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This page lists the conversation dialogue lines for Lynn. Dialogue is considered a conversation, if there is back-and-forth with the player not just a single line of text in response. The player has choices in their response to the NPC and can potentially increase or decrease their relationship with Lynn.


Cycle 1

Cycle 1
Face Lynn.png: Oh, hello! It's you again. It's... good to see a face that I actually recognize. Especially after what happened on the train...
Player: What do you do here, Lynn?
Face Lynn.png: I'm a blacksmith. Or I guess, apprentice blacksmith. Solon is teaching me but I've only just started training with him. I hope to be as good as him, one day.
Player: Blacksmithing? That wouldn't have been my first guess.
Face Lynn.png: Everyone seems surprised when they hear that, but I don't see why. Many women in my old village work the forge. Is it really so odd?
Player: I'm sure you'll become a master one day, too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, well, thank you! I - I'm sorry, compliments always catch me by surprise. You're very nice, you know!
Player: Where did you say you're from?
Face Lynn.png: I'm from a little village in the east, so I'm still learning to live in a big city like this. It's a lot to take in.
Player: If you think this is a big city, you're really clueless! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh. I'm really sorry, I didn't know...
Player: I'm adjusting, too. You'll get used to it in no time. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Thanks. For now I'm taking it slow and trying to explore a new part of Sun Haven every day.

Cycle 2

Cycle 2
Face Lynn.png: Oh hi there, [Player]. I hope your day is going well.
Me? My arms are sore today.
Player: Don't you get tired of working so hard?
Face Lynn.png: Sure I do. I try not to complain though. It's like Solon says, "Every breath goes into the forge."
At least I'm learning a lot. In the end, I just want my family to be proud of me.
Player: Your work should be for yourself, not for other people. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: In my village, the only people that think that way don't have any friends or family.
Player: You'll make your family proud, I know it. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Aw, thank you [Player]. I'll have to make you some fantastic armor one day!
Player: What made you want to be a blacksmith?
Face Lynn.png: In the Eastern Region, women are the blacksmiths. My mother and grandmother supported our whole family with smithing, so I guess you could say it's in my blood.
Player: Tradition is nice, but how do you know if this is what you really want? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: When I'm forging steel, I feel connected to something bigger than myself. It's too bad you don't share that feeling or else I'm sure you'd understand.
Player: Tradition is important. It's good that you're representing your culture. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: When I'm forging steel, I feel connected to something bigger than myself. I'm glad you understand that kind of connection, too.

Cycle 3

Cycle 3
Face Lynn.png: Good day, [Player]. Have you gotten to know the town already? I'm still working on it.
Player: Are you liking this town, Lynn?
Face Lynn.png: Well... I do miss my home, but everyone here is really really nice. Then again, Kitty can be a handful, and Anne scares me a little bit.
Overall, I guess I was expecting it to be more active. What do you think?
Player: I think Sun Haven is already on its way back up. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Wow, do you think so? Who knows, maybe you're right. At least, I hope you're right, [Player].
Player: I think this town is on its way out. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, no, please don't say that - we must stay positive.
Player: Have you found any nice places in Sun Haven so far?
Face Lynn.png: I love being in the quarry, especially at sunset. Don't make fun of me, but I imagine all the ore hiding inside the rocks just waiting to be turned into beautiful armor.
Plus, there's an echo!
Player: Why do you go at sunset?
Face Lynn.png: The light at sunset makes all the rocks stand out. You can see the layers of rock in different colors - that's called stratification! I think it's gorgeous.
Player: I've never heard of someone so passionate about rocks!
Face Lynn.png: No fair, I said no teasing! But, well, you're not wrong either.

