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This page details out the mail the player receives from Wornhardt. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Wornhardt will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2

While an apple a day certainly does not keep the doctor away, a treat never hurt anyone now and again either. Make sure you are taking care of yourself and don't be afraid to stop by the hospital or my house for a check-up. I like to make sure everyone in Sun Haven is taken care of, especially if you are working hard in the sun. So come by any time!

- Dr. Wornhardt

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 5

While I was looking over my next month of meetings and appointments, I found myself swaying to the music. This really is my favorite piece, I wish I knew who wrote it. Anywho, I asked around at the record store and they had a second-hand copy, too bad it was missing its sleeve as well. A shame, but now you can have one. Enjoy this song and sway along, like the trees in the wind, and lose yourself for a moment in the music!

- Dr. Wornhardt

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8

You have been working so hard lately, I think you could really use a little time to lean back and watch the clouds. Just like our first date together. A lovely thing it was. So enjoy the clouds, the little things in life that we all wish we had more time for.

- Dr. Wornhardt