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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Nathaniel. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Nathaniel.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Nathaniel.png: Hey there, [Player]! Sorry again about the rough landing you had here in Sun Haven. You got any crops growing yet?
Player: So you're in charge of all the soldiers in Sun Haven?
Face Nathaniel.png: Yes indeed, I'm Captain of the guard. The Sun Haven Corps includes some of the finest soldiers I've seen! In truth, I'm honored to lead them.
Player: What makes them stand out from other soldiers?
Face Nathaniel.png: You won't find soldiers with more spirit than those under my command. Even if there isn't usually a lot of fighting to do here, they manage to keep their chins up.
Player: You care for them quite a bit.
Face Nathaniel.png: Of course! They're in my charge, which means I'm responsible for turning them into the strongest soldiers possible. That's a responsibility I don't take lightly.
Player: With everything that's happened, is Sun Haven in any danger?
Face Nathaniel.png: At the moment? No, not at all. The Great Army has established a military outpost in Sun Haven for a time like this. We're here to keep an eye on things and ensure that the town's borders remain secure.
Player: It's comforting to have you here. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I'm happy we're here, too. Sun Haven is a gem of a city. Even with everything we're facing, I'm glad to protect it.
Player: Somehow, that makes me feel less safe. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: What, really? I don't see why.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Nathaniel.png: Good day, citizen! Heh, don't worry [Player], I haven't forgotten your name.
I've been here long enough to know everyone's name by heart.
Player: You're in a good mood.
Face Nathaniel.png: I try to keep spirits up when I'm on duty. I find it calms the civilians. Besides, it's refreshing to wear a smile sometimes instead of my army face.
Player: Don't you worry that people won't take you seriously? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Not at all. At least, I didn't before you said that...
Player: Keeping people calm in tense times is very thoughtful. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Why thank you, [Player]! The soldier's motto is "Duty through service," but that doesn't always have to mean combat.
Player: How long have you been here, anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: I shipped here about... five years ago now?
Wow, I never counted the years before. Time really flies by. But I guess that's part of what it means to dedicate your service to a cause.
Player: That's a long time.
Face Nathaniel.png: Duty through service, right? Luckily, Sun Haven is a great city. Even if I have to give five more years, I'm glad it's here.
Player: I'm surprised you can stay positive after all that time.
Face Nathaniel.png: Duty through service, right? Luckily, Sun Haven is a great city. Even if I have to give five more years, I'm glad it's here.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Nathaniel.png: Are you getting to know the town very well? You'll learn your way around just like I did when I was new here.
Player: Where are you from, anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: I grew up in the Great City as an army baby - my mom was a captain when she adopted me. Obviously, I followed in her footsteps.
Player: Is she the whole reason you chose a military career?
Face Nathaniel.png: I don't know if that's entirely why, but it's definitely part of it. Growing up in a military house was tough, but it gave me the backbone to carry myself forward.
Also, it keeps me in really great shape!
Player: It makes sense that you would become a soldier, too.
Face Nathaniel.png: I'm glad you think so. Sometimes I wonder if I did it only to make my mom proud, but then I remember how much I really like the job and I quit thinking about it.
Player: Do you ever miss your hometown?
