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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Shang. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Shang.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Shang.png: You again? Did I not make it clear that I'm busy?
Player: Why are you so rude?
Face Shang.png: Hm. Rude?
That's fair. Let me apologize - I do not mean to be rude, I am merely on very important business. I don't have time to waste on frivolous conversations, try not to take it personally.
Player: I didn't realize you were on such a serious task. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: You are forgiven. I'm on a personal mission. That's as much as I'll tell you, so please... Allow me to go about my business.
Player: That's not a good excuse for being rude. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: It is a personal mission. That's as much as I'll tell you, so please... Allow me to go about my business.
Player: So... What's your name?
Face Shang.png: *Sigh*. You are persistent, aren't you?
Very well. My name is Shang.
Player: That's a very unique name.
Face Shang.png: It must be quite different from the names you hear in these lands. I am from a kingdom, across the Eastward Ocean. The culture there is very different from the lands here.
Player: You're not from around here, are you?
Face Shang.png: Very perceptive of you. Yes, I am from a kingdom, across the Eastward Ocean. The culture there is very different from the lands here.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Shang.png: Hm.
Player: So, how is your business going?
Face Shang.png: You don't give up, do you? Well - I'm having some trouble, for what it is worth. Maybe you can help me out. I must find Elios, the Sun Dragon. I was told he was a large dragon - I didn't think he'd be difficult to find on my own.
Player: He's not hard to find. Haven't you asked anyone for help?
Face Shang.png: Like I said, I didn't expect to have any trouble finding him. He is said to be quite legendary. So... No. I did not ask for help. Hm, forget I asked anything. I'll do it myself.
Player: You can't find a huge dragon...?
Face Shang.png: Like I said, I didn't expect to have any trouble finding him. He is said to be quite legendary. Hm, forget I asked anything. I'll do it myself.
Player: Have you made any friends in Sun Haven yet?
Face Shang.png: Friends? No, I haven't made any friends. But... Now that you mention it, forming alliances in this land may be beneficial. You could offer me information in this strange and unfamiliar place.
Player: See? Making friends is good. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Right. I was getting ahead of myself, thinking I would do it entirely on my own. It would be easier relying on only myself, but that's not how the world works, is it?
Player: That sounds like you only want friends for your own benefit. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Friendship is about mutual benefit. If you want to help me, then show your worth. If not, then quit wasting my time.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Shang.png: Hello. [Player], was it? I've something to ask you.
Player: What did you want to ask me?
Face Shang.png: I've spoken to your town leader, the Archmage. She's told me that she is one of the citizens who have recieved the Sun Dragon's Blessing. She also told me that you have received it. Tell me, how does one take the dragon's Blessing?
Player: I don't think he Blesses everyone.
Face Shang.png: Hm. That's not helpful. I'll need to find more information, to learn who the dragon Blesses and why.
Player: I don't know. He just... sort of Blessed me.
Face Shang.png: Hm. That's not helpful. I'll need to find more information, to learn who the dragon Blesses and why.
Player: Can you tell me more about where you came from?
Face Shang.png: If you insist on asking, I will indulge you. I'm from the land of the Jade Empire, from across the Eastward Sea. I have come to this town in search of power.
My homeland is being afflicted by a strange and powerful calamity. The mana drains from the soil. And far worse, there are people who are myseriously being calcified into stone - their mana completely sapped.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you with my personal struggles. Please forgive my oversharing.
Player: That sounds... really serious. Let me know if I can help you out at all. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Your aid is appreciated, and may be necessary. I thank you for offering it.
Player: You just want power? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Don't think yourself wise enough to know my story. I need what I need for my own reasons, they are not for you to pass judgment on.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Shang.png: Good day, [Player]. How does fate treat you?
Player: Will you tell me more about yourself?
Face Shang.png: The people of this village are unrelenting in their attempts to make conversation with me. You worst of all, [Player].
But fine, I will tell you more about myself. I am the lord of house Fang, an ancient and respectable noble house in the Jade Empire - my homeland. My house thrived for generations... But now... It is a shell of its former glory...
I've spoken enough on the subject for now... Bad memories have been stirred.
Player: That's it? You aren't going to tell me more? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: I've been in a good mood today. I'm not going to ruin it by dwelling on such dark thoughts - especially not with someone who does not respect my wishes.
Player: I won't pry if you don't want to talk about it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Thank you. I've been in a good mood today, I wouldn't want to ruin it by dwelling on such dark thoughts.
Player: What have you been doing in Sun Haven?
Face Shang.png: I seek the audience of the Sun Dragon, first and foremost. I've been told that the land is sacred, so I've decided I will only go when the leader of your town gives me permission. Until then, I seek any other information that might help me - and I train.
Player: Do you train with your sword?
Face Shang.png: I do. My mission relies on me being as strong as possible, so I must keep my skills, body and mind in perfect condition. It requires much training and meditation.
Player: You should try the tavern sometime, it's nice.
Face Shang.png: Er - I don't have time for taverns. My mission relies on me being in as strong as possible, so I must keep my skills, body and mind in perfect condition. It requires much training and meditation.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Shang.png: You're becoming a familiar face in an unfamiliar land, [Player].
Player: So what's it like, living on a ship?
Face Shang.png: You mean my warship? It's not uncomfortable, though it's only a temporary home while I travel. I have my own private quarters on the ship, so I have privacy at the very least.
Besides, the nice thing about living on a boat, is that if you don't like your neighbors... You can simply sail away, heh.
Player: That's the first time I've seen you laugh!
Face Shang.png: I'm not sure why, but I've been in good spirits lately. The weight of my mission still looms over my head, yet I feel at peace... It is a peace I haven't felt in years.
Player: Did you just tell a JOKE?
Face Shang.png: I'm not sure why, but I've been in good spirits lately. The weight of my mission still looms over my head, yet I feel at peace... It is a peace I haven't felt in years.
Player: Would you say we're becoming friends?
Face Shang.png: I did not come to this land to make any friends... But perhaps things happen regardless of desire. I would say that I count you as a friend, [Player]. Something about this Sun Haven makes it hard to remain fully focused on my mission.
Player: I think we're friends, too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Then perhaps we are friends, you and I. You've shown me kindness and speak to me often. Friendship with you would be a hard thing for anyone to resist, heh.
Player: Are you giving up on your mission? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Do not think I've lost sight of what I have come to this place for, [Player]. Nothing will blind me to it. Not you or anything else.


