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This page details out the mail the player receives from Shang. Once specific relationship levels are reached, Shang will send gifts in the mail which can be collected from the farm's mailbox.

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 2

It is good to have a close ally. I'll need capable friends like you if I am to find success, and you were the first to lend me your friendship and talents. This will not be forgotten, believe me. There will surely be many battles in the future. Take these Advanced Attack Potions, let them bring you ever faster to victory.

Attack Potion.png Attack Potion × 2

Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 6

Things may be going differently than I anticipated since my warship landed in Sun Haven, but one thing is still as clear as ever: we must stay prepared. I want you to have this record, play it. Let the music keep your blood heated, ready to pounce to action when the moment is finally right. The future may be uncertain, but the actions we take do not need to be.


Relationship Heart.png Relationship Level 8

You've become a closer confidant than any other, my most valuable alliance. I'm telling you this because I will need to rely on you in the coming days. I know you won't let me down, [Player]. It is why you are one of few who are worthy of my trust. I had my men procure this gift for you, take it as a gift and be prepared to utilize it when the moment comes.

Elixir of Combat.png Elixir of Combat × 2