.

- Darius

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8

I must admit, you are making waves in my court. Be careful not to undermine me or I will lock you in my dungeon for daring to act against the prince of Withergate without a second thought. I suppose, however, that you are finally earning some right to my presence and a place amongst my subjects, and dare I say, peers. You've earned my respect and for that, so I offer a single gift. Do not expect this to happen again.

- Darius