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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Catherine. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Catherine.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Catherine, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Catherine.png: Why hello again, farmer. Good to see you're getting to know our town.
Do you care to chat for a bit?
Player: I wanted to say, Catherine is a lovely name.
Face Catherine.png: And here I thought I was the charmer! I'm glad to see our newest new neighbor isn't just a stick in the mud.
Player: What do you mean, newest new neighbor?
Face Catherine.png: I only just met the other new arrival, Lynn. Sweet little thing, but not very outspoken.
Nothing against her, but I need someone to keep up with the conversation you know? I feel like such a blabbermouth when someone doesn't talk as much as me.
Player: Did you expect me to be a stick in the mud?
Face Catherine.png: Not really. It's just that most farmers I've met are not quite as... spirited as you. I promise I mean that in a good way!
Player: Last time we talked you said you were a witch.
Face Catherine.png: That's right. Don't tell me that concerns you? Certainly you've already met Lucia.
She doesn't practice witchcraft like I do, but she is Blessed. If her internal connection with magic didn't put you off, I'm sure you won't mind my witchcraft.
Player: So you practice dark magic? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I'll only say this once so don't forget - dark magic is for dark wizards. Witches - like me! - practice magic without hurting other people or animals. Got it?
Player: I don't mind it one bit! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I don't even need to read your aura to see that we will get along famously.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Catherine.png: Hello again, [Player]. Another beautiful day, don't you think? It's easier to work when the weather is nice.
Player: What kind of work do you do here?
Face Catherine.png: Herbal remedies are my specialty, but I also dabble in potions.
Player: Is all of that safe?
Face Catherine.png: People have doubted my products before, but they change their mind when they actually try some. Here [Player], take a sample!
Player: Why come to you for remedies when we can just go to Dr. Wornhardt?
Face Catherine.png: Wornhardt is great at what he does, but he can't give the same boosts I can. Try some of my restorative herbs sometime and you'll see what I mean.
Player: You seem like someone with a plan. What are your goals?
Face Catherine.png: Honestly, I just want to see my city thrive again. I even go around town casting small enchantments to help bring some business back to town.
And you know... I wouldn't mind finding a cute partner in the meantime!
Player: I'm sure you'll find someone soon, Catherine! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Oh, you think? Do you know something that I don't, [Player]?
Just kidding, but thanks for the vote of confidence!
Player: Why cast enchantments when Elios's magic helps the whole town? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I guess that's the difference between us, [Player]. I can't just sit around while somebody else fixes things for me.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Catherine.png: [Player], let me ask you something. Does this hat make my ears look big? You know what - forget I asked.
Player: Actually, I can't tell if those are your real ears, or if that's the hat...
Face Catherine.png: At least you asked. Too many people just reach up and yank on them. It hurts!
Oh, and I suppose that answers your question. Yes, these are my ears. Please don't pull on them.
Player: I've never met a rabbit Amari before you.
Face Catherine.png: I'm happy to be your first! And yes, I have very very good hearing. I know you didn't ask, but I don't need to be a witch to see that you were about to.
Player: I have to ask - do you have really really good hearing?
Face Catherine.png: Saw that one coming... Yep, I can hear someone whispering from across the town square.
Player: Big ears just means better hearing, right? Music must sound amazing!
Face Catherine.png: Oh, that is true. I absolutely love listening to the piano. Sometimes though, I just need to hear something with energy. That's when I reach for my Gavin Knapp record. They play guitar better than anyone I've ever heard!
Player: Forget records, I prefer live music. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Well sure, live music is always better. You don't have to be a snob about it though.
Player: I never knew you had such great musical taste! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Actually, I never listened to music that much before I had a conversation with Claude about it. No really, a full conversation!
