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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Darius. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Darius.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Darius.png: Ah, the outsider. If you're staying, then you may call me "My Prince." The pleasure is yours.
... Well?
Player: So you're the prince of Withergate?
Face Darius.png: That should be obvious. Learn who you're speaking to before opening your mouth, peasant.
Player: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: You don't seem to understand who you're addressing. Actually, I'll rephrase - you don't seem to understand how close I am to locking you in my dungeon.
Player: I beg forgiveness, my prince. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: That will do for now. Keep that up, and you might yet earn your place here.
Player: What exactly do you do here?
Face Darius.png: Do I look like an advisor to you? It's not my job to answer your questions.
Player: I'm sorry, I didn't know.
Face Darius.png: Consider yourself forgiven, but I can only accept so many of your mistakes.
Player: Well if you're not an advisor then what is your job?
Face Darius.png: Do you prefer a crowded jail cell or a solitary cage hanging from the ceiling? Oh nevermind - I'll surprise you.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Darius.png: You again. I expect you've learned to watch your tongue around me.
My father didn't build this place from nothing just to have peasants like you disrespecting the royal family.
Player: Withergate is quite impressive.
Face Darius.png: Of course it is. I didn't design the city myself, but I personally recommended the architect. Xyla is well known among monsters for her skill and ferocity.
Player: You must have good taste in friends, then.
Face Darius.png: I only give my time freely to people of a certain class - a class to which you don't belong.
Player: I've already met her!
Face Darius.png: That's good. Now you've seen an example of who earns my respect.
Player: How did your father become king of Withergate?
Face Darius.png: My family has always been royalty among monsters and Withergate was founded by my family. Is it so hard to put two and two together?
Player: I didn't know - please forgive my ignorance! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Of course not, you know nothing. I've heard the talk among the Humans in Sun Haven. Such tiny, stupid people.
Player: I was only wondering. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Go waste someone else's time with your idiotic questions.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Darius.png: So Withergate's wannabe citizen returns to pester the prince. Don't you know how busy I am?
Player: Hopefully you have time to relax in your daily work as prince.
Face Darius.png: Unsurprisingly, you continue to show your ignorance. I work when I want and take what free time I please, as a prince should.
Player: I can only imagine what the prince does with his free time.
Face Darius.png: What I enjoy more than anything is observing my citizens. Sometimes I walk through my streets and give my goodwill to the loyalists. It's important to maintain my presence as prince.
Player: I envy you, my prince.
Face Darius.png: What I enjoy more than anything is observing my citizens. Sometimes I walk through my streets and give my goodwill to the loyalists. It's important to maintain my presence as prince.
Player: The responsibilities of a prince must be a burden.
Face Darius.png: I consider them a privilege. That's the differences between us - we're simply cut from a different cloth.
Player: We aren't so different. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Brash fool... The dirt on my heels has seen greater luxury than you will in your entire life.
Player: I long to understand the world you live in. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Perhaps you will get a taste of my world one day. If you work hard and earn your place at my table.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Darius.png: You've demonstrated that even someone of the lowest class can learn respect. You may ask questions of me freely from now on, outsider. But don't get cocky.
Player: Who in town do you trust the most?
Face Darius.png: Certainly, it's Xyla. I've worked with her closely over years. What's more, I'm the reason she lives here in the first place.
Having found her at a low point and raising her into glory... I know her loyalty is never in question.
Player: One day, I'll earn your trust the same way. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: If I will it, certainly. But only if I will it.
Player: What if she's just keeping up an act? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: If you think she could fool ME... the only fool here is you.
Player: I've got to know... What does the prince like to eat for dessert?
Face Darius.png: Since I was little, our chef has made me an excellent moon cream pie. I'm sure you wouldn't stand it. It is an acquired taste.
Player: It sounds great!
Face Darius.png: Some of the street vendors in Withergate serve a lesser version of it, but nobody makes it like the royal family's chef.
Player: It sounds weird.
