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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Wornhardt. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Wornhardt.


These are conversations the player will see when they are just getting to know Wornhardt, during any season.

Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Wornhardt.png: Settling in all right, are we?
What's on your mind, farmer?
Player: Have you lived here your whole life, doctor?
Face Wornhardt.png: No, I relocated from the Southern Islands just about a year ago. The south is great, but I'm lucky to be here. Sun Haven has been good for me.
Player: Do you miss the Southern Region?
Face Wornhardt.png: I'll tell you what I do miss, the fruit. Fruit trees grow all over the place down there. I used to pick a free breakfast while walking to work every day! One less thing to worry about, you know?
Player: The south? But you're so...
Face Wornhardt.png: I know what you're going to say - I'm very pale. Believe me, it was a challenge growing up on a tropical island with this complexion.
Player: You're the only doctor in Sun Haven?
Face Wornhardt.png: Don't worry, I'm well-equipped to take care of this town. Besides, almost everyone here is in great health. It's honestly a little boring for me, but I'd much rather be bored than stressed out.
Player: Some people might think that makes you sound lazy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: It's a good thing I don't care what some people think!
Player: More people could use a little boredom in their life. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I agree completely. I always feel better after slowing down and taking a breath. Sun Haven has let me to do that more than ever before.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Wornhardt.png: Sun Haven is such a pleasant little town. It's unbelievable that some people are scared to travel here.
Player: Are you worried about the rumors?
Face Wornhardt.png: Ah yes, Withergate, land of monsters, city of the underbelly... I don't know about any of that, but the idea of a monster attack is worrying even if it's unlikely.
Player: It's a good thing we have you in town, just in case.
Face Wornhardt.png: Right, it's a good thing... But I hope it doesn't come to that. I moved to Sun Haven to avoid that kind of action.
Player: I don't think it will come to that.
Face Wornhardt.png: Neither do I, but there is this little voice in the back of my head that keeps reminding me of things like that, things that worry me. I've been trying to ignore that voice for a long time.
Player: How long do you think you'll stay here, Wornhardt?
Face Wornhardt.png: I haven't thought about it too much, but as long as I'm happy then I don't see any reason to leave.
Player: It's important to let yourself be happy. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I agree. We should enjoy the happy little things while they're here with us.
I like chatting with you, [Player]. For some reason, the conversation just flows.
Player: So you'll just abandon Sun Haven as soon as you're unhappy with it? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: That's not what I said, [Player]. There's no need to get worked up. Why don't you take a few breaths and relax?

