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This page lists the dialogue lines for Lynn.

General Dialogue

If there is a seasonal token at the end of the dialogue, it means the player can only see that dialogue during that season.


Face Lynn.png:"Do I look worried? It's just because I found an ingot in my pocket and I don't remember what it's for... Solon is going to chew me out over this."
Face Lynn.png:"[Player], I... forgot what I was going to ask. Never mind, ignore me!"
Face Lynn.png:"Hi Nathaniel - OH! I'm so sorry, [Player]! My brain just got mixed up for a moment there."
Face Lynn.png:"Hi [Player], I made some really nice armor today! I wish you could have seen it, but Solon already packaged it for shipment."
Face Lynn.png:"Sore arms, sore back, sore legs, tired eyes... Smithing is a full-body workout."
Face Lynn.png:"Springtime is so much warmer in Sun Haven than it is in my home village... I wasn't expecting such lovely weather! Spring Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"The trees here are so beautiful. Sun Haven must be a magical place, don't you think?"
Face Lynn.png:"Solon is so talented, I'm really lucky to have such a great mentor. Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"How do you always work so hard, [Player]? Sometimes I feel like I can hardly bring myself to do anything in this sun! Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Solon insists I drink plenty of water... it's a nice thought, but even water doesn't help much with this unbearable heat... Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Hello again, [Player]. What did you need? Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I have to stay focused... Oh... what was I staying focused on again? Oh dear... Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"My arms are so sore! I don't know how Solon swings that heavy hammer all day... Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"The leaves change with the fall in my village, too... but there's a beauty to Sun Haven's fall that I can't quite describe... Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I wonder if Elios is still looking down at me... something about him makes me a little anxious. Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"The crunchy leaves sort of remind me of the sound of hammering metal! Well, a little tiny bit, at least. Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Eep! Oh, I'm sorry. You scared me, [Player]. Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Catherine gave me this wonderful ointment for my hand. Between smithing and the cold, they really get dried out... Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Have you visited the tavern much? It seems like such a cozy place, but I'm a little shy... Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Sun Haven is so festive in the winter! It's hard being away from home, but Sun Haven really makes me feel welcomed. Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"They sure go all out with the decorating in Sun Haven, don't they? It's so beautiful! Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"There's nothing better than feeling the cold winter air on my face after a long day at the smithery. Winter Token.png"


Face Lynn.png:"I'm really glad we met on that train into town, [Player]. It's been really nice having a friend from the start."
Face Lynn.png:"Have you been doing your own smithing? If not, you should give it a try. I bet you'd be great at it!"
Face Lynn.png:"Solon had me working double-time yesterday. My shoulders are still sore..."
Face Lynn.png:"You're strong from farming, but I've gained some muscle from my work too. I wonder which of us is stronger... Oh, I don't mean that as a challenge!"
Face Lynn.png:"I wonder if Solon has plans for the smithery after he retires..."


Face Lynn.png:"Sun Haven's really starting to feel like home to me now."
Face Lynn.png:"Living here is a lot easier now that I have someone I can really count on... Oh, of course I'm talking about you!"
Face Lynn.png:"I didn't expect to find someone like you, [Player]."
Face Lynn.png:"Sheesh, you're cute... OH - did I say that out loud??"
Face Lynn.png:"I never was attracted to anyone in my village. You're something special, [Player]."