Face Darius.png: I wouldn't expect an unrefined pallet to enjoy it.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Darius.png: Hello again, [Player].
Player: Wait, did you actually call me by my name?
Face Darius.png: Don't push it. You're walking a razor-thin line right now. Make wise decisions.
Player: Does this mean I can call you Darius? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: That's pushing it. You're still an outsider.
Player: I'm honored, Prince Darius. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: I'm glad that my investment in you hasn't been a complete waste of time.
Player: I want to contribute to Withergate's prosperity, my prince.
Face Darius.png: Are you suggesting that Withergate needs the help of an outsider?
Player: Not at all, my prince. I only want to help if I can.
Face Darius.png: If you wish to join the higher levels of our society, you must learn not to degrade yourself like this.
Player: Everyone needs help, sometimes.
Face Darius.png: Your Human town might call for aid when things get rough, but Withergate succeeds on its own. You have nothing to offer us.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Darius.png: Hello, [Player]. I'm pleased to see you integrating well in my city. Citizens like you will ensure Withergate's prolific future.
Player: I'm curious to know your plans for Withergate's future.
Face Darius.png: My father has laid the groundwork for a successful city, but this is just the start. Withergate will expand into its own worldly region under the rule of King Darius.
Player: Your father is an imposing ruler, but I look forward to seeing you take the throne. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: As do I, outsider. With my family's legacy behind me, there is only fortune in my future. Maybe you will be there to see it, too.
Player: That's good, Withergate could use some quality leadership. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: You dare speak of my father like that? Do you crave punishment? Your opinion is lowly and worthless, just like you. If your words mattered one bit, I would have you locked away for such disrespect.
Player: You know, your people seem to regard you very highly.
Face Darius.png: Of course they do, my father and I have given them a quality of life unknown to monsters before Withergate. We forged the first monster community in the world, and it prospers.
Player: Withergate is the first monster community ever?
Face Darius.png: I hope you're just ignorant and not truly questioning me, for your sake. There's never been a city like this before now. Monsterfolk used to live only as exiles.
Now, with a place for them to live freely, they are thriving more than ever.
Player: Where did monsters live before Withergate?
Face Darius.png: I hope you're just ignorant and not truly questioning me, for your sake. There's never been a city like this before now. Monsterfolk used to live only as exiles.
Now, with a place for them to live freely, they are thriving more than ever.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Darius.png: It's good you're here. It has been a day of boredom in the castle.
Player: What's it like living in the castle?
Face Darius.png: Withergate Castle is the safest place in the world. It is comfortable and luxurious, certainly, but there was a time when it was the difference between life or death for demons.
Player: How long ago was it built?
Face Darius.png: My grandfather pulled the castle from the ground with his magic one hundred years ago, with the help of my father and me. I pride myself on having been there that day. When I look at the castle, I still feel that pride.
Player: I'm glad you had the castle. Otherwise, Withergate may not have been made.
Face Darius.png: My grandfather pulled the castle from the ground with his magic one hundred years ago, with the help of my father and me. I pride myself on having been there that day. When I look at the castle, I still feel that pride.
Player: Have you ever tried living in sunlight?
Face Darius.png: [Player]... I've gathered a small fondness for you, but a question like that is an insult.
Demons were forced to live in sunlight for ages. Ages of blindness and anguish. Only in this eternal night have we found peace.
Player: I didn't realize you were so sensitive, Darius. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: You're getting too comfortable with me., [Player]. If you don't correct yourself, I will be forced to make the correction.
Player: I should have known better. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Little [Player]... You're quick to regain my good graces. I seem to be developing a soft spot for you.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Darius.png: [Player], I'm glad you're here. My mind could use a distraction.
Player: Why not head to the carnival if you need a distraction?
Face Darius.png: Because I have no capacity for childish games... but, at least the citizens enjoy it.
Xyla suggested it would raise spirits here. Monsterfolk are a downtrodden people, so my father made the call.
In actuality, I would prefer to have barracks and barracks of fighters to protect our city. Maybe we will, one day.