Cycle 4

Cycle 4
Face Lynn.png: Are you having trouble making friends in town, too?
Player: What, haven't you made any friends since you moved here?
Face Lynn.png: Well, I really like Lucia. She speaks with such confidence. I can see why she's the leader here.
Oh, and Nathaniel! He's so tall and strong... Oh my, I can't believe I just said that! Forget you heard anything!
Player: Don't worry, I won't say a thing.
Face Lynn.png: Oh, phew. I'm having a hard enough time here without people gossiping about me.
Player: I didn't hear anything!
Face Lynn.png: Oh, phew. I'm having a hard enough time here without people gossiping about me.
Player: Have you met Elios yet?
Face Lynn.png: Lucia thinks I should wait and get more adjusted to the town first. I'm fine with waiting, because the journey sounds a bit scary.
Player: You can't let everyone tell you what to do all the time. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Do you think so? I didn't think it was that big of a deal...
Player: It's smart of you to wait until you know you're ready. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: You think so? I was worried that I was just being a chicken, but hearing you say that tells me I made the right choice.

Cycle 5

Cycle 5
Face Lynn.png: Hi again, [Player]. Do you want to chat? I've been trying to be more social lately.
Player: If you want to be social, you should try the tavern.
Face Lynn.png: I do go there, at the end of hard work days when I need to zone out. I like to find a corner of the tavern and listen to the chatter of voices for a while. It's oddly soothing!
Player: I'm surprised you can zone out in the tavern with all that noise.
Face Lynn.png: Small talk is difficult for me, but a room full of voices has a good feeling to it. I'll even close my eyes to listen... and then it doesn't feel like I'm alone at my table.
Player: I'm surprised you don't join in the conversation.
Face Lynn.png: Small talk is difficult for me, but a room full of voices has a good feeling to it. I'll even close my eyes to listen... and then it doesn't feel like I'm alone at my table.
Player: So Lynn... do you have a partner back home?
Face Lynn.png: As in, a romantic partner? Sorry, that caught me off guard.
Just pretend like I'm not blushing for a second!
The answer is no. Actually... I've never even been on a date.
Oh sheesh, why did I tell you that?? Pretend like you don't know that, okay?
Player: If you lived in the Great City, I bet you'd get lots of dates. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, shush or my face will get all red!!
Player: I knew it. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh? Is it that... unsurprising? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, either.

Cycle 6

Cycle 6
Face Lynn.png: [Player]! I'm glad you're here, I could use a friendly face. I've been pretty stressed out...
Player: Maybe a walk on the beach would relax you. Quest: Lynn Hangout Quest
Face Lynn.png: The beach? It's a lovely beach, I just haven't been there very often yet. I guess I prefer to stay in more often than not.
But... a walk at the beach would be lovely. M-maybe we could go together sometime?
Player: It's a date, Lynn.
Face Lynn.png: Wait, you'll really go with me?
Oh - I mean, just meet me in front of my house tomorrow at 10:00 am!
Player: Maybe.
Face Lynn.png: Well... if you decide you want to, meet me in front of my house tomorrow at 10:00 am. If you want, I mean...

Cycle 7

Cycle 7
Face Lynn.png: Finally, someone I can talk to.
Guess what, [Player]... I finally saw Elios today!
Player: How'd it go??
Face Lynn.png: Elios is so huge! I knew he'd be big, but it was pretty unnerving to stand right in front of him.
But of course everything went fine. I didn't get any blessing, but he did tell me some really nice things.
Player: Are you sad you weren't blessed?
Face Lynn.png: Maybe a little disappointed... but honestly, I don't know if I could handle that right now. I already feel like I'm doing the most I can.
If I suddenly became Blessed, I don't know what I would do!
Player: What kinds of nice things?
Face Lynn.png: Mostly he was talking about how strong I am. Can you believe it - a dragon telling me that I'm strong! It was amazing!
Player: So do you feel like a "Sun Haven Local" now?
Face Lynn.png: I guess I know Sun Haven pretty well, but I still miss my home a lot. My family, too. I still don't quite know where I fit in here, to be honest.
Player: You're fitting in fine! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Aw, really? Maybe I'm just overthinking again. Thanks [Player].
Player: I could tell you were having some trouble. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: You can tell? Maybe I really am the odd girl out here.