Cycle P6

Cycle P6
Face Shang.png: Hm? What's that, [Player]? Are you... looking at my ears?
Player: Your ears are very vibrant!
Face Shang.png: Heh. Well, I am a tiger, aren't I? Tiger Amari are said to be bold and never move slowly, experiencing life with intensity. I would attest to that saying's accuracy. In my homeland, I gained quite the reputation. They called me "The Black Tiger".
Player: Why did they call you that?
Face Shang.png: I was told that when I fought in battle, I move so quickly that I appear almost as a blur. Someone said I looked like a shadow... And the name changed from there.
Player: Around here they just call me 'farmer'.
Face Shang.png: Because you're the... farmer, yes? For my moniker, I was told that when I fought in battle, I move so quickly that I appear almost as a blur. Someone said I looked like a shadow... And the name changed from there.
Player: Tell me more about your homeland.
Face Shang.png: It is a beautiful land, across the misty Eastward Ocean. I was lord of house Fang, a position I held since it was passed onto me by my father. I served the Jade Empress.
I lived and served loyally, as did my fellow lords... Until a new Jade Empress ascended to power. With a new empress came a new order. To consolidate power, my house - and all others - were dismantled. My lands taken, my family's generations of service spat on.
...Hm. I apologize. Talking about this awakens a lot of anger.
Player: It's okay, you have a good reason to get angry. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: The weight of my family's honor is resting on me. It's a burden, but one I am obligated to carry. When I return to the empire, it will be with the power necessary to restore my house to its proper place.
Player: Can't you forgive and forget? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Absolutely not. I have a duty to my family's honor. I am obligated to return to the empire with the power necessary to restore my house to its proper place.

