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This page lists the dates and events the player has with Zaria. Each event will be available to the player for one in game hour. If the player misses one of the events they cannot re-do them.

Hangout Event

This event triggers from the cycle 9 dialogue. Zaria will ask the player to show up at her house the following day at 5 pm.

Zaria Hangout Event
Player: What are we doing at the whirlpool?
Player: Are we almost there yet? I'm tired of walking!
Face Zaria.png: Hey, [Player]? Just be quiet. I don't need you to talk, I just need you to watch, okay?
Player: What am I going to watch?
Face Zaria.png: ....*Sigh*. You want to know all these things about me? Why I don't go to the surface, why I stick around The Deeps even though I can't stand it here, why I'm alone? Then I'm going to show you. I hope you're ready.
Player: Alright... I'm ready.
Face Zaria.png: Then let's go up to the whirlpool together.
Player: You're not going to do anything, uh, drastic, are you?
Face Zaria.png: Huh? No, nothing like that! Just... Shut up and follow me up the whirlpool, jeez.
Player: Lead the way.
Face Zaria.png: ...
Player: Are you alright?
Player: What's the hold up?
Face Zaria.png: Forget it.
Player: Zaria, you really don't look so good. Is something wrong?
Player: Jeez, you look like you're about to hurl...
Face Zaria.png: Well... [Player]... I...
Player: Zaria!!!
Player: Uhhh... Did my farm just turn into a crime scene...?
Face Zaria.png: There!! Now you can see with your own eyes, [Player]! Are you happy now?
Player: W-what? Who said that? Zaria... Is that you?
Face Zaria.png: Ugh. Yes it's me. Who else would it be?
Player: Whoooa, Zaria? Are you communicating me from beyond the grave?
Face Zaria.png: No, you moron! I'm right in front of you still!
Player: Wait... Are you... This puddle...?
Face Zaria.png: Even after all these years I can't hold my form for any longer than a few seconds...
...This is extremely embarrassing. But now you know the truth.
...You know, they say 'the truth will set you free', but I don't feel any better after doing this. Ugh...
Player: Are you okay?
Face Zaria.png: I'm fine. It doesn't hurt. Not physically, anyways.
But this is it. I can't hold my form outside of the water. Have you ever met a water Elemental as weak as this? Go ahead and laugh. I don't even care anymore.
Player: I'm not going to laugh at you, Zaria.
Face Zaria.png: ...Oh yeah? Well, that's great. But it doesn't change the fact that, for what it's worth, I can't leave the water.
Player: Puddles are no laughing matter. You might get some of my stuff wet!
Face Zaria.png: Gee, [Player], don't worry. I'll try not to 'puddle' all over your tacky junk. It's not like there's anything else I can do - I can't leave the water without this happening.
Face Zaria.png: ...This would have been a lot easier if you just left me alone like I told you to do. But you just couldn't listen, you just couldn't stay away...
Player: So this must be why you're stuck down there.
Face Zaria.png: Very observant of you, [Player].
Yes, this is why Zaria, dreaded Redwash Corsair of The Deeps can't leave the water.
...Because she's a pathetic, broken Elemental who can't keep her form. Like I said, laugh it up.
Player: I already said I'm not going to laugh at you.
Face Zaria.png: ...Sure.
Well, this was really stupid and I feel really bad now. Help me get back into the water. I'm going home.
Player: ...Wait!
Face Zaria.png: No, [Player]. Come on, I want to go.
Zaria is already all the way up on the shore... There must be SOMETHING you can do to avoid this whole trip being a depressive bust...
You spy an old wooden bucket, stuck in the wet sand. It must have washed in with the tide. Maybe...
You retrieve the bucket from the sand, dust it off and brandish it in front of Zaria... Or, rather, the puddle that is Zaria.
You can't see any expression on her face (because... she doesn't HAVE a face right now...) but you're pretty sure she's angry...
Player: Um, how about it?
Face Zaria.png: You. Are. JOKING.
Player: Eh, eh?
Face Zaria.png: Why.
Player: I want to show you what you've been missing, Zaria.
Player: Quit your complaining and get in the bucket!
Face Zaria.png: ...
If you make me feel stupid for doing this, I'm going to...
Zaria doesn't finish her threat, but instead allows you to scoop her into the bucket. She fits pretty nicely, all things considered.
Face Zaria.png: Tch. You're taking me back to the water, right?