Cycle 8

Cycle 8
Face Lynn.png: Hi, I was just thinking about you today while hammering some armor into shape.
Oh dear, I hope that doesn't send the wrong message...
Player: Did you also make that pauldron on your shoulder? Quest: Lynn Hangout Quest
Face Lynn.png: This? It was a parting gift from my mother before I moved here. She always makes my armor just a liiittle too big... Oh, I wish I could hug her right now!
Oh dear, chatting with you is always so much fun, [Player]. Would you... like to hangout sometime?
Player: That sounds like a lot of fun, Lynn.
Face Lynn.png: Oh - I knew asking you to hangout would be worth the risk. I'm so glad I didn't let my doubts win, hehe...
Let's meet at my house. Tomorrow, at 5:00 pm?
Player: I'll have to think about it.
Face Lynn.png: I thought you might be too busy or something... well, if you have the time - and you actually want to hang out, meet me at my house tomorrow, at 5:00 pm?

Cycle 9

Cycle 9
Face Lynn.png: My favorite farmer! Are you feeling good today? I am!
Player: You seem more cheery than usual. + Lynn's Shield.png Lynn's Shield
Face Lynn.png: I'm just excited. Excited because I have something special for you!
Player: What is it?
Face Lynn.png: Well, I wanted to make something for you but then I thought maybe you deserved something even more special.
So... this is my shield. It bears my family's crest, so please be careful with it. That means absolutely no using it in combat, please!
Player: Oh Lynn, you didn't have to do anything for me.
Face Lynn.png: No, it's okay... I wanted to make something for you, but then I thought maybe you deserved something even more special.
So... this is my shield. It bears my family's crest, so please be careful with it. That means absolutely no using it in combat, please!


Cycle P10

Cycle P10
Face Lynn.png: Solon is having me craft a set of very intricate gauntlets! It's precise work so I'm trying really hard not to mess it up.
Player: "Gauntlets," those are a suit of armor's gloves, right?
Face Lynn.png: That's right. They go on the hands, so there's all the little finger pieces I have to do, and the palm measurements have to be super accurate.
It's making me anxious just thinking about it, but I want to do my best.
Player: I'm sure you're more than capable.
Face Lynn.png: Thanks for the vote of confidence, [Player]. I'm really scared that Solon won't like what I make, but I still really want to meet his expectations.
In a way, that leaves me feeling... excited.
Player: Just do your best. If you mess up, you mess up.
Face Lynn.png: I like your way of looking at it, [Player]. I'm really scared that Solon won't like what I make, but I still really want to meet his expectations.
In a way, that leaves me feeling... excited.
Player: Why did Solon give you such a hard task?
Face Lynn.png: Solon says he sees a lot of potential in me, and that makes me really happy. But I also think he's testing me, and what if I fail?! Oh, [Player], I can barely stand to think about it!
Player: You're going to fail if you don't relax. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: I know! That's just making it impossible for me to calm down! I should just tell Solon I'm not ready for this. He'll be dissappointed, probably...
Player: Be honest with Solon and tell him you're having trouble. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: D-do you really think I should do that? He is my teacher, after all. Maybe he'll understand, or even help me out. Hmm, it's a little scary, but I think you're right, [Player]!
Or, at least, I hope you're right...