Cycle P7

Cycle P7
Face Shang.png: Hello, [Player]. Are you training today? Or perhaps you have other business to take care of?
Player: Do you have a favorite food?
Face Shang.png: Fish! Erm, excuse me. I mean, fish is my favored food. Living on the ocean was especially nice for that reason. Plenty of fresh and juicy fish. Aside from fish, any other meat is also preferable.
Player: The ocean is full of free food, isn't it?
Face Shang.png: Hm, that it is. If you're good at fishing, that is. Thankfully my men are all seasoned anglers, not to mention my ship is large enough to accomodate massive nets.
Player: Do you like to fish?
Face Shang.png: I've personally never had the time to learn, but thankfully my men are all seasoned anglers. Not to mention that my ship is large enough to accomodate massive nets.
Player: Tell me about your crew.
Face Shang.png: They're loyal vassals of mine, and we all grew up together as children. They didn't have much experience with fighting, so when I left the empire I took them with me, to work as sailors on the sea. That way I could keep my eye on them, and make sure they didn't get into any trouble.
Player: Aren't they liabilites? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Is that how you see it, [Player]? They are not 'liabilities', they are my friends. I protect what is important to me, and that includes them.
Player: You've sworn to protect them? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: That's right. They are my friends, and I protect what is important to me. That's what makes power necessary - the stronger I am, the better I can protect.

Cycle P8

Cycle P8
Face Shang.png: It's good to see you again, [Player].
Player: Are you a swordsman?
Face Shang.png: I trained in the art of swordsmanship, yes - I mastered it at an early age, actually. It took much sacrifice and dedication, but I never strayed from the path. The skills I have developed now are the fruit of that labor, and they have been an invaluable tool throughout my life.
Player: You're very dedicated. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Thank you for the compliment. I dedicate myself fiercely to the things I care about. Because if you aren't dedicated to something, then is it truly important to you?
Player: Couldn't you have spent your time on better things? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Who are you to judge me? I dedicate myself fiercly to the things I care about. Because if you aren't dedicated to something, then is it truly important to you?
Player: You look like a man of many skills. What other things do you know?
Face Shang.png: Do you know of the art of mana infusion? I was tutored in the art from childhood, as many in my homeland are. I know nothing of casting spells or conjuring magic, but infusing mana was key to controlling many aspects of day to day life.
Player: What do you need to know something like that for?
Face Shang.png: In the empire, we made frequent use of magical ore known as Jade. Its powers sustained our society and powered our tools - everything from street lamps to imperial fortresses. It was necessary to manipulate mana to work with Jade.
Player: Seems like an odd skill for a guy like you to know...
Face Shang.png: In the empire, we made frequent use of magical ore known as Jade. Its powers sustained our society and powered our tools - everything from street lamps to imperial fortresses. It was necessary to manipulate mana to work with Jade.

Cycle P9

Cycle P9
Face Shang.png: Not many ships go to and from Sun Haven's docks. I had heard this town was a trading hub, yet it seems to get very little traffic by the sea.
Player: Yours is the first ship I've seen from the east.
Face Shang.png: Once, it was not uncommon for ships from across the Eastward Ocean to travel to these lands. But the Jade Empress, the one who replaced the previous empress, has put the empire under a lockdown, making it difficult to travel into or out of the continent.
My ship managed to escape to sea, thanks to quick action on the part of my men, and some... really large tarps.
Player: Why would she close the continent off?
Face Shang.png: No one knows. A lot has changed in the empire since the newest empress took over. None of it has been for the better, as far as I am concerned. I don't trust a ruler who makes decisions for their own good, rather than the good of everyone.
Player: It must have been a daring escape.
Face Shang.png: It was actually rather uneventful. To be honest, I wonder if we were allowed to 'escape'. Perhaps the empress wanted us gone. Ever since she took power from her predecessor, a lot in the empire has changed - and I don't trust a ruler who makes selfish decisions.
Player: So who is this "Jade Empress", anyways?
Face Shang.png: The Jade Empress is, as name implies, empress of the Jade Empire. She may be only a single empress, but one in such a position maintains near total control of the lands of the empire.
Very few ever actually get to see the Jade Empress, but as soon as one steps down after a lifetime of rule, a new empress takes her place. And so there has always been a Jade Empress.
Player: It sounds like the new empress is corrupt. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: See? Even an outsider from across the ocean can see that much. I had no doubt that you'd be smart enough to understand that.
Player: She must have a good reason for doing what she does. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Words spoken in ignorance. You're not even from the empire, so please keep your thoughts to yourself from now on.

Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Shang.png: You're looking red in the face, [Player]. Have you been pushing yourself to your limits lately?
Player: Your boots are a looking a little muddy, Shang.
Face Shang.png: Hm? Oh, so they are. The field around the barracks tends to get muddy, with all of the training that goes on there. I must have picked some up on my feet today.
Player: What were you doing at the barracks?
Face Shang.png: I've started visiting the barracks each day - I appreciate good martial discipline. It wasn't long before the captain, a strong warrior named Nathaniel, approached me about joining the drills. He's a good soldier, with a skilled sword arm. It makes for an excellent sparring partner.
Player: Have you been... training at the barracks?
Face Shang.png: I started visiting the barracks each day - I appreciate good martial discipline. It wasn't long before the captain approached me about joining the drills. He's a good soldier, with a strong sword arm. It makes for an excellent sparring partner.
Player: Have you been exploring lately?
Face Shang.png: You have a keen eye, [Player]. Yes, I've been exploring the forests around Sun Haven. I was told of a city of monsters and Demons, and I was certainly not disappointed. Demons are strong - it would be exciting to test my might against them.
Player: You'd protect Sun Haven? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Why wouldn't I? If Sun Haven were ever in need of protecting, I would not stand by while others fought in my place. I know what it's like to lose a home, after all.
Player: You sound like you're excited that Sun Haven is in danger. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Hm, is that how it came off? My apologizes, [Player]. Sun Haven's turmoil would not be my pleasure. Rather, if Sun Haven were ever in need of protecting, I would not stand by while others fought in my place. Such a thing is against my very nature.

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Shang.png: This town is small, but there is a humbleness about it. It has a strange way about it - mystical and unexplainable.
Player: Are you planning to stay in Sun Haven or something?
Face Shang.png: Hm. [Player], let me answer with a story. Many lifetimes ago, there were three brothers, all cast out by their father for their stubbornness. Each of them were powerful warriors, and they conquered many enemies, ultimately growing large kingdoms of their own... til' their kingdoms bordered directly against one another.
They fought each other for many years, but in the end no brother could claim victory.
The legend says that their kingdoms stood next to each other for thousands of years, like a mountain range.
Heh, so it is that in the language of my home, the symbol for 'mountain' looks like a mountain with 3 peaks.
Player: Um... And they all lived happily ever after?
Face Shang.png: No. They fought until their final breath, which I believe is poetically claimed to have been at the same time. The point of the story is that one is not tested by hardship alone, but by their willingness to never back down when faced with it.
The brothers set themselves a task and they remained true to it, despite the cost. Hm. Do you know why I told you this story, [Player]? I know my future, and my fate. It is not in Sun Haven.
Player: They sound like foolish brothers.
Face Shang.png: You may judge their warmongering all you want, but the true point of the story is that one is not tested by hardship alone, but by their willingness to never back down when faced with it.
The brothers set themselves a task and they remained true to it, despite the cost. Hm. Do you know why I told you this story, [Player]? I know my future, and my fate. It is not in Sun Haven.
Player: Sun Haven draws in lots of different people.
Face Shang.png: Indeed, and I would like to understand why. What power does this place possess? Knowing such an answer could prove to be very beneficial to my goals.
Player: The power comes from the people. We make our community strong, together. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: There is no doubt great strength in unity. You're wise to understand that, for a 'peaceful' farmer. I shall have to study what makes Sun Haven such an effective community.
Player: Sun Haven doesn't exist to serve your plans. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Hm. I understand that this land is home to others. I would never manipulate that for my own ends. I merely wish to study it, for my own insight and knowledge. After everything I've lost, do you think I'd treat another's homeland so callously?


Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Shang.png: I can't tell why, [Player], but there's something about you that I've come to find reassuring. The thought of you standing by my side fills me with a confidence I've never known before.
Player: Do I really mean that much to you?
Face Shang.png: Of course you do, [Player]. You are an omen of fortune, proving that coming to this land was the right thing to do. I came to these shores an outcast lord, my spirits dark...
When I return to claim my rightful place, it will be with rekindled passion and cleared vision. You've made me feel like a new man, [Player].
Player: You mean the same to me, Shang. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Then a new era of both of our lives rises. Let us bask in it, side by side... together.
Player: You really feel that intensely? I don't know... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Do my words ring hollow to you? Then maybe my actions have failed to prove them.
Player: Would you tell me about your sword? You seem to take it everywhere.
Face Shang.png: Hm. We've grown close, so there's much less room for secrets, isn't there? I carry my sword with me because it is... incredibly important to me. I've had it since I was a child, and I consider it an extension of my own body - of my will.
Does that sate your curiosity, [Player]?
Player: Hm, I GUESS it does...
Face Shang.png: Allow me to keep my secrets just awhile longer, won't you? I will reveal everything to you... when the time is right. You mean a lot to me, [Player]. I can not keep truths from you forever, heh.
Player: No way, I need to know more!
Face Shang.png: Allow me to keep my secrets just awhile longer, won't you? I will reveal everything to you... when the time is right. You mean a lot to me, [Player]. I can not keep truths from you forever, heh.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Shang.png: Whenever I see you, [Player], it's as if my heart is warmed by a shining light.
Player: What will you do now?
Face Shang.png: I think it is time to meet my destiny, [Player]. I've been idle in this land long enough, and with you by my side I think it's time to claim what I've come here for.
Player: You mean Elios's Blessing?
Face Shang.png: That's right, [Player]. I think I've earned the right to travel to the dragon's sacred ground. I think it's time to prepare for the journey.
Player: What if Elios doesn't Bless you?
Face Shang.png: Hm, I will let the dragon peer into my soul. If that doesn't prove that I'm worthy of his Blessing, then it must be that I am truly unworthy. I think it's time I prepared for the journey.
Player: How did you... get your scar?
Face Shang.png: You know, you went longer than most without asking me about my scar. Would that I could tell you I got it while facing down an army of powerful enemies...
The truth is that I gave this scar to myself. It was my 12th birthday, and I had just completed my training as a swordsman. Excited to show off my new skills, I recklessly demonstrated a sword technique for my father...
However, I performed the technique incorrectly. My father stepped in to stop the technique short, or else I would have done far worse than a scar across my face. It taught me that despite mastering my skills, I still had much left to learn.
Player: I hope you've learned to be more careful!
Face Shang.png: Heh, don't worry, [Player]. I learned the hardest lesson of my life on that day, and it is one that I have not - and will not - ever forget. My skills are not jester's tricks to show off for the amusement of others.
Player: You completed your training at 12 years old?!
Face Shang.png: I may have mastered the art of the sword, but I had much more to learn... That my skills are not jester's tricks to show off for the amusement of others, for instance.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Shang.png: [Player], I have something to ask of you. Will you hear my request?
Player: What is it, Shang? Quest:Hangout Event
Face Shang.png: I am going to seek the Sun Dragon. I am told the way is best traveled with a guide. Will you travel the path with me, [Player]? Act as my guide on the way to the dragon. There is no one in this land I trust more than you.
Player: Of course, Shang. I'll take you to Elios.
Face Shang.png: Excellent! Allow me to make the final preparations for the journey. Meet me by the fountain in town square at 10 am tomorrow. I will be waiting, [Player].
Player: I'm a bit busy, actually...
Face Shang.png: Hm, is that so? I was counting on you to be by my side when I scaled the mountain to reach the dragon. If you find the time to aid me, meet me at the fountain in town square at 10 am tomorrow. I will be waiting, [Player].