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey [Player], having fun yet? There's always something to do here!
I spend a lot of time just exploring the town. When I'm not working, of course.
Player: Do you have any hobbies just for fun?
Face Wornhardt.png: I like cooking big meals for myself, if you count that. I usually make too much, though. Say, I should give you some leftovers the next time I cook.
Player: You shouldn't waste food like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Relax [Player], I don't waste food. I share with my pet mouse, Charlie. Let's not make assumptions about each other, okay?
Player: That sounds great! I bet you're a fantastic cook. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey, don't take my word for it. Bring me some potatoes and I'll make you a great egg hash!
Player: Do you have a favorite spot around town?
Face Wornhardt.png: I just love the windmills on the way to the beach. You've seen them by now, right?
Try this, lie in the grass and watch the windmills spin against the sky. Without fail, it always takes my mind away. The way they spin in unison is mesmerizing. I wonder, how do they do that?
Player: I'll have to try it!
Face Wornhardt.png: Just be careful not to get sunburned. I fell asleep out there once and came back looking like Peter's pet crab.
Player: Spinning things make me dizzy...
Face Wornhardt.png: In that case, there's always the beach - plenty of natural beauty there, too. That's the thing about Sun Haven, you find beauty no matter where you look.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Wornhardt.png: It's great to see you, [Player]... Whoa, you're staring pretty hard. Is something wrong?
Player: I've been waiting a while to say this, but... you have some really great hair!
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh! Hah, thank you. It actually grew out before I moved here, when I wasn't taking very good care of myself. But then I decided to keep it!
Player: It definitely suits you.
Face Wornhardt.png: I'm glad you think so. It's always nice getting unexpected compliments.
Player: It looks like you're taking better care of yourself now.
Face Wornhardt.png: Thanks! I must be having a really good hair day, haha!
Player: Sorry, I didn't mean to stare.
Face Wornhardt.png: No harm done, [Player]. I know I can look a bit run down at times. That's to be expected after twelve years of medical work.
Player: Actually, I was going to say that you look pretty good! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh? Heh, you're a real charmer, [Player]! I hope we get to spend a lot of time together.
Player: It's nothing a good night's sleep can't fix. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh? Hm. I wasn't really looking for that kind of advice, but thank you anyway.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Wornhardt.png: Looks like you're making yourself right at home in Sun Haven! It took me a while to really get comfortable here as a native.
Player: So what brought you to Sun Haven to begin with?
Face Wornhardt.png: You could say my work brought me here. But really, I just needed a change. There came a time when I realized that the island just wasn't home to me anymore.
Player: You must miss your family and friends, though.
Face Wornhardt.png: These days, I keep myself looking forward. No point in looking back when there's a beautiful future ahead. I'm sure you can relate, having just moved here yourself.
Player: Do you ever wonder how the island managed without you?
Face Wornhardt.png: These days, I keep myself looking forward. No point in looking back when there's a beautiful future ahead. I'm sure you can relate, having just moved here yourself.
Player: Did you ever go to see Elios on Dragon's Meet?
Face Wornhardt.png: No, I haven't visited the Sun Dragon. When I first arrived here, Lucia told me that I should wait a while before seeing him.
I don't see what Elios would do for me, anyway. I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't use magic - I'm a doctor. I stick to what I know.
Player: I'm sure Elios could help your practice, somehow. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I don't mean to offend you, but you just don't know what you're talking about.
Player: You seem to know what's best for yourself, I'd trust your instincts. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Thank you, [Player]. Sure, the idea that Elios can magically make your life better is appealing, but it's not helpful to me.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Wornhardt.png: Have you been taking a little extra relaxation time? You're looking really good!
Player: You're looking good too, doctor!
Face Wornhardt.png: You think so, huh? I've been trying to exercise a bit more lately. Good to know it shows!
Player: Oh, I was only being polite. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I don't know why you would tell me that, [Player].
Player: I thought you must be doing something different. Good for you, doc! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: You know [Player], I try and make people feel good about themselves when I talk to them. But I don't often get to feel that way myself.
I guess I'm just trying to say thanks!
Player: So how does Sun Haven's doctor relax?
Face Wornhardt.png: The tavern is so warm and cozy, it's the best place to unwind. Ronald and Mari are fun conversationalists too, and if I'm lucky I'll catch Camila there in the evening. I often have good talks with her.
Player: Are you close with Camila?
Face Wornhardt.png: I guess you could say so. It's nothing romantic - she's a bit young for me that way. But she's good company on slow nights.
Player: What's your go-to order at the tavern?
Face Wornhardt.png: I just like a drink of something to go with a nice big burger... Oh man, now you've got me thinking about food. Did Mari send you? She's a clever one, so I wouldn't put it past her!