Cycle P11

Cycle P11
Face Lynn.png: Hey, [Player]. Have you gotten a chance to check out everything we sell at the smithy?
Player: How is life in Sun Haven different from back home?
Face Lynn.png: Oh, that's such a good question. Well, for starters, Sun Haven might be a pretty small town to you, but it's so much bigger than my home village!
The oddest thing in Sun Haven is that I make stuff that we turn around and sell. We make so much stuff every single day!
Back home, our village is so small that everything the blacksmiths make is meant for use by the villagers.
Player: That sounds like a very tight-knit community. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: I suppose it is, isn't it? Our blacksmiths make some spare money from repairing or replacing parts, but mostly our little village shares what everyone makes.
It's very quaint, and Sun Haven is a lot different. But that doesn't mean I don't like it here! Sun Haven is so big and full of people and things, which is nice in its own way.
Player: Sounds awful, I bet you're glad you came to Sun Haven. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: You think my home sounds awful? I'm sorry you think that, but I guess I understand why. They're two very different places, after all...
Player: You seem to be adjusting to life in Sun Haven.
Face Lynn.png: Oh, do you mean that? I'll be real honest, at first I actually wasn't sure if I'd ever really like living here. But the more the days go by, the more I think I'm really fitting in!
Player: Sun Haven is better with you here.
Face Lynn.png: You mean even little ol' me makes a difference? That's very sweet of you to say, [Player].
I want nothing more than to honor my heritage as a blacksmith by mastering all of the advanced techniques that Solon can teach me!
Player: You're going to do just fine, Lynn.
Face Lynn.png: Thanks, [Player]. I'm really starting to think so, too.
I want nothing more than to honor my heritage as a blacksmith by mastering all of the advanced techniques that Solon can teach me!

Cycle P12

Cycle P12
Face Lynn.png: My family mailed me a package of my mother's homemade honeycakes. I was going to share them with everyone, but I... kinda ate the entire box. They were just so good!
Player: You ate an entire box of cakes?!
Face Lynn.png: It isn't like I meant to!! It just made me realize how much I miss my family back home. Even if Liam is twice the baker my mom could ever be, it's like I could taste the love.
Player: Are you thinking about moving back home?
Face Lynn.png: No, I miss it sometimes, but I'm focused on Sun Haven for the time being.
Maybe there'll come a day when I move back home, but it won't be until after I become a master smith!
Player: Everything tastes better when mom makes it.
Face Lynn.png: Right? Now I'm super regretting that I ate them all myself!! I swear, next time she sends me something, you're going to be the first to try it! Well, after me, at least!
Player: So your mom is a baker, huh? I thought she was a blacksmith.
Face Lynn.png: Well, my mother bakes. She isn't really a 'baker' like Liam. I have a cousin who is a pretty good baker, but he ended up moving away up to a bigger village.
When I'm a master smith, I always wanted to travel up there and pop in on him as a surprise! He'd never expect quiet little Lynn to do something like that!
Player: I'm sure he wouldn't want to be bothered like that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: We were actually really close growing up. I know he'd be thrilled to see me, so you probably don't know what you're talking about!
Player: The look on his face is going to be priceless! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Tell me about it! I don't even think he knows I left the village, even. Busting into his bakery and flexing my master blacksmith skills on him? I bet he'd be likely to fall faint!

Cycle P13

Cycle P13
Face Lynn.png: Catherine is a great neighbor, and it's really nice living so close to where I work. You're all the way out there on your farm, don't you ever get lonely?
Player: I tend to keep pretty busy.
Face Lynn.png: That is very true. You're always coming and going, it seems. I don't know where you find the energy!
Player: I see you working hard all the time, too. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Do you really notice? Solon is always telling me to slow down, but my mother was a real whip cracker! I don't know how to slow down, sometimes!
Player: Hey, I'm Blessed and you're not. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Maybe I'm not Blessed like you, but you seem like you're being a little bit rude about it...
Player: It's hard to get lonely with such good friends, though.
Face Lynn.png: That's a very sweet thing of you to say. You must have met most of the people around town by now. I'm still a little shy, even after all this time.
Player: You're doing fine, Lynn. Everyone is glad to have you. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: You're right, [Player]. I should come out of my shell a little more often and get around town! Thanks for giving me a confidence booster.
Player: Come out of your shell a bit sometime.
Face Lynn.png: Yeah, I should try getting out and seeing more things Sun Haven has to offer. Kitty keeps asking me to visit her pet shop!