Face Nathaniel.png: Sometimes, but that's the life of a soldier. I'll be comfortable when I'm old and wrinkled, but for now I'll do my part. Duty through service!
Player: You're a great soldier. I'm sure you'll be promoted in no time! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Thanks! I know it would make my mom proud to see me rank up a bit... Then again, she knows firsthand that it's a long climb to the top.
Player: I could never live a life of subservience like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I'm not asking you to agree with it, but I will ask you to respect it. The soldiers of the Great Army put themselves at risk for your safety every day.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Nathaniel.png: Looking at you, I wonder if I should add farming to the soldiers' exercise regimen!
Player: How are the other soldiers doing, anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh, they're excelling in their exercises! Sophie is a real monster, and I mean that in a good way.
Pinto, on the other hand... well, he's got a lot of heart!
Player: It sounds like Sophie will do well for herself in the military.
Face Nathaniel.png: Maybe, but there's more to being a leader than being good with a sword. She's still learning that part. Judging by her tenacity, she could make a great officer one day.
Player: It sounds like Pinto has a lot of work to do...
Face Nathaniel.png: Maybe, but there's more to being a leader than being good with a sword. Judging by his morale, he could make a great officer one day.
Player: So who's the best fighter in the corps?
Face Nathaniel.png: I'll exclude Roza since she's an officer, so that really just leaves Sophie. In fact, I'd say she's right on Roza's tail.
Watching the two of them spar is like watching an epic battle. Give it another year and Sophie could take Roza's title!
Player: I bet neither of them is on your level, though. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: That's nice, but I'm actually not sure. Just because I'm the captain doesn't mean I'm the better fighter. In fact I might even bet against myself in that fight!
Player: What if I told Roza you said that? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I wouldn't recommend that. She doesn't handle criticism well - it's part of what drives her to be the best.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Nathaniel.png: There's a lot that I like about this town, especially the people. Everyone's a good neighbor here - including you, [Player]!
Player: Who do you spend the most time with in Sun Haven?
Face Nathaniel.png: You're asking who I'm friends with? Well, the soldiers are my family. But other than them...
Dr. Wornhardt has a good head. Kitty is always a riot. Lucia, of course. Solon is a real man's man. Then you've got Peter, Judith and Albert... You know, I think I get along with just about everyone in this town!
Player: If anyone could make friends with everyone, it would be you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: What can I say, I've always had an easy time making friends. All you have to do is treat people nicely. What's hard about that?
Player: Nobody gets along with everyone. I bet you're pretending! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: It's sad you can't believe that I'm nice enough to have a lot of friends... It tells me a lot about you, [Player].
Player: What's your favorite thing about Sun Haven?
Face Nathaniel.png: I would say it's the weather, hands down. I've been stationed in some terrible weather before, so I'm really enjoying the sunshine here.
Player: Where's the worst place you've been stationed?
Face Nathaniel.png: My first assignment was protecting an outpost from ice ghasts in the freezing north. Given the orders, I would take that fight again without blinking... but I'm sure thankful to be here instead!
Player: If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Face Nathaniel.png: You know, I don't think I have an answer. The military takes me all over the world so I've lived just about everywhere.
I guess I care less about where I am than who I'm with. I'd be happy to settle just about anywhere if I had family with me - and maybe a dog!