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Wornhardt.png: Hello there, farmer. Do you hear the birds today? There are so many songs to listen to!
Anyway, what's on your mind?
Player: Are you seeing anybody in town, Wornhardt? Quest: Hangout Event
Face Wornhardt.png: Me? Oh, no. I mean, some people have certainly caught my eye, but I don't really put myself "out there" if you know what I mean.
Why do you ask? You aren't... interested in a date, are you?
Player: A date with you? That sounds fun! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: You don't say, huh? Well, alright. I'll carve out a bit of time for you, [Player]. Why don't you meet me tomorrow, in front of the hospital. Let's say... 10:00 am?
Player: No, nothing like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Ah, well, if you change your mind, why don't you meet me tomorrow, in front of the hospital? Let's say... 10:00 am? Only if you'd like to, of course.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey now, there's my favorite farmer! I hope you have a long and successful stint on the farm, [Player].
Player: Do you consider yourself successful, Wornhardt?
Face Wornhardt.png: Wow, that's a hefty question. Let me think a moment...
You know, I think I do. Mainly because I found a place I'm happy to call home. That's all the success I need.
Player: You're a surprisingly simple guy, Wornhardt.
Face Wornhardt.png: Thanks, but you might not think that once you get to know me better!
Player: I hope to find success the way you have.
Face Wornhardt.png: Just hang in there, [Player]. I'm completely certain that you'll find your success someday soon.
Player: So what's your plan for the long term, Wornhardt?
Face Wornhardt.png: Long term, huh? I'll be honest with you. I'm still kind of getting myself settled into life here. I haven't thought one bit about any far future. I'm really just trying to enjoy the moment.
Player: That's pretty irresponsible, especially for a doctor. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: What's irresponsible is expecting too much of yourself - and others.
Player: Focusing on the present is important. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: We both agree on that! It's easy to get caught up in life and forget to enjoy yourself.

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey [Player], who do you think is a better caretaker? Me, or Kitty?
You know what, it's a pointless comparison. I shouldn't let her get in my head.
Player: Well, she's not "Doctor Kitty," right?
Face Wornhardt.png: Fair point, I guess I do have the certification. It's just that she said I need to give my patients more love. I just don't think it works that way with people.
Player: Don't worry about Kitty, you know what you're doing. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Right, right. Of course, I just need to trust myself a bit more. Thanks for screwing my head on straight, [Player].
Player: You could be a warmer person. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: You really think that? I try so hard to be friendly.
Player: You're experienced in caring for people, but what about pets?
Face Wornhardt.png: Well sure, I've got my pet mouse. Have I told you about him? His name is Charlie! He's really smart, you'd be surprised.
Player: Why a mouse?
Face Wornhardt.png: Charlie was already in my house when I moved in, so I just bought him a cage and some food and we've been buds ever since.
Player: Mice are great pets!
Face Wornhardt.png: I agree! Charlie's really easy to take care of, too. Aside from feeding, watering, cage cleaning, bath time, and health check-ups, he basically cares for himself!

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey [Player], I was just thinking about you. Actually, you've been on my mind a lot lately.
Player: I hope they've been good thoughts. Quest: Date Event
Face Wornhardt.png: They definitely have been. In fact [Player], I was actually hoping that we could maybe go out on a date. What do you say, eh?
Player: Let's do it!
Face Wornhardt.png: Fantastic! Meet me at my house tomorrow at 5:00 pm. [Player], this is going to be great!
Player: I'm not sure about that.
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh... is that so? Maybe I misread the feelings between us - my bad. If you change your mind, feel free to meet me at my house, tomorrow at 5:00 pm. I'll be free, if you'd like to visit.


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh, [Player]. You haven't gotten your annual check-up. We should schedule one sometime.
Player: You seem like you're always on top of everyone's wellbeing.
Face Wornhardt.png: You mean that as a good thing, right? I am a doctor after all. It's my job!
Player: It can be a little annoying, but I know it's for my own good.
Face Wornhardt.png: Heheh. I know it might seem like a doctor nags at you, but trust me. We're in it to help you, it's what we do.
Player: Sun Haven is lucky to have a dedicated doctor like you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey, thanks. That... genuinely means quite a lot to me.
Player: Why would I need an annual check-up?
Face Wornhardt.png: It's just good to stay on top of things, don't you agree? Especially health. You're always putting your body through the ringer, we should make sure you're in good condition.
Player: Nah, no thanks, doc. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I see. Well, I can't force you, though I think your decision is quite unwise.
Player: Sure, pencil me in sometime soon. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Great. I'm actually pretty full up right now but it's good to know you take medical appointments seriously. I'll let you know when I have a spot available and we'll get you in.