Cycle P14

Cycle P14
Face Lynn.png: When Solon works hard, he works really hard! He was smacking a breastplate with such force the other day that he cracked the anvil nearly in half!
Player: Your ears must be ringing at the end of the day.
Face Lynn.png: It's true! No one seems to think how loud working in a smithery must be! Thankfully Solon normally has enough wares that he only worries about selling the stock.
But whenever he gets on an anvil... my head rings for days!
Player: You should try some kind of ear plugs.
Face Lynn.png: Hmm. To plug up my ears? That's maybe not a bad idea, [Player]. I'll have to look into that sometime!
Player: My head hurts just thinking about it.
Face Lynn.png: Well, I hope next time you're exhausted after a hard day work that you count your lucky stars that you don't have to put up with Solon's hammering!
Player: Does it ever make you want to find a new place to work?
Face Lynn.png: Of course not! I find Solon incredibly inspiring, actually. To strike metal so hard you break your anvil! It's not just his raw strength that does that, you know.
Solon is working, all day every day, honing his mastery. If I could even be a tenth the blacksmith Solon is, I'd be so proud of myself.
Player: You're going to surpass Solon in no time! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: No matter what, it's what I want to do! I don't care how many hammer smacks I have to listen to!
Player: A student could never surpass a master. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Sorry [Player], but I've never heard anything so ridiculous.

Cycle P15

Cycle P15
Face Lynn.png: Is it me, or does it seem like just yesterday we were riding the train into town together? Don't say it's just me!
Player: Time has flown since we got here.
Face Lynn.png: [Player]... do you think you'll stay here after all? Or are you just passing through, like any other traveler?
Player: I'm going to leave one day. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh... well, that's your choice. I thought we might stay friends here for a while longer, but you should do what's best for yourself.
Player: I'm not going anywhere. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, yay! Heh, maybe it's silly but I hate to imagine you leaving. You're the first friend I made here and... well, that's special to me.
Player: I think we've both grown as people.
Face Lynn.png: Oh, I agree! [Player], it has been an adventure here. I know I've said it before, but I'm truly glad that we started this adventure together!
Player: You've become a stronger person since then.
Face Lynn.png: Thanks for saying so, [Player]. Not to get a big head, but I agree! Working with Solon has really shaped me as a blacksmith.
Honestly - and don't tell him I said this! - at first I thought I would hate Solon for how tough he is as an instructor. But now I've almost made it, thanks to him.
Player: I've become a stronger person since then.
Face Lynn.png: You definitely have! Not to get a big head, but I feel like I've grown the same way too. Working with Solon has really shaped me as a blacksmith.
Honestly - and don't tell him I said this! - at first I thought I would hate Solon for how tough he is as an instructor. But now I've almost made it, thanks to him.


Cycle 10

Cycle 10
Face Lynn.png: Hi... sweetie! I had some free time today and spent it in the library. It was so nice and quiet.
Player: Oh, are we using pet names, "sweetie?"
Face Lynn.png: We don't have to! I think it's cute, is all. I'll stop if you think it's dumb.
Player: Yeah, I'd rather not do that. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, okay. I guess I'll just stick with [Player].
Player: It is cute... pumpkin! +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, good! I wasn't sure what you'd think. Like usual, we're on the same page. Everything is easy with you, [Player].
Player: What books do you like to read?
Face Lynn.png: These days all I have time for is texts on metallurgical techniques. Sorry, I mean books on smithing. But before I was an apprentice, I could lose myself in a good mystery novel.
Player: Why do you like mystery novels?
Face Lynn.png: I love the sidekicks. A sidekick always saves the main character's life at some point. Without the strong little sidekicks, the mysteries would never get solved.
Player: Mysteries are fun - I love the big reveals at the end.
Face Lynn.png: I love the sidekicks. A sidekick always saves the main character's life at some point. Without the strong little sidekicks, the mysteries would never get solved.