Player: Increasing your strength is always a good idea. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Certainly. It would secure the future of my family, as well as all monsterfolk. Your support is more than welcome.
Player: Security is important, but so is having fun. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Of course you think so. You're still an outsider, completely ignorant of my people's history.
Player: Darius, as the prince of Withergate... are you dating anyone?
Face Darius.png: Oh? Heh, that caught me off guard. I never know what to expect from you, [Player].
In fact, I have no romantic involvement right now. I'm very much open to the idea, though.
Player: I'm surprised you don't already have someone at your side.
Face Darius.png: My father has tried to arrange my relationships before, but that never ended well. I much prefer to make those decisions on my own.
Player: I'm sure you will find someone soon!
Face Darius.png: Oh? Do you know something I don't? I'm keeping my eye on you, [Player].

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Darius.png: I've come to truly enjoy your presence, [Player]. Strange, since you're merely a farmer.
Player: The more I get to know you, the more you already sound like a king. Quest:Hangout Event
Face Darius.png: I hope that isn't surprise I hear in your voice. Don't forget who you're talking to. Royalty is in my blood.
Perhaps you need to spend some personal time with me, to better understand that.
Player: I would love that, Darius. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: As I am aware. You will meet me by the carnival Ferris wheel tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Do not make me wait around, [Player].
Player: I don't think that's necessary. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: What you think is necessary isn't relevant. You will meet me by the carnival Ferris wheel tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Do not make me wait around, [Player].

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Darius.png: [Player], have you considered a change of profession? You are too fine a person to be digging in dirt.
Player: You never told me, what kind of work do you do with your father?
Face Darius.png: Look, I'm going to tell you something that you have to keep quiet. If I learn that you've spoken of this to anyone, you can consider yourself exiled from Withergate.
... My father does very little work. He once worked tirelessly, but now that Withergate is finished, he sits back and lets me handle everything. He calls it training. I find it infuriating.
Player: You can trust me to keep this quiet.
Face Darius.png: I know, [Player], or else I wouldn't have spoken about it in the first place.
Player: That doesn't seem fair at all.
Face Darius.png: Fairness doesn't matter. He is both my father and my king. While he holds the throne, I have to respect him as both.
Player: If you weren't royalty, what job do you think you would have?
Face Darius.png: Hm... That's something I've never pondered. Who knows? You're a farmer, and one with class. Perhaps I could have been like you.
Player: A farmer? I don't see it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Oh, you think yourself so competent? I'm certain I can till land and raise crops just as well as any farmer - better, even!
Player: You would have done well for yourself! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Then again, a farmer's life rather lacks dignity. Perhaps a merchant, instead. Surely, I would have become a wealthy owner of several successful shops.

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Darius.png: Ah, my trusted companion. I'm always glad to see you, [Player]. You distract me from my daily troubles.
Player: I feel close to you too, Darius. Quest:Date
Face Darius.png: Then I should take you out for a night. Surely, your answer must be yes?
Player: I would love to, Darius!
Face Darius.png: Excellent. You shall meet me outside of the apartment building tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Would that I could meet you sooner, though my duties must be taken care of first.
Player: I'm afraid not.
Face Darius.png: I see. Not just anyone can reject the prince of Demons. If you come to your better senses, you shall meet me outside of the apartment building tomorrow at 5:00 pm.


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Darius.png: Ah [Player], the cold night air is refreshing, yes?
Player: The darkness is quite invigorating.
Face Darius.png: Yes, quite so. It makes me feel like I could build or raze a castle all on my own.
When my people were forced to endure sunlight we were severely limited in what we could get done, especially when it came to securing our city.
Player: Thank goodness for Withergate's darkness, then.
Face Darius.png: Hm, yes. Fortunate, though it is not something to rely on forever. Until my family holds the key to eternal darkness for themselves, that is.
Player: That all seems a problem of the past, at least.