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Wornhardt.png: Working in Sun Haven is a challenge. I never treated Amari patients before coming here!
Player: Was being a doctor easier where you used to live?
Face Wornhardt.png: Not necessarily "easier". I used to only provide care to Human patients, but medicine is still difficult whether you're treating a Human or an Amari.
Maybe "simpler" is a better way of putting it. Do you have any idea how good Catherine is at hearing, for instance? Giving her a hearing exam is a real challenge!
Player: Broadening your horizons never hurt.
Face Wornhardt.png: I've come to appreciate learning more about caring for a diverse range of patients, at least. It's a tough job but someone's gotta do it, and I'm happy it can be me.
Player: So you're saying Catherine has super-hearing?
Face Wornhardt.png: Ehh, alright, forget we talked about that, alright? Catherine is a little sensitive of how well her ears work compared to Humans...
I shouldn't have went off and revealed my patient's private matters. Man, where's a windmill when you need one?
Player: Wouldn't it be easier if you could just chill out all day?
Face Wornhardt.png: It would! But I have to earn my living somehow. Besides, if I got lazy and stopped working, people wouldn't be taken care of. Sure, a new doctor would come around, but...
The only way I know for sure that everyone is getting what they need is to do it myself.
Player: You don't have to stress so much. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: You're right. Jun tells me the same thing. I have trouble worrying about everyone's health whenever I take a break, though. Maybe I do need a vacation...
A short one, at least.
Player: Sounds like you're a bit egotistical. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Oof, is that how it comes off? I'm just concerned for everyone's well-being.

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Wornhardt.png: Taking good care of your weapons, [Player]?
Player: Asking about my weapons is a bit random for you, Wornhardt.
Face Wornhardt.png: Haha, it is, isn't it? But the best medicine is preventative. When you're out there putting yourself in harm's way, your first "medicine" is your armor and weapons.
So keep them in good condition, and stay safe out there for me!
Player: You've got it, doctor! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I try not to overstep when it comes to telling my patients how to live their lives, but I do want to make sure everyone is taking care of themselves.
Thanks for understanding, [Player]!
Player: I'll be fine, don't worry so much. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Please don't think I'm nagging you, [Player]. I'm just worried about your health and safety.
Player: What about you? Do you take good care of your stuff?
Face Wornhardt.png: Fair question! To answer it, of course I do. I always make sure to have fresh scalpels and needles on hand! Only the sharpest, for best results.
I never want to put in less than maximum effort in what I do. Anything less is selling the people I care about short.
Player: You sure think two steps ahead.
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey, I tell Solon to never overdo it with his blacksmithing. I always remind Anne to lift her boxes and crates with the legs, not the back.
The best way to cure an injury is to not have it in the first place!
Player: That does make a lot of sense.
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey, I tell Solon to never overdo it with his blacksmithing. I always remind Anne to lift her boxes and crates with the legs, not the back.
The best way to cure an injury is to not have it in the first place!

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey there, [Player]. I could go for a good mango right about now.
Player: Mango?
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh, maybe you don't know. It's a type of fruit that grows all over the Southern Islands. I used to be able to eat them every day, if I wanted.
Player: What's the best replacement for a mango that Sun Haven's got?
Face Wornhardt.png: Hrm, the best replacement for a mango? I guess apples come the closest, but they're not quite the same.
Player: Could I grow a mango?
Face Wornhardt.png: I'm not so sure of that. They only grow on trees in very warm climates. I've never seen a mango tree this far north, at least.
Player: How's Charlie doing?
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh, so you remembered my little pet mouse, huh? Heh, no one usually bothers to ask me about Charlie. He's doing just fine, actually. As far as mice go, at least.
Most people consider mice to be a pest, but that's such a limited way of thinking! Charlie doesn't think of himself as a pest, you know.
Player: It's just a mouse, you could've gotten rid of it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Nope. Not my style, [Player]. It was Charlie's house first, that's how it is. I don't need to explain myself more than that. Though I wonder, would Charlie like mango?
Player: You're such a softie. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: What can I say? Just because Charlie is a mouse doesn't mean he's less important than I am! Though I wonder, would Charlie like mango?