Cycle 11

Cycle 11
Face Lynn.png: I never noticed how defined your features are. I love looking at your face!
Player: I bet I would look better in something made by you.
Face Lynn.png: You mean like armor? I guess I could do that, but you'd have to put in an order with Solon and I would need your measurements.
Player: You can measure me here and now! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: You know, I'm actually really busy with other work, [Player]. Maybe another time.
Player: Just kidding, I don't want to add to your workload. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, [Player] you goose! You had me going there.
Uh oh, am I too gullible?
Player: Every day I see your face is a good day, Lynn.
Face Lynn.png: Come on [Player], you know I hate it when you make my face turn red!
Player: I'm surprised I still have that effect on you.
Face Lynn.png: Honestly, I don't know if you ever WON'T have that effect on me. Just go easy on me, okay?
Player: Even if you still get embarrassed, you've really come out of your shell since we met.
Face Lynn.png: Thank you [Player]. I know I've come a long way, but I think you take a little credit for that, too.

Cycle 12

Cycle 12
Face Lynn.png: You know, I really wish you could meet my family. My father would love you.
Player: Maybe I will, one day.
Face Lynn.png: Oh wow, I was just speaking my thoughts. But the idea of visiting home with you sounds so fun!
I could show you the gorge, and all my friends, and if we timed it right we could even catch the smithing festival!
Player: Whoa - slow down! -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh? I didn't realize I was getting so carried away. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable.
Player: I would love to see where you came from. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Let's try to make it happen one day. And then I can visit the Great City with you. I've never seen a city like that before.
I love making plans with you like this! Just think of all the fun we'll have together.
Player: You look a little far away. What's up?
Face Lynn.png: Some days, like today, I get a little homesick. When I feel like this, I like to make myself a meal that I would have had back in my village.
Player: Does that help?
Face Lynn.png: Oh yes, it definitely does. I also write letters to my family.
That reminds me, I still have a few letters to send off. Thank goodness Sun Haven has a post office.
Player: What kind of food do you make?
Face Lynn.png: I can make all of the best eastern dishes from my village! My favorite is pickled veggie salad, but sometimes I will go all out with a creamy beef stew.

Cycle 13

Cycle 13
Face Lynn.png: It feels like my life is really coming together. You're a big part of that, [Player].
Player: Lynn, I love you, but...
Face Lynn.png: But what? Don't keep me in anticipation, [Player]!
Player: When you come home from the forge, you stink. Real bad. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Well good, that's how you know I worked hard all day. I'm glad I stink!
Player: Would you mind taking a bath after you get home from the forge? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh dear, I must smell like a sweat golem after a day's work! I'm glad you mentioned it, [Player]. I'll make sure to wash up when I get home.
Player: You know, sometimes I wonder if I should have chosen a different profession.
Face Lynn.png: Oh, sweet [Player]. When I started my apprenticeship, I was terrified! You remember, right? I constantly doubted my choice to move here.
Now I'm almost at the end of my apprenticeship and I've learned almost everything Solon has to teach. What I'm trying to say is, just give it some time, sweetheart.
Player: That's not the same. I'm not a blacksmith. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: [Player]... I know you'll understand soon.
Player: I don't know what I'd do without you, sweet pea. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh stop, you'd be just fine on your own. And me, too. In a way, that's what makes us such a strong couple.

Cycle 14

Cycle 14
Face Lynn.png: Now that we've been together so much, I'm starting to smell you in my clothes... I really love it!
Player: What's on your agenda today, lovebug?
Face Lynn.png: Oh, Solon is behind on a couple of custom orders, again, so I'll have to cover for him, again. Just another day at the forge.
Player: Wait, you're doing his work now?
Face Lynn.png: Yes, but only when he's behind. I don't really mind since he gives me a bonus. And also...
People really think my work is his! You wouldn't believe how much of Solon's "master work" is actually mine.
Player: I can't believe you're doing Solon's projects for him!
Face Lynn.png: It's only when he's behind. I don't really mind since he gives me a bonus. And also...
People really think my work is his! You wouldn't believe how much of Solon's "master work" is actually mine.
Player: I want to cook you a special dinner soon. What is your favorite meal?
Face Lynn.png: Oh [Player], you know this already!
Player: Creamy beef stew? +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Wow, you really remembered! You're the best, [Player].
Player: Spicy Ramen?
Face Lynn.png: Sorry sweetie, that's not it. Oh but don't worry! I don't blame you - I only told you once, after all. I love creamy beef stew, remember?