Anyway, I bumped into him outside the record store and he opened me up to the world of music. Now I go to the record store every week.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Catherine.png: Hi, [Player]! I'm always happy to see you around town.
Player: Catherine, you're always so cheerful. Does anything make you mad?
Face Catherine.png: I know I seem very cool most of the time, but sometimes I do get fired up. It's usually when I see someone being unfair or cruel to another person.
I'll admit that I've cast my share of curses over people that I thought deserved it. That was only as a teenager, though.
Player: I wish I could do that sometimes! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Oh, good. I was worried you might judge me for that!
Anyway, I've grown up since then. I don't take part in dark practices anymore.
Player: You can cast curses? Doesn't that mean you practice dark magic? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I said it was only as a teenager, didn't I? I've grown up since then, [Player]. I don't take part in dark practices anymore.
Player: Of everyone in Sun Haven, who do you prefer to spend your time with?
Face Catherine.png: Lucia and I have always gotten on very well. And believe it or not, I have a lot of fun with Anne. I don't know if she feels the same way, though.
Player: What do you mean?
Face Catherine.png: Well, I always end up giving her some lecture about her morals. I used to be more serious about it, but I've started doing it for fun. Now I just like to push her buttons, hehe.
Player: You don't think Anne likes you?
Face Catherine.png: Well, I always end up giving her some lecture about her morals. I used to be more serious about it, but I've started doing it for fun. Now I just like to push her buttons, hehe.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Catherine.png: I just met a couple of travelers from the Northern Region. The north sounds so cold... I'm really glad it's warm here!
Player: Are you from Sun Haven, or did you move here?
Face Catherine.png: All of my siblings and I were born right here in Sun Haven. All eight of us!
The rest of my litter moved to other cities, but I just couldn't leave.
Player: What's keeping you here?
Face Catherine.png: Hm... You know, I just see a future for myself here. And I don't mean literally, like in a crystal ball - I prefer tea leaves for fortune telling, anyway.
Oops, I'm rambling. To put it simply, I want to raise a family here. Simple as that!
Player: You love Sun Haven that much?
Face Catherine.png: Don't sound so surprised! I'm sure you'll agree once you get to know everyone. The people really make this town special.
Player: Have you traveled much outside of Sun Haven?
Face Catherine.png: Not really. I went on vacation with my family once to the far west. It was very industrious and everyone seemed so busy. Honestly, I didn't love it.
Player: If you thought the big city was boring, that's on you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: [Player], life is only as boring as you make it. Or, right now, life is as annoying as you make it.
I'm saying that you're annoying me.
Player: I don't see why anyone would want to live that way. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I completely agree! A busy town is fun, but at least give me some trees to sit under on a hot day.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Catherine.png: Walking around this town makes me think of all the great times I had growing up here.
Player: Catherine, what's that in your basket there? + Catherine's Charm.png Catherine's Charm
Face Catherine.png: Oh right, I brought you something! Here, look - this is the strongest magic charm I've ever made. I know this can help you, [Player]. Try keeping it with you and you'll see!
Player: Are you sure? This seems important.
Face Catherine.png: It is important, so keep it safe! I think I can trust you, [Player]. Now it's up to you to prove it.
Player: This is so thoughtful, thanks Catherine.
Face Catherine.png: Treat it well, okay? I worked really hard to make it. I think I can trust you, [Player]. Now it's up to you to prove it.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Catherine.png: Sorry if I seem a little off. My aura is pinker than usual today.
Player: Are you seeing anybody? Quest: Hangout Event
Face Catherine.png: Oh no, nothing romantic like that. I have plenty of friends, but just friends. I haven't had many romances in town, actually.
Why do you ask, [Player]? You wouldn't be looking for a date would you?
Player: I'd love a date, actually. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Hehe, of course I'll go out with you [Player]! Meet me in front of my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm.
Player: Oh, nothing like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I see. Well... if you change your mind, why don't you meet me in front of my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm?