Face Darius.png: It is. But complacency is the death of power, [Player]. I won't rest until my hold on power is absolute, but you knew that.
Player: The Moon Dragon's power has made a wonderful community here.
Face Darius.png: It's true that we owe our gratitude to Dynus, though debt to a dragon isn't truly something I relish.
Player: Do you believe you could achieve darkness without Dynus's magic? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Dragons are large, [Player]. But the world is far larger. If Dynus is capable of creating eternal darkness, then why can't I find the same power somewhere out there? Perhaps someday...
Player: Don't you think you'll always be indebted to Dynus? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: The thought of that brings the taste of steel to my mouth... One day, I will sever our reliance to the Moon Dragon.

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Darius.png: It seems Xyla has made a mistake with the castle's plumbing. Completely unacceptable.
Player: Xyla has always served you well, right? What's wrong?
Face Darius.png: She's made an error concerning some petty civic scheduling. A rare blunder for her, but an unacceptable one all the same.
Player: You should take it easier on her. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Feh! "Take it easy on her?" Mercy is a key ingredient in laziness. Xyla's job is too important to allow her to slip up...
Today it might be a small blunder, then tomorrow it might be the city's undoing.
Player: Well, small mistakes can add up. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: I'm glad you understand, [Player]. Maybe it makes me harsh, but so what? I'm not trying to be the nicest Demon in Withergate.
Sometimes the hand that rules must do so... sternly.
Player: Having trouble running the city?
Face Darius.png: Running Withergate is always a challenge. Which is why mistakes are not tolerated, no matter who makes them.
Player: What about the times when you mess up?
Face Darius.png: Don't you think I hold myself to the same standards? I can't make any mistakes, either. I am prince, soon to be king. Every problem is ultimately my responsibility.
Player: Doesn't seem like such a big deal. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: I came to believe you had better foresight, [Player]. It seems, however, that you merely long for the days when your opinion meant nothing to me.

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Darius.png: Ahh, the shipment of tombmelon wine has finally arrived. How timely.
Player: Do you enjoy wine?
Face Darius.png: You were expecting me to drink anything less? For someone of my status, it's either wine or thirst.
I would never lower myself to anything else. So to say I "enjoy" wine is a wild understatement.
Player: I would expect as much from you.
Face Darius.png: You've learned much about me, [Player]. Maybe the most important thing you've learned is to never question what I say.
Come to think of it, it's definitely the most important thing.
Player: You have such a refined taste.
Face Darius.png: You've learned much about me, [Player]. Maybe the most important thing you've learned is to never question what I say.
Come to think of it, it's definitely the most important thing.
Player: Tombmelon wine? Could I learn to make that?
Face Darius.png: I'm sure you might be an eager cook, [Player], but this is something you'll never learn to make. The recipe is known only to Withergate's royal vintners.
It is a drink of Demon royalty, as it has been for one thousand years and shall be for countless thousands more.
Player: This wine must be very important to your family. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: There are two worlds, [Player]. My family and our allies live in one, and everyone else lives in the other. We are separated by a fundamental culture.
From how we dress, how we speak and even what we eat and drink. That is the difference between you and I. You do not have to understand it, but you will have to recognize it.
Player: Wine from a melon sounds pretty weird, anyways. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: You've the taste of a low-born, [Player]. Your opinion on the subject is irrelevant.

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Darius.png: My blade has grown ever so dull. I suppose it has been fifty years since I had it sharpened.
Player: Your sword sure does make you look imposing.
Face Darius.png: You really think so, hm? Of course you do. I am Darius, prince of Withergate! Son of Minos! Might is my right, and my choice in arms reflects that.
Player: Isn't it heavy?
Face Darius.png: For lesser beings, maybe. For me, commanding this blade is second nature.
Player: I'd like to give it a swing sometime.
Face Darius.png: You have bold desires, [Player]. But this blade belongs solely to me. Besides, I doubt you could even lift it from the ground, let alone swing it.
This is a blade meant for a wielder who is of, shall we say... a higher caliber.