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Nathaniel.png: Hey [Player], taking a break from farming? It's healthy to have interests outside of work.
Player: I was wondering, if you weren't a soldier then what job would you want?
Face Nathaniel.png: That's a good question. I would still want to help people somehow, that's for sure. I think I'd like building houses.
Player: That's a surprising choice.
Face Nathaniel.png: You think so? I did love making forts in the woods when I was a kid. At least, back when there was still some forested land left in the Great City. Now the Great City is all roads.
Player: That makes perfect sense for you!
Face Nathaniel.png: You think so? I did love making forts in the woods when I was a kid.
Now the Great City is all roads, so there's nowhere left to make forts.
Player: Do you have a hobby outside of work?
Face Nathaniel.png: I don't know if it counts as a hobby, but I'm pretty good at skipping stones across the lake.
There's something about it that's mesmerizing. It should sink, but it skips instead. It's like a little miracle!
Does that make any sense, or am I just talking nonsense?
Player: It makes sense to me. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh yeah? Well don't get me wrong - I know it comes down to good hand-eye coordination. But I like to think that the rock actually skips because it refuses to sink.
Hey, I haven't told that to anyone!
Player: That does sound a little silly. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah, I know. I guess being a little silly just helps lift my spirits, sometimes.

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Nathaniel.png: Keep your chin up, [Player] - it's going to be a good day.
Player: Are you busy with your work all the time? Quest: Hangout Event
Face Nathaniel.png: I'm busy every day, but I can make time for a friend. Did you have something in mind?
Player: Why don't we hang out?
Face Nathaniel.png: Heck, why not! That sounds like fun. You can meet me at the barracks at 12:00 pm tomorrow and we'll go from there.
Player: I was just wondering.
Face Nathaniel.png: Well, if you'd like to spend some time together, I'm certainly game. You can meet me at the barracks at 12:00 pm tomorrow and we'll go from there.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Nathaniel.png: Is it just me, or does Sun Haven feel like a different town than it did a few weeks ago?
I guess you never can know what the future holds... like right now! SURPRISE!
Player: W-what is this, Nathaniel? + Nathaniel's Helmet.png Nathaniel's Helmet
Face Nathaniel.png: It's my helmet! Well, now it's YOU'RE helmet, actually. [Player], this helmet saved my head more than once. I want it to protect you now. Go on, take it!
Player: Thank you! I'll keep it with me.
Face Nathaniel.png: I love to hear it! It was trusty to me, I know it will be just as trusty to you.
Player: Ummm... thanks!
Face Nathaniel.png: I love to hear it! It was trusty to me, I know it will be just as trusty to you.

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Nathaniel.png: [Player], be honest... Does my face look more square today? I've been trying to exercise my jaw.
Player: What do you want to do once your duty is done? Quest: Date Event
Face Nathaniel.png: You mean after the service? Hm, I don't really know. Maybe I could try to be a sailor.
Heh, nobody's ever asked what I wanted to do, other than serve in the military.
You're great to talk to, [Player]. What do you say we spend some time together?
Player: That sounds like a ton of fun!
Face Nathaniel.png: Great! Let's do it! Meet me at the barracks. Tomorrow, at 5:00 pm. I'll be looking forward to it!
Player: Eh...
Face Nathaniel.png: Hey, take your time and think about it. If you want to meet up, come to the barracks tomorrow at 5:00 pm.


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh, hey there. I'm in the middle of planning next week's practice drills, but I can spare a moment to chat.
Player: Is planning the drills usually your job?
Face Nathaniel.png: Actually, it isn't. Our itinerary is normally received from Army Headquarters in the Great City.
Lately the headquarters has been failing to deliver, though. So I've been preparing the drills myself. It's no biggie, really.
Player: Why hasn't headquarters been doing their job?
Face Nathaniel.png: I guess they're just a lot busier than usual these days. With all the rumors going around, I don't mind picking up the extra slack. It's my job, after all.
Player: Are you worried about headquarters not delivering?
Face Nathaniel.png: Hm, not really, no. I guess they're just a lot busier than usual these days. With all the rumors going around, I don't mind picking up the extra slack. It's my job, after all.
Player: What kind of stuff are you planning for practice?
Face Nathaniel.png: Nothing out of the ordinary. Some running and conditioning exercises to keep everyone in top condition, especially when they have all their gear on.
Staying in good physical shape isn't just part of the job for me, I think it's a good lifestyle in general.
Player: You have a tough job, you need to stay fit. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Hey, look who I'm talking to. If anyone knows about staying active and fit for their job, it's you.
Player: Sounds really mundane. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I'm sorry you see it like that. I thought you'd relate, being a farmer and all, but maybe not.

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Nathaniel.png: How goes it, [Player]. Have anything to report?
Player: Drop and give me twenty!
Face Nathaniel.png: Argh!
Jeez, [Player]. You just took me right back to my days as a trainee grunt... I almost fell to the ground out of instinct! Whew, at least was only you pulling me leg.
Player: I was only having a bit of fun.
Face Nathaniel.png: I know, I know. But my heart jump right into my throat for a second! Thanks for waking me up, at least, heh.
Player: I don't think I've ever seen you flustered like that.
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah yeah, 'big, stoic Nathaniel', scared of some old drill instructor memories. But my heart jump right into my throat for a second! Thanks for waking me up, at least, heh.
Player: Fine looking sword you have. Are you any good with it?
Face Nathaniel.png: First of all, thanks for noticing the sword! It's actually my mother's old army sword. The military decommissions weapons after so long, but she took great care of this one.
To answer your question, I'm pretty good with every type of melee weapon. Not a big fan of the crossbow, though. Never cared for fighting at a distance.
Player: Shouldn't a captain of the guard be handy with any weapon? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Well, thanks for the concern, [Player]. I can handle crossbows just fine, they're just not my preferred weapon. I hope my preference is alright with you.
Player: Hey, focus on what you're good at, right? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: In reality I'm passable with a crossbow, thanks to plenty of 'enriching' training. I'm just more up-close-and-personal with my fighting, I guess.