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Catherine.png: Do I smell funny? A potion blew up on me this morning. Witchcraft can be a messy business...
Player: So what got you into witchcraft, anyway?
Face Catherine.png: This might sound bad, but I started looking at spells when I was a kid so I could play tricks on my littermates. I managed to keep it secret for months!
Player: You figured out witchcraft as a child?
Face Catherine.png: Yep, I got a bit of a head start. It was definitely more power than a kid should have, that's for sure.
It's certainly paid off now - my whole living is based off my magic!
Player: You were so mischievous!
Face Catherine.png: I was! Thankfully I grew out of misusing my magic.
To be honest, I started a lot of fights. It's a good thing my mother caught on.
Player: Is there anything you hope to accomplish as a witch?
Face Catherine.png: All I want from my craft is to make life comfortable for myself and my loved ones. Witchcraft makes that a whole lot easier.
Player: Why practice magic if you don't have any big goals? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: You should keep in mind that I've been practicing since I was just a kid. I know what I'm doing, and I really don't need any criticism from you, [Player].
Player: All that matters is that you're happy doing it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I think so, too. Sometimes just keeping yourself happy is enough.
Hey, maybe I could show you some spellcraft sometime!

Cycle 9

Cycle 9


Face Catherine.png: It feels like seeing you has become part of my routine, like pruning my plants.
Player: I can't stop thinking about you. Quest: Date Event
Face Catherine.png: Oh! [Player], you're such a sweetheart. I'm flattered that you're thinking about me!
How about we go out together, hm?
Player: I'd love to go out, Catherine. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: How lovely to hear! Come by my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm. I can't wait!
Player: I'm a little busy right now. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: You don't say? Well... if your schedule changes, come by my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm.


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Catherine.png: Sometimes I feel my witchcraft isn't... up to snuff, compared to the Blessed like Lucia.
Player: Your witchcraft is very useful.
Face Catherine.png: Heh, thank you, [Player]. I think so, too. I just sometimes see one who has been blessed and their raw power makes my craft seem so humble in comparison.
Player: You just have to focus on what you're good at.
Face Catherine.png: I guess you're absolutely right. I'm usually so confident with my ability, but we all doubt ourselves sometimes, right? Even Lucia must! Thanks for hearing me out.
Player: Even the Blessed feel this way sometimes.
Face Catherine.png: I guess you're absolutely right. I'm usually so confident with my ability, but we all doubt ourselves sometimes, right? Even Lucia must! Thanks for hearing me out.
Player: What can someone who's been blessed do that a witch can't?
Face Catherine.png: Witchcraft is a lot more reserved than the magic you see someone who's been blessed do.
We don't shoot fire or conjure lightning, it's more about reading the natural auras of living things. Being in tune with life, and working off of that energy.
Player: Maybe you can ask Elios to give you his blessing? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I wouldn't want to do anything like that, [Player]. I don't want to give up who I am.
Player: Maybe it's not as flashy, but your witchcraft is still worth appreciating. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I know, and you're right. I guess that's what I really like about it. I don't have to be big and showy, I'm a witch!

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Catherine.png: I've heard that some people play music for their plants. It's supposed to help them grow. Putting music and plants together, I think it's a fantastic idea.
Player: What kind of music would you play to a plant?
Face Catherine.png: I don't know. I like to think that even music has an aura. The sounds and vibrations and rhythm, all of it has an energy to it. At least, that's what I think.
Maybe it depends on how I want the plant to grow. Noisy and loud for big and bountiful, quiet and reserved for soft and small? Who knows!
Player: You seem to have lots of questions about the world.
Face Catherine.png: Hehe, I'm sure it didn't take you this long to notice that, [Player]. Life is a mystery, and I like to figure it out.
Player: That's a lot for me to get my head around.
Face Catherine.png: It might seem pretty crazy, but that's how I like to think. Life is a mystery, and I like to figure it out.
Player: Do you think music really makes plants grow?
Face Catherine.png: I don't know! Really, I just think it sounds like fun, even if it doesn't work. Besides, it's a good excuse to listen to a lot of music.
Player: Sounds like it might be a waste of time. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Nothing is a waste of time if you enjoy doing it. Try to live without limiting yourself to things you think are "worth the time", [Player]. I certainly do.
Player: I can picture you playing your music to all your plants now. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: It is kind of funny, huh? I told you it sounded fun! Now I'll have to try it sometime. It'll be interesting to see if it really works or not!
Of course, it's really the fun of it that counts, right?