Player: It's been fifty years since you sharpened your sword?
Face Darius.png: This blade is more powerful than most any other. I've cut down foes in full Mithril as if they were wheat to a scythe.
It rarely needs service, despite how often I might use it.
It isn't just a weapon, however. It is a symbol of my family's raw strength. What I hold here is my family's legacy.
Player: I suppose such a powerful blade suits you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: You are right, [Player]. I have to keep myself in perfect condition, especially my weaponry. My reputation must always precede me, after all.
I'll have Xyla deal with it.
Player: You'd better take care of it quickly. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Watch how you speak, [Player]. We are friends, but I am still the prince. You don't give the commands, I do.

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Darius.png: Greetings, [Player]. Now get out of my way.
Player: I didn't mean to get in your way.
Face Darius.png: Regardless of your intent, you did it all the same. I'm busy right now with a task from my father... and I loathe being tasked with my father's demands.
Player: What's Minos got you doing?
Face Darius.png: Firstly, it's King Minos to you. Secondly, it's not of your concern.
Player: You do look a bit stressed.
Face Darius.png: Then you should know that if there was ever a time to trifle with me, it is not now. Not that there's ever a time you should trifle with me.
Player: You seem cranky! Well, more than usual.
Face Darius.png: Judge me all you want, but I have matters to tend to that go far above you. At any rate, I need not explain myself to the likes of you.
My father has his wishes, and it's up to me to respect them no matter what. Now like I said, get out of my way.
Player: Right this way, my prince. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Heh, that's more like it. I'm just in a hurry, but I knew you had the wits to understand that.
Player: That's no reason to be rude. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: I might count you as something akin to a confidant, [Player], but if you become a problem... well, you know the drill. Dungeon. Chains. Eternity.
Now move aside.

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Darius.png: As an outsider who earned their place here, you have a unique perspective. So let me ask you, what do you think Withergate is lacking the most?
Player: Maybe... a library?
Face Darius.png: We used to have a library, but it was burned down when the librarian lost his mind. An unfortunate end... for the library, I mean.
Player: Was the librarian okay?
Face Darius.png: We never found him. We assumed he was somehow able to escape, although some residents believe he's still living here. Under the streets, like a dog.
Player: Was the librarian punished?
Face Darius.png: We never found him. We assumed he was somehow able to escape, although some residents believe he's still living here. Under the streets, like a dog.
Player: A little more light wouldn't hurt.
Face Darius.png: If that's your pass at humor, I'll kindly request that you give up your career in comedy. In Withergate, we live by darkness and we will die by darkness.
Player: You definitely don't lack dedication. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Hah! Demons and monsterfolk survive in a world where they are unwelcome. Dedication, determination, and action are what keep us alive.
Player: Your dedication to the darkness is a mistake. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: How in the world could you say that? I was wrong to give you so much credit. Perhaps you have always been a simple, lowly outsider after all.


Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Darius.png: [Player], you're looking strong. That's good. I don't want the citizens to think that I waste my time with weaklings. People in Withergate talk.
I have something for you, [Player]. This royal heirloom will make you undefeatable. Will you take it as a gift from me?
Player: A gift? For me? ...And what do people say about us? + Darius's Royal Heirloom.png Darius's Royal Heirloom
Face Darius.png: Yes, a gift for you. You deserve it, [Player]. Which is why you now have it.
As for your second question - they talk because I am the prince. Let them. What have they got to say?
I know it's unfamiliar to you, but you belong to an exalted class now, [Player]. You're above the common folk. One of the elites. The heirloom you possess verifies that.
Player: We are unstoppable together, my prince. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: The legacy we create shall be unprecedented, yes. This is a new era of power in Withergate!
Player: I'm worried the people in this city won't accept me. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: I am displeased to hear you speak so meekly. But no matter. You will eventually learn to embody your new privilege soon enough.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Darius.png: [Player], my sweet. You're radiant as ever in tonight's darkness.
Player: I never knew you to be so sweet!