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Nathaniel.png: Hup-two-three-four, hup-two-three-four... Oh! Hey, didn't see you for a second. Sorry, my mind is kind of wandering right now.
Player: What was that hup-two thing you were saying?
Face Nathaniel.png: Ohh, was I saying it out loud again? Ah, Kitty heard me doing it once and she started repeating it for a whole week. I dunno if she was just being silly or making fun of me!
It's the beat we learned to march to when I attended military training in the Great City. It's drilled into my brain. I'll... never get rid of it.
Player: You did military training in the Great City?
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah! You're originally from the Great City, too, right? Maybe we passed by each other one day and never realized. Pretty crazy, huh?
The Military Academy there is second to none. I was very fortunate to get in, all thanks to my mom. It was strict, but I survived. Came out better for it, too.
Player: You must mean you trained at the Military Academy.
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh right, you're originally from the Great City yourself, aren't you? So of course you know about the grand Military Academy.
The Academy there is second to none. I was very fortunate to get in, all thanks to my mom. It was strict, but I survived. Came out better for it, too.
Player: What has your mind wandering?
Face Nathaniel.png: I love my life and duty, but the daily grind can get a little dull. It gives me lots of time to think, but sometimes I end up daydreaming a bit.
Heh, does that sound bad? Daydreaming on the job?
Player: You're only human, it's fine to slip up a little. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Thanks for not being hard on me about it, [Player]. Good people like you are why I do what I do! The grind is always worth it, no matter how dull.
Speaking of which, I need to get back to work... Hup-two-three-four...
Player: You're way too lax to be captain of the guard. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Do you really mean that? I guess that puts things into perspective. Maybe I need to buckle down and stay more focused.

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Nathaniel.png: Look sharp, [Player]! Hah, I'm only kidding. There's no reason to look sharp much these days. Life in Sun Haven has been very ho-hum lately.
Player: What do you do all day if things are so slow?
Face Nathaniel.png: Well, there's still plenty to do, even if times are peaceful. At any moment there could be danger. Well, theoretically, at least.
But still, I have rounds to make, training to oversee, schedules to draft... let's see, I do armory count each week, I sign off on supply orders... all sorts of boring stuff, really.
Player: If it's boring, then why do it? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Just because a task is boring doesn't mean it's not important. I thought a farmer would be the type of person to really understand that.
Player: I never knew you took care of so much stuff. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: My plate is often pretty full, I'll say that much. But that's okay! It's my duty, and so it's what I do. Labor now, question later.
Player: There's plenty of monsters to fight outside of town.
Face Nathaniel.png: This is true, but admittedly I'm not one to really go out of my way to seek a fight. Still, though, maybe it'd be fun to cut loose and rid the forests of a few dozen monsters.
Player: Make it a training exercise for your soldiers!
Face Nathaniel.png: That might not be such a great idea, though. Some of them, like Roza or Sophie, I could trust without ever thinking twice.
Some of the others, though, may not quite be ready for extreme training like that. Until then, I'll just keep up my busy work, I suppose.
Player: So take a day off and have some fun.
Face Nathaniel.png: I haven't had a real "day off" since I started academy, and I don't plan to take one anytime soon! My soldiers never get a day off, I could never take one myself.

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Nathaniel.png: I think I feel a blister on my foot. I'll have to address it as soon as I can, an infected blister is no good.
Player: Who treats the soldiers when you're wounded?
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh, you mean like blisters on the foot? Heh. All of our medical aid is provided by the local hospital, Doctor Wornhardt does a great job with us.
Thankfully we don't normally need much more than that, though we do have a few soldiers trained as medics. Field medics don't quite have the finesse of a doctor, though.
Player: I'm glad you all get taken care of. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah, the military is very generous when it comes to our medical care. It's one of the best things about the army life, actually. I never have to worry about medical bills!
Player: Using the town doctor seems lazy on the military's end. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I have no idea why you'd feel that way. Wornhardt is a great physician, and he's entirely local. It makes the most logistical sense for the military to send us his way.
Player: If you could change something about Sun Haven, what would it be?
Face Nathaniel.png: Hm, that's a pretty big question. Well, let's see...
I love cozy little Sun Haven, but if there's one thing I miss from my time in the Great City, it's all the roads being stone!
Stone roads are harder than dirt, but much smoother. All these rough dirt roads give me blisters!
Player: Sun Haven probably isn't big enough to justify paved streets.
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah, I've long since given up hope of anything like that. Ah well, blisters are just an occupational hazard.
Player: Lucia would never agree to budget out paved streets.
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah, I've long since given up hope of anything like that. Ah well, blisters are just an occupational hazard.

