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This page lists the dialogue lines for Zaria.

One Liners


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Zaria.png:"Yeah? Is there a reason you're pestering me?"
Face Zaria.png:"One, two, three. Huh? I'm counting something in my head. Don't worry about it."
Face Zaria.png:"You're lucky I even talk to you for free, dry-lander."
Face Zaria.png:"Welcome to The Deeps. Everything down here sucks."
Face Zaria.png:"It stinks like fish around here. It stinks like fish everywhere."
Face Zaria.png:"Take a number. I got plenty of people who need to talk to me."
Face Zaria.png:"I don't commune with enemies. I crush 'em instead."
Face Zaria.png:"Just because the water is warm doesn't mean my heart isn't cold. What? Too edgy for you? Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Ugh. This time of year the water gets warm, and then everything stinks like hot fish.Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Still haven't gotten eaten by a leviathan, [Player]?Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"We might have worked together, but that doesn't make us allies. I work aloneSummer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Hey there, [Player]. do you regret saving this dump of a town yet?Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I see some weird little plants floating in the surf this time of year. It looks like they fell from somewhere on land. What are they? Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"The brine is extra salty today. Yuck.Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"The tavern around this place is running low on drinks. I'd better not have to smash some scales, because if I have to - I will.Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Huh? No, I wasn't listening to you. Were you trying to bother me?Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"You can buy my time, if I decide to sell it.Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Don't I have enough to worry about without you bugging me, [Player]?Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I see that idiot shark-brain is still up to his usual antics. How annoying can one guy be?Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I'm thinking about a work-thing. Shush for a second, would you? Shush forever, preferably.Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Is that a chill in the tide I feel? Ugh.Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Hey, [Player]... What is "snow" like? Actually, never mind. I don't want to know.Winter Token.png"


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Zaria.png:"Oh... Hey, [Player]. What's up?"
Face Zaria.png:"Need something, [Player]?"
Face Zaria.png:"Somehow the brine feels a little less salty today..."
Face Zaria.png:"May the luck of the corsair be with you today."
Face Zaria.png:"Still got a poor stomach for brinebrew, [Player]? Heh."


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Zaria.png:"Hello, "dear", hah. Out on one of your infamous little adventures?"
Face Zaria.png:"Ask me for a kiss and I'll shove you through a reef."
Face Zaria.png:"What do you mean "You've never dated someone that scares you so much before"?"
Face Zaria.png:"Remember that little stunt you pulled with the jellyfish? Because I do."
Face Zaria.png:"Back to bother me some more, [Player]?"


If there is a token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue under those conditions.

Face Zaria.png:"Let's go look at the trees sometime, [Player]."
Face Zaria.png:"We haven't been on a walk together lately. Ugh. Don't make me ask. I can't stand having to ask."
Face Zaria.png:"I can't look at you without my watery heart doing weird little flipflops. You better not have infected me with some dirty dry-lander virus!"
Face Zaria.png:"I look at you and I see the rest of forever, XX. You see the same in me, right?"
Face Zaria.png:"You know, I never cared for rings, but the one you gave me is nice..."
Face Zaria.png:"The sun gets so HOT in the summer! How do you dry-landers put up with it?Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I was up on shore the other day and I think I started to evaporate. Ugh...Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"This whole \"sun\" thing has me wondering if the bottom of the sea is really so bad.Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Go away, [Player]! I'm overheated enough without having to look at you.Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I see people hanging out on the sand in Sun Haven. It... Looks like a lot of fun.Summer Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"You didn't tell me the trees CHANGE COLORS, [Player].Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Hold on, does it smell amazing in Sun Haven every year around this time? I'm so not used to smelling things.Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I met this merchant lady in Sun Haven. She thinks she has the world wrapped around her pretty little finger... But she's never swam with real sharks before.Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I may be a Water Elemental, but I wasn't meant to be stuck in the water forever. I needed to get out around nature, where I could feel all the energy of the world.Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Anything you need, [Player]? I'd do anything for you. Er, I mean, I'll help you out. If you need it. A-and only if I have time!Fall Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"The ends of my hair keep freezing... It kind of tickles, heh.Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Compared to the surface right now, even the sea seems warm.Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"What's with all the lights around Sun Haven, [Player]? It's like a season-long celebration or something.Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"Wanna share something warm and hot with me, [Player]? I'm talking about cocoa, you coral-brain.Winter Token.png"
Face Zaria.png:"I'm feeling especially happy right now. I don't know if it's the season, the people, you or... Everything. Eh, it's probably everything.Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


Birthday Responses

If the player gives Zaria a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Zaria's birthday is the 8th of Fall.

