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This page lists the general dialogue lines for Shang.


When speaking to Shang for the first time in a new game:

Face Shang.png Hm. Good day to you, local. Stay out of my way, please.
Player: Uh, hey there. I met you at the docks, remember? I'm [Player], the farmer of Sun Haven. Who are you?
Face Shang.png My greetings, farmer. But I don't have time for these pointless pleasantries. Please stay out of my way.

Stranger Lines

Face Shang.png:"Hm, hello. Is there something I can help you with, or? Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"My sword hand itches. I may need to practice soon. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Our salted meat stores are low. I'll have to send my men out on a hunt tonight. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"This town is a comfortable enough place to stay - for the moment. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"You're in my way, if you don't mind. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Yes? Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Spring is blossoming. I can smell the scent of change on the wind. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The summer sun is hot in this part of the world. I like it. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"What do you mean 'is it hard living on a ship in the middle of summer'? Is it hard living on a farm in the middle of summer? Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Training beneath a blazing sun is very invigorating, for both body and soul. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Perhaps I'll grill my own fish tonight. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Don't you have any special summer-time work to be doing, farmer? Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The snow lays deep here in the winter. It makes everything quiet and serene. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"My ship needs more firewood. I'll send Duizhang out with an axe tomorrow. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The stillness of winter, it's as if everything is frozen in place. I can't stand it. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Winter's bite is more ferocious than any beast. Make sure you're dressed to withstand its fangs. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"That pink cat Amari was making snow angels the other day. Hm. So... childish. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Hm. May you reap a bountiful fall harvest. Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The leaves change such amazing colors in this land. Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Practicing my sword strikes on the falling leaves is not only great training, but also... oddly satisfying. Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"I'm told the forests here are excellent hunting in the fall. Perhaps it's time I found out for myself. Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"No, I don't have any urges to jump through the piles of fallen leaves. Eh, what do you mean you didn't ask? Was I thinking out loud? Grr! Fall Token.png"

Friend Lines

Face Shang.png:"Good day to you, [Player].."
Face Shang.png:"Can I do anything for a friend?"
Face Shang.png:"The military barracks in this town has plenty of training dummies, though I slice through them very quickly."
Face Shang.png:"How are you with a blade, [Player]? Perhaps we could spar together sometime."
Face Shang.png:"The man in the crab house, Peter. He's quite adept at fishing, perhaps he could teach my men to be better anglers."

Dating Lines

Face Shang.png:"You're never a waste of my time, [Player]."
Face Shang.png:"I knew I heard you approaching. Hm? Of course I memorized the sound of your footsteps."
Face Shang.png:"Do you think I should move my ship to your farm? Hm, maybe not. It could be quite crowded."
Face Shang.png:"Always good to see you, my dear."
Face Shang.png:"Is there anything you need?"

Married Lines

Face Shang.png:"In the end, I found a Blessing, [Player]. It was you. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Let me take you on a walk through the forest, my love. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Each time I see you, I feel like a new man. I hope it is a feeling that never ends. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Busy today, my heart? Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"If you need anything, you only ever have to ask. Spring Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The heat of summer will break, but never will our love. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Keep cool, [Player]. There is nothing in our lives worth overworking yourself for. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"If I am to stay in Sun Haven for the rest of my days, at least I'll be able to enjoy its beautiful summers. With you, of course, [Player]. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"You never seem to slow down, even during the hottest days. You make it challenging to keep pace with you, my dear. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"None of my days are complete until I see you, [Player]. Summer Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Has the chill gotten to you, darling? Come close to me, I'll warm you. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The cold air dries my nose out, and I lose my sense of smell. Hm. So troublesome. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"So many strange fish can be caught here in the winter - I simply must try them all. You and I should angle together sometime, my dear. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"A thousand winters could not bring me to break my conviction to you, [Player]. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"I can sense a hint of spring on the air, but it is still faint and distant. Hm. More winter, then. Winter Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The Laohu Yu's hull is developing barnacles. It seems we've been docked in Sun Haven for quite some time, now... Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"You look as radiant as ever today, my love. Hm, no. Maybe even more than ever. Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"Nathaniel tells me I'm getting better with a broadsword. Hm. I hope he isn't just trying to raise my spirits with false words. Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"The falling leaves always make me feel a strange sense of longing, but I can never put my finger on what it is... Fall Token.png"
Face Shang.png:"I'm not keeping you, am I, [Player]? I love to see you, but I wouldn't want to get in the way of your work. Fall Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: Hm - item? A truly worthy gift. Thank you, [Player].
  • Liked: This item is worthy. Thank you.
  • Good: Well look at that! Thanks for the item.
  • Disliked: Item? Hm. A poor offering, I will tell no lies.