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Nathaniel.png: You've really become a valuable part of our community, [Player].
I just wanted to tell you that because I think it's important to let people know their value. It's good for morale!
Player: Thanks Nathaniel, but my morale is just fine.
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah, I can tell! You must be doing well on the farm, eh? Glad to see it, truly.
And I mean what I said, [Player]. Sun Haven wouldn't feel the same without you here.
Player: The farm is doing quite well, thanks!
Face Nathaniel.png: It must be nice, working on a quiet farm all on your own. The barracks can feel a bit crowded sometimes. It would be nice to have some privacy...
Oh well, I'll get it one day. For now, it's duty through service as always.
Player: I'm glad I can help with my farm.
Face Nathaniel.png: It must be nice, working on a quiet farm all on your own. The barracks can feel a bit crowded sometimes. It would be nice to have some privacy...
Oh well, I'll get it one day. For now, it's duty through service as always.
Player: You seem to think about morale a lot.
Face Nathaniel.png: Morale is our very best weapon, [Player]! A good mood keeps a soldier focused and gives them hope in a tight spot.
And if they never see a fight, then at least they enjoyed their day!
Player: This is why you're such a good leader. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Heh, well thanks! Not everyone in town sees the value in my leadership strategy. I appreciate your support, [Player].
Player: That's childish, a good mood can't replace proper training. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: It's foolish of you to think that I would cut back on my soldiers' training for any reason. Trust me, each soldier in the Sun Haven Corps is a capable fighter.


Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Nathaniel.png: I was just thinking about you, [Player]!
I have some free time. Want to chat?
Player: Say, what kind of music do you like?
Face Nathaniel.png: I'm not picky, I like just about anything I can dance to.
What's with the look? I'm a great dancer, ask any of the soldiers! Except Calvin. He's very, very sarcastic.
Player: When did you learn to dance?
Face Nathaniel.png: It was on deployment in the far west. There was a fun band playing in a tavern and a pretty woman just dragged me onto my feet.
She may have stolen my wallet, but I didn't even care because she made me feel like the best dancer in the world!
Player: What's your best dancing story?
Face Nathaniel.png: It was on deployment in the far west. There was a fun band playing in a tavern and a pretty woman just dragged me onto my feet.
She may have stolen my wallet, but I didn't even care because she made me feel like the best dancer in the world!
Player: Do you like pets, Nathaniel?
Face Nathaniel.png: I grew up with a dog named Pancake, but we can't have pets in the barracks. But I would love to have a dog again one day!
Player: I love dogs too! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I knew you would! Dogs are so loyal, they're the perfect companions. We even use them in the military to find lost people, sometimes.
Player: I've never been a dog person. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: That's a surprise. Dogs are so sweet and fun! How can you not like them?

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Nathaniel.png: There's my farmer!
Player: Do you think I'm "yours?"
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh, of course not! I wouldn't think that. I just meant - well, I'm always happy when I can see you.
Player: Don't worry, Nathaniel - I'm kidding!
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh man, you had me going there. The last thing I want to do is make you upset.
Player: It's okay Nathaniel, I can be yours.
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh man, you had me going there. The last thing I want to do is make you upset.
Player: So what are the rules for dating civilians, anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: Well, the rules of decorum don't explicitly say anything against it... I don't think we have anything to worry about, [Player].
Player: That's too bad - I kind of like breaking the rules. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Maybe you do, but I still have a career to protect.
Player: That's good, I don't want to get you in any trouble. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Any trouble that comes my way is only on me, [Player]. Don't worry. Everything will work out just fine, I know it!