Face Zaria.png:"You really suck, [Player]."
Face Zaria.png:"Eh, you tried, at least. That's more than I can say for... Every other birthday I can remember."
Face Zaria.png:"For my birthday? ...Thanks."
Face Zaria.png:"No one has ever gotten me such a nice gift for my birthday before... Thanks, [Player]. This really does mean a lot."

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a romanceable NPC, will cause them to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Zaria.png: What is this? A potion, for me? Bleh. I don't like potions. But you think I should really drink it? Alright, if there's anyone I can trust, it's you. Bottom's up.
Not Married
Zaria drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Zaria.png: ...What? Hold on, why did I drink this thing? You didn't convince me to do it, did you, [Player]? Ugh. Get out of my face.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Zaria drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Zaria.png: ...What? Hold on, why did I drink this thing? You didn't convince me to do it, did you, [Player]? Ugh. And hold on... Why am I wearing a ring?


Zaria has several unique lines for gifts. These lines will override the generic love/like/dislike dialogue lines.

When gifted Water Fruit:

Face Zaria.png:"You picked this for me, [Player]? ...Thanks. I'll take it."

When gifted Lemon Cake:

Face Zaria.png:"This cake smells delicious. You said it's a lemon cake? I'd love some..."

When gifted Lemon Meringue:

Face Zaria.png:"This stuff is so puffy and soft, but so tart. I love it."

When gifted a Lemonade:

Face Zaria.png:"Huh, when life gives you lemons, right? Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Water Dragon Tea:

Face Zaria.png:"I've never seen a more appetizing tea... Thanks for sharing, [Player]."

When gifted an Elemental Cocktail:

Face Zaria.png:"I was in the mood for a drink. Grr, you know me too well, [Player]."

When gifted Sour Plum Jam, Sour Plum Tea, Sour Plum Soda, or Sour Plum Sorbet:

Face Zaria.png:"Woof, nice and sour. Just the way I love it. Thanks."

When gifted copper, iron, adamant, or mithril keys:

Face Zaria.png:"This key is exactly what I needed to open that locked chest I "found" earlier. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Golden Water Rune:

Face Zaria.png:"Hm, this rune is loaded with water energy. Thank you for sharing it with me."

When gifted a Watermelon:

Face Zaria.png:""Water" melon, [Player]? Is this some sort of stupid joke, because... Okay, actually, it does look pretty good, I admit. Pft, fine! Thanks, I guess!"

When gifted a Lemon:

Face Zaria.png:"Everyone could use a bit more sour in their lives. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted a Sour Plum:

Face Zaria.png:"Everyone could use a bit more sour in their lives. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted a Kiwi Berry:

Face Zaria.png:"Not as tart as I'd prefer, but not bad. Thanks."

When gifted Glass of Pure Water, Mana Water, Magical Water, Coconut Water, or Fairy Cherry Water :

Face Zaria.png:"I could go for some clean water, actually. Thanks, [Player]. You've really got my back, don't you?"

When gifted a Water Crystal:

Face Zaria.png:"Water crystals... I haven't seen one of these in a really long time. Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted a Water Rune:

Face Zaria.png:"Hm, this rune is loaded with water energy. Thank you for sharing it with me."

When gifted a Sugar Plum:

Face Zaria.png:"Way too sweet. Keep this stuff to yourself."

When gifted rock or fire fruits:

Face Zaria.png:"...Disgusting."

When gifted a Fire Juice:

Face Zaria.png:"Do I look like I'm made out of fire to you, [Player]? Do I?"

When gifted Fire Dragon Tea or Earth Dragon Tea:

Face Zaria.png:"Ugh, people actually drink this stuff? Get it away from me."

When gifted Electric Eel Sushi:

Face Zaria.png:"I HATE sushi."

When gifted The Prehistoric Special:

Face Zaria.png:"What even is this slop?"

When gifted various types of wooden planks:

Face Zaria.png:"What is this? A bad "walk the plank" joke? Get out of my face!"

When gifted a Fire Crystal, Earth Crystal, Fire Rune, Earth Rune:

Face Zaria.png:"This doesn't mesh at all with my elemental energy. Get out of here."

When gifted a Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Zaria.png:"Do you have ANY idea what you're holding, [Player]? Get this GARBAGE away from me! I don't even want to look at it."

Morning Gifts

When married to Zaria, there is a chance she will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above her head, and will be available until the player talks to her.