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Shang.png: ...
Player: Are you alright?
Face Shang.png: I am not hurt, if that's what you mean. But my time in Sun Haven was a mistake. I'm sorry, [Player]. I will always remember the time we spent together, but I must return. I will confront the Jade Empress without the Dragon's Blessing.
Player: But Shang... //Relationship Shang15 Sad
Face Shang.png: I'm sorry, [Player]. I let my heart get in the way of my purpose. I hurt you, and that was wrong. But please, I must ask you to move aside.
Player: That's ridiculous, Shang. Stay here with me. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: I understand the fault in this moment is mine. I let my heart get in the way of my purpose. I hurt you, and that was wrong. But now I need you to move aside.

Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Shang.png: [Player].
Player: Hello, Shang... Quest:Date
Face Shang.png: I... I have much to talk to you about. Please, will you meet me again? I still need some time to consider all of my feelings. Please, meet me tomorrow at 7pm, on the docks of Sun Haven?
Player: Well, alright...
Face Shang.png: Thank you. Just know that I have much to say. Things that you deserve to hear. I'll be waiting for you, tomorrow.
Player: I'm not sure I wanna hang out with you anymore.
Face Shang.png: ...I understand that. Just know that I have much to say. Things that you deserve to hear. If you have a change of heart, I'll be waiting for you tomorrow.

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Shang.png: [Player], there you are. I have something I need to give to you. ...Here, take it.
Player: Is this... your sword? I thought you broke it. + Shang's Sealed Sword.png Shang's Sealed Sword
Face Shang.png: I did. When I was gifted this shattered blade, it was said that it was cursed. That at the moment I would need it to cut, it would fail. But now, I realize... it was not a curse, but a blessing.
When you stood before me on the docks, refusing to let me pass... I could not bring myself to even raise my blade at you. Was it the curse brought to fruition? Heh, I don't know. But I will never find out. I'm giving the ruined blade to you, as a keepsake.
It is proof of my promise to Sun Haven. I've tied the sword to the sheath - it will never be drawn again. Its curse - and purpose - are sealed forever, broken.
Player: Are you sure you want me to have this?
Face Shang.png: Absolutely. Take it, and let me be free of the demons of my past. I'm giving them to someone I can trust them with. Now, we can focus on our future.
Player: Eh, what good is a sword that can't cut?
Face Shang.png: Hm. It's not that it can not cut, but more that it never shall again. Let me be free of the demons of my past... I'm giving them to someone I can trust them with. Now, we can focus on our future.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Shang.png: Hello, [Player]! Hm? Yes, I feel in an especially good mood today. I think I'm finally adjusting to sleeping while at port.
Player: How long were you sailing at sea?
Face Shang.png: It must have been... months. My warship, the Laohu yu, is a mighty vessel... But very slow. Charting our way across the ocean wasn't easy, or quick. I would willingly tolerate any hardship necessary in my quest...
But the sight of land after so long at sea was quite the relief.
Player: Yeah, it doesn't seem like a very fast boat.
Face Shang.png: It is a warship, after all. It was made for battling enemies ships, not fast trips across the ocean. Still, for as slow as it was, it was good to be in a ship that could defend itself... if the need ever called for it.
Player: Why not use a quicker vessel?
Face Shang.png: That would have been more ideal, but we did not have the time for such arrangements. Our escape from the Jade Empire was done rather hastily. There was little time to be properly prepared.
Player: Don't you want to live in a real house?
Face Shang.png: I have a real house. It is back in the Jade Empire - my family's ancestoral fortress. I will have it back, when I finally tear down the edicts of the Jade Empress and restore my family's name to power once more.
Player: But... What about another house. Here, in Sun Haven? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Hm, I don't know how much longer I may have to stay here in Sun Haven. Perhaps you're right, [Player]. A proper home would be nice to have. You could give me recommendations sometime, perhaps?
Player: You don't need that old house, Shang. You live in Sun Haven now! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: You've become a precious person to me, [Player], but don't think that I haven't forgotten why I'm here. My mission comes before anything else - it must.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Shang.png: My men have been enjoying themselves in Sun Haven. They must be getting comfortable around the natives.
Player: Are your men homesick?
Face Shang.png: We all long for home, but my men will follow me to the ends of the earth. Their loyalty is a debt I can never repay, taking them to a land where they can live comfortably is the very least I can do.
Player: You take good care of those loyal to you, huh? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: It is a warship, after all. It was made for battling enemies ships, not fast trips across the ocean. Still, for as slow as it was, it was good to be in a ship that could defend itself... if the need ever called for it.
Player: Why worry about your men? They have to serve you, don't they? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: That would have been more ideal, but we did not have the time for such arrangements. Our escape from the Jade Empire was done rather hastily. There was little time to be properly prepared.
Player: Your crew should visit the local tavern.
Face Shang.png: They'll go about the town at their own pace. There's much work to do on the ship to keep them busy, but the tavern would certainly be a great place for them to relax. Thank you for the suggestion, [Player].
Player: Oh, and what about the library?
Face Shang.png: Hm, I don't know how much longer I may have to stay here in Sun Haven. Perhaps you're right, [Player]. A proper home would be nice to have. You could give me recommendations sometime, perhaps?
Player: They should check out the smithery, too.
Face Shang.png: I've heard good things about your blacksmith. That they are a legendary smith, renowned across all the lands of your realm. She looked much meeker than I expected, however. The name "Solon" doesn't quite fit her...

