Quarry Order

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The quest Quarry Order is an introductory main story mission. During this quest the player will meet Solon and learn about the trouble he is having in the quarry.

Main quests are a series of quests the player must accomplish in order to complete the core narrative of the game. These are quests that tell the adventure of the player and their journey, as they travel through the world of Sun Haven. These quests often have many steps to them, with each step having its own requirement to proceed to the next.


Step 1Deliver Solons package.
Step 2Agree to help Solon.
Coins.png Coins × 50
Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 50
Farming EXP.png Farming EXP × 20
Mining EXP.png Mining EXP × 20
Combat EXP.png Combat EXP × 20


  1. Deliver the package to Solon.
  2. Agree to help Solon with his problem.


Smiths Order

To deliver the package to Solon, the player will exit the General Store then head south. Rather than turning West to go back to the Sun Haven Farm, the player will travel East. Once they get to the mining cart, a new cut-scene will play. This cutscene introduces the player to Solon, the local blacksmith and Lynn's mentor.

Quarry Order Cutscene 1
Face Solon.png: Well now, I bet you're that flirtatious new farmer Lynn was goin' on about...
Player: Flirtatious?
Player: I'm [Player]. Good to meet you.
Face Solon.png: I'm not wasting my time with any apprentice who isn't serious, and this one is already better than the last.
You better not be a distraction. You hear what I'm saying, farmer?
Face Solon.png: Gah! It's that pesky little dragon again!
...Blimey! Look out!!
Face Solon.png: Darn little lizard caused a rockslide! You alright over there?
Player: I'm alright.
Player: Argh, I think one of my toes is smooshed! Oh wait, it's fine.
Player: Argh, I think one of my toes is smooshed! Oh wait, I don't have toes. (Naga Specific)
Face Solon.png: Alright, then let's get these rocks cleared out. Help me out, will you?
Prompt on the screen: Help Solon break the fallen rocks

The player will then use their pickaxe to break the rocks. The player must break all of the rocks to continue. Once all of the rocks have been cleared, a new cutscene will play. This cutscene has the player agreeing to help with the dragon problem Solon is having.

Quarry Order Cutscene 2
Face Solon.png: Alright, that'll do it. Thanks for the help.
Maybe I was a little quick to judge ya', farmer.
Player: What was that baby dragon doing, anyway?
Face Solon.png: It's been roosting up in the warm quarry rocks. I figure it must like the heat.
I'd let 'em stay, but the little bugger doesn't seem to know its own strength. A single flap of its wings can send rubble flying.
Player: What should we do?
Face Solon.png: For my part, these two copper helmets from the barracks' order won't hammer themselves. For you, I'd reckon that talkin' to Archmage Lucia is your work order.
We all got our part to play here, and mine ain't lugging these old bones back to town while the forge is hot.
Player: Town Hall. Got it.

The player will get their reward and quest is considered completed, but the player will begin the next quest: Dealing with a Dragon.