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Wornhardt.png: Lucia honored me with a medal of recognition for my work the other day. Sorry, I'm not bragging, I'm just kind of touched, is all.
Player: You totally deserved it.
Face Wornhardt.png: You think so, too? I work real hard and everything, but I can't shake the feeling this honor could've gone to someone... more deserving. Did I really earn it?
Player: Don't doubt yourself so much, you're doing great. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I know I shouldn't be down on myself, but sometimes it's hard... though if you and the Archmage are telling me I'm doing great, then maybe I should listen!
Heh, thanks for the shot of confidence, [Player].
Player: So you think Lucia made a mistake? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Lucia is a very wise Archmage, I never implied she was mistaken. I'm just not sure why it was me. Don't get the wrong idea, [Player].
Player: So what's your medal look like?
Face Wornhardt.png: Ah, it's really beautiful. I'd show it to you, but I've put it away for safekeeping.
It's a golden emblem with Elios' likeness carved into it, along with the words "FOR SERVICE TO SUN HAVEN."
Lucia's signature is also engraved on it, which is a nice touch.
Player: Sounds fancy.
Face Wornhardt.png: It's certainly a thing to behold. I still can't believe they chose me for it, really.
Player: You should frame it.
Face Wornhardt.png: I may just have to do that one of these days. Right now I still can't believe they chose me for it, really.

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey, [Player]! Is it just me, or does the whole town feel more lively these days?
Player: It's not just you, I feel it too.
Face Wornhardt.png: I don't want to get my hopes up, but it really feels like Sun Haven has survived the worst of it.
Player: This town really is unlike any other. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: You're right. Even down south I couldn't find a community as close as this one. I really believe that's the reason Sun Haven has survived - commonwealth.
Player: I wouldn't say Sun Haven's recovered just yet. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Well sure, there's still some way to go. But you can't say we're not better off now than we were a few weeks ago.
It's about being optimistic, [Player]. You might give it a try.
Player: Maybe it's because you've kept everyone so healthy!
Face Wornhardt.png: Haha, that's nice [Player] but I don't think so. I think we've been getting more travelers through town. I've seen some unfamiliar faces here and there.
Player: Do you like when new people come through?
Face Wornhardt.png: Sure! It's always good to keep things new and interesting. Plus, many travelers like to get a check-up after a long journey.
Player: Have you had any trouble with travelers before?
Face Wornhardt.png: Not personally, although I did watch Mari kick a couple of young guys out of the tavern.
You should have seen it - she dragged them out by the ears! Ronald didn't even notice until she had already slammed the door shut.


Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey, [Player]! You look absolutely radiant today.
Player: Hey, why do you have two stethoscopes? + Wornhardt's Stethoscope.png Wornhardt's Stethoscope
Face Wornhardt.png: Shh! don't ask questions, just take!
Player: For me?
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh. Let me explain...
This is the first stethoscope I ever had. Without this, I wouldn't be where I am today.
I used to listen to my own heart with it... a way of reminding myself of what I live for. But I don't need it for that anymore - because now you are part of that reminder, [Player]. So please keep it close!
Player: What am I going to do with this?
Face Wornhardt.png: This is the first stethoscope I ever had. Without this, I wouldn't be where I am today.
I used to listen to my own heart with it... a way of reminding myself of what I live for. But I don't need it for that anymore - because now you are part of that reminder, [Player]. So please keep it close!