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Shang a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Shang's birthday is the 9th of Summer.

Face Shang.png:"You got this for me? On my birthday? It's been a long time since I've received a birthday gift this nice... I appreciate the thought, [Player]."
Face Shang.png:"Hm. Thank you for the birthday gift."
Face Shang.png:"I don't expect much on my birthdays, but this is an awful gift - even for having no expectations to begin with!"
Face Shang.png:""

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Shang.png:
Not Married
Shang drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Shang.png:
Married Wedding Ring.png
Shang drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Shang.png:


Shang has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted Adamant Sword or Mithril Sword:

Face Shang.png:"Hm, this blade seems true. Testings its limits will be good exercise. My thanks."

When gifted Sunite Sword:

Face Shang.png:"This blade... I've seen weapons such as this, but only... No. It can't be... Hm. I thank you for this sword, [Player]. I understand its value and will treat it with the reverence it deserves."

When gifted Pot Pie or Hearty Armor Pie:

Face Shang.png:"Is that... Pie? It smells... Yes, delicious. I must have it! Thank you, [Player]!"

When gifted Glorite Sword:

Face Shang.png:"This blade... I've seen weapons such as this, but only... No. It can't be... Hm. I thank you for this sword, [Player]. I understand its value and will treat it with the reverence it deserves."

When gifted Advanced Attack Potion, Advanced Defense Potion or Incredible Attack Potion:

Face Shang.png:"A potion to increase my combat abilities? This is most useful. Thank you very much."

When gifted Incredible Defense Potion:

Face Shang.png:"A potion to increase my combat abilities? This is most useful. Thank you very much.The beauty of this ring comes not from its craft, but of the exceptional durability I can feel within it. Thank you."

When gifted Adamant Ring:

Face Shang.png:"The beauty of this ring comes not from its craft, but of the exceptional durability I can feel within it. Thank you."

When gifted Adamant Key:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. A strange but useful gift. Thank you."

When gifted Hearty Pie:

Face Shang.png:"Is that... Pie? It smells... Yes, delicious. I must have it! Thank you, [Player]!"

When gifted Tea:

Face Shang.png:"Tea? I would love some - my thanks."

When gifted Swordfish Sashimi:

Face Shang.png:"Swordfish?! Nya! I- I mean. Yes. This looks very good, thank you very much. Thank you. Goodbye."

When gifted Defense Potion, Health Potion or Attack Potion:

Face Shang.png:"A potion to increase my combat abilities? This is most useful. Thank you very much."

When gifted Copper Sword or Iron Sword:

Face Shang.png:"Hm, this blade seems true. Testings its limits will be good exercise. My thanks."

When gifted Milk:

Face Shang.png:"Milk? Why yes! Yes, nya! I would love some!
...Ahem. Thank you."

When gifted Copper Ring or Iron Ring:

Face Shang.png:"The beauty of this ring comes not from its craft, but of the exceptional durability I can feel within it. Thank you."

When gifted Copper Key:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. A strange but useful gift. Thank you."

When gifted Armoranth:

Face Shang.png:"It appears to be so delicate, yet it's as hard as any metal. What a... worthy flower. Thank you, [Player]."

When gifted Kale Juice:

Face Shang.png:"Hm, it smells odd... But you say it's quite healthy? Then I would happily take some, thank you."

When gifted Tea Leaves:

Face Shang.png:"Do I smell dried tea leaf? Ah, I thought so. Thank you very much."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Shang.png:"Did you grow this yourself? I've never seen wheat so healthy..."

When gifted Wind Chime:

Face Shang.png:"Hm? What manner of plant is this? So... interesting...
...Can't... stop...
NAME swipes the wind chimes from you, holding them aloft with one hand while pawing at them with the other. He seems... completely enchanted by their movement and sound..."

When gifted Yucky Green Juice:

Face Shang.png:"Hm, it smells odd... But you say it's quite healthy? Then I would happily take some, thank you."

When gifted Carrot Sword:

Face Shang.png:"I have no need for childish toys like this."

When gifted Fizzy Seltzer, Bitter Beer, Wine, Candy Cane Ale or Mulled Cider:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. Hiss! What is this? Get it away from me!"

When gifted Spiced Cider:

Face Shang.png:"What is? Yuck! What a horrible drink! Take it away from me, now!"

When gifted Egg Crossbow:

Face Shang.png:"I have no need for childish toys like this."