Face Lynn.png:"I never thought I would find somebody to marry this early in my life. I'm happy it turned out this way!"
Face Lynn.png:"Love you, sweetie!"
Face Lynn.png:"I polish my ring every night. Good metal needs to be taken care of."
Face Lynn.png:"I thought marriage would be scary, but it really isn't. Not with you, [Player]."
Face Lynn.png:"Spring might come and go, but we'll always have each other, right, [Player]?Spring Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Ever since I married you, Solon has been teasing me about "springtime of love"... I can't help but blush!Spring Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Oh, [Player]! My heart still flutters a little when I see you. Is that normal? Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I feel a lot more confident making friends now that I'm with you, [Player]! Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I never thought I'd fall in love, [Player]! Did you think you would? I... sort of feel like an imposter, sometimes! Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Hey, [Player]. W-would you maybe like to go to the beach with me sometime? Just us? Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I want to smith you something really special, [Player], but I can't quite think of what to make. Summer Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"What's your favorite dish, [Player]? I want to surprise you sometime! Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I kept thinking about you while I was working the other day. I... hope Solon didn't notice. Oh no - how embarrassing!! Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Lately I've been feeling inspired with my work. I think it's because of you, [Player]! Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I think my mom likes you, [Player]. Or at least I hope she does. My grandma on the other hand... she's a little tough... Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"We should visit my village sometime, [Player]. It's just a train ride away! Fall Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Everything in Sun Haven is so beautiful in the winter. Especially you, [Player]... hehe. Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I saw the bakery is selling breads for the holiday. Oh, we should try one together sometime, [Player]! Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"I promise I won't ever leave you in the cold. Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Maybe someday... we'll have a house together. Then we could decorate it for winter! Winter Token.png"
Face Lynn.png:"Winter still makes me miss my home, but with you here with me... missing home doesn't hurt as bad anymore. Winter Token.png"

Gifting Lines


  • Loved: "A [item]! You know me so well! I'm lucky to have you around, [Player]."
  • Liked: "Wow, [item]? I can't believe you got me this! Thanks, [Player]!"
  • Good: "A [item]. I wasn't expecting this. Thank you, [Player]."
  • Disliked: "Sorry if this is rude but, why did you choose this [item]?"

Birthday Responses

If the player gives Lynn a gift on their birthday, they will get one of these generic responses based on the level of the gift. Lynn's birthday is the 10th of Spring.

Face Lynn.png:"Oh. This is... not what I was hoping I'd get today. I'm sorry, [Player]. It's just that it's my birthday and I thought it'd be something... more special?"
Face Lynn.png:"Thank you, [Player]. It's not what I wanted for my birthday but I'm happy you remembered."
Face Lynn.png:"Wow, did you know it was my birthday, [Player]? This is just what I wanted!"
Face Lynn.png:"Oh, for my birthday? [Player], this is so wonderful. I'm so blessed that you're so kind to me... I wonder if I really deserve it? Thank you so much!"

Memory Loss Potion

The Memory Loss Potion is an item that, when gifted to a Romanceable NPC, will cause the world to forget all about the relationship they have with the player. When used on a Romanceable NPC while married, the Memory Loss Potion will only reduce their hearts to ten (the platonic relationship cap), while getting a divorce at Town Hall will reduce it to 8.

Memory Loss Dialogue - POTENTIAL SPOILERS
Face Lynn.png: What's this potion do? You aren't trying to help me out by giving me some sort of smithing potion, are you, [Player]? You're so sweet!
Not Married
Lynn drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your relationship!
Face Lynn.png: Huh, I don't feel any better at smithing. Oh no, the potion must have been a dud! Oh well, thanks for trying, [Player]. You're always watching out for me... you're such a great friend.
Married Wedding Ring.png
Lynn drinks the potion... and forgets everything about your marriage!
Face Lynn.png: Huh, I don't feel any better at smithing. That potion must have been a dud. And what's this ring on my finger? Oh no, I didn't accidentally take it from the smithery, did I?!


Lynn has several unique lines for gifts.

When gifted Creamy Beef Stew:

Face Lynn.png:"Is that... beef stew? It smells just like mother's... and it's for me? Thank you so much, [Player]. I hope you know how much I really love this."

When gifted Creamy Mushroom Soup:

Face Lynn.png:"Is that... mushroom soup? It smells just like mother's... and it's for me? Thank you so much, [Player]. I hope you know how much I really love this."

When gifted a Sunite Bar:

Face Lynn.png:"I-I've never seen something so beautiful, [Player]. Is this sunite? I can't wait to try and work with it... thank you!"

When gifted a Glorite Bar:

Face Lynn.png:"What is THIS, [Player]? It's... it's absolutely beautiful. ...Glorite? I have to try working with it. Thank you, [Player]."

When gifted a Copper Bar, Iron Bar, Adamant Bar, or Mithril Bar:

Face Lynn.png:"Oh, thank you. I can use this in my practice!"