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Catherine.png: Not that it's a real surprise, but people are always buying all the prettiest plants I sell. But really, some of the most useful plants are often the least pretty.
Player: Plants can be complicated, right?
Face Catherine.png: True. It might be a very complicated subject, but I think it's still a very fascinating one. Some plants and herbs are useful for witchcraft, some are useful for everyday things.
Most are useful for both, in different ways.
Player: I will never doubt your knowledge of all things green.
Face Catherine.png: I don't know if you're poking fun of me, but I agree! Never doubt me, hehe.
Player: How did you learn so much about plants?
Face Catherine.png: Well, what began as a childish hobby ended up blossoming into a much more serious interest. I've learned from experience and reading botany texts. Lots of both.
Oh, and the "blossoming" pun was intended!
Player: You must be good at seeing value in everything.
Face Catherine.png: It's not that I expect everyone to know as much about plants as I do, it's just sort of sad.
Stinkwort is perfect for getting stains out of anything, but it smells funky and looks dull, so no one ever buys any.
I think there's value to everything, you just have to know where to look.
Player: If it isn't selling, then maybe you should get rid of it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: If I didn't even offer it, then that would just make the problem worse. Then no one would ever know what value Stinkwort has.
I get where you're coming from on a business side of things, but that just isn't me.
Player: Maybe you could teach people about the uses of different plants? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: "That's actually a really great idea, [Player]. I'm a little too busy for that, but I know Emmett always has time.
He's not as well versed as me, but he could swing it! I'll have to talk about adding it into his schedule.

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Catherine.png: I've been learning how to read palms. It's a little tricky, but also very fun!
Player: I didn't know a palm could be read.
Face Catherine.png: Well, you don't read them like you read a book. It's more about tracing both the physical shape of your palm and the aura that flows through it.
It's said that a hand can tell you a lot about a person, after all. Their past and their future.
Player: Do you worry about the future often?
Face Catherine.png: I don't think there's any good in worrying about the future too much, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't think about it.
I want to use the time I have in the present to make sure everyone I care about is comfortable in the years to come. Maybe palms can help me!
Player: Do you think about the past often?
Face Catherine.png: I don't think it's helpful to dwell on the past very much, but who we were in the past is still really important. I wouldn't be the same person if it wasn't for the past I had.
I'm sure most people feel the same. So it's good to rediscover your past once in a while.
Player: Why learn to read palms?
Face Catherine.png: It interests me, is all. Besides, it may be useful someday to someone. Helping someone out in the future is a good a reason as any, I think.
Player: That sounds pointless. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Maybe it sounds "pointless" to you, but it's invigorating for me. Everyone is different. You know that, right?
Player: The world needs more people who think like you! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Hehe. It does, but then I wouldn't be so unique! I'm just kidding, it would be great if more people felt the same.

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Catherine.png: I'm thinking about my next birthday, I just can't decide what to get my littermates.
Player: Why would you get your littermates something for your birthday?
Face Catherine.png: Oh, well, it's their birthday too. We were all born on the same day, after all! It's tricky since there are seven of them...
Player: Your mom had eight kids at once?!
Face Catherine.png: Well, yeah. What do you think a "litter" means, exactly? Some Amari might give birth to a single baby, others will have entire litters!
Player: Is that the same for all Amari?
Face Catherine.png: Nope! Some Amari might give birth to a single baby, while others will have entire litters!
Player: I didn't know your birthday was coming up.
Face Catherine.png: Oh, my birthday actually isn't for awhile! But with so many littermates, it takes all year to plan what I'm going to get for everyone.
I want to go above and beyond so that everyone is happy, but it gets harder each year. I'm really struggling this time!
Player: You could tell them their fortunes! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I love that idea!
Oh, but my littermates don't really like my witchcraft... too many pranks as a kid, hehe.
Player: Yeah, good luck with that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Right, thanks for all the help...