Cycle 15

Cycle 15
Face Lynn.png: Hey, don't you ever think it's a little crazy?
I mean, that we met each other on the train to our new lives in Sun Haven. And now here we are, together like this. Do you think it was fate?
Player: Fate or not, I'm glad I'm with you.
Face Lynn.png: I don't know if I believe in fate, either, but I think it's very romantic. We were both the town newcomers. For some people, that's a really hard thing to adjust to.
For you and me, though, it was the start of all of this!
Player: Maybe it really was fate that put us on the same train.
Face Lynn.png: Heheh, either fate or good timing! Maybe we'll never know for sure, but that's okay, [Player]. We're together now.
Player: I'll never forget the train we met on, at any rate.
Face Lynn.png: Me either. I was still so nervous that day. Meeting you helped me feel a lot easier, so maybe it was only natural we bonded so well. It's still romantic, though!
Player: Are you happy with our relationship?
Face Lynn.png: I'm happier than I ever thought I could be. With you, with Sun Haven, with my job. No matter how much I sometimes miss home, I'm so happy I'm here.
When I first came to Sun Haven I wasn't sure if I'd be here for longer than a few years. Now, I don't want to think of ever leaving. Especially leaving you, [Player].
...When I think of the future, it's you on your farm and me... as your wife, [Player]!
Player: I see. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Maybe you don't feel the same way right now? It's okay, [Player]. I'm going to be here for you, as soon as you do.
Player: I see the same thing. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Oh, [Player], I don't even know what to say right now!! I won't rush you... just try and surprise me, okay?!


Cycle 16

Cycle 16
Face Lynn.png: "Lynn, the farmer's wife", oh, I still get giddy when I say it!
Player: I married the pretty blacksmith.
Face Lynn.png: Farmer and blacksmith really seem to fit together, don't they? That has to settle it, it was fate that we met each other, [Player]!
Player: I really don't think it was fate. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: ...Yeah, I guess it's silly to think it was 'fate'. But I'm still glad we met on that train.
Player: Whatever it was, it brought you to me. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: And me to you, [Player]. Oh, now I'm feeling all giddy again...
Player: Did you ever think you'd marry a farmer?
Face Lynn.png: I honestly didn't know who I'd marry. I never thought I'd leave home, really. Back in my village, it's customary for the women to choose their husbands and propose marriage.
I never saw myself feeling confident enough to do something like that, but before you proposed, I secretly chose you!
To myself, anyways. So I guess I sort of adhered to traditon?
Player: You "secretly" chose me? You're so adorable. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Hey, you ended up proposing, didn't you? Good thing too, because I'm not sure I would have made a mess of it if I tried to!
Player: You should've proposed to me!
Face Lynn.png: Ooh, I know, it's tradition for my village!! You can't ever tell my mother, alright? She'd never let me hear the end of it!

