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This page details out the mail the player receives from Catherine. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Catherine will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2
Hello [Player],

When I have Greenroot, I always find there is a hop in my step. Since you have been working so hard on your farm, I thought you could use that extra hop as well.

You simply must try it!

- Catherine
Greenroot Seeds.png Greenroot Seeds × 3

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5
Hello [Player],

I was cooking dinner yesterday and I realized just how soothing this song was after stirring my cauldron all day. It is one of my favorites, so I hope it brings you a little peace as well.

- Catherine

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8
Hello [Player],

I was restocking at my shop and it seems I had a handful of extra Cinaberry Seeds. When I saw them, I knew they matched your red aura and were meant for you. Please enjoy them and continue to glow!

- Catherine
Cinnaberry Seeds.png Cinnaberry Seeds × 10