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This page details out the mail the player receives from Zaria. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Zaria will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2

I "found" these keys in the pocket of some coral-brained wannabe who tried to double cross me. Between her pleads not to drop her head first into a trench, she let it slip that these keys are supposedly useful on the surface world. I don't really go up to that place and I was ready to toss them away before I remembered you. Maybe you can find a use for them. Don't bother thanking me, I'm not doing this to be nice. It's a shame to waste something, if that something has even an ounce of value. That's all.

Iron Key.png Iron Key × 2

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5

You and I come from two different worlds. You know that much. Ultimately it's probably best if we stay in our respective \"proper\" places, but I was thinking that maybe you'd enjoy some music of the deep. You're nothing if not eager to put yourself in the way of incredible harm if it means exploring a new rock or finding a new bottle cap or whatever it is that motivates you to be such a brash do-gooder. Maybe having some music to listen to will make you slow down a bit.


Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Dear [Player],

A few contacts of mine finally paid me back for some work I did years ago. They paid me in some furniture they "bought" from a merchant ship... As if I have any use for junk like tables and chairs. One of the pieces was a big unwieldy grandfather clock. A clock would never last long under the sea, and I have no use for time anyways. I don't want it to go to waste, though, and I thought maybe you'd like to have it. Heh, maybe you'll even think of me whenever you notice one of the water stains the sea has left on it. Anyways, I hope you like the big stupid clock. Maybe we'll talk again sometime if you're ever in town.