Cycle 17

Cycle 17
Face Lynn.png: Solon acts a little gruff, but he's such a sweetheart. Ever since our marriage, he's seemed extra proud of me.
Player: Solon is right to be proud of you.
Face Lynn.png: You think so, [Player]? I've come a really long way with my skills since moving to Sun Haven, it's good to be recognized by two of the most important people to me.
Player: Think you'll ever be better than your foremothers?
Face Lynn.png: Ohhh, now that I don't want to think about! My mother and grandmother are both so awesome at their work, I don't want to think of how far behind I still must be!
I'm just going to take it, one day at a time, and not focus on how far away I am! Solon is a great teacher, I know I'll get there someday.
Player: Think you'll ever be better than Solon?
Face Lynn.png: Ohhh, now that I don't want to think about! Solon is probably the single most skilled blacksmith I've ever met! But, he is teaching me, after all.
Maybe it's inevitable that I'll surpass him eventually. The student becomes the teacher, right? Solon is a great teacher, so I know I'll get there someday.
Player: Solon must see you kind of like a daughter.
Face Lynn.png: It's so cute, but I think so too! Thinking back on it, when I first arrived in Sun Haven, Solon really seemed to help me settle in and adjust.
I didn't really recognize it at the time, but I think he really wanted to help me out. I'm so lucky to have found so many great people here!
Player: I'm glad you found happiness in Sun Haven. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: I found more than just happiness. I found the rest of my life! I never wanted too much, but building a life with you and working with Solon is more than enough.
Player: Don't you ever want something more? -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: Ooh, I know, it's tradition for my village!! You can't ever tell my mother, alright? She'd never let me hear the end of it!

Cycle 18

Cycle 18
Face Lynn.png: I got a letter the other day from my mother. She can't believe I married someone as incredible as you!
Player: What's so hard to believe about you marrying me?
Face Lynn.png: Well, I never told you this, but when we first started getting a little serious, I wrote to my mother about you. At first she didn't seem to approve of you.
...But after hearing more about all the incredible things you've done, she really came around. I'd love it so much if you could meet one day in person.
Player: I'm glad I got her seal of approval. +2 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: She can be a bit old fashioned, but she always means well. She knows farming is dutiful and important, but she always envisioned me with someone "worthy."
I guess you're more than worthy for her taste, [Player]!
Player: Your mother seems really judgy. -1 Heart.png Points
Face Lynn.png: She can be... really old fashioned, yeah. But she means well. I hope you don't think she's too judgmental or anything.
Player: How's everyone doing back home, anyways?
Face Lynn.png: Oh, everyone is getting by just well! They all say they miss me, but it's okay. They're never too far away, after all.
Player: How long does it take to get back to your home village?
Face Lynn.png: Well, it's about two days by train, but that's only because it takes a day to travel from East Station to the Mountain Station.
The two train stations aren't connected by rails yet, but someday they will be. Then going right from Sun Haven to my village will be a single train ride!
We'll be able to visit all the time, and my mother will finally see why you're the one I married, no matter what she thinks!
Player: You should visit them all.
Face Lynn.png: That's a wonderful idea, but I could never visit them without bringing you! We're both a bit busy for that right now, though.
It's just two days of travel by train, but the railroad ends at the Eastern Station, so you have to travel on foot to the Montain Station to continue on to my village.
Someday, though, the railroads will be connected, and it'll be a straight shot from Sun Haven to my village!
We'll be able to visit all the time, and my mother will finally see why you're the one I married, no matter what she thinks!

Cycle 19

Cycle 19
Face Lynn.png: [Player], dear. Can you believe what Solon just asked me? He asked when you and I were going to have a child! I wasn't sure what to say, because... I'm not sure how you feel. I think I'm ready, but I don't want to put any expectations on you...
Player: I think a child is a fantastic idea! Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Lynn.png: Do you really mean that, [Player]? Well, if you do, then I'm ready to take that step with you. I think we should do it!
Player: Let's do it!
Face Lynn.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!

Player: Hmm... I'm not so sure. Quest: Growing A Family Quest
Face Lynn.png: That's okay, [Player]. I didn't marry you to have children. Whatever makes you happy is what makes me happy, I promise.
Player: I'll think about it.
Face Lynn.png: Your Spouse has expressed an interest in having a child. If your house is upgraded to tier 3, then the power of the Wishing Well can make a wish for a child come true! If you're ready to have a child, head to the Wishing Well in the wilderness east of Sun Haven!