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Nathaniel.png: I hope you're staying out of trouble - it would look bad if I was dating a criminal!
Player: You mean you wouldn't cover for me?
Face Nathaniel.png: Luckily, it won't come to that because you're a good citizen who doesn't commit crimes. Right?
Player: Riiiight... -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I hope you're only joking because I really don't want to turn you in. For the record, I would if I had to.
Player: Right! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I thought so! I really don't want to turn you in for a crime, [Player].
Player: Have you ever gotten into serious trouble before?
Face Nathaniel.png: The most trouble I ever got into was as a kid. I stole a toy slingshot by hiding it in my pants.
I didn't even make it out of the store before they caught me. The sling was still hanging out the back of my pants. I guess I wasn't cut out to be a criminal.
Player: What happened to you?
Face Nathaniel.png: I felt terrible after getting caught. My mom didn't yell at me or anything, but she was completely disappointed. In a way, that was much worse than being yelled at.
And of course, she grounded me for a month.
Player: Did you feel guilty?
Face Nathaniel.png: I felt terrible after getting caught. My mom didn't yell at me or anything, but she was completely disappointed. In a way, that was much worse than being yelled at.
And of course, she grounded me for a month.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Nathaniel.png: Sometimes I think I would really enjoy a life like yours. Farming sounds peaceful.
Player: Your time in Sun Haven hasn't been peaceful?
Face Nathaniel.png: Good point - I'm not exactly on the front lines of a battle here.
But there's always that thought in my head. I have to be ready in case of any kind of emergency.
Player: How do you find peace of mind, anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: I always space out when I'm staring at the ocean. Maybe my sailboat is out there somewhere, waiting for my service to end... That's a nice thought.
Player: I'm surprised you still stay so prepared.
Face Nathaniel.png: I've got to be, [Player]. I'm Captain, aren't I? What a humiliation it would be to be caught off guard here!
Player: You would make a good farmer, I think.
Face Nathaniel.png: Sure, I could see that. There's honor in a simple life of hard work. Yeah, I could definitely go for something like that.
Player: You would probably get too bored, though. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Give me some credit, [Player]. I don't need excitement every hour of every day. Heck, I've been in Sun Haven for five years without any major incidents.
Player: I would love to run a farm with you! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Maybe one day, we can make that a reality. But for now, I have to fulfill my duty to the army and our people.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Nathaniel.png: Ever since we started dating, the soldiers have been whispering and giving me funny looks. I don't get it!
Player: They must be curious about us.
Face Nathaniel.png: Lester and Allison, maybe. But Calvin? I can't imagine he cares one bit.
Player: Be honest - do you like the attention?
Face Nathaniel.png: I've never cared to be the center of attention, not unless I'm addressing my soldiers. But I guess there's something kind of fun about it!
Player: Does it bother you that they talk about us?
Face Nathaniel.png: I've never cared to be the center of attention, not unless I'm addressing my soldiers. But I guess there's something kind of fun about it!
Player: Are you worried this will affect your authority with them?
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh, no. If anything, they will make some jokes behind my back and forget about it. I've been their captain too long for them to see me as anything else.
Player: The way you maintain your authority is always impressive. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Heh, you think so? Well thanks, [Player].
Somehow you always find a way to boost me up, even when I don't think I need it.
Player: I wouldn't be so sure. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: You don't know them like I do, [Player].

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Nathaniel.png: You've got a faraway look, [Player]. Is there something you want to talk about?
Player: I'm thinking about our future.
Face Nathaniel.png: Heh, it's kind of funny to hear you refer to our future, together. Maybe I'm still getting used to being in a relationship like this.
Player: I hope we aren't moving too fast for you.
Face Nathaniel.png: Absolutely not! Trust me [Player], I'll let you know if I get really uncomfortable.
Player: It's cute that you're still adjusting.
Face Nathaniel.png: Aw, come on! Don't embarrass me in public, [Player], or people might think I'm too soft.
Player: Are you happy in our relationship?
Face Nathaniel.png: I don't know how I could be happier... Are you really worried about this?
[Player], that's ridiculous! You have no reason to worry about me. I expect to be with you for a long time. Heck, maybe forever.
Player: Would you like that? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Oh! Heh, I didn't mean to say that so directly, but... Honestly, I would!
I don't want to rush you though. Just know that whenever you're ready, [Player], then I am too.
Player: I don't know if I could do anything forever. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Is that so? Well, maybe we've finally found the difference between us. As a soldier, commitment is no stranger to me.