Face Darius.png: I put on a strong front for the people, as a prince must. But you're not "people" [Player]. I want to be authentic with you.
Player: I like this authentic version of you.
Face Darius.png: Of course you do! But don't go and spread rumors about me. I need to maintain my public presence, after all.
Player: What if everyone in Withergate saw you like this?
Face Darius.png: Don't go and spread rumors about me. I need to maintain my public presence, after all.
Besides, nobody would believe you anyway. And if they did, I would lock them up.
Player: It's time I asked... is there a story behind your sword?
Face Darius.png: This sword... Yes indeed, but I don't know how you'll feel about it.
When Demons reach the end of their life, their bodies become as stone. The stone is different for each Demon, but stronger demons make harder stone.
When my grandfather passed, his last wish was to continue serving his people. Then he became a hard, shining red stone almost like glass.
We forged my grandfather into this sword to honor his last wish. He is always with me, as my protector.
Player: Wasn't there a less creepy way to honor him? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: If you think that's creepy, then don't bother asking what we did with Grandmother.
Player: That's a beautiful way to honor him. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: I think so, too. In fact, I want the same thing for myself one day. One day in the far, far future of course.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Darius.png: I'm a new man, [Player]. It's been a long time since I've felt so fearless!
Player: You do seem to have a new energy about you.
Face Darius.png: I'm certain this strength is coming from you, [Player]. Thank you for being my support. You make me feel... frankly, invincible!
Player: Don't forget, you're flesh and blood like the rest of us. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Why must you dampen my celebration? I'm rejoicing - and you should be, too.
Player: Together, we are invincible, Darius. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Haha! You've captured my heart, [Player]. Nobody in this city - or this world, for that matter - has such influence over me as you have. For that, I feel blessed.
Player: When was the last time you felt this good?
Face Darius.png: Why, it must have been when I was only a boy. My swearing-in as royal prince... I remember so clearly.
The castle was filled with Demons from all across the land who came to pay respects to me. The crown settled on my head, and at the same time every person in the hall bent their knees to me.
Player: That kind of power sounds intoxicating.
Face Darius.png: Patience, my sweet [Player]. One day, a crown will be settled onto your fine head and you will receive the same honor.
Player: I can't wait until you're king, Darius.
Face Darius.png: Patience, my sweet [Player]. One day, a crown will be settled onto your fine head and you will receive the same honor.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Darius.png: Hm? [Player], you look perplexed. If someone has wronged you, I will have the guards on them in moments!
Player: It's nothing like that. I'm just thinking about our future.
Face Darius.png: Ah, our future. I cannot wait, [Player]! The city will be ours to share. With your charm and my ferocity, certainly we will go down in history as great leaders.
Player: You really think I'll be a good leader?
Face Darius.png: You're already a leader, [Player]. I can see it in you. If you can't see it then you're not looking with your eyes, because it is clear as the moon to me.
Player: As long as we're together, then I don't care where we are.
Face Darius.png: A silly thing to say, don't you think? Surely we would never forsake our power and responsibility to Withergate.
We can stay together right here, [Player].
Player: Are you happy with our relationship?
Face Darius.png: [Player], you little fool. I am quite happy with you. In fact, one day I will be Withergate's king and I want you beside me on the throne.
Player: There's only one way to make that happen. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Indeed, now you're catching on! Heheh, I mean that I am ready for you whenever you're ready for me. And don't worry about the ring - any kind will do, so long as it's from you.
Player: Is that what's best for us? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Of course it is. Do you doubt my word, [Player]? Or perhaps, you don't feel the way I do.


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Darius.png: I'm eager to rule with you by my side, one day. The future has never looked so dark!
Player: Don't you mean bright?
Face Darius.png: Hm? I said what I meant, [Player]! I wince at the thought of a bright future. Of course, I understand you live your life in the sunlight. But one day, you will join us in beautiful darkness.
Player: I can't wait for that day.
