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Intro Dialogue

This page lists the dialogue lines for Nathaniel.


The introduction to Nathaniel happens during the initial cut-scene. Lucia is actually the person who introduces Nathaniel to the player.

General Dialogue

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the PLAYER can only see that dialogue during that season.


Face Nathaniel.png:"Be honest - does my armor look shinier today? I'm trying a new wax but I haven't noticed a difference."
Face Nathaniel.png:"Happy day, [Player]!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Keep an eye out for local villains today. I mostly mean Topi and Pod, but you never know."
Face Nathaniel.png:"I can't wait for the day we get a cannon. We were promised one a long time ago, but it never showed up."
Face Nathaniel.png:"What do you think about the barracks? Pretty cool, right?"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Spring is the best time of the year to get in extra training! It's not too hot, not too cold... yup. I wouldn't mind this kind of weather all the time. Spring Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"We always get a fresh batch of recruits in the spring. They're eager, but truth be told half of them will give up and go home by summer. Spring Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I don't know what us guards would do without Wornhardt on the ready. Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Summer is hot, but that's no excuse for us guards to slow down in our duty. We just sweat more than usual. Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Get plenty of water to drink, understand? Pinto almost passed out from thirst the other day! Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Not to worry, [Player]. All is well. Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I stubbed my toe pretty bad on the cobble. I have to start being more careful... Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Farming is a good trade. Maybe I could've been a farmer in another life. Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I wonder if Liam is getting on okay with his two girls. That boy had to grow up fast. Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Whew, the thing I like the best about fall? It's nice and cool! Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I wonder if Solon could sharpen my sword. He could probably do a better job at it than me. Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I hope I get invited to lots of harvest dinners this year. It's a good excuse to eat! Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I can't help but feel a little restless in the winter. I can't wait for spring to get here, I have all sorts of pent up energy. Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Pinto is on snow removal duty this week. Poor little guy. Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"All this snow... I was always taught that a true battlefield commander could turn any terrain type to their advantage, but I don't think I'll ever know how to deal with snow. Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Ever try doing push-ups in the snow? It's not easy, plus it's really cold! Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Have a safe winter, [Player]. Watch out for ice, frostbite, wear warm clothes... all that safety stuff, you know. Winter Token.png"


Face Nathaniel.png:"Can you see yourself in my armor? I was polishing it all night!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"We should spar one day!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I'm actually very quick but this armor is really heavy."
Face Nathaniel.png:"Sometimes my job around here seems more administrative than militaristic."
Face Nathaniel.png:"Did you see something strange over there? Maybe I should check it out to be safe."


Face Nathaniel.png:"Seeing you run around town brightens my day. "
Face Nathaniel.png:"We could spend more time together if we weren't both so busy. Maybe I'll take some time off... maybe. "
Face Nathaniel.png:"You're so breathtaking.
Oh! Was that out loud or just in my head? Heh, nevermind! "
Face Nathaniel.png:"I've never been the best at courtship. If only it were more like sword fighting. "
Face Nathaniel.png:"To be honest with you [Player], I'm really trying not to screw this up with you. "


Face Nathaniel.png:"The farmer and the soldier... it almost sounds like the start to a fairytale. "
Face Nathaniel.png:"When we met, I thought you would be good for Sun Haven's future. I never imagined that my own future would change, too! "
Face Nathaniel.png:"One day, we could be sailing away over the sea together. "
Face Nathaniel.png:"Sometimes I still can't believe you chose me! "
Face Nathaniel.png:"You've grown so much stronger since you arrived. It's a relief knowing that you can handle yourself if you have to. "
Face Nathaniel.png:"Hm. Do you think I put on a little weight over the winter, [PLAYER]? Oh well - I'll have to do extra drills to be safe! Spring Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I have so much to look forward to this year, and I'll have you by my side the whole time! Spring Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Say, have I told you that I love you lately? Well, I'm telling you now! Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"We're overdue for a date night, [PLAYER], don't you think? Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Sometimes Peter goes out on his fishing boat. Makes me a little jealous, actually. Hey! It's nice to have someone I can admit that too. Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"If anyone gives you trouble, [PLAYER], you just let me know. I'll take care of 'em for you! Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Is it hot in here or is it just you? Ha! Summer joke. Get it? Summer Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"[Player], my second favorite person! Who's my first favorite person? It's also you! Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"The leaves are pretty and all, but I'd prefer to watch you, [PLAYER]. Sorry, too corny? Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I'd walk these Sun Haven streets a million times if it meant keeping you safe, [PLAYER]. Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"I carved our names into a tree with my boot knife. Now anyone passing by will know of our love! Well, as long as they know our initials. Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"We should share a cider later. What do you say, eh? Fall Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"You know, the nights might get cold, but knowing I have you keeps me warm. Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Say... how about after I get off duty, you and I can take a walk through the snow together? It'll be romantic! Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"How's it feel, having your own personal guard around to protect you? I mean me, of course! Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey [Player]! Did you bring your special guy something to eat? Winter Token.png"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Roza told me I'd better keep my mind on my work and not to get too distracted... I wonder if she was talking about you? Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "A [item]! This is the best gift I've gotten in a long time. I'm speechless - and that doesn't happen often either!"
  • Liked: "Hey now, this [item] is really something! Thanks a lot, [Player]."
  • Good: "Well look at that! A [item]. Thanks, farmer."
  • Disliked: "A [item]. Oh... Er, thanks! Uh, yeah. Thanks."

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Nathaniel a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Nathaniel's birthday is the 13th of Spring.