When gifted Candy Cane or Marshmallow Bean:

Face Shang.png:"Do I look like a boy to you? Such nonsense is useless to me."

When gifted Soda Pop Crop:

Face Shang.png:"What vile plant is this? I want nothing to do with it."

When gifted Coffee, Apple Cider or Grape Juice:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. Hiss! What is this? Get it away from me!"

When gifted Animal Food:

Face Shang.png:"...I'm going to pretend you didn't just offer me a bag of animal food. Stand aside."

When gifted Shang Record:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. Was my record not worthy? My honor weeps..."

When gifted Shang Wedding Ring:

Face Shang.png:"[Player]? I gave you this ring... to seal our marriage. Was I wrong? Was your bond to me... not as strong as my bond to you?"

When gifted Shang's Sealed Sword:

Face Shang.png:"The blade... I see. You could not bear the weight of even a curse broken. This was my fault, [Player]. I burdened you with it..."

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Shang.png:"What is this you've brought me? It's... HISSSS! Do you know what you hold, [Player]? I have been to barren, life-stripped lands that are littered with ruins bearing this emblem's very mark...
Away with it, and its dark powers. Shang produces a sharp dagger from within his robes and in a blurry flash slices the emblem cleanly in half... a weak whisper escapes from the ruined emblem as it falls to the ground in pieces, forever silenced."

When gifted Kai's Golden Necklace:

Face Shang.png:"Hm? Where did you get a necklace like this? It bears the insignia of a cruel emporer. I have been to his lands. It is as unkind as its people, and welcomes no outsiders."

When gifted Blunted Swordfish:

Face Shang.png:"Swordfish?! Nya! I- I mean. Yes. This looks very good, thank you very much. Thank you. Goodbye."

When gifted Moonfish:

Face Shang.png:"What an especially juicy looking fish. I shall be honored to accept it as a gift."

When gifted Festive Oranges:

Face Shang.png:"Ah, we've oranges just like this in my homeland. Thank you for the reminder of home."

When gifted Carrot Juice:

Face Shang.png:"Hm, it smells odd... But you say it's quite healthy? Then I would happily take some, thank you."

When gifted Apple:

Face Shang.png:"Is this an apple grown in these lands? It's so vibrantly red and juicy... Hm."

When gifted Berry:

Face Shang.png:"A berry? It doesn't appear shriveled at all. Is this the sort of fruit these lands bear?"

When gifted Coal:

Face Shang.png:"I have little use for coal. My ship sails by the power of the wind, but I'm sure I can find something to do with this. My thanks."

When gifted Leafie's Leaf:

Face Shang.png:"A small trophy, taken from a small enemy. Next time, I expect something greater."

When gifted Log:

Face Shang.png:"Our firewood stores have been runnings low. Thank you for the aid."

When gifted Mushroom:

Face Shang.png:"Mushrooms? Hm, I believe one of my men enjoys these. Thank you."

When gifted Stone:

Face Shang.png:"You're giving me a rock? Is this the best gift you can come up with?"

When gifted Wood Plank:

Face Shang.png:"My ship is always in need of repairs. This will come in handy - my thanks."

When gifted Wheat Seeds:

Face Shang.png:"There's not much I can grow on a wooden warship, but perhaps I could have these sent back to my homeland. Thank you."

When gifted Greenroot:

Face Shang.png:"What's this? Hm, it smells spicy. I'll take it. Thank you."

When gifted Greenroot Seeds:

Face Shang.png:"There's not much I can grow on a wooden warship, but perhaps I could have these sent back to my homeland. Thank you."

When gifted Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Shang.png:"Do you expect me to grow a tree on a boat?"

When gifted Adamant Key, Mithril Key, Sunite Key or Glorite Key:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. A strange but useful gift. Thank you."

Morning Gifts

When married to Shang, there is a chance he will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above his head, and will be available until the player talks to him.

When gifting Health Potion.png Health Potion × 5:

Face Shang.png:"[Player], you may need this. Don't let minor wounds be the end of you, understand? I love you."

When gifting Attack Potion.png Attack Potion × 5:

Face Shang.png:"I want to make sure you strike true. I got you these, take them, please."

When gifting Defense Potion.png Defense Potion × 5:

Face Shang.png:"Hm. You've made many enemies - take these, you may need them."

When gifting Mana Potion.png Mana Potion × 5:

Face Shang.png:"Keep your energy up, XX. I got you these to help - don't thank me, just make sure to use them if you need to, alright?"