Player: Let me show you where us 'dry-landers' come from.
Player: Come on, the night is still so young!
Face Zaria.png: Great. It's not like I have a choice.
Fine. Let's just make this quick. And you'd better NOT tell ANYONE what's in your bucket, or you're going to regret it!
Player: Check out my farm!
Face Zaria.png: Hold on! You said this place was an overgrown mess when you took it over? And you made it look like that? How did you find the time? And... What does dirt feel like? I'm guessing it feels like sand, right?
Player: It's like sand that you can grow things in.
Player: I've heard of 'sand castles', but never a 'dirt castle'...
Face Zaria.png: ...Alright. So, what else do you have to show me?
Player: Hmm, let's see what we've got...
Face Zaria.png: It better be good!
Whooooaaa... [Player], what is this thing?
Player: This is a windmill.
Face Zaria.png: But why is it so mesmerizing? I feel like I could... watch it go for hours...
Player: It is pretty mesmerizing, isn't it?
Face Zaria.png: I've... Never seen anything like it. And the sound it makes...
Player: I'm glad I could show it to you.
Player: You're THIS impressed by a windmill? Jeez, you really DID need to get out!
Face Zaria.png: Well I've never seen anything like it, coral-brain! And the sound it makes...
Player: If you had come clean earlier, I could have shown you this earlier.
Face Zaria.png: ...Wait, is someone coming?
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh, hello [Player]!
Face Wornhardt.png: ...What are you carrying a bucket around for?
Face Zaria.png: ((Not. One. Word.))
Face Wornhardt.png: Huh? Did you say something?
Player: Oh. I just, uh... I sneezed.
Face Wornhardt.png: ...Right. Talking bucket. You're not... coming down with a fever, are you, [Player]? Maybe I should check your head.
Player: Don't touch me!! This bucket is LOADED!!
Face Wornhardt.png: [Player], did you hit your head recently? Or eat something strange? I won't force treatment on you if you don't want it, just... Try taking it easy, alright?
Player: Um... Gotta go!
Player: Oh that was just my magical talking bucket. Pipe down, bucket!
Face Wornhardt.png: ...Strange.
Face Zaria.png: Where are we now?
Player: This is the forest.
Face Zaria.png: ...Are those trees?
Player: Yup, the forest is full of trees.
Player: No, they're giant popsicles. Yes, they're trees!
Face Zaria.png: ...This is beautiful.
Player: Zaria?
Face Zaria.png: ...Thank you, [Player].
Player: You don't have to thank me.
Player: You're welcome!
Face Zaria.png: No one has ever done anything like this for me. I've... I've never dreamed of the land being this beautiful.
Player: Why hasn't anyone done something like this for you?
Face Zaria.png: This isn't easy for me to talk about, [Player]. But... I'll tell you.
I had friends. But one day... They left me behind. I couldn't go where they want, and I had no idea why. They were my best friends, but when I needed them, they left me for a place that was shiny and new and incredible.
Player: I'm... Very sorry, Zaria. I didn't know.
Face Zaria.png: They were my best friends. At least until they abandoned me.
Player: They sound like rubbish friends.
Face Zaria.png: No. They weren't. They were my best friends. At least until they abandoned me.
Face Zaria.png: I learned something important when that happened. It's something I've kept in my heart ever since.
...The trees really are beautiful, [Player]. Everything up here is. I... I won't forget this. Ever.
But it's time to go. Take me back to the water.
Player: What? Time to leave? Already?
Player: What?! But I haven't even shown you the freaky teleporting shopkeeper guy, or the witch, or the...
Face Zaria.png: Don't argue with me, please. Can we just go?
Player: Alright, let's go...
Face Topi.png: Hey, look! It's the farmer, and there's the talkin' bucket!
Face Pod.png: Momma said that the doctor said that [Player] was going bananas, but I don't see no bananas...
Face Topi.png: W-w-w...! The bucket really DOES talk!!
Face Pod.png: Ahh, it's a monster bucket!
Face Zaria.png: Thanks for doing that for me, [Player]. But that's enough being stuck in a bucket for one lifetime.
Player: But maybe someday you can visit the surface without being in a bucket.
Player: I don't know what's wrong with you, but there's got to be a way to fix it, right?
Face Zaria.png: [Player].
Player: What?
Face Zaria.png: Can you just forget it? Just once? I'm asking nicely.
Player: But Zaria...
Player: Yeesh, alright, alright...
Face Zaria.png: ...