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Catherine.png: The days have all been so beautiful lately. Rain or shine, I could get lost just gazing up at the clouds as they roll by.
Player: Do you ever predict bad things in the future?
Face Catherine.png: I predict all sorts of things. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. It's important to always take an unbiased stance towards any prediction, though.
It's not up to me to decide what fate entails, I just translate the meaning from what I see. It's hard to be totally unbiased, though.
Player: Sounds complex.
Face Catherine.png: It is a bit tricky, but once you've been at it for awhile it gets a lot easier. The hardest part is clearing your mind and staying receptive to the universe.
Player: You sound like you have a good grasp on it.
Face Catherine.png: It is a bit tricky, but once you've been at it for awhile it gets a lot easier. The hardest part is clearing your mind and staying receptive to the universe.
Player: Don't you read clouds?
Face Catherine.png: Well, the study of aeromancy involves studying the shape and consistency of clouds to predict fates. Most of the time I'm not that serious about cloud watching,though.
Sometimes it's nice to disconnect from all of that and just relax, not thinking about anything.
Player: Cloud watching sounds like a boring pastime. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Hm, I didn't know I had asked for your opinion.
Player: That sounds very peaceful. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: It really is. You should try it sometime. Even if it's just for relaxation, our minds and bodies - and our energy! - need that from time to time.


Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Catherine.png: [Player]! I've been looking for you. Here, I brought you something to keep you strong.
Player: I've been meaning to tell you... You have the most beautiful hair!
Face Catherine.png: Why thank you, [Player]! I know the best herbal remedies for healthy, vibrant hair. There's no magic involved at all!
Player: That's unbelievable! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Start believing [Player], because it's true. If you stop by my house sometime, I could even show you my formula!
Player: I don't believe that for a second. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I can't tell if you're joking or... okay, you're serious. Wow, [Player]. Come on, I'm no liar.
Player: I was wondering... Did you put a romance spell on me??
Face Catherine.png: Oh? You're just now thinking of this? Hm... Did I... Did I... I guess you'll never know!
Player: Wait, I was only joking...
Face Catherine.png: Oh come on, [Player]. Of course I didn't! If you're feeling any kind of romance, then that's coming from you - and you can't blame me for that.
Player: Now it sounds like you actually did!
Face Catherine.png: Oh come on, [Player]. Of course I didn't! If you're feeling any kind of romance, then that's coming from you - and you can't blame me for that.

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Catherine.png: Today feels like a lazy day to me. How about you, [Player]?
Player: If you're feeling lazy, I could cook for you. What's your favorite meal?
Face Catherine.png: I can put a good dent in an everything-stuffed casserole, especially if it has extra carrots. And for dessert - apple cinnamon pie!
Player: I don't like pie. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: What! That can't be... [Player], you have to try one from Liam's shop. They're to die for, I don't know how he does it. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was a witch, too.
Player: Since you make potions, you must be a fantastic cook! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Thanks for the vote of confidence, but... Unfortunately, I'm a terrible cook. Potions and salves are a piece of cake, but an actual piece of cake? I might as well not try.
You have to try one from Liam's shop. They're to die for, I don't know how he does it. If I didn't know better, I'd think he was a witch, too.
Player: How do you pass the time on lazy days?
Face Catherine.png: I love books of poetry. They remind me of spells.
Player: Why do they remind you of spells?
Face Catherine.png: There's power in words, you know. It's kind of the basis of witchcraft. If someone wrote a strong poem with a specific intent? That's essentially a spell.
Player: Do you have a favorite poem?
Face Catherine.png: I don't have one favorite, but there's a book of love poems in the library. It's kind of my guilty pleasure... I always find myself blushing by the end of it!