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Wornhardt.png: Hey [Player], I think I overheard someone talking about us in the tavern last night.
I hate when people talk behind my back...
Player: Does it make you that uncomfortable?
Face Wornhardt.png: Kind of, but it's not important. I guess I never thought I would be worth gossiping about again.
But if you're asking whether I like the attention or not? Not really, that doesn't do anything for me.
Player: No way, I think you love the attention! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Well, you're just plain wrong about me then.
Player: I figured - you don't exactly love the spotlight. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh, I guess you've gotten to know me pretty well. I'm glad, [Player].
Player: You should do your best to ignore it.
Face Wornhardt.png: I know, and I do try my best. Some things just get under my skin. I've got a sore history with gossip, is all.
Player: You and I can gossip about everyone in town to get back at them.
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh, I don't think that will be necessary. Thank you for the laugh though, [Player].
Player: Who was it?
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh, Calvin and some guards. I guess I shouldn't be surprised - Calvin is always talking about other people.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Wornhardt.png: Ever since we got together, I've been gaining weight. It's good - I was a little skinny before.
Player: I thought you looked a little healthier.
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh yeah? Well feel free to mention it next time! I'm not opposed to flattery, you know. Who doesn't enjoy a nice compliment?
Player: All right then - nobody wears a white cloak like you do! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Despite the fact that nobody in Sun Haven wears a white cloak other than me, I'll take the compliment. Haha, thank you [Player]!
Player: I don't want your head getting too big. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Is this a legitimate concern of yours? I'm a grown man, [Player]. I know how to handle my own ego.
Player: Since we're together, do I get free medical care?
Face Wornhardt.png: I still have to make a living, you know. Unless you want to take over paying my bills?
Player: You're on your own there, Wornhardt.
Face Wornhardt.png: Haha, I think I'll manage! A doctor's paycheck is pretty good, you know.
Player: I'll always support you, even paying your bills if I have to.
Face Wornhardt.png: Thank goodness it won't come to that. A doctor's paycheck is pretty good, you know.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Wornhardt.png: Seeing your face every day makes me think I must be the luckiest man alive.
Player: If you were the luckiest man alive, you would also be rich.
Face Wornhardt.png: I am rich - in love and affection! Heheh.
Player: Boooooo.
Face Wornhardt.png: I get it, my jokes are too good. No need to explain, it's obvious. You love my humor too much.
Player: Nice one!
Face Wornhardt.png: Just when I thought you couldn't be more perfect - you like bad jokes!
Player: You think you're lucky? You're dating a farmer - I'm dating a doctor!
Face Wornhardt.png: [Player], you're every bit as important as I am in this town. We need a farmer exactly as much as we need a doctor!
Well, except for Albert. That guy needs a doctor way more than he needs a farmer...
Player: Are you making fun of a patient? Isn't that wrong? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Sorry [Player], but I need to keep my sense of humor. It's my defense mechanism as a doctor.
Player: Then this town is lucky to have us both. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Sun Haven really has changed my life in every way possible. I know it did the same for you too, [Player]. You're right, we're both lucky for lots of reasons.

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Wornhardt.png: Your smile is bright as the sun, [Player]. I hope your day has been good so far!
Player: I only smile like this when I see you!
Face Wornhardt.png: You're such a cheeseball! I've actually heard of studies done on smiles. The idea is, people who smile more are healthier and live longer.
Player: If that's true, then we're going to live a looong time.
Face Wornhardt.png: I'll have to make sure you get your daily dose!
Player: That doesn't sound very scientific.
Face Wornhardt.png: Maybe not. I honestly can't vouch for the credibility of the study, but it's a fun thought anyway.
Can you imagine if I wrote a prescription for smiles?
Player: Are you happy in our relationship, Wornhardt?
Face Wornhardt.png: Am I... [Player], I'm the happiest I've been! If we were stuck together for the rest of our lives, it wouldn't be long enough!
Oh, heh. I didn't mean to suggest anything by that...
Player: I could spend the rest of my life with you, too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I don't mean to ruin the moment, but we are talking about marriage, right? Sometimes I can be a bit oblivious to social cues, heh.
In any case, I'm ready whenever you're ready.
Player: It's difficult for me to picture anything lasting that long... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh, sure, I see. Maybe you're not ready to take that step, [Player] - and that's fine. But whenever you are... I'll be here.