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, did you forget it was my birthday or something? I thought I'd get something a little nicer than this!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, a present for my birthday? Thanks, [Player]! I'm glad you remembered."
Face Nathaniel.png:"Oh right, it's my birthday today, isn't it? And this is one nice birthday gift! Thank you, [Player]!!"
Face Nathaniel.png:"So someone other than Lucia remembered my birthday this year? And wow, look at this gift! This... may actually be the nicest birthday gift I've ever gotten. Thanks, [Player]. Really! Thanks!"

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Nathaniel.png: A potion? Heck, give it here. I'll try anything once!
Not Married
Nathaniel drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Nathaniel.png: Hm, a little strange. Not bad. I'd drink it again, I guess. If I had to. Thanks, [Player]! You're a pal. ...Huh, it feels like I forgot something, though. Ah well.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Nathaniel drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Nathaniel.png: I have to admit, that tasted a little strange. Ouch, what's this thing on my finger? A ring? Did I get a ring with my last promotion? I didn't know the army was giving out rings! Seems like a weird choice to me, but eh, what do I know?


Nathaniel has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted any Crossbow:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Oh, a crossbow. Yeah, I'll... use this. For... something. Right."

When gifted Copper Helmet, Iron Helmet, Adamant Helmet or Mithril Helmet:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, a helmet! I guess I should try to keep my ol' head protected, huh? Thanks, [Player]."

When gifted Sunite Helmet:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Whoa. A helmet made of Sunite? Jeez, it's like looking into a mirror! A mirror with a really handsome soldier inside of it! Thanks, [Player]. I'll really put this to good use, trust me."

When gifted Apple:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, apples are a great snack! Thanks a lot, [Player]!"

When gifted Berry:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Are you foraging out there, farmer? I haven't had foraged berries since my days in survival training, thanks!"

When gifted Coal:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, the barracks always needs coal. Thanks for the donation!"

When gifted Leafie's Leaf:

Face Nathaniel.png:"You got this off a fallen leafie, didn't you? Good to know you can handle yourself in a fight, but don't bite off more than you can chew."

When gifted Log:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Chopped this log yourself? Impressive!"

When gifted Copper Sword, Iron Sword, Adamant Sword or Mithril Sword:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hah, a sword! You can never have too many swords! Well, at least I can't. Thanks!"

When gifted Sunite Sword:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Wow, [Player]. This is one fine looking blade... how did you come by it? Ah, who cares! I'm glad you chose me to give it to! I'll show you how much I appreciate it by putting it to good use!"

When gifted Glorite Sword:

Face Nathaniel.png:"What kind of sword is this...? It feels weightless, but powerful. This might be a bit dangerous to be carrying around town, [Player]. I'll take care of it for you, don't worry."

When gifted Pot Pie:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Is that pot pie I smell? It is!! Wow, you brought this just for me? This is going to be excellent after tomorrow's morning drills! Thanks a lot, [Player]! Really!"

When gifted Mashed Potatoes:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Did you make these for me? I'll happily take them! Don't worry, I'll keep it nice and safe... in my tummy!"

When gifted Mushroom:

Face Nathaniel.png:"The best mushrooms grow here in Sun Haven. I'll have Pinto cook it in a stew!"

When gifted Stone:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Oh, you got me a rock. That's... neat."

When gifted Wood Plank:

Face Nathaniel.png:"The barracks always needs more planks, [Player]. Trust me. Thanks for the donation!"

When gifted Wheat:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, you must have grown this on the ol' farm, right? I appreciate you sharing!"

When gifted Wheat Seeds:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Uh, say, I don't really know what to do with seeds. Maybe you should hold onto them? You know, for your farm?"

When gifted Greenroot:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Is that fresh greenroot? Hey, I'll gladly take some! Thanks a lot, [Player]!"

When gifted Greenroot Seeds or Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Uh, say, I don't really know what to do with seeds. Maybe you should hold onto them? You know, for your farm?"

When gifted Nathaniel Record:

Face Nathaniel.png:"What? Don't like this sort of music? Too bad!"

When gifted Nathaniel Wedding Ring:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Uhh, I don't know if you know how wedding rings work, but... well, never mind."

When gifted Nathaniel's Helmet:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, thanks for the helmet! It looks sort of familiar... huh."

When gifted Donovan's Dog Tag:

Face Nathaniel.png:"What's this? Hmm, it looks like a soldier lost their tags. "H. Donovan, stationed in the Northern Region". I'll get these sent to the Grand Army HQ right away, thanks!
...Wait. Donovan, Northern Region... why does that sound so familiar? Oh well! HQ will figure it out."

When gifted Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey! That's a neat looking pebble you've got there. It looks like something is carved into it. Here, let me see-... OOSH'A WIXLIASHA! O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZZZAAAAAA!!!! RAAAA!!
...What?! Where am I?! Who am I? Am I... Wait, what? I... Huh. Hey, thanks for sharing this with me! I'm going to keep it, actually! Because it's... fun to look at. Hah! Go away now!"

Morning Gifts

When married to Nathaniel, there is a chance he will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above his head, and will be available until the player talks to him.

When gifting Fried Carp.png Fried Carp:

Face Nathaniel.png:"I ordered some food from the tavern! Can you believe Ronald will fry fish for BREAKFAST?"

When gifting Armoranth.png Armoranth × 3:

Face Nathaniel.png:"I plucked some armoranth this morning. It made me think of you, and my promise to protect you."

When gifting Tomato Soup.png Tomato Soup:

Face Nathaniel.png:"Hey, I made some tomato soup! This cooking stuff is easy, I just had to mash some tomatoes in a pan. Try it!"

When gifting Pot Pie.png Pot Pie:

Face Nathaniel.png:"The barracks had pot pie last night. I was going to eat it all myself, but then I thought you'd love some, too."