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Catherine.png: Your magic seems a lot stronger now, [Player]. I'm really glad Elios gave you his blessing.
Player: Have you ever visited Elios on Dragon's Meet?
Face Catherine.png: Yes, I visited Elios. It was a true honor being in the presence of such strong magic... though I didn't much like the hike up the mountain.
I'm glad I did it, but I'm also glad that I don't have to do it again!
Player: I'm surprised that hiking is a challenge for someone like you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Hiking is no problem, but being escorted through monsters and blazing heat is entirely different. Give me some credit, [Player]!
Player: The journey to Dragon's Meet is tough. I guess that means you're tougher! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Aw, thanks! I had blisters on my heels for a week, haha.
Hard as it was, it was well worth getting a blessing from the Sun Dragon. Honestly, I don't think I've felt that good before or since.
Player: You never got his blessing?
Face Catherine.png: No, I'm afraid not. Otherwise, I would be able to channel magic through my body like you and Lucia. But I think I get by just fine with my witchcraft.
Player: It's amazing that you have such a deep connection with magic, then.
Face Catherine.png: Magic is everywhere, [Player]. Everyone has a connection to it, but some people don't pay attention. I just pay attention, that's all.
Player: You have a truly unique relationship with magic.
Face Catherine.png: Magic is everywhere, [Player]. Everyone has a connection to it, but some people don't pay attention. I just pay attention, that's all.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Catherine.png: I've been in such a good mood lately. I think I have you to blame!
Player: Have I told you that you're glowing? Because you're glowing.
Face Catherine.png: Oh, shut up! You're just saying that because you think you have to.
Player: I'm saying it because it's true.
Face Catherine.png: OH! I just realized - I dropped a bag of luminous powder in the back of my shop. That must be why I'm glowing.
... I still liked the compliment, though.
Player: I don't have to, but I like to!
Face Catherine.png: OH! I just realized - I dropped a bag of luminous powder in the back of my shop. That must be why I'm glowing.
... I still liked the compliment, though.
Player: You're always cheerful, even before we were a couple.
Face Catherine.png: I guess that's true. Well, mostly. I don't get angry often, but when I do it is not pretty. I hope you never have to see it.
Player: I bet you're pretty when you're angry, too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: That is so not what I meant! You get away with it this time, [Player].
Player: I'm curious now, I want to see it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Don't even joke, [Player]. I'm telling you, I don't hold back when I'm mad. Even for you!

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Catherine.png: Don't you feel Sun Haven picking up speed? It almost feels like it did ten years ago!
Player: Do you think Sun Haven is actually going to bounce back?
Face Catherine.png: I've always had faith in our little home, you know that. Maybe I'm reading into some misleading energies, but I really think Sun Haven turned a corner recently.
Player: I think I've noticed the same thing. Sun Haven is coming back! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I'm so excited for you to see the town in its prime! Oh, and the tavern is so fun when it's full of strange travelers. [Player], I'm glad you're here for this.
Player: One day I hope to be as optimistic as you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: It's not optimism, [Player]. Optimism has no basis. I'm going off of things I see and feel. There's a big difference.
Player: Do you think you'll miss the peace and quiet?
Face Catherine.png: Maybe, but there will always be a quiet corner of Sun Haven. That's part of why I love it here. No matter who you are, there's a place for you here.
Player: I know I've got a place here... with you!
Face Catherine.png: Oh, extra cheesy today? Mm, I love that kind of cheese!
Player: I'm just glad we can stop worrying so much for the town's future.
Face Catherine.png: Maybe, but let's not declare victory just yet. We shouldn't slow down before we're there, you know?
[Player], let's keep working to make Sun Haven the best it can be!