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Shang.png: I've found more than I thought I would in Sun Haven. You and I will be a formidable force, [Player]. I promise the world that.
Player: How do you keep your hair so silky?
Face Shang.png: Heh, fair question. It starts with combing it daily. My mother would brush my hair every day as a boy, to keep it healthy. It was a daily routine that I once hated, though grew to enjoy. It really does help manage my hair, too.
Player: That's a sweet memory. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Family is important, [Player]. Someday I hope to have a family of my own, that my children might have similar warm memories of growing up.
Player: I didn't know you were such a mama's boy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: There's nothing wrong with recalling memories of one's mother, [Player]. They are just as important to me as you are - maybe even moreso.
Player: What do you like the most about me?
Face Shang.png: In the time that I've known you, you've proven to be capable in many ways. I've met many powerful people in my time, but I believe you will surpass them all.
Player: I'm more than just powerful!
Face Shang.png: Yes, but don't think it's only your strength I value. Like the petals of a folded lotus, your full beauty is manifold. Only those who look inside you will see it - as I did.
Player: You think I'm only useful for my power?
Face Shang.png: No, do not take my words that way, [Player]. There is much I value about you. I will work harder to make that clear, I promise you.


Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Shang.png: It's still the same Sun Haven, and still the same you. But I feel like I am seeing everything in a new way, and that a heavy weight has been lifted from my chest.
Player: You're very optimistic today, my love.
Face Shang.png: Optimistic', yes. That's a good way to describe how I'm feeling. Once, when I thought of the future, it was with anger and sadness. A duty I could not escape, only endure. Now, however, I think of the future and I feel... happiness.
Player: This is a bright new chapter in your life. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: It is. I look forward to experiencing to together, with you. In our home.
Player: Jeez, it took you long enough to stop being so dramatic. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Hm. You think I was being dramatic, [Player]? My passion has never been anything other than real.
Player: Are you happy with our relationship?
Face Shang.png: I am happier now than I have been in a long time. I'm already tired of waiting idle - I want to grasp the future with you, [Player]. Right away.
Player: You're so intense right now!
Face Shang.png: Why shouldn't I be? I feel powerful and alive. I have you, [Player]. I feel whole. You are the whole, [Player].
Player: Let's maybe take it just a little bit slower...
Face Shang.png: Oh. Forgive me, [Player]. I'm merely feeling... powerful and alive. I have you, [Player]. I feel whole. You are that whole, [Player].

Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Shang.png: I saw some flowers growing from out of a moutainside cliff. They were beautiful, and reminded me of you. I had a half a mind to climb up to pluck them.
Player: Climbing up a cliff? You could have gotten hurt.
Face Shang.png: Hm, have a little bit more faith in me, my love. I'm a tiger Amari, after all. We make for excellent climbers.
Player: I don't want my new husband to break so soon! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Heheh. You worry about me too much, [Player]. Honestly, it's why you're good for me. I need someone to worry about me - I'm much too foolish to do it myself.
Player: You shouldn't be so reckless. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: You don't need to worry so much about me, [Player]. I would never do anything to bring needless danger to our marriage.
Player: So, if you're a lord, does that make me...
Face Shang.png: Married to a lord, yes. Though it is in title only, you are also a leader of House Fang, First of the Vassals in the land of the Jade Empire. As I am your husband, you are an heir to all that I own. ...Which isn't a lot right now.
Player: You do have a pretty impressive ship.
Face Shang.png: Heheh. Yes, I do have an impressive warship to my name. So at least I've got something, right?
Player: Who cares about any of that? I have you.
Face Shang.png: Good. You and I see perfectly eye-to-eye on the subject of my unrecovered material possessions. Not that I didn't know that, of course.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Shang.png: Each day has been just as sweet as the last. It truly makes me want to sing.
Player: You... sing?
Face Shang.png: I do. When I was a child, my mother insisted. So she hired a tutor and... I was taught to sing. It was another thing about my childhood that I used to dislike, but came to strangely appreciate as I grew older.
Player: So... can you sing for me?
Face Shang.png: Heh, we may be married, but there's limits to even our relationship. I've had my fill of singing for others. I hope you respect my right to save myself further embarrassment.
Player: Sing a song for me!
Face Shang.png: Heh, we may be married, but there's limits to even our relationship. I've had my fill of singing for others. I hope you respect my right to save myself further embarrassment.
Player: What are you spending your days on?
Face Shang.png: I've learned of a game played in this part of the world. It's called chess. We've games of wits in the Jade Empire, but this 'chess' is much more complex than the popular games I played in my youth.
The elder at the town hall, Bernard, has taught me how to play. I hope to be good enough to defeat him in the game soon.
Player: Keep your mind sharp, huh? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Precisely. What good is a strong body and a trained technique if you can't use your mind? Besides, games are fun, heheh.
Player: That sounds like a waste of time. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: What good is a strong body and a trained technique if you can't use your mind? It needs training just like anything else. More to your point, however, games are quite fun.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Shang.png: Training with the swords you use in these lands is... strange. So broad and unwieldy, but certainly powerful. I wonder if I shall ever achieve the same level of mastery I possessed with my Masatana...
Player: You're practicing with swords?
Face Shang.png: Yes. I'm not going to make a very good defender without a weapon, would I? The warrior at the barracks, Roza, is helping me learn. She says I show great potential, but I feel as if I'm learning to walk all over again.
She is an excellent tutor, though whenever I'm not learning as quickly as she would like, she tends to get a bit... frightening.
Player: You'll master it in no time, my dear.
Face Shang.png: You truly have my back in all things, don't you? With you by my side, I feel there's nothing I can not accomplish.
Player: What about... crossbows?
Face Shang.png: Hm, bows? In the Jade Empire, archers are highly respected, and on the battlefield they are a mighty force. Perhaps I could learn to wield a bow. Though I would miss the feel of steel in my hands.
Player: Why not take it easy? We can enjoy ourselves in peace now.
Face Shang.png: There's plenty of time for taking it easy, my love. But despite everything that has happened, I am still a warrior. The tiger inside of me must still be sated.
Player: I should have known, heh. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Don't worry. I just wish to train and keep my skills fresh. I won't be running off to battle against evil kings or... Jade Empresses.
Player: You're married now. It's time to settle down. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Shang.png: Please, [Player]. Won't you trust me when I say that I just wish to train and keep my skills fresh. I won't be running off to battle against evil kings or... Jade Empresses.

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Shang.png: A life in Sun Haven, a love in you. I was a fool to not see it sooner. I'm ready to abandon the lineage of my noble house, though I wonder if a new line could spring here in Sun Haven - a family of our own, I mean.
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Shang.png: Heh, then we are of one mind, my heart. I would teach our child the strength be brave and bold... But also the wisdom to temper their emotions.
Player: Let's do it!
Face Shang.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Shang.png: Is that so? Hm, I understand if you don't have a desire for children. I respect your wishes, and I love you just as much either way. I only thought to bring up the question, regardless of how you may answer it.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Shang.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!