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Wornhardt.png: [Player], have you lost weight? I thought we were supposed to gain weight after we got married.
Player: Is that good medical advice?
Face Wornhardt.png: It's not really medical advice, but it's something I've noticed with married couples. Many of them gain a little weight after being married - I see it as a sign of happiness!
Player: I'm plenty happy, Wornhardt, even if I don't gain any weight.
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh, well that's good to hear! Hm, maybe I should weigh myself at the hospital...
Player: We're not like other married couples.
Face Wornhardt.png: Heheh, is that what you think?
I always thought of us as something special, too. I wonder if everyone feels this way?
Player: Are you worried about putting on a few pounds?
Face Wornhardt.png: Ah! You noticed??
I don't get as much exercise as you, [Player], that's for sure. Maybe I should join Tonya on her morning runs...
Player: That would probably be good for you. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: You know [Player], there are gentler ways to tell somebody to lose weight.
Player: Nonsense - you look good! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Oh! Hah, well now that you mention it, I am a good weight for my height. But I'll keep an eye on it to be sure I stay healthy, of course!

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Wornhardt.png: So, what do you think? Am I a good husband so far?
Player: It's barely been any time at all!
Face Wornhardt.png: I know, but I'm just trying to make sure I start on the right foot.
Player: Do husbands worry too much? Because you're great at that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Ouch, message received. I guess I won't bug you with my silly worries anymore.
Player: You've got two right feet, Wornhardt. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: What? That's not true... oh, I get it! Hah, that took me a sec. That's sweet of you, [Player]. Thanks for trying to cheer me up.
Player: Where is this coming from?
Face Wornhardt.png: Well, I don't know. I've never been so involved with another person before. I guess I'm just feeling a little pressure now that we're married.
Player: You're a doctor - all your work is done under pressure!
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh, good point. I'm probably just dwelling on it too much.
Player: Don't try so hard. Just relax!
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh, good point. I'm probably just dwelling on it too much.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Wornhardt.png: When I first came here, I didn't think I would stay. It seemed like just another stop on the road.
Now I've got my own home and practice here, a wonderful partner, and I've even met the Sun Dragon. It feels almost like it did back on the island.
Player: You said it feels like it did on the island?
Face Wornhardt.png: Yeah! Like my life is actually here, you know? I guess some people call that "putting down roots." In any case, the point is that I'm not leaving Sun Haven for a long time.
Player: I don't know if I want to stay here. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: Shoot, really? Here I thought you would want to stay for sure, especially since you have the farm. We'll have to talk about that soon.
Player: I feel the same way. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Wornhardt.png: I figured you would, especially since you have the farm. Obviously, you're a huge part of my decision to stay... That is obvious, right?
Player: Do you still miss the island?
Face Wornhardt.png: Sometimes, yes. I had friends there, you know. But it's behind me, and I really only remember it fondly. You don't have to worry about me running back south - this is my home now.
Player: I'm sure your friends think of you, too.
Face Wornhardt.png: I hope so. I bet they're all happy. I hope so, anyway.
It's too bad Jun didn't hear me say all that. He would be ecstatic to see my progress, maybe even enough to give me a candy!
I know the candies are for kids, but Jun lets me take one every now and then, heheh.
Player: I'm proud of you!
Face Wornhardt.png: Heh, thanks! I guess I've made some progress lately.
It's too bad Jun didn't hear me say all that. He would be ecstatic to see my progress, maybe even enough to give me a candy!
I know the candies are for kids, but Jun lets me take one every now and then, heheh.

Cycle 19

Is not in the data. Cycle 18 jumps to 20.

Cycle 20

Cycle 20
Face Wornhardt.png: Ever since I married you, my life has been brighter than I ever could have imagined. When I think of you, [Player], my heart swells with such love. It's been making me think of sharing that love... with a family. I'm talking about having a kid, of course.
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Wornhardt.png: Then let's start seriously considering a family, [Player]! If it's what you truly want, I mean. I think our life is perfect as it is, but if it's something we both want... Then I think that settles the matter!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Wornhardt.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Wornhardt.png: No? That's okay. I don't need children to be happy with you, [Player]. We can live comfortably and peacefully with just each other for company. I'm perfectly content with that.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Wornhardt.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!