Face Darius.png: Neither can I, [Player]. My father has many years yet to rule, however. In the meantime, let us simply enjoy each other's company. And the power of a prince, of course.
Player: When do you think that day will come?
Face Darius.png: My father has many years yet to rule, however. In the meantime, let us simply enjoy each other's company. And the power of a prince, of course.
Player: Do you think I'll be welcomed by the citizens?
Face Darius.png: You will be welcomed, I'll make sure of it. Anyone who dares criticise you will answer to me. And trust me, it only takes one strong example for a whole city to learn a lesson.
Player: That sounds almost wicked. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Yes, exactly... though I don't know why you say that like it's a bad thing.
Player: I can't wait until I can wield power like yours. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Patience, my love. You have to learn how to use it first. Of course, your teacher is well-versed in the different uses of power.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Darius.png: The Moon Dragon once told me that I would forge a strong alliance to lead Withergate into the future. I had no way of knowing it would be with a resident of Sun Haven.
Player: Do you think that means something?
Face Darius.png: Who knows? It could mean a future alliance between our towns. Or, it could mean Withergate's conquest over Sun Haven, as well as the outlying towns.
There's really no telling. Perhaps I should confer with the Moon Dragon again.
Player: I can't believe you would threaten to overthrow Sun Haven! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: If you let sentiment hold you back, [Player], you will have a difficult time adjusting to leadership.
Player: We will figure it out together, when the time comes. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Precisely. You already have the makings of a true ruler, [Player]. You're ruthless and decisive, but you also know when patience is needed.
Player: Have you learned much from the Moon Dragon?
Face Darius.png: Dynus is extremely knowledgeable, but he is no teacher. He granted me his blessing, which increased my strength well past its natural limits. Other than that, he simply keeps the skies dark.
Player: Dynus really doesn't help you lead Withergate at all?
Face Darius.png: Why should he? My father has done an acceptable job so far, and I will do an even better job of it. There's no use in a dragon getting involved in the city life of Withergate.
Player: It doesn't sound like he's much of a guardian.
Face Darius.png: I would hold my tongue before speaking like that, for your own sake. If a guard heard you speaking like that, they would have to report it to Dynus.
There's no telling how he would react then - the Moon Dragon is both powerful and temperamental.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Darius.png: Ah, [Player]. There are days when I simply need to look into your face to calm myself down.
Player: Has it been a rough day?
Face Darius.png: Xyla and Cordelia can't stop arguing about where to place a new water feature. I fear it will never see the light of the moon at this rate.
Player: They must really care about it.
Face Darius.png: I'm not so sure. In truth, I sometimes think they fight with each other simply to assert dominance.
They both hold an equal position next to my father, you see, but neither of them can settle for that. So instead, they fight like children.
Player: Isn't one of them in charge of the other?
Face Darius.png: Actually, they both hold an equal position next to my father. But neither of them can settle for that, so instead they fight like children.
Player: Do you really feel calm just by looking at me?
Face Darius.png: Hah! You love drawing compliments out of me, don't you? Fine, fine.
Yes, [Player]. The sight of your face dispels all unwanted distractions from my mind. It's something I noticed about you early on, actually.
Player: So you really liked me from the start?? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: As much as I tried not to, I still did. There, now you know. Don't go spreading the word, though. If everyone knew I was a "love at first sight" kind of guy, my reputation would never recover.
Player: The sight of you did the same for me, Darius. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Darius.png: Is that so? Even from the beginning? Ah... I was hoping to make you fear me. I must be losing my touch.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Darius.png: [Player], my sweet. You and I have built the foundation of a powerful new future for Withergate and all of Demonkind. But I find myself turning to the subject of legacy. I think it's time we spoke on the matter of a child.
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Darius.png: As I expected. We have secured the prosperity of today's Withergate - and now we shall raise a child who will secure its future. How perfect!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Darius.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Darius.png: Do not feel pressured. Withergate must have an heir, but it does not strictly need to be a child of my own. I only want what is best for you, my dear.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Darius.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!