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Nathaniel.png: Who knows how much longer the army will keep us in Sun Haven? Frankly, I don't care if they keep us here forever.
Player: What would you do if you were shipped out somewhere else?
Face Nathaniel.png: If the army took me someplace else, I'd have to go. Whether I like it or not, that's what it means to give your service to the military.
What would you do if I had to leave?
Player: I would wait here for you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: You would, really? That's extremely romantic, [Player]! I can't believe I got so lucky with you.
Player: I would move on. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: Ouch. Just like that, huh? Maybe we aren't equally invested in this marriage, [Player].
Player: I'm guessing your soldiers might not agree, though.
Face Nathaniel.png: If they want to leave Sun Haven, then they don't have their heads on straight.
Anyway, any one of them can file for a transfer at any time. If I don't get any transfer requests, then I assume they're all happy.
Player: Have you ever transferred that way?
Face Nathaniel.png: Only once. I transferred from the Northern Region to the Great City when my mother was sick so I could care for her.
I was worried about her, but I was more than happy to leave the old, cold north behind.
Player: Why do they let soldiers transfer, anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: Well, I had to do it once. I transferred from the Northern Region to the Great City when my mother was sick so I could care for her.
I was worried about her, but I was more than happy to leave the old, cold north behind.

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Nathaniel.png: Sometimes I see Roza's sword and think I should get an upgrade... What do you think, [Player]?
Player: You shouldn't compare.
Face Nathaniel.png: Heh, you almost sound like my mother. You're right, anyway. Her sword is just so big.
Player: Your sword is a little dinky. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: I knew it... the soldiers must have been laughing at me this whole time.
Player: You know that doesn't matter. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: You're right, you're right. A sword is only as sharp as the soldier that holds it.
Player: Why does she have such a big sword anyway?
Face Nathaniel.png: In battle, she uses her sword as a shield in a tight spot. I've seen it in action, Roza switches between offense and defense in the blink of an eye.
It's a big part of why I made her my second-in-command. Not just because she's tough, but because she's smart.
Player: Have you ever sparred with her?
Face Nathaniel.png: Heh, actually I haven't. And I don't plan to! There's no point in making me look bad in front of the soldiers.
Player: That's a ridiculous strategy.
Face Nathaniel.png: You say that, but you haven't seen her in battle. Trust me [Player], she knows what she's doing.

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Nathaniel.png: My lovely [Player], you're exactly who I need to see right now.
Player: Rough day?
Face Nathaniel.png: Just tiring. We're anticipating a shipment of supplies, so we have to take a full inventory of the barracks. It's exhausting.
Player: Don't let a little counting ruin your day.
Face Nathaniel.png: I know, and I won't, but sometimes I have to put on a face for the other soldiers. Today is definitely one of those days.
Player: Don't work yourself too hard today.
Face Nathaniel.png: I know, and I won't, but sometimes I have to put on a face for the other soldiers. Today is definitely one of those days.
Player: How can I help?
Face Nathaniel.png: I could use a pick-me-up. You always have something sweet to say!
Player: I guess your hair looks nice today. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: That's not quite the sweetness I was hoping for, but I'll take what I can get I guess.
Player: If I'm sweet, it's just because I've spent so much time with you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Nathaniel.png: See that? That's exactly what I needed. [Player], thank you for being so... you!

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Nathaniel.png: Hey, [Player]! How are you doing, dear? Say, um, probably a weird question but I was thinking earlier and I figured I'd ask you... What do you think about having a kid? You and me, like be parents. You know what I mean?
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Nathaniel.png: "Fantastic", you say? Well then maybe it's time we had one of our own! My "real" parents abandoned me, I suppose this is my chance to do right by a kid. Heh, I'm excited already!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Nathaniel.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Nathaniel.png: Yeah? Well if that's what you think, then I won't push the question. I love you for who you are, [Player]. Don't worry, I support whatever decision you want to make. Kid or no kid!
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Nathaniel.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!