When gifted an Apple:

Face Lynn.png:"Oh? An apple? I used to eat these all the time back home in the Eastern Region... thank you, [Player]."

When gifted a Berry:

Face Lynn.png:"Did you find this berry while foraging? You're really talented, [Player]."

When gifted Coal:

Face Lynn.png:"Thank you! I'll put this coal to good use at the smithery, I promise."

When gifted a Leafie's Leaf:

Face Lynn.png:"Wow... did you beat a monster for this leaf, [Player]? I hope you're staying safe out there."

When gifted a Log:

Face Lynn.png:"Solon doesn't usually heat the furnace with wood, but I'm sure he wouldn't turn it down. Thank you, [Player]."

When gifted a Mushroom:

Face Lynn.png:"You must have found this mushroom in the forest, right? Thank you!"

When gifted Stone:

Face Lynn.png:"Oh... stone. We have plenty in the quarry, but thanks for the thought..."

When gifted a Wood Plank:

Face Lynn.png:"I don't think I would know what to do with a plank, but maybe I could find something? Um... thanks."

When gifted Wheat:

Face Lynn.png:"Hey, did you grow this on your farm? Thank you for sharing?"

When gifted Wheat Seeds, Greenroot Seeds, or Oak Tree Seeds:

Face Lynn.png:"Oh, seeds? Thanks, but maybe you should hold onto seeds? Since you're the farmer, I mean..."

When gifted Greenroot:

Face Lynn.png:"My mother used greenroot in her recipes all the time. Maybe I should give it a try? Hm, thanks, [Player]."

When gifted any Fertilizer (except Water Fertilizer):

Face Lynn.png:"Ohh... umm... I... don't have any use for stinky fertilizers... thanks, though? I think?"

When gifted Lynn Wedding Ring:

Face Lynn.png:"I-is it customary in Sun Haven to give back your wedding ring? Something tells me it isn't..."

When gifted Lynn's Shield:

Face Lynn.png:"No... I wanted you to have this, [Player]. Did you not want it?"

When gifted Lynn Record:

Face Lynn.png:"Oh... you didn't like my record, did you? I see..."

When gifted a Tentacle Monster Emblem:

Face Lynn.png:"Huh? What a strange rock. Did you find this in the mine-... OOSH'A WIXLIASHA! O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZA, O'AJ'LOZZZAAAAAA!!!! RAAAA!! ...No! P-please!! Please, make it stop! Please... What? No! No, I'm okay! Wait, just... let me keep the rock. I need it, okay? I- I NEED to have it. Just... forget about it. It's fine!! I promise!"

When gifted a Sugar Cake

Face Lynn.png:"My grandma would always make a sugar cake every sunday... I'm sorry, XX. I can't look at this without getting home sick..."

When gifted a Chocolate Cake or Chocolate Cupcake

Face Lynn.png:"Chocolate cake was my grandfather's favorite. Oh no, now I feel homesick... Thanks for the cake, anyways..."

When gifted a Withergate Anvil, Mana Anvil or Monster Anvil

Face Lynn.png:"O-oh. What an incredible anvil! Thank you so much, [Player]."

When gifted an Anvil

Face Lynn.png:"Another anvil, oh! You can never have too many of these. Thank you."

Morning Gifts

When married to Lynn, there is a chance he will have a gift for the player. This is indicated by a quest marker above his head, and will be available until the player talks to him.

When gifting Egg Hash.png Egg Hash:

Face Lynn.png:"I wanted to make you breakfast today. It's how my mom makes it... I hope I didn't do a bad job trying to recreate her recipe."

When gifting Iron Bar.png Iron Bar × 3:

Face Lynn.png:"I was forging iron bars and it made me think of us. Our love is strong, like iron, right?"

When gifting Milk.png Milk × 3:

Face Lynn.png:"I visited Kitty's cows this morning so you could start your day off with some fresh milk."

When gifting Copper Bar.png Copper Bar × 10:

Face Lynn.png:"I smelted the perfect copper bars the other day... they made me think of you. Here, I wanted you to have them!"