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Catherine.png: The most exciting thing about being a witch is seeing what others don't. The energies have been so active lately! It feels like something big is right on the horizon.
Player: Was it hard to learn how to read those energies?
Face Catherine.png: It took a lot of work to get where I am as a witch, but I've never been left feeling like it didn't pay off.
I wouldn't be the same person without my abilities. You can relate to that, can't you?
Player: Honestly? I can.
Face Catherine.png: Heh, I knew I didn't even have to ask. You understand completely.
Player: Honestly? I'm not sure.
Face Catherine.png: You really don't know for sure? That's not what I expected to hear. I guess you don't feel the way I do.
Player: Are you happy with our relationship?
Face Catherine.png: I can answer this without reading any energies. I'm very happy with our relationship together, [Player].
When you first moved to town, I felt a special aura about you. I just never expected to be part of it! I'm glad though, because when I think of the future, it's you I see.
Player: Hopefully you aren't wrong. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Is there a reason you think I'd be wrong, [Player]...?
Player: I see you in the future, too, Catherine. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Do you mean that? It's looking like the universe brought us together for a reason!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Catherine.png: Look at us, married! It's like a little story book - The Farmer and the Witch.
Eh, maybe not.
Player: I think "The Farmer and the Witch" sounds cute.
Face Catherine.png: Hehe, oh yeah? Then I guess this is the first chapter of our story together.
Player: Let's make it's a fun story!
Face Catherine.png: Oh, [Player]. I was lucky to marry someone like you. I knew it all along.
Player: It will be the first of many.
Face Catherine.png: Oh, [Player]. I was lucky to marry someone like you. I knew it all along.
Player: Is marriage everything you thought it would be?
Face Catherine.png: You know, I never thought about it that much. I only wanted to be in love and connect with someone on a deep level.
I think I really have that with you, [Player]. So I suppose marriage really is everything I thought it would be!
Player: My connection to you is unlike anything else. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: That makes me so happy to know, [Player]. I knew you were the one I was meant to be with.
Player: I don't really get what you mean. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Well, I can't expect everything about our marriage to be perfect. It's fine if you don't quite get what I mean, though I really wish you did.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Catherine.png: Hey hun, how's your work been?
Player: I've been keeping myself busy. How about you?
Face Catherine.png: I was a little worried that married life would cut into my work.
But honestly, nothing's really changed. I never thought marriage would be so... comfortable. I love it!
Player: You're married, but you still have a life of your own. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Oh believe me, I know that! But you're so compatible with me [Player], I can't believe how lucky I am. We truly were made for each other, weren't we?
Player: You should focus on our relationship more. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: I... truly hope that isn't how you feel, [Player]. I need our relationship to be liberating, not confining.
Player: What kind of energies do you read in our marriage?
Face Catherine.png: Oh, it's difficult to explain. But when it comes to how I interpret auras and energy, it takes time to get a clear reading.
But that's okay. You and I can take all the time in the world.
Player: I'd be happy to wait with you forever, if that's what it takes.
Face Catherine.png: Hehe, of course you'd say something sappy like that!
Player: Well I'm reading energies right now that say you're super cute!
Face Catherine.png: Hehe, of course you'd say something sappy like that!

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Catherine.png: Lately, I've been inspired to learn all sorts of new things!
Player: What are you learning about now?
Face Catherine.png: Anne had a set of these curious cards. She told me that witches in the Western Region are crazy about them right now. They're called "tarot cards."
I can learn to divine fate with them, similar to my tea leaves.
Player: Do you really need to learn more magic? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Do I need to? Maybe I don't, but that doesn't mean I don't want to. I thought you'd be excited to hear what I was up to, but I guess not.
Player: You're so curious, I love it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Catherine.png: Pretty soon I'll learn all the cards, and then I'll divine our future with them! It'll be so much fun.
Player: How do you find time to learn so much stuff?
Face Catherine.png: If I really want to do something, I let nothing stop me. It's important for me to make room in my life for new passions, you know.
Player: But you're so busy, how do you do it?
Face Catherine.png: Hey, I'm a pretty quick learner! And if I get my work done a few minutes faster every day, then it really adds up.
Player: You sound even busier than I am.
Face Catherine.png: I want to live every day to the fullest. If there's time to spare, I want to spend it either learning something new, or with you!

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Catherine.png: [Player]! I was peering into the future and... I saw something. Now, it's just an interpretation, but I believe I was shown a vision of you and me with a child! Do you think what I saw could be accurate?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Catherine.png: I feel the same way, my love! Oh, how utterly exciting! Are we about to start a family of our own?
Player: Let's do it!
Face Catherine.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Catherine.png: Is that so? Then perhaps I was misreading the vision. I hope I didn't make you feel pressured into anything. Remember, [Player], I love you and I only want what will make you happy.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Catherine.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!