This event triggers from the cycle 14 dialogue. Zaria will ask the player to show up at her house the following day at 5 pm.

Late Night Event

This event triggers once the player has progressed far enough in the relationship with Zaria, and they knock on the door to her house after 8 pm.



Face Zaria.png: This is the happiest day of my life!
Player: I can't wait to start our lives together. (This starts the ceremony.)
Player: I want to meet with our guests a bit longer.


Face Bernard.png: Quiet, please! Thank you. Now, let us begin.

We gather here in order to celebrate the sacred bond between two radiant beings - [Player] and Zaria, of Brinestone Deeps. Today they join together as one and enter into this most intimate commitment.

In marriage, they will find comfort and safety as they journey through a life made more beautiful by their love.

To our soon-to-be-wed, I say this: make not a bond of love, but let your love carry you as the sea carries a ship, and let your happiness show as clear and visible as a white sail filled with wind. Zaria, would you like to say a few words before the exchanging of vows?

Face Zaria.png: I don't want to spend a bunch of time talking. I don't even know what to say....
Well, that's not true. I do know some things I want to say. If it wasn't for the person standing with me today, I would still be lost in a dark, murky place where happiness doesn't shine.
Let me put it this way: I've found someone who has promised to never abandon my side. Is that descriptive enough for everyone? Because there's only two more words I want to say, and they're meant for [Player].
Face Bernard.png: Well spoken! So do you, Zaria, take [Player] to be your wedded partner?
Face Zaria.png: [Player], you've made me happy. The most valuable thing I have to give is my trust, and I'm going to hand it to you.
I want, more than anything, for us to be happy together. Any strife you face, I face with you. Any problem you ever have, I'll be there to help you. Don't ever think you have to be alone again, because... From now on, you never will be.
...I do!"
Face Bernard.png: And now, [Player], I ask: Do you take Zaria to be your wedded partner?
Player: I do.
Face Bernard.png: Zaria, [Player], before these witnesses you have pledged to be joined in marriage.
With the power granted to me by the officiating office of the Great City, I hereby declare you joined in matrimony. You may now seal this ceremony with a kiss!
Player: I do not. (This will end the ceremony.)
Face Bernard.png: Oh dear! This is ... very, very unfortunate.And awkward! Emmett, quickly... take everything down, get the guests out of here...

((Emmett, quickly! Pour the memory loss potion in the punch bowl... Make sure everyone has a drink before they leave... No one will have to remember a thing...))

...Oh, um, excuse me, everyone! Let's all have some refreshments before we leave...!


If the player talks to the various NPCs after the main ceremony, they will have different responses congratulating the player on their marriage.

Face Anne.png:"It seems like just yesterday I was barging through your door for the first time... Now look at you!"
Face Catherine.png:"This is such a beautiful wedding, I told myself I wouldn't cry, but..."
Face Claude.png:"Congratulations on the marriage. I couldn't imagine standing up in front of everyone and getting married like that."
Face Darius.png:"So this is how they celebrate marriage in the Human town... Consider me unimpressed."
Face Donovan.png:"Hey, good job on getting married. Hope you have lots of happy years together, and all that. So is there going to be any food, or..."
Face Iris.png:"This is so different from an Elven wedding... Oh - still nice though!"
Face Jun.png:"Oh, [Player]. I'm so happy for you! If you ever need any advice, you know where to go."
Face Kai.png:"Fantastic ceremony! The love in the air is practically palpable."
Face Kitty.png:"Congratulations, congratulations! You make such a cute cute couple, nya!"
Face Liam.png:"Emma and Elizabeth weren't too bothersome during the ceremony, were they? They were both so excited, they wouldn't stop fidgeting... Oh, and congratulations!"
Face Lucia.png:"Watching two of Sun Haven's citizens joined in matrimony is truly heartwarming. Congratulations, [Player]."
Face Lucius.png:"May your marriage be as beautiful and eternal as the moon!"
Face Lynn.png:"This is the biggest wedding I've ever been seen. It seems like half the town is here!"
Face Miyeon.png:"W-what? Cry? I can't help it... I always cry at weddings...!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Don't worry, I was on alert through the whole ceremony."
Face Shang.png:"This is the start of a union between you and yours, [Player]. May it be a blessed and happy one."
Face Vaan.png:"Human ceremonies are so much more practical than Elven ones. It's funny how our cultures differ, even in celebration."
Face Vivi.png:"That's it? No one is even going to start a fight? Boooring."
Face Wesley.png:"Is that the end of the ceremony? Hm."
Face Wornhardt.png:"What a wonderful ceremony! It's good to have nice things like this to focus on. It's not just a special day for you, you know. The whole town is celebrating."
Face Karish.png:"You finally tied the knot, [Player]! I hope you have a happy marriage!"
Face Emmett.png:"Don't worry about the chairs, I'll gather them all up."
Face Peter.png:"Looks like you landed the big fish!"
Face Kara.png:"Days like this remind us what it means to be part of a community."
Face Tonya.png:"The best thing about marriage? Permanent workout partner! Hm, when is the last time Giuseppe joined me on a jog..."
Face Giuseppe.png:"Tonya ran a marathon the day after our wedding... I slept in."
Face Emma.png:"Farmer! Are you going to have a baby now??"
Face Elizabeth.png:"Hello, farmer! Liam told us to say congratulations...... Congratulations!!"
Face Topi.png:"Can we play games now?"
Face Pod.png:"Do I have to get married like this someday, too?"
Face Bernard.png:"Here's to many happy years together!"

Wishing for a Child

Wishing for a child cutscene
Player: I want to have a child.
Face Zaria.png: [Player]? I felt some sort of magical force pull at my body, leading me all the way here to you. You're going to wish for a child, right? ...I think I could do that.
I'm ready, [Player]. I'll never leave our kid wanting or alone. You can say the same, can't you?
Player: Let's do it.
Face Zaria.png: Good. Now let's do it.
Your wish has been made. The magic of the wish will make your house ready for the new baby! Next time you sleep, the magic's powers will take hold…
Player: Actually... I'm not ready yet.
Face Zaria.png: Tsh. Think it over, then. Let's go for now.